Senmyō 45. Jingo Keiun 3 10th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 天皇我御命良麻止詔 久挂麻久毛畏岐新城乃大宮尔天下治給 之中 都 天皇 能 臣等 乎 召 天 後 乃 御命 仁 勅 之久 汝等 乎 召 都留 事 方 朝庭 尔 奉侍 良牟 状教詔 牟止曾 召 都留 。
2. 於太比 尔 侍 弖 諸聞食。
3. 貞 久 明 尔 浄 伎 心 乎 以 天 朕子天皇 仁 奉侍 利 護助 麻都礼 。
4. 継 天方 是太子 乎 助奉侍 礼 。
5. 朕 我 教給 布 御命 尔 不順 之天 王等 波 己 我 得 麻之字岐 帝 乃 尊 岐 宝位 乎 望求 米 人 乎 伊射奈 比 悪 久 穢心 乎 以 天 逆 尔 在謀 乎 起 臣等 方 己 我 比伎婢企是 尔 託彼 尔 依 都都 頑 尔 無礼 伎 心 乎 念 弖 横 乃 謀 乎 構。
6. 如是在 牟 人等 乎波 朕必天翔給 天 見行 之 退給 比 捨給 比 岐良 比 給 牟 物 曾 。
7. 天地 乃 福 毛 不蒙 自 。
8. 是状知 天 明 仁 浄 伎 心 乎 以 天 奉侍 牟 人 乎波 慈給 比 愍給 天 治給 牟 物 曾 。
9. 復天 乃 福 毛 蒙 利 永世 尔 門不絶奉侍 利 昌 牟 。
10. 許己知 天 謹 麻利 浄心 乎 以 天 奉侍 止 将命 止奈毛 召 都流止 勅 比 於保世給 布 御命 乎 衆諸聞食 止 宣。
11. 復詔 久 挂 毛 畏 伎 朕 我 天 乃 御門帝皇 我 御命以 天 勅 之久 朕 尔 奉侍 牟 諸臣等朕 乎 君 止 念 牟 人 方 太皇后 仁 能奉侍 礼 。
12. 朕 乎 念 天 在 我 如 久 異 奈 念。
13. 継 天方 朕子太子 尔 明 仁 浄 久 二心無 之天 奉侍 礼 。
14. 朕 方 子二 利止 云言 波 無。
15. 唯此太子一人 乃味曾 朕 我 子 波 在。
16. 此心知 天 諸護助奉侍 礼 。
17. 然朕 波 御身都可 良之 久 於保麻之麻 湏 尔 依 天 太子 尔 天 都 日嗣高御座 乃 継 天方 授 麻都流 止 命 天 朕 尔 勅 之久 天下 乃 政事 波 慈 乎 以 天 治 与 。
18. 復上 波 三宝 乃 御法 乎 隆 之米 出家道人 乎 治 麻都 利 次 波諸天神 地祇 乃 祭祀 乎不絶 下 波 天下 乃 諸人民 乎 愍給 弊 。
19. 復勅 之久 此帝 乃 位 止 云物 波 天 乃 授不給 奴 人 尔 授 天方 保 己止毛不得 亦変 天 身 毛 滅 奴流 物 曾 。
20. 朕 我 立 天 在人 止 云 止毛 汝 我 心 尔 不能 止 知 目 尔 見 天牟 人 乎波 改 天 立 牟 事 方 心 乃 麻而 麻世与 止 命 伎 。
21. 復 勅 之久 朕 我 東人 尔 授刀 天 侍 之牟留 事 波 汝 乃 近護 止之天 護 之米 与止 念 天奈毛 在。
22. 是東人 波 常 尔 云 久 額 尔 方 箭 波 立 止毛 背 波 箭 方 不立 止 云 天 君 乎 一心 乎 以 天 護物 曾 。
23. 此心知 天 汝都 可弊 止 勅 比之 御命 乎 不忘。
24. 此状悟 天 諸東国 乃 人等謹 之末利 奉侍 礼 。
25. 然挂 毛 畏 岐 二所 乃 天皇 我 御命 乎 朕 我 頂 尔 受賜 天 昼 毛 夜 毛 念持 天 在 止毛 由無 之弖 人 尔 云聞 之牟留 事 不得 猶 。
26. 此 尔 依 天 諸 乃 人 尔 令聞 止奈毛 召 都留 。
27. 故是以今朕 我 汝等 乎 教給 牟 御命 乎 衆諸聞食 止 宣。
28. 夫君 乃 位 波 願求 乎 以 天 得事 方 甚難 止 云言 乎波 皆知 天 在 止毛 先 乃 人 波 謀乎遅奈 之 我 方 能 久 都与 久 謀 天 必得 天牟止 念 天 種種 尔 願禱 止毛 猶諸聖天神 地祇御霊 乃 不免給 不授給物 尔 在 波 自然 尔 人 毛 申顕己 我 口 乎 以 天毛 云 都々 変 天 身 乎 滅災 乎 蒙 天 終 尔 罪 乎 己 毛 他 毛 同 久 致 都 。
29. 因茲 天 天地 乎 恨君臣 乎毛 怨 奴 。
30. 猶心 乎 改 天 直 久 浄 久 在 波 天地 毛 憎多麻波 受 君 毛 捨不給 之天 福 乎 蒙身 毛 安 家牟 。
31. 生 天方 官位 乎 賜 利 昌死 弖波 善名 乎 遠世 尔 流伝 天牟 。
32. 是故先 乃 賢人云 天 在 久体方 灰 止 共 尔 地 仁 埋 利奴礼止名波 烟 止 共 尔 天 尔 昇 止 云 利 。
33. 又云 久 過 乎 知 天方 必改 与 能 乎 得 天方 莫忘 止 伊布 。
34. 然物 乎 口 尔 我 方 浄 之止 云 天 心 仁 穢 乎波 天 乃 不覆地 乃 不載 奴 所 止 成 奴 。
35. 此 乎 持 伊波 称 乎 致 之捨伊波 謗 乎 招 都 。
36. 猶朕 我 尊 備 拝 美 読誦 之 奉 留 最勝王経 乃 王法正論品 尔 命 久 若造善悪業 令 於現在中諸天共護持 示其善悪報。
37. 国人造悪業王者不禁制 此非順正理 。
38. 治擯当如法 止 命 天 在。
39. 是 乎 以 天 汝等 乎 教導 久 。
