Senmyō 45. Jingo Keiun 3 10th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku text tree
1. 天皇我御命良麻止詔 久挂麻久毛畏岐新城乃大宮尔天下治給 之中 都 天皇 能 臣等 乎 召 天 後 乃 御命 仁 勅 之久 汝等 乎 召 都留 事 方 朝庭 尔 奉侍 良牟 状教詔 牟止曾 召 都留 。
2. 於太比 尔 侍 弖 諸聞食。
3. 貞 久 明 尔 浄 伎 心 乎 以 天 朕子天皇 仁 奉侍 利 護助 麻都礼 。
4. 継 天方 是太子 乎 助奉侍 礼 。
5. 朕 我 教給 布 御命 尔 不順 之天 王等 波 己 我 得 麻之字岐 帝 乃 尊 岐 宝位 乎 望求 米 人 乎 伊射奈 比 悪 久 穢心 乎 以 天 逆 尔 在謀 乎 起 臣等 方 己 我 比伎婢企是 尔 託彼 尔 依 都都 頑 尔 無礼 伎 心 乎 念 弖 横 乃 謀 乎 構。
6. 如是在 牟 人等 乎波 朕必天翔給 天 見行 之 退給 比 捨給 比 岐良 比 給 牟 物 曾 。
7. 天地 乃 福 毛 不蒙 自 。
8. 是状知 天 明 仁 浄 伎 心 乎 以 天 奉侍 牟 人 乎波 慈給 比 愍給 天 治給 牟 物 曾 。
9. 復天 乃 福 毛 蒙 利 永世 尔 門不絶奉侍 利 昌 牟 。
10. 許己知 天 謹 麻利 浄心 乎 以 天 奉侍 止 将命 止奈毛 召 都流止 勅 比 於保世給 布 御命 乎 衆諸聞食 止 宣。
11. 復詔 久 挂 毛 畏 伎 朕 我 天 乃 御門帝皇 我 御命以 天 勅 之久 朕 尔 奉侍 牟 諸臣等朕 乎 君 止 念 牟 人 方 太皇后 仁 能奉侍 礼 。
12. 朕 乎 念 天 在 我 如 久 異 奈 念。
13. 継 天方 朕子太子 尔 明 仁 浄 久 二心無 之天 奉侍 礼 。
14. 朕 方 子二 利止 云言 波 無。
15. 唯此太子一人 乃味曾 朕 我 子 波 在。
16. 此心知 天 諸護助奉侍 礼 。
17. 然朕 波 御身都可 良之 久 於保麻之麻 湏 尔 依 天 太子 尔 天 都 日嗣高御座 乃 継 天方 授 麻都流 止 命 天 朕 尔 勅 之久 天下 乃 政事 波 慈 乎 以 天 治 与 。
18. 復上 波 三宝 乃 御法 乎 隆 之米 出家道人 乎 治 麻都 利 次 波諸天神 地祇 乃 祭祀 乎不絶 下 波 天下 乃 諸人民 乎 愍給 弊 。
19. 復勅 之久 此帝 乃 位 止 云物 波 天 乃 授不給 奴 人 尔 授 天方 保 己止毛不得 亦変 天 身 毛 滅 奴流 物 曾 。
20. 朕 我 立 天 在人 止 云 止毛 汝 我 心 尔 不能 止 知 目 尔 見 天牟 人 乎波 改 天 立 牟 事 方 心 乃 麻而 麻世与 止 命 伎 。
21. 復 勅 之久 朕 我 東人 尔 授刀 天 侍 之牟留 事 波 汝 乃 近護 止之天 護 之米 与止 念 天奈毛 在。
22. 是東人 波 常 尔 云 久 額 尔 方 箭 波 立 止毛 背 波 箭 方 不立 止 云 天 君 乎 一心 乎 以 天 護物 曾 。
23. 此心知 天 汝都 可弊 止 勅 比之 御命 乎 不忘。
24. 此状悟 天 諸東国 乃 人等謹 之末利 奉侍 礼 。
25. 然挂 毛 畏 岐 二所 乃 天皇 我 御命 乎 朕 我 頂 尔 受賜 天 昼 毛 夜 毛 念持 天 在 止毛 由無 之弖 人 尔 云聞 之牟留 事 不得 猶 。
26. 此 尔 依 天 諸 乃 人 尔 令聞 止奈毛 召 都留 。
27. 故是以今朕 我 汝等 乎 教給 牟 御命 乎 衆諸聞食 止 宣。
28. 夫君 乃 位 波 願求 乎 以 天 得事 方 甚難 止 云言 乎波 皆知 天 在 止毛 先 乃 人 波 謀乎遅奈 之 我 方 能 久 都与 久 謀 天 必得 天牟止 念 天 種種 尔 願禱 止毛 猶諸聖天神 地祇御霊 乃 不免給 不授給物 尔 在 波 自然 尔 人 毛 申顕己 我 口 乎 以 天毛 云 都々 変 天 身 乎 滅災 乎 蒙 天 終 尔 罪 乎 己 毛 他 毛 同 久 致 都 。
29. 因茲 天 天地 乎 恨君臣 乎毛 怨 奴 。
30. 猶心 乎 改 天 直 久 浄 久 在 波 天地 毛 憎多麻波 受 君 毛 捨不給 之天 福 乎 蒙身 毛 安 家牟 。
31. 生 天方 官位 乎 賜 利 昌死 弖波 善名 乎 遠世 尔 流伝 天牟 。
32. 是故先 乃 賢人云 天 在 久体方 灰 止 共 尔 地 仁 埋 利奴礼止名波 烟 止 共 尔 天 尔 昇 止 云 利 。
33. 又云 久 過 乎 知 天方 必改 与 能 乎 得 天方 莫忘 止 伊布 。
34. 然物 乎 口 尔 我 方 浄 之止 云 天 心 仁 穢 乎波 天 乃 不覆地 乃 不載 奴 所 止 成 奴 。
35. 此 乎 持 伊波 称 乎 致 之捨伊波 謗 乎 招 都 。
36. 猶朕 我 尊 備 拝 美 読誦 之 奉 留 最勝王経 乃 王法正論品 尔 命 久 若造善悪業 令 於現在中諸天共護持 示其善悪報。
37. 国人造悪業王者不禁制 此非順正理 。
38. 治擯当如法 止 命 天 在。
39. 是 乎 以 天 汝等 乎 教導 久 。
40. 今世 尔方 世間 乃 栄福 乎 蒙 利 忠浄名 乎 顕 之 後世 尔方 人天 乃 勝楽 乎 受 天 終 尔 仏 止 成止 所念 天奈毛 諸 尔 是事 乎 教給 布止 詔 布 御命 乎衆諸聞食 止 宣。
41. 復詔 久 此賜 布 帯 乎 多麻波 利 弖汝等乃 心 乎 等等 能倍 直 之 朕 我 教事 尔 不違 之天 束 祢 治 牟 表 止奈毛 此帯 乎 賜 久止 詔 布 御命 乎衆諸聞食 止 宣。
1. « { { { [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) rama (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { { { [ { [ { kake (verb stem ) -maku (auxiliary conjectural nominal ) } mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] kasikwo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } { [ nipi (noun ) kwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -miya (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) ] wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } naka (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) sumyera (noun ) mikoto (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) ] [ omi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] myesite (verb gerund L031751a see [respect]) } [ noti (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -siku (L000009 respect nominal auxiliary [respect]) } } . »
2. « { [ { [ imasi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] myesi (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -turu (L000023 perf adnominal auxiliary [perfective]) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ { [ mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -matura (verb stem L031644a wait) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } sama (noun ) ] wosipe (verb stem L031944a teach) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -noritamapa (verb stem L032093a proclaim) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (noun ) so (L000527 [focus particle]) } myesi (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -turu (auxiliary perf adnominal ) } } . »
3. « { { [ odapi (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] paberite (verb gerund L031443a be [hum]) } [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (verb stem L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (verb imperative L031077a give) } . »
4. « { { [ { tadasi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ akiraka (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) kwo (noun ) sumyera (noun ) mikoto (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -maturi (L031649a infinitive verb serve) } mamori (verb stem L031667a guard) -tasuke (verb stem L031017a help) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } . »
5. « { [ tugite (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tasuke (verb stem L031017a help) -tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } } . »
6. « { { { { { { [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] wosipe (verb stem L031944a teach) -tamapu (L031077a adnconc verb give) } mikoto (L050752 noun honorable words) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] sitagapa (verb stem L030862a follow) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -kimi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ { [ ono (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] u (verb conclusive L030228a obtain) masizi (L000802 extension [negative necessitive]) -ki (L000033 adnominal adjcop ) } [ mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { taputwo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } mi (prefix ) -kurawi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] nozomi (verb stem L031378a view) -motome (verb infinitive L031761a hold) } [ pito (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] izanapi (verb