Senmyō 30. Tenpyō Hōji 8 10th Month (764), Empress Shōtoku text tree

1. 船親王九月五日尔仲麻呂二人謀家良久 書作朝庭咎計 将進家利

2. 又仲麻呂家物計夫流尔 書中尔 仲麻呂家流文有。

3. 是以親王諸王隠岐国尔流賜

4. 又池田親王此夏馬多集事謀所聞

5. 如是在事阿麻多太比所奏。

6. 是以親王下賜諸王等志弖土左国尔流賜布等詔大命聞食宣。

1. « [ pune (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ naga (noun ) dukwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) itu (L002005 numeral native five) -ka (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pi (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ naka (noun ) maro (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] [ puta (L002002 numeral native two) -ri (L002016 counter counter for people) ] pakari (stem verb L031397a measure) -kyeraku (modalPast nominal L000016 auxiliary [modal past]) } { { [ pumi (noun ) ] tukurite (gerund verb L031144a make) } { [ mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) toga (noun ) ] kazwopete (gerund verb L030469a count) } tatematura (stem verb L031049a offer) -mu (conjectural adnconc L000002 auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } pakari (stem verb L031397a measure) -kyeri (modalPast conclusive L000016 auxiliary [modal past]) } . »

2. « [ mata (noun ) ] { [ naka (noun ) maro (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ipye (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mono (noun ) ] kazwopuru (adnominal verb L030469a count) ni (L031965infinitive copula) } [ pumi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) naka (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] { [ { [ { [ naka (noun ) maro (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] kaywopa (stem verb L030536a move across i) -si (respect infinitive L000009 auxiliary [respect]) -kyeru (modalPast adnominal L000016 auxiliary [modal past]) } pakari (noun ) koto (noun ) ] no (L031965adninf copula) } pumi (noun ) ] ari (infconc L030125a verb exist) } . »

3. « { { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } { [ mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) na (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { kudasite (gerund verb L030631a take down) } } { { [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -kimi (noun ) (L050267 great monarch) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nasite (gerund verb ) } [ oki (noun ) no (noun ) kuni (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) nagasi (stem verb L031263a make flow) -tamapu (adnconc verb ) } . »

4. « { [ mata (noun ) ] { [ ikeda (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) natu (noun ) ] { [ uma (noun ) ] { opo (adjective ) -ku (infinitive L000033 adjcop ) } tudwopete (gerund verb L031160a gather t) } [ koto (noun ) ] pakaru (adnconc verb L031397a measure) } to (L000530 [complementizer]) } kikosi (stem verb L030565a hear) -myesi (stem verb L031751a see [respect]) -ki (simplePast conclusive auxiliary ) } . »

5. « { [ { [ kaku (noun ) ] aru (adnominal L030125a verb exist) } koto (noun ) ] [ amata (noun ) tabi (noun ) (L050594 many times) ] mawosi (stem verb L031678a speak [hum]) -tamap (stem L031077a verb give) -yeri (stative conclusive auxiliary ) } . »

6. « { { [ { { { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (gerund verb L031761a hold) } { [ mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) na (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { kudasi (stem verb L030631a take down) -tamapite (gerund verb L031077a give) } } { [ opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -kimi (noun ) (L050267 great monarch) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) site (gerund verb L030919a do) } [ tosa (noun ) no (noun ) kuni (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] nagasi (stem verb L031263a make flow) -tamapu (adnconc L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } opo (hon L000038 prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kiki (stem verb L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (imperative L031077a verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (adnconc verb L032093a proclaim) } . »


English translation by Millichip:
All of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “Fune planned together with Nakamaro on the fifth day of the ninth month to make a document, count the faults of the emperor and raise it up to the emperor. Also, when I counted the things in Nakamaro’s house among the documents there was one that had the planning for Jun’nin to often go around with Nakamaro. So I lower his name of imperial child making him Lord and send him far to the province of Oki. I also hear that Ikeda gathered many horses this summer and planned something. I have humbly said such things many times. So I lower his name of imperial child making him Lord and send him far to the province of Tosa.”