40. 今世 尔方 世間 乃 栄福 乎 蒙 利 忠浄名 乎 顕 之 後世 尔方 人天 乃 勝楽 乎 受 天 終 尔 仏 止 成止 所念 天奈毛 諸 尔 是事 乎 教給 布止 詔 布 御命 乎衆諸聞食 止 宣。
41. 復詔 久 此賜 布 帯 乎 多麻波 利 弖汝等乃 心 乎 等等 能倍 直 之 朕 我 教事 尔 不違 之天 束 祢 治 牟 表 止奈毛 此帯 乎 賜 久止 詔 布 御命 乎衆諸聞食 止 宣。
1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki nipikwi no opo-miya ni ame no sita wosame-tamapi-si naka tu sumyeramikoto no omi-tati wo myesite noti no opo-mikoto ni nori-tamapi-siku .
2. imasi-tati wo myesi-turu koto pa mikadwo ni tukape-matura-mu sama wosipe-tamapi-noritamapa-mu to so myesi-turu .
3. odapi ni paberite moromoro kiki-tamapeyo .
4. tadasi-ku akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite wa ga kwo sumyeramikoto ni tukape-maturi mamori-tasuke-mature .
5. tugite pa ko no pitugi no mi-kwo wo tasuke-tukape-mature .
6. wa ga wosipe-tamapu mikoto ni sitagapa-zu site opo-kimi-tati pa ono ga u masizi-ki mikadwo no taputwo-ki mi-kurawi wo nozomi-motome pito wo izanapi asi-ku kitana-ki kokoro wo motite sakasima ni aru pakarikoto wo tate omi-tati pa ono ga pikibiki kore ni tuki kare ni yoritutu katakuna ni wiya na-ki kokoro wo omopite yokosima no pakarikoto wo kamapu .
7. kaku ara-mu pito-domo woba ware kanarazu ama-gakeri-tamapite mi-sonapasi-sirizoke-tamapi sute-tamapi kirapi-tamapa-mu mono so .
8. ametuti no sakipapi mo kagapurazi .
9. kaku no sama sirite akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-matura-mu pito woba utukusibwi-tamapi aparemi-tamapite wosame-tamapa-mu mono so .
10. mata ame no sakipapi mo kagapuri naga-ki yo ni kadwo taye-zu tukape-maturi-sakaye-mu .
11. koko sirite tutusimari kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to nori-tamapa-mu to namo myesi-turu to nori-tamapi opose-tamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
12. mata nori-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga ame no mikadwo sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite nori-tamapi-si-ku ware ni tukape-matura-mu moromoro no omi-tati ware wo kimi to omopa-mu pito pa opo-kisaki ni yo-ku tukape-mature .
13. ware wo omopite aru ga goto-ku koto ni na omopi .
14. tugite pa wa ga kwo pitugi no mi-kwo ni akiraka ni kiywo-ku puta-gokoro na-ku site tukape-mature .
15. ware pa kwo puta-ri to ipu koto pa na-si .
