Senmyō 61. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kanmu gloss tree
1. 明神止大八洲所知天皇詔旨良麻止宣勅親王諸王諸百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。
2. 挂畏現神坐倭根子天皇我皇此天日嗣高座之業乎掛畏近江大津乃宮尔御宇之天皇乃初賜比定賜部流法随尔被賜弖仕奉止仰賜比授賜閇婆頂尔受賜利恐美受賜利懼進母不知尔退母不知尔恐美坐久止宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。
3. 然皇坐弖天下治賜君者 賢人乃能臣乎得弖之天下乎婆平久安久治物尔在良之止奈母聞行湏。
4. 故是以大命坐宣久朕雖拙劣親王始弖王臣等乃相穴奈比奉利相扶奉牟事依弖之此之仰賜比授賜夫食国天下之政者平久安久仕奉倍之止奈母所念行。
5. 是以無謟欺之心以忠明之誠天皇朝廷乃立賜部流食国天下之政者衆助仕奉止宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。
6. 辞別宣久朕一人乃末也慶之岐貴岐御命受賜牟。
7. 凡人子乃蒙福麻久欲為流事波於夜乃多米尔止奈母聞行湏。
8. 故是以朕親母高野夫人乎称皇太夫人弖冠位上奉利治奉流。
9. 又仕奉人等中尔自何仕奉状随弖一二人等冠位上賜比治賜夫。
10. 又大神宮乎始弖諸社祢冝祝等尔給位一階。
11. 又僧綱乎始弖諸寺智行人及年八十已上僧尼等尔物布施賜夫。
12. 又高年窮乏孝義人等治賜養賜夫。
13. 又天下今年田租免賜久止宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。
1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mikwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki aki tu mi-kamwi to imasu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-kimi ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wo kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no pazime-tamapi sadame-tamap-yeru nori no manima-ni uke-tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamapi saduke-tamapeba itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwo-mi uke-tamapari odi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwo-mi masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
3. sikaru ni sumyera to imasite ame no sita wosame-tamapu kimi pa sakasi-ki pito no yo-ki omi wo ete si ame no sita woba tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosamuru mono ni aru rasi to namo kikosi-myesu .
4. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no api-ananapi-maturi api-tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no opose-tamapi saduke-tamapu wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .
5. koko wo motite peturapi-azamuku kokoro na-ku mame ni aka-ki makoto wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo no tate-tamap-yeru wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa moromoro tasuke-tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
6. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobosi-ki taputwo-ki opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapa-mu .
7. opoyoso pito no kwo no sakipapi wo kagapura-maku pori suru koto pa oya no tame ni to namo kikosi-myesu .
8. kare koko wo motite wa ga mi-oya takanwo no opo-tozi wo opo-mioya to mawosite kagapurikurawi age-maturi wosame-maturu .
9. mata tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni si ga tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite pito-ri puta-ri-domo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .
10. mata opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete yasiroyasiro no negwi papuri-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .
11. mata popusi no tukasa wo pazimete teradera no tigyau no pito to tosi ya-swodi ywori kamwi tu kata no popusi ama-domo to ni mono podokosi-tamapu .
12. mata tosi taka-ki pito madusi-ki pito keugi aru pito-domo wosame-tamapi yasinapi-tamapu .
13. mata ame no sita kotosi no tadikara yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesman, officials and people of the realm,
all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor who rules the eight
islands as a living god.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which says:
“When the imperial lord, the Yamato ruler, who is a living god too awesome to mention,
burdened and bestowed me with the high heavenly throne of the line of Amaterasu, saying,
‘receive this and serve according to the laws started and fixed by the emperor, too
awesome to mention, who ruled the world from the palace at Omi-no-Otsu,’ I humbly
received it, I received it in fear, and I am in awe, fearfully not knowing what to
do.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which says: “So I hear that, a
Lord who rules the realm as the Emperor makes the realm rightfully calm and peaceful
only by having good statesmen who are wise. With this I proclaim in this edict that
I think that, though I am of poor ability and lacking, only by the imperial children,
lords and statesmen each humbly advising and serving shall I calmly and peacefully
fulfill the governance of my realm, with which I have been burdened and bestowed.
Therefore, all of you, with a sincere and pure heart, not trying to court my favor
or deceive me, assist and serve me in the governance of my realm that the imperial
court establishes.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also says:
“How am I to receive the joyful and reverent edict alone? I hear that usually, the
parent wishing their child happiness is for the parent’s sake. So I raise the cap
and rank of my parent, the imperial wife Takano, and call her my divine parent. Further,
I raise the cap and rank of one or two of those who serve me according to their service.
Also, I bestow one rank on the Negi priests at the shrines, starting with the divine
palace of the Gods. Again I spread gifts far to those who own lands at temples, starting
with priest officials, and to priests and nuns who are older then eighty. I also reward
and nurture the aged, poor and pious. I pardon the realm of its land tax this year.”