Senmyō 13. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 4th Month (749), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree
1. 現神御宇倭根子天皇詔旨宣大命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。
2. 高天原由天降坐之天皇御世乎始天中今尓至 麻弖尓天皇御世御世天日嗣高御座止坐弖治賜比恵賜来流食国天下乃業止奈母神奈我良母所念行久止宣大命衆聞食宣。
3. 加久治賜比恵賜来流天日嗣乃業止今皇朕御世尓当弖坐者天地乃心遠労弥重弥辱美恐美坐尓聞食々国乃東方陸奥国乃小田郡尓金出在止奏弖進礼利。
4. 此遠所念波種々法中尓波仏大御言之国家護我多仁波勝在止聞召食国天下乃諸国尓最勝王経乎坐盧舍那仏化奉止為弖天坐神地坐祇乎祈禱奉。
5. 挂畏遠我皇天皇御世治弖拝仕奉利衆人乎伊謝奈比率弖仕奉心波禍息弖善成危変弖全平牟等念弖仕奉間尓衆人波不成哿登疑朕波金少牟止念憂ツ々在尓三宝乃勝神枳大御言験乎 蒙利天坐神地坐神乃相宇豆奈比奉佐枳波倍奉利又天皇御霊多知乃恵賜比撫賜夫事依弖顕自示給夫物在自等念召波受賜利歓受賜利貴進母不知退母不知夜日畏恐麻利所念波天下乎撫恵備賜事理尓坐 君乃御代尓当弖可在物乎拙久多豆何奈伎朕時尓顕自示給礼波辱美愧美奈母念須。
6. 是以朕一人夜波貴大瑞乎受賜牟。
7. 天下共頂受賜利歓流自理可在等神奈我良母念坐弖奈母衆乎恵賜比治賜比御代年号尓字加賜久止宣天皇大命衆聞食宣。
8. 辞別弖宣久大神宮乎始弖 諸神多知尓 御戸代奉利諸祝部治賜夫。
9. 又寺々尓墾田地許奉利僧綱乎始弖衆僧尼敬問比治賜比新造寺乃官寺止可成波官寺止成賜夫。
10. 大御陵守仕奉人等一二治賜夫。
11. 又御世御世尓当天天下 奏賜比国家護仕奉流事乃勝在臣多知乃侍所尓波置表弖与天地共人尓不令侮不令穢治賜部止宣大命衆聞食宣。
12. 又天日嗣高御座乃業止坐事波進弖波挂畏天皇大御名乎受賜利退弖波婆婆大御祖乃御名乎蒙 弖之食国天下乎婆撫賜恵賜夫止奈母神奈我良母念坐須。
13. 是以王多知大臣乃子等治賜伊自天皇朝尓 仕奉利婆婆尓仕奉尓波可在。
14. 加以挂畏近江大津宮大八嶋国所知之天皇大命止之弖奈良宮大八洲国所知自我皇天皇止御世重弖朕宣自久大臣乃御世重天明浄心以弖仕奉事尓依弖奈母天日嗣波平安久聞召来流此辞忘給奈弃給奈止宣比之大命乎 受賜利恐利汝多知乎恵賜比治賜久止宣大命衆聞食宣。
15. 又三国真人石川朝臣鴨朝臣伊勢大鹿首部波可治賜人止自弖奈母簡賜比治賜夫。
16. 又県犬養橘夫人乃天皇御世重弖明浄心以弖仕奉利皇朕御世当弖毛無怠緩事久助仕天奉利加以祖父大臣乃殿門荒穢湏事无久守ツツ在自之事伊蘇之美宇牟賀斯美忘不給止自弖奈母孫等一二治賜夫。
17. 又為大臣弖仕奉部留臣多知乃子等男波随仕奉状弖種々治賜比ツ礼等母女不冶賜。
18. 是以所念波男能未父名負弖女波伊婆礼奴物尓阿礼夜立双仕奉自理在止奈母念湏。
19. 父我加久斯麻尓在止念弖於母夫気教祁牟事不過失家門不荒自弖天皇朝尓仕奉止自弖奈母汝多知乎治賜夫。
20. 又大伴佐伯宿祢波常母云如久天皇朝守仕奉事顧奈伎人等尓阿礼波汝多知乃祖止母乃云来久海行波美豆久屍山行波草牟湏屍王乃幣尓去曽死米能杼尓波不死止云来流人等止奈母聞召湏。
21. 是以遠天皇御世始弖今朕御世尓当弖母内兵止心中古止波奈母遣湏。
22. 故是以子波祖乃心成伊自子尓波可在。
23. 此心不失自弖 明浄心以弖仕奉止自弖奈母男女并弖一二治賜夫。
24. 又五位已上子等治賜夫。
25. 六位已下尓冠 一階上給比東大寺造人等二階加賜比正六位上尓波子一人治賜夫。
26. 又五位已上及皇親年十三已上无位大舍人等至于諸司仕丁麻弖尓大御手物賜夫。
27. 又高年人等治賜比 困乏人恵賜比孝義有人其事免賜比力田治賜夫。
28. 罪人赦賜夫。
29. 又壬生治賜比知物人等治賜夫。
30. 又見出金人及陸奥国々司郡司百姓至麻弖尓治賜比天下乃百姓衆乎撫賜比恵賜久止宣天皇大命 衆聞食宣。
1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mikwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. takama no para yu amori-masi-si sumyera ga mi-yo wo pazimete nakaima ni itaru made ni sumyera ga miyomiyo ama tu pitugi takamikura to imasite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru wosukuni ame no sita no waza to namo kamu nagara mo omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
3. kaku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru ama tu pitugi no waza to ima sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite imaseba ametuti no kokoro wo itapasi-mi ikasi-mi katazikena-mi kasikwo-mi imasu ni kikosi-myesu wosukuni no pimukasi no kata mitinoku no kuni no woda no kopori ni kugane ide-tari to mawosite tatematur-eri .