16. tada ko no pitugi no mi-kwo pito-ri nomwi so wa ga kwo pa aru .
17. ko no kokoro sirite moromoro mamori-tasuke-tukape-mature .
18. sikaraba ware pa mi-mwi tukarasi-ku opomasimasu ni yorite pitugi no mi-kwo ni ama tu pitugi takamikura no tugite pa saduke-maturu to nori-tamapite ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku ame no sita no maturigoto pa utukusibwi wo motite wosameyo .
19. mata kami pa samubou no mi-nori wo sakaye-sime ipye de se-si pito wo wosame-maturi tugi pa moromoro no ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no maturi wo tata-zu simo pa ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo aparemi-tamapye .
20. mata nori-tamapa-si-ku ko no mikadwo no kurawi to ipu mono pa ame no saduke-tamapa-nu pito ni sadukete pa tamotu koto mo e-zu mata kapyerite mwi mo porobwi-nuru mono so .
21. wa ga tatete aru pito to ipu tomo mimasi ga kokoro ni yo-kara-zu to siri me ni mi-te-mu pito woba aratamete tate-mu koto pa kokoro no manima seyo to nori-tamapi-ki .
22. mata nori-tamapi-si-ku wa ga adumabito ni tati wo sadukete pabera-simuru koto pa mimasi no tika-ki mamori to site mamora-simeyo to omopite namo aru .
23. ko no adumabito pa tune ni ipaku pitapi ni pa ya pa tatu tomo se pa ya pa tatazi to ipite kimi wo pito-tu kokoro wo motite mamoru mono so .
24. ko no kokoro sirite mimasi tukapye to nori-tamapi-si opo-mikoto wo wasure-zu .
25. kaku no sama satorite moromoro no adumakuni no pito-domo tutusimari-tukape-mature .
26. sikaru ni kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki puta-tokoro no sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo wa ga itadaki ni uke-tamaparite piru mo yworu mo omoposi-motite aredomo yosi na-ku site pito ni ipi kika-simuru koto e-zu napo ari-ki .
27. kore ni yorite moromoro no pito ni kika-sime-mu to namo myesi-turu .
28. kare koko wo motite ima wa ga imasi-tati wo wosipe-tamapa-mu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
29. sore kimi no kurawi pa negapi-motomuru wo motite uru koto pa ito kata-si to ipu koto woba mwina sirite aredomo saki no pito pa pakarigoto wodina-si ware pa yo-ku tuyo-ku pakarite kanarazu e-te-mu to omopite kusagusa ni negapi-inoredomo napo syosyau ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no mi-tama no yurusi-tamapa-zu saduke-tamapa-nu mono ni areba onodukara ni pito mo mawosi-arapasi ono ga kuti wo motite mo ipitutu kapyerite mwi wo porobosi wazapapi wo kagapurite tupi ni tumi wo onore mo pito mo onazi-ku itasi-tu .
30. kore ni yorite ametuti wo urami kimi omi wo mo urami-nu .
31. napo kokoro wo aratamete napo-ku kiywo-ku araba ametuti mo nikumi-tamapa-zu kimi mo sute-tamapa-zu site sakipapi wo kagapuri mwi mo yasukye-mu .
32. ikite pa tukasakurawi wo tamapari sakaye-sinite pa yo-ki na wo topo-ki yo ni nagasi-tutape-te-mu .
33. ko no yuwe ni saki no sakasi-ki pito ipite araku mwi pa papi to tomo ni tuti ni udumori-nuredo na pa keburi to tomi ni ame ni noboru to ip-yeri mata ipaku ayamati wo sirite pa kanarazu aratameyo yo-ki wo ete pa wasuru na to ipu .
34. sikaru monowo kuti ni ware pa kiywo-si to ipite kokoro ni kitana-ki woba ame no opopa-zu tuti no nosenu mono to nari-nu .
35. ko wo tamotu i pa tatape wo itasi suturu i pa sosiri wo maneki-tu .
36. napo wa ga taputwobwi-worogami dokuzyu si maturu saisyouwaugyau no waubopusyauronbon ni nori-tamapaku mosi zenaku no gepu wo tukuru toki ni pa yo-ku genzai no naka ni syoten mo tomo ni godi site so no zenaku no pou wo simyesu .
37. kokuzin no akugepu wo tukuru wo wau no sutete kinsei se-zu ara-mu i pa kore syauri ni jun se-zu .
38. dipin se-mu koto masa ni nori no goto-ku seyo to nori-tamapite ari .
39. koko wo motite imasi-tati wo wosipe-mitibiku .