infinitive L030153a invite) } { [ { asi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { kitana (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } [ { [ sakasima (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) } pakari (noun ) koto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tate (verb infinitive ) } [ omi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ ono (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) piki (noun ) biki (noun ) ] [ kore (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tuki (verb infinitive ) } [ kare (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yoritutu (verb continuative ) } [ { [ katakuna (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { [ wiya (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] omopite (verb gerund L030399a think) } [ yokosima (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) pakari (noun ) koto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kamapu (verb conclusive L030520a plan) } . »
7. « { [ { [ kaku (noun ) ] ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } pito (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] [ { [ ware (noun ) ] [ kanarazu (noun ) ] { { { ama (verb stem L030099a weave) -gakeri (verb stem ) -tamapite (verb gerund L031077a give) } mi (verb stem L031712a see) -sonapasi (verb stem L030971a [unknown]) -sirizoke (verb stem ) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } sute (verb stem L030944a discard) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } kirapi (verb stem L030603a shun) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } mono (noun ) so (noun ) ] } . »
8. « { [ ame (noun ) tuti (noun ) (L050719 heaven and earth) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sakipapi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] kagapurazi (verb negConjectural L030423a cover head) } . »
9. « { [ { { [ kaku (noun ) no (noun ) sama (noun ) ] sirite (verb gerund ) } { [ { [ akiraka (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -matura (verb stem L031644a wait) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } pito (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] [ { { { utukusibwi (verb stem L030269a get empty) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } aparemi (verb stem L030069a love) -tamapite (verb gerund L031077a give) } wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } mono (noun ) so (noun ) ] } . »
10. « { [ mata (noun ) ] { { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sakipapi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] kagapuri (verb infinitive L030422a dance and sing) } { { [ { naga (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } yo (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } [ kadwo (noun ) ] taye (verb stem L031090a be cut off) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -maturi (L031649a stem verb serve) -sakaye (verb stem L030768a prosper) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »
11. « { { [ { { { { { { [ koko (noun ) ] sirite (verb gerund ) } { tutusimari (verb infinitive L031670a excrete) } { [ { kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to ( ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } myesi (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -turu (L000023 perf adnominal auxiliary [perfective]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } opose (verb stem L030379a make bear) -tamapu (L031077a adnconc verb give) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (verb stem L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (verb imperative L031077a give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } . »
12. « { { [ mata (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { [ { [ { kake (verb stem ) -maku (auxiliary conjectural nominal ) } mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] kasikwo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ { [ ware (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -matura (verb stem L031644a wait) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } moro (noun ) moro (noun ) no (noun ) omi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) ] [ { { [ ware (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ kimi (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omopa (verb stem L030399a think) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } pito (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -kisaki (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] { yo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } } . »
13. « { { [ { [ ware (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] omopite (verb gerund L030399a think) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) } ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] goto (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ koto (noun ) ] ni ( ) } na (L000517 [prohibitive final particle]) omopi (verb infinitive L030399a think) } . »
14. « { [ tugite (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) kwo (noun ) pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] { [ akiraka (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ puta (L002002 numeral native two) -gokoro (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } } . »
15. « { [ ware (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ { { [ kwo (noun ) puta (L002002 numeral native two) -ri (L002016 counter counter for people) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] na (adjective ) -si (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) } } . »
16. « { [ tada (noun ) ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) pito (L002001 numeral native one) -ri (L002016 counter counter for people) nomwi (noun ) so (L000527 [focus particle]) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) kwo (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) } . »
17. « { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kokoro (noun ) ] sirite (verb gerund ) } [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] mamori (verb stem L031667a guard) -tasuke (verb stem L031017a help) -tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } . »
18. « { { sikaraba (verb conditional L030848a be so) } { { [ ware (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ { { [ mi (prefix ) -mwi (noun ) ] tukarasi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } opomasimasu (verb adnconc L030384a be [respect]) } ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yorite (verb gerund ) } [ pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) no (noun ) mi (prefix ) -kwo (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ ama (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) pi (noun ) tugi (noun ) taka (noun ) mi (noun ) kura (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) tugite (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] saduke (verb stem L030814a throw) -maturu (verb adnconc L031644a wait) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapite (verb gerund L031077a give) } { [ ware (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ utukusibwi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } wosameyo (verb imperative L031943a settle t) } } . »
19. « { [ mata (noun ) ] { [ kami (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ samu (noun ) bou (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -nori (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] sakaye (verb stem L030768a prosper) -sime (L000010 causative infinitive auxiliary [causative]) } [ { [ ipye (noun ) ] de (verb infinitive L030172a go out) se (verb stem L030919a do) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } pito (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -maturi (verb infinitive L031644a wait) } } { [ tugi (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) no (noun ) ama (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kamwi (noun ) kuni (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kamwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) maturi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tata (verb stem ) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } } { [ simo (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mi (noun ) takara (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] aparemi (verb stem L030069a love) -tamapye (verb imperative L031077a give) } } } . »
20. « { { [ mata (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } [ { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kurawi (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) } mono (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { { [ { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] saduke (verb stem L030814a throw) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -nu (auxiliary neg L000006 adnominal ) } pito (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] sadukete (verb gerund L030814a throw) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) } { [ { tamotu (verb adnconc L031088a hold onto) } koto (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] e (verb stem L030228a obtain) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } { [ mata (noun ) ] kapyerite (verb gerund L030518a return) } [ mwi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] porobwi (verb stem L031601a go to ruin) -nuru (L000018 perf adnominal auxiliary [perfective]) } mono (noun ) so (noun ) ] } . »
21. « { { { [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] tatete (verb gerund L031044a erect) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) } pito (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) tomo (L000531a [concessive conjunctional particle]) } [ { [ mimasi (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] [ { { { [ kokoro (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yo (adjective ) -kara (L000032stem ) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } siri (verb infinitive ) } [ me (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] mi (verb stem L031712a see) -te (L000023 perf stem auxiliary [perfective]) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } pito (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] { aratamete (verb gerund L030118a improve t) } tate (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ kokoro (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mani (noun ) ma (noun ) ] seyo (verb imperative L030919a do) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -ki (auxiliary simplePast conclusive ) } . »
22. « { { [ mata (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { [ aduma (noun ) bito (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ tati (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] sadukete (verb gerund L030814a throw) } pabera (verb stem L031443a be [hum]) -simuru (L000010 causative adnominal auxiliary [causative]) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { { [ [ mimasi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { tika (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } mamori (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } mamora (verb stem L031667a guard) -simeyo (verb imperative ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omopite (verb gerund L030399a think) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) } } . »
23. « { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) aduma (noun ) bito (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ { { [ tune (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] ipaku (verb nominal L030199a say) } { { { { [ pitapi (noun ) ni (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ ya (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] tatu (verb adnconc ) tomo (L000531a [concessive conjunctional particle]) } [ se (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ ya (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] tatazi (verb negConjectural stand ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipite (verb gerund L030199a say) } [ kimi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] { [ pito (L002001 numeral native one) -tu (L002015 counter counter for things) kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } mamoru (verb adnconc L031667a guard) } } mono (noun ) so (noun ) ] } } . »
24. « { [ { { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kokoro (noun ) ] sirite (verb gerund ) } [ mimasi (noun ) ] tukapye (verb imperative serve ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wasure (verb stem L031907a forget) -zu (auxiliary neg infconc L000006a [negative]) } . »
25. « { { [ kaku (noun ) no (noun ) sama (noun ) ] satorite (verb gerund ) } [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) no (noun ) aduma (noun ) kuni (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pito (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) ] tutusimari (verb stem L030901a bind) -tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mature (verb imperative L031644a wait) } . »
26. « { [ sikaru (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] { [ { [ [ { [ { kake (verb stem ) -maku (auxiliary conjectural nominal ) } mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] kasikwo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } puta (L002002 numeral native two) -tokoro (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { { [ itadaki (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] uke (verb stem ) -tamaparite (verb gerund L031076a receive [hum]) } [ piru (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) yworu (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] omoposi (verb stem L030402a think [respect]) -motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) aredomo (verb concessive exist ) } { [ yosi (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } [ pito (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] ipi (verb infinitive L030199a say) kika (verb stem L030565a hear) -simuru (L000010 causative adnominal auxiliary [causative]) } koto (noun ) ] e (verb stem L030228a obtain) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) napo ( ) ari (verb stem L030125a exist) -ki (auxiliary simplePast conclusive ) } } . »
27. « { { [ kore (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yorite (verb gerund ) } { { [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) pito (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] kika (verb stem L030565a hear) -sime (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (noun ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } myesi (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -turu (auxiliary perf adnominal ) } } . »
28. « { [ kare (adverb L004166 [conjunction]) ] { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } { { [ { [ ima (noun ) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] [ imasi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wosipe (verb stem L031944a teach) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (verb stem L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (verb imperative L031077a give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »
29. « { [ sore (noun ) ] { [ { { [ kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kurawi (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { { [ { negapi (verb stem L031356a pray) -motomuru (verb adnominal L031767a seek) } wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } uru (verb adnominal ) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ ito (noun ) ] kata (adjective ) -si (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) } koto (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] [ mwina (noun ) ] sirite (verb gerund ) aredomo (verb concessive exist ) } { [ { { { { { [ saki (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pito (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ pakari (noun ) goto (noun ) ] wodina (adjective L007212b ) -si (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) } { [ ware (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { yo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { tuyo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } pakarite (verb gerund L031397a measure) } [ kanarazu (noun ) ] e (verb stem L030228a obtain) -te (L000023 perf stem auxiliary [perfective]) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omopite (verb gerund L030399a think) } [ kusa (noun ) gusa (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] negapi (verb stem L031356a pray) -inoredomo (verb concessive L030188a pray) } [ napo (noun ) ] [ syosyau (noun ) ama (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kamwi (noun ) kuni (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kamwi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mi (prefix ) -tama (noun ) (L050754 honorable spirit) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] yurusi (verb stem L031857a slacken) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } saduke (verb stem L030814a throw) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -nu (auxiliary neg L000006 adnominal ) } mono (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) areba (verb provisional exist ) } { { { { [ ono (noun ) dukara (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ pito (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] mawosi (verb stem L031678a speak [hum]) -arapasi (verb infinitive L030120a make clear) } { { [ ono (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) kuti (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) } { ipitutu (verb continuative L030199a say) } } { kapyerite (verb gerund L030518a return) } [ mwi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] porobosi (verb infinitive L031602a ruin) } [ wazapapi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kagapurite (verb gerund L030423a cover head) } [ tupi (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ tumi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ onore (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) pito (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { onazi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } itasi (verb stem L030163a make move) -tu (auxiliary perf conclusive L000023 [perfective]) } } . »
30. « { { [ kore (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] yorite (verb gerund ) } { { [ ame (noun ) tuti (noun ) (L050719 heaven and earth) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] urami (verb infinitive ) } [ kimi (noun ) omi (noun ) wo (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] urami (verb stem ) -nu (auxiliary perf conclusive ) } } . »
31. « { [ napo (noun ) ] { { { [ kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] aratamete (verb gerund L030118a improve t) } { napo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } araba (verb conditional L030125a exist) } { { [ ame (noun ) tuti (noun ) (L050719 heaven and earth) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] nikumi (verb stem L031325a hate) -tamapa (verb stem ) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } { [ kimi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] sute (verb stem L030944a discard) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } [ sakipapi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kagapuri (verb infinitive L030423a cover head) } [ mwi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] yasu (verb stem L031799a get thin) -kye (stem ) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »
32. « { { ikite (verb gerund L030146a live) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) } { [ tukasa (noun ) kurawi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tamapari (verb infinitive L031076a receive [hum]) } [ { sakaye (verb stem L030768a prosper) -sinite (verb gerund L030883a die) } pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { yo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } na (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] { [ { topo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } yo (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] nagasi (verb stem L031263a make flow) -tutape (verb stem L031147a communicate) -te (L000023 perf stem auxiliary [perfective]) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »
33. « { { { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) yuwe (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ saki (noun ) no (L031965adnominal copula) { sakasi (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } pito (noun ) ] ipite (verb gerund L030199a say) araku (verb nominal L030125a exist) } { [ mwi (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ papi (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] } [ tomo (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ tuti (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] udumori (verb stem L030274a bury) -nuredo (L000018 perf concessive auxiliary [perfective]) } [ na (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ keburi (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] } [ tomi (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ ame (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] noboru (verb adnconc L031385a climb) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ip (verb stem L030199a say) -yeri (L000024 stative conclusive auxiliary [stative]) } { [ mata (noun ) ] ipaku (verb nominal L030199a say) } [ { [ ayamati (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] sirite (verb gerund ) } pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ kanarazu (noun ) ] aratameyo (verb imperative L030118a improve t) } [ { [ { yo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] ete (verb gerund L030228a obtain) } pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { wasuru (verb adnconc L031906a forget) na ( ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) } } . »
34. « { { sikaru (verb adnominal L030848a be so) monowo (L000516 [conjunctional particle]) } { { [ { [ { { [ kuti (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] { [ ware (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { kiywo (adjective ) -si (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } } ipite (verb gerund L030199a say) } [ kokoro (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] kitana (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] opopa (verb stem L030381a hide) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } [ tuti (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] nose (verb stem L031375a load) nu } mono (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nari (verb stem ) -nu (auxiliary perf conclusive ) } } . »
35. « { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] { [ { tamotu (verb adnconc L031088a hold onto) } i (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ tatape (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] itasi (verb infinitive L030163a make move) } } { [ { suturu (verb adnconc L030944a discard) } i (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { [ sosiri (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] maneki (verb stem L031660a invite) -tu (auxiliary perf conclusive L000023 [perfective]) } } } . »
