Senmyō 51. Hōki 2 2nd Month (771), Emperor Kōnin text tree

1. 藤原左大臣詔大命宣。

2. 大命坐詔大臣明日者参出来仕牟止賜間休息安麻利弖参出末湏之帝天皇朝置而罷退聞看而於母富佐久於与豆礼加母多波許止乎加母云。

3. 信尔之有者仕奉太政官之政乎波誰任之加母伊麻湏孰授加母伊麻湏

4. 恨加母加母

5. 朕大臣誰尔加母我語比佐気牟尔加母我問比佐気牟止悔弥大御泣哭詔大命宣。

6. 悔加母加母

7. 自今日者大臣之奏之政者不聞看

8. 自明日者大臣之仕奉儀者不看行

9. 日月累往麻尔麻尔悲事乃未之弥可起加母

10. 歳時積往麻尔麻尔佐夫之岐事乃未之弥可益加母

11. 朕大臣春秋麗色乎波誰倶加母見行弄賜

12. 山川浄所者孰倶加母見行阿加良閉賜牟止歎賜憂賜大坐坐詔大命宣。

13. 美麻之大臣万政惣以無怠緩事無曲傾事王臣等乎母彼此別心普平奏公民之上乎母広厚慈而奏事。

14. 此耳不在天皇朝暫之間罷出而 休息安母布食国之政平善可在状 天下公民之息安麻流倍伎旦夕夜日不云 思議奏仕奉者欸意大比之美多能母志保之ツツ大坐坐間忽朕朝離而 罷止富良之奴礼婆牟須部母無為牟湏倍母不知尔和備賜大坐坐詔大命宣。

15. 又事別詔仕奉事広弥麻之大臣之家内子等乎母波布理不賜失不賜慈賜波牟起賜波牟温賜波牟省賜波牟

16. 美麻之大臣罷道宇之呂軽意太比尔念而平止富良湏倍之止詔大命宣。

1. « { { [ { [ pudi (noun ) para (noun ) no (noun ) pidari (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »

2. « { { { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) imase (verb infinitive L030207a cause to be) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } [ { { [ { { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) ] [ asu (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] mawi (verb stem L031603a go [hum]) -de (verb stem L030172a go out) -ki (verb stem ) -tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } matapi (verb stem L031644a wait) -tamapu (L031077a adnconc verb give) } apida (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { { { yasumarite (verb gerund L031799a get thin) } { [ { mawi (verb stem L031603a go [hum]) -de (verb stem L030172a go out) -masu (verb adnconc L030206a be) } koto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) site (verb gerund L030919a do) } { [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] okite (verb gerund L030327a (dew) settles) } makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -imasu (L030206a adnconc verb be) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } kikosi (verb stem L030565a hear) -myesite (verb gerund L031751a see [respect]) } omoposaku (verb nominal L030402a think [respect]) } ] { [ oyodure (noun ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) ] [ tapa (noun ) koto (noun ) (L050326 foolish words) wo (noun ) kamo (noun ) ] ipu (verb adnconc L030199a say) } } . »

3. « { { [ makoto (L004050a noun sincere) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) araba (verb conditional L030125a exist) } { [ { tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -maturi (L031649a stem verb serve) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) tukasa (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] [ tare (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] [ yosasi (noun ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) ] makari (verb infinitive L031613a recede) imasu (verb adnconc L030206a be) } } . »

4. « { { { [ tare (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] saduke (verb infinitive L030814a throw) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -imasu (verb adnconc L030206a be) } } . »

5. « { uramyesi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } { kanasi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } . »

6. « { { [ { { { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) ] } { [ tare (noun ) ni (noun ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] katarapi (verb stem L030492a tell) -sake (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } { { [ tare (noun ) ni (noun ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] twopi (verb stem L031226a ask) -sake (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } to (L000530 [complementizer]) } { kuyasi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { atarasi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { ita (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { kanasi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mi (verb stem L031712a see) -ne (verb stem L031342a sleep) -naka (verb stem L031267a cry) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -masu (verb adnconc L030206a be) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »

7. « { kuyasi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } { atarasi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } . »

