Senmyō 27. Tenpyō Hōji 6 6th Month (762), Retired Empress Kōken text tree
1. 太上天皇御命以弖 卿等諸語部止宣久 朕御祖大皇后乃御命以弖 朕尔告之久 岡宮御宇天皇乃日継波 加久弖絶奈牟止為。
2. 女子乃継尔波在止母欲令嗣止宣弖 此政行給岐。
3. 加久為弖 今帝止立弖 湏麻比久流間尔 宇夜宇也自久相従事波无之弖 斗卑等乃仇能在言期等久 不言岐辞母言奴 不為岐行母為奴。
4. 凡加久伊波流倍枳朕尔波不在。
5. 別宮仁御坐坐牟時 自加得言也。
6. 此波朕劣尔依弖之 加久言良之止 念召波 愧自弥伊等保自弥奈母念湏。
7. 又一尔波 朕応発菩提心縁尔在良之 止母奈母念須。
8. 是以 出家弖仏弟子止成奴。
9. 但政事波 常礼利 小事波今帝行給部。
10. 国家大事賞罰二柄波朕行牟。
11. 加久能状聞食悟止宣御命 衆聞食宣。
1. « { { [ { opo (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } sumyera (noun ) mikoto (noun ) no (noun ) ] { [ opo (noun ) mikoto (noun ) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } [ mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] katarapye (imperative verb L030492a tell) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (stem verb say ) -tamapaku (nominal verb L031077a give) } { { { { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -oya (noun ) opo (noun ) kisaki (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) ] [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } [ ware (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] nori (stem verb say ) -tamapi (stem L031077a verb give) -si (respect infinitive L000009 auxiliary [respect]) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } [ [ { [ woka (noun ) no (noun ) miya (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) ] sira (stem verb ) -si (respect infinitive L000009 auxiliary [respect]) -myesi (stem verb L031751a see [respect]) -si (simplePast adnominal L000015 auxiliary [simple past]) } sumyera (noun ) mikoto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { kakute (gerund verb ) } taye (stem verb L031090a be cut off) -na (perf stem L000018 auxiliary [perfective]) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } su (adnconc verb L030919a do) } . »
2. « { { { { [ womina (noun ) gwo (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) tugi (noun ) ] ni ( ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) aredomo (concessive verb exist ) } tuga (stem verb L031139a pass on) -sime (stem verb ) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (stem verb say ) -tamapite (gerund verb L031077a give) } [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) ] okonapi (stem verb L030336a handle) -tamapi (stem L031077a verb give) -ki (simplePast conclusive auxiliary ) } . »
3. « { { { { [ { { { { [ kaku (noun ) ] site (gerund verb L030919a do) } [ ima (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } tatete (gerund verb L031044a erect) } sumapi (stem verb ) -kuru (adnominal verb L030667a reel) } apida (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ { { uya (adjective ) -uyasi (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } api (reciprocal L000025 prefix [reciprocal]) -sitagapu (adnconc verb ) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] na (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) site (gerund verb L030919a do) } [ { [ twopito (L050476 noun outsider) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] [ ada (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] aru (adnominal L030125a verb exist) } koto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] goto (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } [ { ipu (adnconc L030199a verb say) masizi (L000802 extension [negative necessitive]) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } koto (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] ipi (stem verb L030199a say) -nu (perf conclusive auxiliary ) } [ { su (adnconc verb L030919a do) masizi (L000802 extension [negative necessitive]) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } waza (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] si (stem verb L030919a do) -nu (perf conclusive auxiliary ) } . »
4. « { [ { [ opoyoso (noun ) ] [ kaku (noun ) ] iparu (verb L030199a say) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } ware (noun ) ] ni ( ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ara (stem verb L030125a exist) -zu (neg infconc L000006a auxiliary [negative]) } . »
5. « { [ { [ koto (noun ) miya (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -masi (stem verb ) -masa (stem verb ) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) } toki (noun ) sika (noun ) ] e (potential L000027 prefix [potential]) -ipa (stem verb L030199a say) -me (conjectural exclamatory L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) ya ( ) } . »
6. « { { { { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] wodina (adjective L007212b ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yorite (gerund verb ) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) } [ kaku (noun ) ] ipu (adnconc L030199a verb say) rasi (conclusive L000806 extension [presumptive]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omoposi (stem verb L030402a think [respect]) -myeseba (provisional verb L031751a see [respect]) } padukasi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) itoposi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } omoposu (adnconc verb L030402a think [respect]) } . »
7. « [ mata (noun ) pitotu (noun ) ni (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) bodai (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kokoro (noun ) ] wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) okosu (adnconc verb L030333a wake) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } yosi (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) aru (adnominal L030125a verb exist) rasi (conclusive L000806 extension [presumptive]) tomo ( ) namo ( ) } omoposu (adnconc verb L030402a think [respect]) } . »
8. « { { { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } [ ipye (noun ) de (noun ) ] site (gerund verb L030919a do) } { [ potoke (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) desi (noun ) ] to ( ) } nari (stem verb ) -nu (perf conclusive auxiliary ) } . »
9. « tadasi (noun ) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) tune (noun ) no (noun ) maturi (noun ) isasake (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ima (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) okonapi (noun ) tamape (noun ) . »
10. « { [ [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) { opo (adjective ) -ki (adnominal L000033 adjcop ) } koto (noun ) ] tamapi (noun ) mono (noun ) tumi (noun ) putatu (noun ) no (noun ) moto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ ware (noun ) ] okonapa (stem verb L030336a handle) -mu (conjectural adnconc auxiliary ) } . »
11. « { { [ { { [ { [ kaku (noun ) ] no (L031965adnominal copula) } sama (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamape (stem verb ) -satore (imperative verb ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict, which I was told to tell to all the
gathered lords while holding the divine words of the great proclaiming: “My parent,
the empress, proclaimed to me in an imperial edict, ‘The throne of the emperor who
ruled the world from the palace in Oka is thus about to end. Though you are a female
heir I make you inherit the throne’ and this governance was carried out. So, I established
the current court and while it has continued [through time], we have not politely
followed each other and you have said things you cannot say and done deeds you cannot
due as a vulgar person bears a grudge. Generally I am not to be spoken so. You can
speak so when I am divinely residing in a different palace. I think it fearful and
too difficult to bear as I consider that you presumably speak thus because I am lacking.
I also think that this is probably a means to bring me Enlightenment. So I enter a
temple and become a disciple of the Buddha. However, as for governance it is as always,
the insignificant things the current emperor will carry out. I will carry out the
important things of the world and both reward and punish. Hear and understand this.”