Senmyō 1. Monmu 1 8th Month (697), Emperor Monmu text tree
1. 現御神止大八嶋国所知天皇大命良麻止詔大命乎集侍皇子等王等百官人等天下公民諸聞食止詔。
2. 高天原尓事始而遠天皇祖御世中今至 麻弖尓天皇御子之阿礼坐牟弥継継尓大八嶋国将知次止天都神乃御子随母天坐神之依之奉之随此天津日嗣高御座之業止現御神止大八嶋国所知倭根子天皇命授賜比負賜布貴支高支広支厚支大命乎受賜利恐坐弖此乃食国天下乎調賜比平賜比天下乃公民乎恵賜比撫賜牟止奈母随神所思行佐久止詔天皇大命乎諸聞食止詔。
3. 是以天皇朝廷敷賜行賜幣留百官人等四方食国乎治奉止任賜幣留国々宰等尓国法乎過犯事無久明支浄支直支誠之心以而御称々而緩怠事無久務結而仕奉止詔大命乎諸聞食止詔。
4. 故如此之状乎聞食悟而欸将仕奉人者其仕奉礼良牟状随品々讃賜上賜治将賜物曽止詔天皇大命乎諸聞食止詔。
1. « { { [ { { [ [ { { [ aki (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -kamwi (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -ya (noun ) sima (noun ) kuni (noun ) ] sira (stem verb ) -si (respect infinitive L000009 auxiliary [respect]) -myesu (adnconc verb L031751a see [respect]) } sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) rama (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ { ugonapar (stem verb L030249a gather i) -eru (stative adnominal L000024 auxiliary [stative]) } mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -kimi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) tukasa (noun ) dukasa (noun ) no (noun ) pito (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (noun ) opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mi (noun ) takara (noun ) moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »
2. « { { [ { { { { [ { [ { { [ { { { [ takama (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) para (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ koto (noun ) ] pazimete (gerund verb L031416a begin t) } [ topo (noun ) sumyerogi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -yo (noun ) ] [ naka (noun ) ima (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] itaru (adnconc verb L030170a arrive) made (L000512 [restrictive particle]) ni (L031965infinitive copula) } [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] are (stem verb give birth ) -masa (stem verb ) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } { { [ iya (noun ) ] [ tugi (noun ) tugi (noun ) (L050699 again and again) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -ya (noun ) sima (noun ) kuni (noun ) ] sirasa (stem verb L030908a inform) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } tugite (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } [ ama (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kamwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) -nagara (L001001 suffix [adverbializer? pluralizer?]) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] [ { [ ame (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] masu (adnconc verb L030206a be) } kamwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] yosa (stem verb L031871a draw close t) -si (respect infinitive L000009 auxiliary [respect]) -maturi (stem L031649a verb serve) -si (simplePast adnominal L000015 auxiliary [simple past]) } manima (L004001 noun way) -ni (infinitive L031965 copula copula) ] { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ama (noun ) tu (noun ) pi (noun ) tugitaka (noun ) mi (noun ) kura (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) waza (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } [ { { [ aki (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -kamwi (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -ya (noun ) sima (noun ) kuni (noun ) ] sirosimyesu (stem verb L030916a rule [respect]) } yamato (noun ) ne (noun ) kwo (noun ) sumyera (noun ) mikoto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] saduke (stem verb L030814a throw) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) opose (stem verb L030379a make bear) -tamapu (adnconc L031077a verb give) } { taputwo (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } { taka (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } { piro (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } { atu (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] uke (stem verb receive ) -tamapari (infinitive verb L031076a receive [hum]) kasikwomi (stem verb L030461a fear) -masite (gerund verb ) } { { [ ko (this noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) wosu (noun ) kuni (noun ) ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] totonope (stem verb L031211a arrange) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } tapirage (stem verb L031067a quell) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mi (noun ) takara (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] utukusibwi (stem verb L030269a get empty) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } nade (stem verb L031285a pat) -tamapa (stem verb ) -mu (adnconc auxiliary ) to (comp noun ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } [ kamu (L050005b noun god) -nagara (L001001 suffix [adverbializer? pluralizer?]) ] omoposi (stem verb L030402a think [respect]) -myesaku (nominal verb L031751a see [respect]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »
3. « { { [ { { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { [ [ mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { { siki (stem verb ) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } okonapi (stem verb L030336a handle) -tamap (stem L031077a verb give) -yeru (stative adnominal L000024 auxiliary [stative]) } tukasa (noun ) dukasa (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pito (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) ] { [ { { [ yo (noun ) mo (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) wosu (noun ) kuni (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wosame (stem verb L031943a settle t) -mature (imperative verb L031644a wait) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } make (stem verb ) -tamap (stem L031077a verb give) -yeru (stative adnominal L000024 auxiliary [stative]) } [ kuni (noun ) guni (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikoto (noun ) moti (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] ] itaru (adnconc verb L030170a arrive) made (L000512 [restrictive particle]) ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { [ { [ kuni (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) nori (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] ayamati (infinitive verb L030108a err) wokasu (adnconc verb L031938a do taboo) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } { [ { aka (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } { kiyo (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } { napo (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } makoto (L004050a noun sincere) no (noun ) kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } { [ { { mi (prefix ) -pakari (stem verb L031397a measure) -pakarite (gerund verb L031397a measure) } yurupi (stem verb L031858a go slack) -okotaru (adnconc verb L030327a (dew) settles) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } { tutwome (stem verb L031161a work hard) -simarite (gerund verb L030901a bind) } tukape (stem verb L031119a serve) -mature (imperative verb L031644a wait) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »
4. « { { [ { { [ [ { { [ kare (noun ) kaku (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sama (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamape (stem verb ) -satorite (gerund verb ) } { iswosi (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } tukape (stem verb L031119a serve) -matura (stem verb L031644a wait) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } pito (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { { [ so (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) { tukape (stem verb L031119a serve) -matur (stem L031649a verb serve) -era (stative stem L000024 auxiliary [stative]) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } sama (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) manima (L004001 noun way) -ni (infinitive L031965 copula copula) ] [ sina (noun ) zina (noun ) ] pome (stem verb L031595a bless) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } age (stem verb L030023a give) -tamapi (infinitive L031077a verb give) } wosame (stem verb L031943a settle t) -tamapa (stem L031077a verb give) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } mono (noun ) zo ( ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, officials and the people of the realm, hear
the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor who rules the eight-island realm
as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “I receive
and think awesome the precious, high, broad and benevolent edict of the Emperor [,
the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island realm as a living God. The edict bestows
and burdens me with the Imperial throne of the heavenly line and the inherited throne
ruling over the eight-island realm, which started in the high plain, continued through
the ancient Imperial Reigns until now and shall continue with future Imperial heirs.
The Emperor bestows this as an Imperial child of the heavenly gods according to how
the gods in heaven ordered it to be. I, as a God, shall order and rule over my realm
and bless and care for the people of the realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial
edict that says: “So, you, the bureaucrats I have sent far-and-wide and ordered, and
even the emissaries I have sent to the provinces, commanding you to govern the all
the corners of the realm: serve me, endeavor sincerely, do not become slack or idle,
distinguish right from wrong with a clean, pure, correct and sincere heart and do
not break the laws of the land.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that
says: “Hear this. I shall give various gifts, promote and reward those who understand
it and diligently serve me, according to their service.”