4. ko wo omoposeba kusagusa no nori no naka ni pa potoke no opo-mikoto si mikadwo mamoru ga ta ni pa sugure-tari to kikosi-myesite wosukuni ame no sita no kuniguni ni saisyouwaugyau wo imase rusiyana potoke tukuri-maturu to site ame ni masu kamwikuni ni masu kamwi wo inori-maturi kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki topo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyera ga mi-yo wosamete worogami-tukape-maturi moropito wo izanapi piki-wite tukape-maturu kokoro pa wazapapi yamite yo-ku nari ayapuki-kaparite mata-ku tapiraga-mu to omoposite tukape-maturu apida ni moropito pa narazi ka to utagapi ware pa kugane sukuna-kye-mu to omoposi-urepetutu aru ni sambou no sugurete ayasi-ki opo-mikoto no sirusi wo kagapuri ame ni masu kamwikuni ni masu kamwi no api-udu-napi-maturi saki-pape-maturi mata sumyera ga mi-tama-tati no utukusibwi-tamapi nade-tamapu koto ni yorite arapasi simyesi-tamapu mono ni aru rasi to omoposi-myeseba uke-tamapari yorokobwi-uke-tamapari taputwobwi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni yworupiru kasikwomari omoposeba ame no sita wo nade-utukusibwi-tamapu koto kotowari ni imasu kimi no mi-yo ni atarite aru be-ki monowo wodina-ku tadukana-ki wa ga toki ni arapasi-simyesi-tamap-yereba katazikena-mi padukasi-mi namo omoposu .
5. koko wo motite ware pito-ri ya pa taputwo-ki opo-ki sirusi wo uke-tamapara-mu ame no sita tomo ni itadaki-uke-tamapari yorokoburu si kotowari ni aru be-si to kamunagara mo omoposi-masite namo moromoro wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapi mi-yo no na ni mozi kupape-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
6. koto wakite nori-tamapaku opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete moromoro no kamwi-tati ni mi-twosiro tatematuri moromoro no papuri wosame-tamapu .
7. mata teradera ni parita no tokoro yurusi-maturi pousi no tukasa wo pazimete moromoro no pousiama uyamapi-twopi-wosame-tamapi arata ni tukur-eru tera no opo-yakedera to nasu be-ki pa opo-yakedera to nasi-tamapu .
8. opo-misazaki mori-tukape-maturu pito-domo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .
9. mata miyomiyo ni atarite ame no sita mawosi-tamapi mikadwo mamori-tukape-maturu koto no sugure-taru omi-tati no paberu tokoro ni pa sirusi wo okite ametuti to tomo ni pito ni anadura-sime-zu kegasa-sime-zu wosame-tamapye to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
10. mata ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza to imasu koto pa susumite pa kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mina wo uke-tamapari sirizokite pa papa opo-mioya no mi-na wo kagapurite si wosukuni ame no sita woba nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapu to namo kamu nagara mo omoposi-masu .
