NSK.113 text tree

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  « { [ { { [ yama (L050034 noun mountain) gapa (noun L050025 river) (L050226 mountain river) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ]
  [ wosi (L052524 noun deverbal mandarin duck) ] [ puta (numeral L002002 native two) -tu (counter L002015 counter for things) ] wite (verb gerund L031926a be at) }
  { [ tagupi (L031008b noun deverbal ) ] yo (adjective L007015b good) -ku (L000033 adjcop infinitive ) }
  tagup (verb stem L031008a accompany) -yeru (stative adnominal L000024 auxiliary [stative]) } imo (L050027 noun little sister) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ]
  [ tare (L042001 noun who) ] wi (verb L031926a stem be at) -ni (perf stem L000018 auxiliary [perfective]) -kye (stem auxiliary simplePast L000015 [simple past]) -mu (conjectural auxiliary adnconc L000002 [conjectural]) } »