8. « { [ kyepu (noun ) ywori (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] mawosi (verb stem L031678a speak [hum]) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast ) } maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { kikosi (verb stem L030565a hear) -myesa (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) ya (L000537 [focus particle]) nara (verb stem ) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »

9. « { [ asu (noun ) ywori (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] [ { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -maturi (L031649a stem verb serve) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } sugata (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { misonapasa (verb stem L031686a see [respect]) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) ya (L000537 [focus particle]) nara (verb stem ) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »

10. « { { { { [ pi (noun ) tukwi (noun ) ] kasanari (verb stem L030455a increase i) -yuku (verb adnconc L031840a go) } manima (L004001 noun way) -ni (L031965 infinitive copula copula) } [ { kanasi (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } koto (noun ) nomwi (noun ) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) ] [ iyoyo (noun ) ] okoru (verb adnconc L030337a happen) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (L000033 adnominal adjcop ) kamo ( ) } } . »

11. « { { { { [ tosi (noun ) ] tumori (verb stem L031181a pile up) -yuku (verb adnconc L031840a go) } manima (L004001 noun way) -ni (L031965 infinitive copula copula) } [ { sabusi (adjective L007154b ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } koto (noun ) nomwi (noun ) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) ] [ iyoyo (noun ) ] masaru (verb adnconc L031630a excel) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (L000033 adnominal adjcop ) kamo ( ) } } . »

12. « { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) ] { [ [ paru (noun ) aki (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { urupasi (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) } iro (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] { [ tare (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] [ tomo (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } misonapasi (verb stem L031686a see [respect]) -mote (verb stem L031762a make hold) -aswobi (verb stem L030041a play) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } . »

13. « { { [ { { { { [ yama (noun ) kapa (noun ) (L050226 mountain river) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kiywo (adjective ) -ki (adjcop adnominal L000033 ) tokoro (noun ) ba (noun ) ] { [ tare (noun ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) ] [ tomo (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } misonapasi (verb stem L031686a see [respect]) -akarape (verb stem L030012a brighten) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } to (L000530 [complementizer]) } { nageki (verb stem L031276a sigh) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } { urepe (verb stem L030319a lament) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -masi (verb stem ) -masu (verb adnconc L030206a be) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »

14. « { { [ { [ mimasi (noun ) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] { { [ yorodu (noun ) no (noun ) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) ] pusane (verb stem L031526a bundle) -motite (verb gerund L031761a hold) } { [ { okotari (verb stem L030327a (dew) settles) -yurupu (verb adnconc L031858a go slack) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ { mage (verb stem L031625a seek) -katabukuru (verb adnominal L030480a lean i) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -kimi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) omi (noun ) -tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) wo (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] [ kare (noun ) kore (noun ) ] waku (verb adnconc ) } kokoro (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { amane (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { tapirake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } mawosapi (verb infinitive L031678a speak [hum]) } [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mi (prefix ) -takara (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) upe (noun ) wo (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { piro (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { atu (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { utukusibwite (verb gerund L030269a get empty) } mawosapi (verb stem L031678a speak [hum]) si } koto (noun ) ] } } . »

15. « { { [ kore (noun ) nomwi (L000521 [restrictive]) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } { [ { { { { { { [ { [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] [ simar (noun ) aku (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ma (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -idete (verb gerund L030172a go out) } yasumopu (verb adnconc L031799a get thin) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } [ [ { [ wosu (noun ) kuni (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) maturi (noun ) goto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] nagusi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (L000033 adnominal adjcop ) } sama (noun ) ] [ { [ ame (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) sita (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mi (noun ) takara (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] yasumaru (verb adnconc L031799a get thin) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -ki (L000033 adnominal adjcop ) } koto (noun ) ] wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] { { [ asa (noun ) yupu (noun ) yworu (noun ) piru (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } ipa (verb stem L030199a say) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } omopi (verb stem L030399a think) -pakari (verb stem L031397a measure) -mawosi (L000003 optative stem auxiliary ) -tamapi (L031077a stem verb give) -tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -matureba (L031649a provisional verb serve) } { iswosi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { akirake (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { odapisi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { tanomosi (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } omopo (verb stem ) -situtu (verb continuative L030919a do) } { [ { opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -masi (verb stem ) -masu (verb adnconc L030206a be) } apida (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } [ tatimati (noun ) ni (L031965infinitive copula) ] [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) mikadwo (L050749 noun honorable gate) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] { sakarite (verb gerund ) } makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -topora (verb stem L031233a pass through) -si (L000009 respect infinitive auxiliary [respect]) -nureba (L000018 perf provisional auxiliary [perfective]) } { [ { ipa (verb stem L030199a say) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } sube (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ { se (verb stem L030919a do) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } sube (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] sira (verb stem ) -ni (infinitive auxiliary neg L000006 ) } { kuyasibwi (verb stem L030661a pass over) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } { wabwi (verb stem L031915a be embarrassed) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -masi (verb stem ) -masu (verb adnconc L030206a be) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »

16. « { { [ mata (noun ) ] [ koto (noun ) wakite (noun ) ] nori (verb stem say ) -tamapaku (verb nominal L031077a give) } { [ { tukape (verb stem L031119a serve) -maturi (L031649a stem verb serve) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } koto (noun ) ] { piro (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } atu (adjective ) -mi (adjcop ) } { [ mimasi (noun ) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ipye (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) uti (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kwo (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) (L050667 child) wo (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { { papuri (verb stem L031434a stretch i) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } { usinapi (verb stem L030250a lose) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) } } { utukusibwi (verb stem L030269a get empty) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } { okosi (verb stem L030327a (dew) settles) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } { tadune (verb stem L031047a ask) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } { kapyeri (verb stem L030518a return) -mi (verb stem L031712a see) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (auxiliary conjectural adnconc ) } } } . »

17. « { { [ { { { { [ mimasi (noun ) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mapye (noun ) tu (L000532 [genitive case particle]) kimi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) makari (noun ) di (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { [ usiro (noun ) ] karo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } } { [ kokoro (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { { [ odapi (noun ) ] ni ( ) } omopite (verb gerund L030399a think) } } } { tapirake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { saki (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -topora (verb stem L031233a pass through) -su (auxiliary respect adnconc ) be (L000801 extension [necessitive]) -si (L000033 conclusive adjcop ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim the edict that is said to the Fujiwara Minister of the Left.I proclaim the edict which says: “When I was waiting, thinking, tomorrow my Great Lord will leave his house and come and serve, you did not come as you were resting and I heard that you had passed away, abandoning the imperial court. When I heard this I thought, ‘What trickery and lies!’ If this is true, to whom did he entrust, to whom did he bestow the tasks of the Chancellor the Realm that he was fulfilling? What a shame! How sad! O Great Lord, I cry divine tears thinking it regrettable, wasteful, painful and sad—To whom shall I talk? To whom shall I ask?”I proclaim the edict that says: “I am lamenting and in grief: How regrettable! What a waste! Am I to no longer hear the governance that my Great Lord spoke from today? Am I to no longer see the humble service of my Great Lord from tomorrow? As the days and months pass, only my sadness will be more and more! As the years go by, only my loneliness will increase evermore! O Great Lord, with whom shall I see, pick and take pleasure in the beautiful colours of the spring and autumn? With whom shall I see the mountains and rivers and clear my mind?”I proclaim the edict that says: “In all of your myriad governances, you were never lacking or remit, you never went wrong or strayed, you spoke far-reaching and peacefully of the Lords and statesmen not picking at this or that and, widely and warmly you made the people beautiful told me of them! Not only this, you did not leave the imperial court for even a short while to rest, and you served morning and evening, day and night, thinking about, discussing and speaking to me about how to make the governance of my realm tranquil, how to make the people of the realm peaceful. While I was thinking all of this diligent, clear, calm and reliable, you suddenly became far from my court, you passed away and I am full of regret and bewildered, with nothing to say and not knowing what to do.”I proclaim the edict that further says: “With your service being broad and warm, I will not split up and lose the children of your house, I shall make them beautiful, stir them up, enquire after them and show concern for them. Great Lord, you should pass away and move on calmly and full of fortune, thinking your pilgrimage to the underworld and that which you leave behind unburdened and you should have a peaceful heart.”