Senmyō 41. Tenpyō Jingo 2 10th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅 无上御法 至誠心 拝尊礼波 必異奇験 阿良波之授賜物尔伊末志家利

2. 然今示現賜弊流如来大御舍利 常奉見余利波 大御色光照甚美 大御形円満別好末之末世波 特尔久湏之奇事思議許止極難

3. 是以 意中尔昼倦怠己止 謹末比仕奉都都

4. 是実尔化大御身 縁尔随 度導賜尔不過行尔 相応 救賜云 言尔在良之止奈毛

5. 猶 興隆之牟流 人尔依比呂牟流物尔在。

6. 故諸大法師等比岐為伊麻湏 太政大臣禅師 如理 勧行波之米 教導賜尔依天之 如此顕賜弊利

7. 然此 宇礼志 朕独乃味夜天奈毛 太政大臣朕大師尔 法王位授末都良久止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

8. 復勅 此世間乎波 楽求多布无 一道尔志 菩薩 人度導牟止云尔 心伊末

9. 可久波阿礼止毛 猶朕 敬報末川流和佐止之天奈毛位冠末川良久止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

10. 次尔 諸大法師仁毛 此二禅師等 同心相従 道 世間位冠乎波 不楽伊末佐倍止毛奈毛 猶不得止天 円興禅師尔 法臣位授末川流

11. 基真禅師尔 法参議大律師止之天 正四位上 復物部浄之乃朝臣云姓末川流止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

12. 復勅 此寺 朕外祖父先太政大臣藤原大臣之家在。

13. 今其家之名可仁 朝廷奉助仕奉右大臣藤原朝臣遠波 左大臣位授賜治賜。

14. 復吉備朝臣 太子之之余利 師等之天 教悟家留年歴

15. 今不敢阿流良牟 夜昼 不退之天護助奉侍礼波 可多自気奈弥奈毛念湏。

16. 然人止之天不知恩不報奴乎波御法仁毛 禁給弊流在。

17. 是以 吉備朝臣 右大臣之位授賜天皇御命諸聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku kami na-ki potoke no mi-nori pa nemokoro naru kokoro wo motite worogami-taputwobwi-matureba kanarazu koto ni ayasi-ki sirusi wo arapasi-saduke-tamapu mono ni imasi-kyeri .

2. sikaru ni ima arapare-tamap-yeru nyorai no taputwo-ki opo-misyari pa tune mi-maturu yori pa opo-miiro mo pikari-terite ito urupasi-ku opo-mikatati mo tarapite koto ni yo-ku opo-masi-maseba koto ni kususi-ku ayasi-ki koto wo omopi-pakaru koto kipamarite kata-si .

3. koko wo motite kokoro no uti ni piru mo yworu mo umi-okotaru koto na-ku tutusimi uyamapi-tukape-maturitutu paberi .

4. kore makoto ni kari no opo-mimwi pa en ni sitagapite watasi-mitibiki-tamapu ni pa toki wo sugusa-zu okonapi ni api-kotapete utukusibwi-sukupi-tamapu to ipu koto ni aru rasi to namo omoposu .

5. napo si nori wo okosi-sakaye-simuru ni pa pito ni yorite tugi-piroparu mono ni ari .

6. kare moromoro no daipousi-tati wo piki-wite kami to imasu daizyau daizinzenzi no kotowari no goto-ku susume-okonapa-sime wosipe-mitibiki-tamapu ni yorite si kaku ayasi-ku taputwo-ki sirusi pa arapasi-tamap-yeri .

7. sikaru ni ko no taputwo-ku uresi-ki koto wo ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobwi-mu to omoposite namo opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi wa ga daisi ni popuwau no kurawi saduke-maturaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

8. mata nori-tamapaku ko no yo no naka no kurawi woba negapi-motome-tabu koto pa katute na-ku pito-tu no miti ni kokoro-zasite bosati no gyau wo okonapi pito wo watasi-mitibika-mu to ipu ni kokoro pa sadamete imasu .