11. koko wo motite opo-kimi-tati opo-mapye tu kimi no kwo-domo wosame-tamapu i si sumyera ga mikadwo ni tukape-maturi papa ni tukape-maturu ni pa aru besi .
12. sika nomwi ni ara-zu kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga opo-mikoto to site nara no miya ni opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesi-si wa ga opo-kimi sumyera mikoto to mi-yo kasanete ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku opo-mapye tu kimi no mi-yo kasanete aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturu koto ni yorite namo ama tu pitugi pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku kikosi-myesi-kuru ko no koto wasure-tamapu na sute-tamapu na to nori-tamapi-si opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapari kasikwomari imasi-tati wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
13. mata mi-kuni no mapito isikapa no asomi kamo no asomi ise no opo-ka no obito-domo pa wosame-tamapu be-ki pito to site namo erabi-tamapi wosame-tamapu .
14. mata agata no inukapi no tatibana no opo-tozi no sumyera ga mi-yo kasanete aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturi sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite mo okotari-yurupu koto na-ku tasuke-tukape-maturi sika nomwi ni ara-zu opo-di opo-mapye tu kimi no tonokadwo arasi-kegasu koto na-ku mamoritutu ara-si-si koto iswosi-mi umugasi-mi wasure-tamapa-zu to site namo pikwo-domo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .
15. mata opo-mapye tu kimi to site tukape-maturap-yeru omi-tati no kwo-domo wo no kwo pa tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite kusagusa wosame-tamapi-turedomo mye no kwo pa wosame-tamapa-zu .
16. koko wo motite omoposeba wo no kwo nomwi titi no na opite mye no kwo pa iparenu mono ni are ya tati-narabi-tukape-maturu si kotowari ni ari to namo omoposu .
17. titi ga kaku sima ni are to omopite omobukewosipekye-mu koto ayamata-zu usinapa-zu ipyekadwo arasa-zu site sumyera ga mikado ni tukape-mature to site namo imasi-tati wo wosame-tamapu .
18. mata opo-tomo sapeki no sukune pa tune mo ipu goto-ku sumyera ga mikadwo mamori-tukape-maturu koto kapyeri-mi na-ki pito-domo ni areba imasi-tati no oya-domo no ipi-kuraku umi yukaba mi-duku kabane yama yukaba kusa-musu kabane opo-kimi no pye ni koso sina-me nodo ni pa sinazi to ipi-kuru pito-domo to namo kikosi-myesu .
19. koko wo motite toposumyerogi no mi-yo pazimete ima wa ga mi-yo ni atarite mo uti no ikusa to kokoro no uti no kwo to pa namo tukape-su .
20. kare koko wo motite kwo pa oya no kokoro nasu i si kwo ni pa aru besi .
21. ko no kokoro usinapa-zu site aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to site namo wo no kwo mye no kwo apasete pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .
22. mata itu-tu no kurawi ywori kami tu kata no kwo-domo wosame-tamapu .
23. mu-tu no kurawi ywori simo tu kata ni kagapuri pitosina age-tamapi toudaizi tukur-eru pito-domo ni puta-sina kupape-tamapi opo-ki mu-tu no kurawi no kami tu sina ni pa kwo pito-ri wosame-tamapu .
24. mata itu-tu no kurawi ywori kami tu kata to mi-ugara no tosi towo amari mi-tu ywori kami tu kata to kurawi na-ki opo-toneri-domo tukasadukasa no tukape yoboro ni itaru made ni opo-mite tu mono tamapu .
25. mata tosi taka-ki pito-domo wosame-tamapi madusi-ki pito utukusibwi-tamapi keugi aru pito so no koto yurusi-tamapi rikiden wosame-tamapu .
26. tumibito yurusi-tamapu .
27. mata mibu wosame-tamapi monosiribito-domo wosame-tamapu .
