Senmyō 31. Tenpyō Hōji 8 10th Month (764), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 諸奉侍上中下乃人等乃念良末久 国乃鎮止方皇太子乎置定天之 心毛安久於多比仁在止 常人乃 念云所仁在。
2. 然今乃間 此太子乎定不賜在故方 人乃能家武止念天 定漏毛 必能之毛不在。
3. 天乃不授所乎得天在 人方受天毛全久坐物仁毛不在 後仁壊。
4. 故是以天念方 人乃授流仁依毛不得力乎以天 競倍伎物仁毛不在。
5. 猶天乃由流之天授倍伎人方 在良牟止念天 定不賜奴仁己曾阿礼。
6. 此天津日継位乎朕一利貪天後乃継乎 不定止仁方不在。
7. 今之紀乃間方 念見定牟仁 天乃授賜方牟所方 漸々現奈武止念天奈毛定不賜勅御命乎 諸聞食止勅。
8. 復勅久 人人己比岐比岐 此人乎立天我功成止念天 君位乎謀 竊仁心乎通天 人乎伊佐奈比湏湏牟己止莫。
9. 己可衣之不成事乎謀止曾 先祖乃門毛滅継毛絶。
10. 自今以後仁方明仁貞岐心乎以天 可仁可久仁止念佐末多久 事奈久之天 教賜乃末仁末奉侍止勅御命乎 諸聞食止勅。
1. moromoro tukape-maturu kami naka simo no pito-domo no omop-yera-maku kuni no sidume to pa pitugi no mi-kwo wo oki-sadamete si kokoro mo yasurake-ku odapi ni ari to tune pito no omopi-ip-yeru koto ni ari .
2. sikaru ni ima no ma ko no pitugi no mi-kwo wo sadame-tamapa-zu aru yuwe pa pito no yokye-mu to omopite sadamuru mo kanarazu yo-ku si mo ara-zu .
3. ame no sadukenu wo ete aru pito pa ukete mo mata-ku imasu mono ni mo ara-zu noti ni yabure-nu .
4. kare koko wo motite omopeba pito no sadukuru ni yorite mo e-zu tikara wo motite araswopu be-ki mono ni mo ara-zu .
5. napo ame no yurusite saduku be-ki pito pa ara-mu to omopite sadame-tamapa-nu ni koso are .
6. ko no ama tu pitugi no kurawi wo ware pitori musaborite noti no tugi wo sadamezi to ni pa ara-zu .
7. imasikwi no ma pa omopi-mi-sadame-mu ni ame no saduke-tamapa-mu pito pa yaya-ku arapare-na-mu to omopite namo sadame-tamapa-nu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
8. mata nori-tamapaku pitobito ono ga pikipiki ko no pito wo tatete wa ga isawo to nasa-mu to omopite kimi no kurawi wo pakari pisoka ni kokoro wo kaywopa-site pito wo izanapi-susumu koto na-kare .
9. ono ga e-si nasa-nu koto wo pakaru to so topo tu oya no kadwo mo porobosi tugi mo tati-nuru .
10. ima ywori noti ni pa ariraka ni tadasi-ki kokoro wo motite ka ni kaku ni to omopi-samatagu koto na-ku site wosipe-tamapi no manima tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the edict which proclaims: “What the upper,
middle and lower people who all serve must be always thinking is that guarding the
state means only by installing an imperial heir the heart is at peace and calm. Thus
the reason why there is not such an imperial heir installed at present is that although
the people think it would be good, even installing one does not necessarily mean it
is good. The person who has obtained that which heaven does not bestow, even if they
receive it, is not someone who is completely [in the throne] and will later perish.
So taking this into account, it is not obtained by someone bestowing it and is not
something which should be fought over with power. Even still, [though] people think
there is a person who heaven should bestow [the throne] to, it has not been bestowed.
I alone covet this throne of the heavenly line of Amaterasu and it is not that I will
not fix later heirs. At present, if I think and consider, I think that people heaven
would bestow [the throne] to keep appearing and so [heaven] does not bestow [the throne
to anyone].”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “People
never establish a person as they please thinking they will make them their leader
and scheme for becoming secretly sharing such emotions and enticing people moving
forward. Even if you plan to do that which you cannot, the house of you distant ancestors
perishes and your heirs end. From now, with a clear and correct heart, do not hinder
[yourself] by thinking of this and that, and serve according to my teachings.”