36. « { [ napo (noun ) ] { [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { taputwobwi (verb stem L031069a withstand) -worogami (verb infinitive L031712a see) } [ dokuzyu (noun ) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) ] maturu (verb adnconc L031644a wait) } saisyou (noun ) waugyau (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) wau (noun ) bopu (noun ) syau (noun ) ron (noun ) bon (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { { [ { [ mosi (noun ) ] [ zen (noun ) aku (noun ) no (noun ) gepu (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tukuru (verb adnconc L031144a make) } toki (noun ) ] ni ( ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) } { yo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } [ genzai (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) naka (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ syoten (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) tomo (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] { [ godi (noun ) ] site (verb gerund L030919a do) } [ so (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) zen (noun ) aku (noun ) no (noun ) pou (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] simyesu (verb adnconc L030906a show) } } . »
37. « { [ { [ { [ koku (noun ) zin (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] [ aku (noun ) gepu (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tukuru (verb adnconc L031144a make) } wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ wau (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { sutete (verb gerund L030944a discard) } [ kinsei (noun ) ] se (verb stem L030919a do) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } i (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ kore (noun ) ] [ syauri (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ jun (noun ) ] se (verb stem L030919a do) -zu (auxiliary neg infconc L000006a [negative]) } . »
38. « { { [ { [ dipin (noun ) ] se (verb stem L030919a do) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } koto (noun ) ] { [ masa (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ nori (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] goto (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } seyo (verb imperative L030919a do) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapite (verb gerund L031077a give) ari (verb infconc L030125a exist) } . »
39. « { { [ koko (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } { [ imasi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wosipe (verb stem L031944a teach) -mitibiku (verb adnconc L031712a see) } } . »
40. « { { [ { { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) yo (noun ) ni (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { [ se (noun ) ken (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) yau (noun ) puku (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] kagapuri (verb infinitive L030422a dance and sing) } [ { tadasi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } na (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] arapasi (verb infinitive L030120a make clear) } [ noti (noun ) no (noun ) yo (noun ) ni (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { { [ nin (noun ) den (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) syau (noun ) raku (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] ukete (verb gerund ) } [ tupi (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ potoke (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nare (verb imperative ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omoposite (verb gerund L030402a think [respect]) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) koto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] wosipe (verb stem L031944a teach) -tamapu (L031077a adnconc verb give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (verb stem L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (verb imperative L031077a give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } . »
41. « { { [ mata (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { { [ { { [ { { [ { { { [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) { tamapu (verb adnconc ) } obi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tamaparite (verb gerund L031076a receive [hum]) } [ imasi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { [ kokoro (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] totonope (verb stem L031211a arrange) -napo (verb stem L031296a wither) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } [ { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] wosipe (verb infinitive L031944a teach) } koto (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tagapa (verb stem L030994a differ) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } tukane (verb optative L031342a sleep) wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } sirusi (noun ) ] to (noun ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } [ ko (L042029 noun proximal this) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) obi (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ moro (noun ) moro (noun ) ] kiki (verb stem L030565a hear) -tamapeyo (verb imperative L031077a give) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that I have been entrusted to proclaim as the
words of the Emperor: “The middle Emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm
from the Niiki palace summoned the statesmen and, in a posthumous edict, proclaimed:
‘I gather you to teach you how to serve the court. Serve quietly and all of you listen.