40. ko no yo ni pa seken no yaupuku wo kagapuri tadasi-ku kiywo-ki na wo arapasi noti no yo ni pa ninden no syauraku wo ukete tupi ni potoke to nare to omoposite namo moromoro ni ko no koto wo wosipe-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
41. mata nori-tamapaku ko no tamapu obi wo tamaparite imasi-tati no kokoro wo totonope-napo-si wa ga wosipe koto ni tagapa-zu site tukane wosame-mu sirusi to namo ko no obi wo tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that I have been entrusted to proclaim as the
words of the Emperor: “The middle Emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm
from the Niiki palace summoned the statesmen and, in a posthumous edict, proclaimed:
‘I gather you to teach you how to serve the court. Serve quietly and all of you listen.
Serve my child, the Empress, protect and assist her with a proper, clear and pure
heart. Next, assist and serve the heavenly imperial heir. Lords, forgetting that which
I have taught them, desire and long for the precious imperial throne that they can
never obtain and enticing people they create a rebellious plot with an evil and dirty
heart and statesmen follow and depend on this as the please and devise improper plots
thinking stupid and disrespectful thoughts. I will surely, in my all-seeing spirit
form, see and lower, get rid of and cast aside such people! They will surely not receive
the fortunes of heaven and earth. I shall bless and take pity on those who understand
this and serve with a clear and pure heart. Further, they shall receive the blessings
of heaven and they shall serve and blossom for a long time, their household continuing.
Know this and serve with a clear heart, being cautious.’”I proclaim, all of you hear
the edict that also says: “My heavenly Emperor, too awesome to mention, proclaimed
in an imperial edict: ‘All the statesmen who serve me, all those who think of me as
Lord, serve the Empress well. Think of her as you do me, not differently. Next, serve
my child, the imperial heir, clearly and purely, not divided. I do not have two children.
My only child is the imperial heir. All of you, know that I feel so and protect, assist
and serve him. If it is so, I bestow the line of the heavenly throne to the imperial
heir.’ He said this and proclaimed to me: ‘Govern the realm with blessings. Also,
as for the heavens, make the teachings of the Buddha flourish, reward those who have
become priests and next do not cease the festivals of the gods of the heavens and
earth, and as for the earth, take pity on the people of the realm.’ He also proclaimed:
‘If the role of Emperor is bestowed on one not chosen by heaven, it cannot last long
and they will become ruined. Do as you will, establishing a different person to the
one I have chosen if you know their heart is not good and you can see that in their
eyes.’ He also proclaimed: ‘The reason why I gave the Eastern people a sword and made
it their servant is to make it protect you as your close bodyguard. The Eastern people
always say, “The arrow stands in the forehead but not in the back,” so the sword protects
you unified. Know this and serve.’ I do not forget this edict. All of you people of
the eastern provinces, understand this, be prepared and serve! Thus, I humbly received
the imperial edict of the two emperors, too awesome to mention, and though I thought
about them day and night I could not tell people about it as I had no reason—I left
it so. So I have summoned you all to tell everyone of this! Therefore, hear the edict
that I proclaim to you now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Although
everyone knows it is very difficult to become Lord desiring and longing for it, previous
people, their scheme poor, thought that with their good and strong plan they would
definitely become Lord. Since things the various deities and the gods of heaven and
earth did not listen and bestow the role of Lord despite them desiring and praying
for many things, naturally other people also say such things with their own mouths
but, rather, this ruins the self and brings about calamities and in the end not only
the person but also others commit crimes equally. So, he hates the heaven and earth
and even the lords and statesmen. But, if he changes his heart and it is correct and
clear, the heaven and earth do not detest him, his Lord does not banish him and he
will receive fortune and his body will be peaceful. In life we receive posts and ranks
and make them flourish, in death we pass on our good name to long-running generations.
For this reason, the wise person from before said: ‘Though the body returns to the
earth with ash, the name rises to the heaven like smoke.’ He also said: ‘Knowing your
mistakes, correct them and being good, do not forget it.’ However, if your mouth says
you are pure but your heart is dirty you will no longer be blessed by heaven and you
shall not stand on the earth. Keeping this you bring praise, discarding this you invite
insult. But still, in the Ōbōshōronbon of the Golden Light Sutra, which I revere,
worship and recite, it is said: ‘When judging good and evil, the various deities will
also support you well in the present and show you good and evil. It is not the moral
way if the king does not banish and ban a person of the realm who has performed an
evil act. Do exactly as written in law punishing appropriately.’ So, I teach and you
lead you all. I teach all of you this so that in this world you may bring fruit and
fortune to the people and make a correct and pure name and in the next world receive
the Bliss of human heaven and eventually become a Buddha.”I proclaim, all of you hear
the edict that also says: “I receive this belt that has been bestowed and I organize
and correct all of your hearts and I bestow this belt as a sign that you shall not
cross my teachings and you shall be unified.”