28. mata kugane wo mi-ide-taru pito to mitinoku no kuni no kuni no mikoto moti kopori no miya tu kwo opo-mitakara ni itaru made ni wosame-tamapi ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro wo nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all
of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who
rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I
think, as a God, that the throne of my realm is ruling and blessing the realm in the
throne of the heavenly line for reigns of Emperors from the reign of the Emperor who
descended from the high plain until now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial
edict that says: “It is reported that gold has sprung in the district of Woda in the
province of Michinoku in the East of my land, which I rule feeling pained, solemn
and troubled by the will of heaven and earth in my Imperial reign as the throne of
the heavenly line in which I have ruled and beautified the realm, and the gold was
offered up. Considering this, the Buddha excels at protecting the court of all the
laws and so I wish to end disasters and make them blessings and change danger into
peace by placing a Golden Light Sutra and creating a Rushana Buddha in each of the
provinces of my realm, praying to the gods of heaven and earth, worshiping the reigns
of the Great ancient Emperors, too awesome to mention, and leading the people. When
I was serving in this way, many people doubted that anything would come of this and
I too thought there was not enough gold but this gold must have appeared by the three
treasures bestowing this excellent and miraculous sign of the Word, the gods of heaven
and earth thinking it good and blessing us, and the Spirits of Emperors blessing and
caring for us. I humbly receive and revere the gold in joy and not knowing what to
do I am in awe night an day. I feel troubled and embarrassed that something that should
appear in the reign of a Lord who follows the way of caring for and blessing the realm
has appeared in my lacking and unstable time. I think, as a god, that this precious
sign is not to be received by me alone and that it is moral to receive and take joy
in this great sign with the realm. So, I bless everyone and add characters to my reign
name.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that also says: “I offer up votive fields
to all the gods, starting with the divine Godly palace, and reward I all of the shrines.
Also, I land for new fields to the temples and visit and reward all the priests and
nuns, starting with the head priests and appropriately make newly built temples into
public temples. I also reward one or two people who protect the Imperial mausoleum.
I also place signs at the places where nobles, who have protected and assisted the
court and spoke of governance of the realm excellently for many reigns, serve and
I rule that they will never be belittled or dirtied by people through heaven and earth.”I
proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Further, I think, as a god, that the
throne of the people, of the heavenly line, is in part receiving the Great name of
the Emperor too awesome to mention, and in part caring for and blessing my realm by
receiving the name of my Great mother. So, rewarding the children of the Lords, the
Lords gathered before me, is serving the Imperial court and my mother. Moreover, I
receive in awe the edict passed to me through the reigns and proclaimed by my Lady,
the emperor, who ruled the eight-island realm from the palace at Nara. She proclaimed
this to me as the edict of the Emperor, too awesome to mention who ruled the eight-island
realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu: ‘The heavenly line rules calmly and peacefully
by the gathered Lords serving with a clean and pure heart throughout the reigns—do
not forget or disregard this.’ I receive this edict in awe and bless and reward all
of you.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Also, I select
Mikuni-no-Mahito, Ishikawa-no-Asomi, Kamo-no-Asomi and Ise-no-Ōka-no-Obito to be rewarded.
Further, I think that the serving with a clear and pure heart throughout the reigns
of Emperors and the assisting and serving in my Imperial reign too, without becoming
idle or slack, of the Lady of Inukai-no-Tachibana and also her protecting the house
of my Great grandfather, without disturbing or dirtying it, is all diligent and joyous
and I do not forget this. Therefore, I reward one or two of her grandchildren. Further,
I bestow various rewards to her male children according to their service but I do
not reward her female children. However, I think that it is not moral for only the
boys to bare their fathers’ name with the girls not being called so. I think it moral
for them to serve together. I reward you so that you will serve the imperial court
without disturbing your house or mistaking and losing the guiding and teaching of
your father saying that only boys serve. Sukune of Ōtomo and Saeki, as is always said:
those who protect and serve the Imperial court do not have other concerns. Also, I
hear that your parents say: ‘I will not die peacefully. I shall die by the side of
my Lord; my corpse soaked if I go to sea, my corpse covered in grass if I go to the
mountains.’ So you serve as my bodyguard with no concern for other things, from the
reigns of ancient Emperors and now too in my reign. The children shall be the children
who perform the will of their parents. I reward one or two of both the male children
and female children so that you will serve with a clear and pure heart, not forgetting
this. I reward the children of those of the fifth rank and above. I raise the cap
of those below sixth rank by one level, I further add a rank to those who built Tōdaiji
and I reward one child of those above the upper sixth rank. I bestow gifts on those
of the fifth rank and above, members of the imperial family over thirteen years old
and palace servants without rank, even down to public laborers. I reward the elderly,
bless the poor and will grant exemptions to pious people and reward them with fields.
I pardon criminals. I reward nannies and the wise people. I reward the person who
found the gold and the governor of Michinoku, the district officials and even the
people, and I care for and bless all the people of the realm.”