Serve my child, the Empress, protect and assist her with a proper, clear and pure
heart. Next, assist and serve the heavenly imperial heir. Lords, forgetting that which
I have taught them, desire and long for the precious imperial throne that they can
never obtain and enticing people they create a rebellious plot with an evil and dirty
heart and statesmen follow and depend on this as the please and devise improper plots
thinking stupid and disrespectful thoughts. I will surely, in my all-seeing spirit
form, see and lower, get rid of and cast aside such people! They will surely not receive
the fortunes of heaven and earth. I shall bless and take pity on those who understand
this and serve with a clear and pure heart. Further, they shall receive the blessings
of heaven and they shall serve and blossom for a long time, their household continuing.
Know this and serve with a clear heart, being cautious.’”I proclaim, all of you hear
the edict that also says: “My heavenly Emperor, too awesome to mention, proclaimed
in an imperial edict: ‘All the statesmen who serve me, all those who think of me as
Lord, serve the Empress well. Think of her as you do me, not differently. Next, serve
my child, the imperial heir, clearly and purely, not divided. I do not have two children.
My only child is the imperial heir. All of you, know that I feel so and protect, assist
and serve him. If it is so, I bestow the line of the heavenly throne to the imperial
heir.’ He said this and proclaimed to me: ‘Govern the realm with blessings. Also,
as for the heavens, make the teachings of the Buddha flourish, reward those who have
become priests and next do not cease the festivals of the gods of the heavens and
earth, and as for the earth, take pity on the people of the realm.’ He also proclaimed:
‘If the role of Emperor is bestowed on one not chosen by heaven, it cannot last long
and they will become ruined. Do as you will, establishing a different person to the
one I have chosen if you know their heart is not good and you can see that in their
eyes.’ He also proclaimed: ‘The reason why I gave the Eastern people a sword and made
it their servant is to make it protect you as your close bodyguard. The Eastern people
always say, “The arrow stands in the forehead but not in the back,” so the sword protects
you unified. Know this and serve.’ I do not forget this edict. All of you people of
the eastern provinces, understand this, be prepared and serve! Thus, I humbly received
the imperial edict of the two emperors, too awesome to mention, and though I thought
about them day and night I could not tell people about it as I had no reason—I left
it so. So I have summoned you all to tell everyone of this! Therefore, hear the edict
that I proclaim to you now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Although
everyone knows it is very difficult to become Lord desiring and longing for it, previous
people, their scheme poor, thought that with their good and strong plan they would
definitely become Lord. Since things the various deities and the gods of heaven and
earth did not listen and bestow the role of Lord despite them desiring and praying
for many things, naturally other people also say such things with their own mouths
but, rather, this ruins the self and brings about calamities and in the end not only
the person but also others commit crimes equally. So, he hates the heaven and earth
and even the lords and statesmen. But, if he changes his heart and it is correct and
clear, the heaven and earth do not detest him, his Lord does not banish him and he
will receive fortune and his body will be peaceful. In life we receive posts and ranks
and make them flourish, in death we pass on our good name to long-running generations.
For this reason, the wise person from before said: ‘Though the body returns to the
earth with ash, the name rises to the heaven like smoke.’ He also said: ‘Knowing your
mistakes, correct them and being good, do not forget it.’ However, if your mouth says
you are pure but your heart is dirty you will no longer be blessed by heaven and you
shall not stand on the earth. Keeping this you bring praise, discarding this you invite
insult. But still, in the Ōbōshōronbon of the Golden Light Sutra, which I revere,
worship and recite, it is said: ‘When judging good and evil, the various deities will
also support you well in the present and show you good and evil. It is not the moral
way if the king does not banish and ban a person of the realm who has performed an
evil act. Do exactly as written in law punishing appropriately.’ So, I teach and you
lead you all. I teach all of you this so that in this world you may bring fruit and
fortune to the people and make a correct and pure name and in the next world receive
the Bliss of human heaven and eventually become a Buddha.”I proclaim, all of you hear
the edict that also says: “I receive this belt that has been bestowed and I organize
and correct all of your hearts and I bestow this belt as a sign that you shall not
cross my teachings and you shall be unified.”