Senmyō 38. Tenpyō Jingo 1 11th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 今勅久 今日方大新嘗乃猶良比能豊明聞行日仁在。
2. 然此遍能常余利別仁在故方 朕方仏能御弟子等之天菩薩能戒乎受賜天在。
3. 此仁依天 上都方波三宝仁供奉 次仁方天社国社乃神等乎毛為夜備末都利 次仁方供奉留親王多知臣多知百官能人等 天下能人民諸乎愍賜慈賜牟等念天奈毛 還天復天下乎治賜。
4. 故汝等毛安久於多比仁侍天 由紀 湏伎二国乃 献礼留 黒紀 白紀能御酒乎赤丹乃保仁 多末倍恵良伎 常毛 賜酒幣乃物乎賜方利以天 退止 為天奈毛御物賜方久止宣。
5. 復勅久 神等乎方三宝余利離天 不触物曾止奈毛 人能 念天在。
6. 然経乎見末都礼方 仏能御法乎護末都利尊末都流方 諸乃神多知仁伊末志家利。
7. 故是以 出家人毛白衣毛相雑天供奉仁 豈障事波不在止念天奈毛 本忌之可如久方不忌之天 此乃大嘗方 聞行止宣御命乎 諸聞食止宣。
1. ima nori-tamapaku kyepu pa opo-nipe no naporapi no toyo no akari kikosi-myesu pi ni ari .
2. sikaru ni ko no tabi no tune yori koto ni aru yuwe pa ware pa potoke no mi-desi to site bosati no imikoto wo uke-tamapite ari .
3. kore ni yorite kami tu kata pa samubou ni tukape-maturi tugi ni pa ama tu yasiro kuni tu yasiro no kamwi-tati wo mo wiyabwi-maturi tugi ni pa tukape-maturu mi-kwo-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro wo aparemi-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapa-mu to omoposite namo kapyerite mata ame no sita wo wosame-tamapu .
4. kare imasi-tati mo yasurake-ku odapi ni paberite yukwi suki puta-kuni no tatematur-eru kurwo-ki sirwo-ki no mi-ki wo aka ninopo ni tamape-weraki tune mo tamapu sakamapi no mono wo tamapari-motite makare to site namo opo-mimono tamapaku to noritamapu .
5. mata nori-tamapaku kamwi-tati woba samubou yori sakete purenu mono so to namo pito no omopite aru .
6. sikaredomo kyau wo mi-matureba potoke no mi-nori wo mamori-maturi taputwobwi-maturu pa moromoro no kamwi-tati ni imasi-kyeri .
7. kare koko wo motite ipye de-si pito mo sirwokinu mo api-maziparite tukape-maturu ni ani saparu koto pa arazi to omoposite namo moto imisi ga goto-ku pa ima-zu site ko no opo-nipe pa kikosi-myesu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which I now proclaim: “Today is the
day we partake of the drinking feast of Naorai for Onie. However, the reason why the
feast this time is more special than usual is that I have become a disciple of the
Buddha and have humbly received the precepts of the Boddhisatva. So, thinking that
above all I shall serve the three treasures of Buddha, next I shall show respect to
the gods of the heavenly and earthly shrines and next I shall pity and make beautiful
the imperial children, statesmen, and bureaucrats who serve me and the people of the
world, I return [to the throne] and rule the world again. So I bestow [you] with imperial
gifts so that you too will serve under me calmly and peacefully and, receive and relish
the black and white sake, which the two provinces of Yuki and Saki have offered up,
until your face turns a bright red, and leave receiving the sake offering I always
bestow.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “People
think that it is the gods that are not [to be touched] more so than the three treasures.
However, when I looked at the sutras, it was all the Gods [who should] protect and
revere the laws of the Buddha. So, with this, thinking that there would surely be
no interferences when the priests and the laymen mix together and serve, I make that
which fundamentally is to be avoided like that which is not to be avoided and partake
in the Onie.”