Senmyō 14. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 7th Month, Emperor Shōmu / Empress Kōken gloss tree

1.   現神御宇 倭根子天皇可 御命良麻止宣御命 衆聞食宣。

2. 高天原 神積坐 皇親神魯棄 神魯美命以 吾孫 将知食国 天下言依奉随 遠皇祖御世始天皇御世御世 聞看来食国 天日嗣高御座止奈母 随神所念行佐久止勅天皇御命 衆聞食勅。

3. 平城宮尔 御宇天皇之久 挂畏 近江大津宮尔 御宇天皇 不改常典 初賜定賜都法随 斯天日嗣高御座業者 御命尔坐 伊夜嗣尔 奈賀御命 聞看御命 畏自物 受賜 食国天下恵賜治賜間尔 万機密久志天 御身 不敢賜有 随法 天日嗣高御座業者 朕子王尔 授賜勅天皇御命 親王等 王臣等 百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

4.   又天皇御命良末止勅命 衆聞食宣。

5. 挂畏 我皇天皇 斯天日嗣高御座受賜仕奉 負賜 頂尔受賜末里不知 退不知 恐久止宣 天皇御命 衆聞食勅。

6.   故是以 御命坐 勅 朕者 拙劣雖在 親王等始而 王等・臣等諸 天皇朝庭 立賜部留食国 戴持而 明浄心以 誤落言無 助仕奉尔依弖之 天下者平 治賜恵賜布閇支物尔有止奈毛 神随所念坐久止勅天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi no mikoto motite wa ga mi-ma no mikoto no sira-sa-mu wosukuni ame no sita to kotoyosasi-maturi no manima-ni toposumyerogi no mi-yo wo pazimete sumyera ga miyomiyo kikosi-myesi-kuru wosukuni ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. nara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera mikoto no nori-tamapi-si-ku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to pazime-tamapi sadame-tamapi-turu nori no manima-ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa opo-mikoto ni imase iya tugi ni na ga opo-mikoto kikosi-myese to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kasikwo zimono uke-tamapari-masite wosukuni ame no sita wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapu apida ni yorodu no maturigoto sige-ku opo-ku site mi-mwi ape-tamapa-zu are nori no manima-ni ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa wa ga mi-kwo opo-kimi ni saduke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. mata sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kikitamapeyo to noritamapu .

5. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyeramikoto ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wo uke-tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamape itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwomari susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwomi masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati moromoro no sumyera ga mikadwo no tate-tamap-yeru wosukuni no maturigoto wo itadaki-motite aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite ayamati-otosu koto na-ku tasuke-tukape-maturu ni yorite si ame no sita pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapu be-ki mono ni ari to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that is proclaimed as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “The realm was entrusted as the realm my descendants shall rule by the Imperial gods and goddesses who gather on the high plain and according to this I think, as a god, that acting in the throne of the heavenly line of my realm is ruling the realm through reigns of Emperors from the reigns of ancient Emperors.”I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I receive in awe the Edict proclaimed by the Emperor who ruled the realm from the palace at Nara: ‘According to the laws that the emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu, created and established as eternal laws never to be improved upon, this high throne of the heavenly line is in my words and shall be in your words for generations.’ As I blessed the realm my governances became many and complex and I can no longer endure it so according to the law I bestow the high throne of the heavenly line to my Lord, my Imperial heir.”I proclaim, all of you hear another edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I am burdened by my Lord, the Emperor, too awesome to mention, telling me to receive the throne of the heavenly line and serve. I receive and think it awesome and do not know what to do in awe.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “So I proclaim in this edict: I think, as a god, that only by the Imperial children, Lords and nobles all receiving the governances of my realm that the Imperial court sets out and assisting and serving unwaveringly with a clean and pure heart, despite me being incapable and lacking, shall I rule and bless the realm calmly and peacefully.”