Senmyō 33. Tenpyō Jingo 1 3rd Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 天下政方 君乃勅仁在乎 己可心乃比岐比岐 太子乎立止念天 功乎欲湏流物仁方不在。
2. 然此位方 天地乃置賜比 授賜布位仁在。
3. 故是以 朕毛天地乃明伎奇岐徴乃 授賜人方 出奈牟止 念天在。
4. 猶今乃間方 明仁浄岐心乎以天 人仁毛伊佐奈方礼湏 人乎毛 止毛奈方湏之天 於乃毛於乃毛 貞仁能久浄伎心乎以天 奉仕止詔己止乎 諸聞食倍止詔。
5. 復有人方 淡路仁侍坐湏人乎率来天 佐良仁帝止立天 天下乎治之米无等念天在人毛在良之止奈毛念。
6. 然其人方 天地乃 宇倍奈弥由流之天授賜流人仁毛不在。
7. 何乎以天可知止奈良方 志愚仁 心不善之天 天下乎治仁不足。
8. 然乃味仁不在 逆悪伎仲末呂止同心之天 朝廷乎動之傾无止謀天在人仁在。
9. 何曾此人乎復立无止念无。
10. 自今以後仁方如此久念天謀己止 止等詔大命乎聞食倍止宣。
1. ame no sita no maturigoto pa kimi no opo-mikoto ni aru wo ono ga kokoro no pikibiki pitugi no mi-kwo wo tate-mu to omopite isawo wo pori suru mono ni pa ara-zu .
2. sikaredomo ko no kurawi pa ametuti no oki-tamapi saduke-tamapu kurawi ni ari .
3. kare koko wo motite ware mo ametuti no akirake-ki ayasi-ki sirusi no saduke-tamapu pito pa ide-na-mu to omopite ari .
4. napo ima no ma pa akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite pito ni mo izanapare-zu pito wo mo tomonapa-zusite ono mo ono mo sadaka-ni yo-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to noritamapu koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .
5. mata aru pito pa apadi ni paberi-masu pito wo wite kite sara ni mikadwo to tatete ame no sita wo wosame-sime-mu to omopite aru pito mo aru rasi to namo omoposu .
6. sikaredomo so no pito pa ametuti no ubenami-yurusite saduke-tamap-yeru pito ni mo ara-zu .
7. nani wo motite ka siru to naraba kokorozasi oroka ni kokoro yok-ara-zu site ame no sita wo wosamuru ni tara-zu .
8. sika nomwi ni ara-zu sakasima ni asi-ki nakamaro to kokoro wo oyazi-ku site mikadwo wo ugokasi katabuke-mu to pakarite aru pito ni ari .
9. nani so ko no pito wo mata tate-mu to omopa-mu .
10. ima ywori noti ni pa kaku omopite pakaru koto yameyo to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you what [the emperor] proclaims: “Although the governance of the
land is in the words of the lord, it is not such that I think to establish an heir
to the throne to my heart’s desire and want a leader. However the throne is one which
is put in place and bestowed by heaven and earth. So, I too I think that someone shall
appear who is bestowed [the throne] by a clear and miraculous sign of nature. Even
still, serve now with a unceasingly good and pure heart, not enticed by people and
not following people, with a clear and pure heart.”I proclaim, hear the edict which
proclaims: “Further I think that there are some people who think that I [should] bring
the person who serves in Awaji, make them Emperor again and make them rule over the
world. However that person is not someone who has been bestowed with the throne by
the agreeing and allowing of heaven and earth. If you ask how I know this, [it is
because] his heart is not good with stupid intention and does not befit ruling the
world. Not only this but he is in accordance with the backward and evil Nakamaro and
plans to disturb and put in danger the court. How could I think to make this person
Emperor again? From now stop thinking and scheming so.”