9. kaku pa aredomo napo wa ga uyamapi-mukui-maturu waza to site namo ko no kurawi kagapuri wo saduke-maturaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

10. tugi ni moromoro no daipopusi ga naka ni mo ko no puta-ri no zenzi-tati i oyazi kokoro wo motite api-sitagapi miti wo kokoro-zasite yo no naka no kurawi kagapuri woba negapa-zu imasapedomo namo napo yamu koto wo e-zute enkouzenzi ni popusin no kurawi saduke-maturu .

11. kwisinzenzi ni popusangi dairitusi to site kagapuri pa opo-ki yotu no kurawi no kami tu sina wo saduke mata mononobye no kiywosi no asomi to ipu kabane wo saduke-maturu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

12. mata nori-tamapaku ko no tera pa wa ga papakata no opo-disaki no opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi pudipara no opo-mapye tu kimi no ipye ni ari .

13. ima so no ipye no na wo tugite akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturu migi no opo-mapye tu kimi pudipara no asomi woba pidari no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi saduke-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

14. mata kibwi no asomi pa wa ga pitugi no mi-kwo to imasi-si toki yori mi-pumiyomi to site wosipe-satosi-kyeru amata no tosi pe-nu .

15. ima pa mwi mo ape-zu aru ramu mono wo yworupiru makara-zu site mamoritasuketukapematuru wo mireba katazikenami namo omoposu .

16. sikaru ni pito to site megumi wo sira-zu megumi wo mukuinu woba piziri no mi-nori ni mo isame-tamap-yeru mono ni ari .

17. koko wo motite kibwi no asomi ni migi no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi saduke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict I now proclaim: “When I worshiped and revered the supreme teachings of the Buddha, a splendidly miraculous sign was bestowed and made to appear. Doing this, it is is extremely difficult to contemplate the precious divine relic of Nyorai which has now appeared; more than normal it glows, shines and is a most splendid colour, its form is full and exceptionally good and it is particularly peculiar and miraculous. So night and day in my heart, I am taking care of it and respecting it, not becoming bored or idle. It seems to be precisely this: ‘This temporary Incarnation ferrying and leading according to Karma, people are made beautiful and rescued based on your actions with no passing of time.’ But still, drumming up the teachings and make them blossom [needs] people to pass them on and spread them far. This miraculous and precious sign has appeared through leading all the Great Priests and the Chancellor Zenji, who is superior, moving people along the path and teaching and leading them, according to morals. So, am I to take pleasure in this precious and joyous thing alone—I bestow the rank of Master of Scripture to my Great Teacher, the Chancellor of the Realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also says: “His heart is firm as he does not long for and seek roles in this world at all, he strives to follow the Way, he performs the Bodhisattva’s practices and leads people to enlightenment. Even so, in order to respect and repay him I bestow him this rank and cap.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Next, of the two Great Priests, although the two Zenji have the same heart and each obey, striving for the Way and do not long for roles in this world, I cannot help but bestow Enkō Zenji the role of Hōshin. I bestow Kishin Zenji the Great upper fourth rank in caps as the Hōsangi-Dairitsushi and I bestow him the title of Mononobe-no-Kiyoshi-no-Asomi.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also proclaims: “This temple is the house of the Fujiwara Lord, the Chancellor, my paternal grand-father’s predecessors. I bestow Fujiwara-no-Asomi, the Minister of the Right, who has now inherited that family name and assists and serves the court with a clear and pure heart, with the role of Minister of the Left. Also, many years have passed with Kibi-no-Asomi teaching and enlightening as a Scholar from when he was an imperial heir. I think it is impressive to see you protect and assist [the court], not leaving day or night, despite you being unable to bear it. The reason for him not knowing riches and not returning riches is because it is forbidden in the wise Teachings. So I bestow Kibi-no-Asomi the role of Minister of the Right.”