Senmyō 21. Tenpyō Hōji 1 8th Month (757), Empress Kōken text tree
1. 今宣久 奈良麻呂我兵起尔 被雇多利志秦等乎婆 遠流賜都。
2. 今遺秦等者 悪心無而清明心乎持而仕奉止宣。
1. « { { [ ima (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { [ { { [ naramaro (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] [ ikusa (noun ) ] okosu (verb adnconc L030333a wake) ni (L031965infinitive copula) } yatopare (verb stem L031806a employ) -tari (L000022 stative stem [stative]) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } pada (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] { topo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } nagasi (verb stem L031263a make flow) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -tu (auxiliary ) } } . »
2. « { { [ { [ ima (noun ) ] nokor (verb stem L031374a remain) -eru (L000024 stative adnominal auxiliary [stative]) } pada (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ { asi (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } { [ { aka (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } . »
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim: “I have dispelled the Hada and his gang, who were employed when Naramaro
stirred up his army, afar. Those remaining of the Hada family, serve with a pure and
clean heart not bearing evil.”