Senmyō 58. Ten'ō 1 2nd Month (781), Emperor Kōnin text tree
1. 天皇大命 良麻止能登内親王 尔告 与止詔大命 乎宣。
2. 此月頃間身労 湏止聞食弖伊都之 可病止 弖参入 弖朕心 毛慰 米麻佐牟止今日 加有牟明日加有 牟止所念食都々待比賜間 尔安加良米佐湏如事久於与豆礼加毛年毛高久成多流朕乎置弖罷麻之奴 止聞食弖奈毛驚賜比悔 備賜比大坐 湏。
3. 如此在牟止知 末世婆心置 弖毛談比賜比相見 弖末之物乎。悔 加毛哀加毛云部不知 毛之在加毛。
4. 朕波汝乃志 乎波暫久乃間毛忘得 末之自美奈毛悲備賜比之乃比賜 比大御泣哭川大坐麻湏。
5. 然 毛治賜牟止所念之位 止奈毛一品贈賜不。
6. 子等乎婆二世王 尔上賜比治賜不。
7. 労 久奈思麻之曾。
8. 罷麻佐牟道波平幸久都々牟事無久宇志呂毛軽久安久通良世止告与止詔天皇大命乎宣。
1. « { { [ { { [ sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) ] { [ opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) rama (noun ) ] to (L000530 [complementizer]) } [ noto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pi (noun ) mye (noun ) mi-kwo (noun ) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ] tugeyo (verb imperative L031140a report) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } nori (verb stem say ) -tamapu (verb adnconc ) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »
2. « { { { [ { { { { [ ko (this noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) tukwi (noun ) goro (noun ) (L050307 recent months) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) apida (noun ) ] [ mwi (noun ) ] tukara (verb stem L031124a tire i) -su (auxiliary respect adnconc ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } kikosi (verb stem L030565a hear) -myesite (verb gerund L031751a see [respect]) } { [ itu (noun ) si (noun ) ka (L000506 [focus particle]) ] { { yamapi (verb stem ) -yamite (verb gerund ) } mawi (verb stem L031603a go [hum]) -rite (verb gerund ) } { [ wa (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) kokoro (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] nagusame (verb stem L031273a set at ease) -masa (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } to (L000530 [complementizer]) } { { [ kyepu (noun ) ka (L000506 [focus particle]) ] ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } { [ asu (noun ) ka (L000506 [focus particle]) ] ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omoposi (verb stem L030402a think [respect]) -myesitutu (verb continuative L031751a see [respect]) } matapi (verb stem L031644a wait) -tamapu (L031077a adnconc verb give) } apida (noun ) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } { [ { akarame (verb stem L030012a brighten) -sasu (verb adnconc ) } koto (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ] goto (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } [ oyodure (noun ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) ] { { { [ { [ tosi (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] { taka (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } nari (verb stem ) -taru (L000022 stative adnominal auxiliary [stative]) } ware (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] okite (verb gerund L030327a (dew) settles) } makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -masi (verb stem ) -nu (auxiliary conclusive perf ) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } kikosi (verb stem L030565a hear) -myesite (verb gerund L031751a see [respect]) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } { odoroki (verb stem L030361a be surprised) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } { kuyasibwi (verb stem L030661a pass over) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } opomasimasu (L030384a adnconc noun be [respect]) } } . »
3. « { { [ { { { [ kaku (noun ) ] ara (verb stem L030125a exist) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } sira (verb stem ) -maseba (L000004 subjunctive conditional auxiliary [subjunctive]) } { [ kokoro (noun ) ] okite (verb gerund L030327a (dew) settles) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) } { katarapi (verb stem L030492a tell) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } api (L000025 reciprocal prefix [reciprocal]) -mi (verb stem L031712a see) -te (L000023 perf stem auxiliary [perfective]) -masi (L000004 subjunctive adnconc auxiliary [subjunctive]) } mono (noun ) wo (noun ) ] } . { kuyasi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } { kanasi (adjective ) -Ø (adjcop conclusive L000033 ) kamo (L000507 [emphatic final particle]) } { [ { ipa (verb stem L030199a say) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } subye (noun ) ] sira (verb stem ) -ni (infinitive auxiliary neg L000006 ) mo ( ) si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) aru (verb adnominal L030125a exist) kamo ( ) } } . »
4. « { [ ware (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { { [ mimasi (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) kokoro (noun ) zasi (noun ) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] [ simar (noun ) aku (noun ) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ma (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] wasure (verb stem L031907a forget) -u (verb conclusive L030228a obtain) masizi (L000802 extension [negative necessitive]) -mi (L000034 infinitive adjcop [infinitive form of adjectival copula]) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } { kanasibwi (verb stem L030500a be sad) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } { sinwopi (verb stem L030886a yearn) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mi (verb stem L031712a see) -ne (verb stem L031342a sleep) -naka (verb stem L031267a cry) -situtu (verb continuative L030919a do) } opomasimasu (verb adnconc L030384a be [respect]) } } . »
5. « { { sikaru (verb adnominal L030848a be so) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) } { { [ { { wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -tamapa (L031077a stem verb give) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } omoposi (verb stem L030402a think [respect]) -si (auxiliary adnominal simplePast L000015 [simple past]) } kurawi (noun ) ] to (noun ) namo (L000518 [focus particle]) } [ pito (L002001 numeral native one) -tu (L002015 counter counter for things) no (noun ) sina (noun ) ] okuri (verb stem L030328a arise) -tamapu (verb adnconc ) } } . »
6. « { { [ kwo (noun ) -domo (L001002 suffix [pluralizer]) (L050667 child) woba (L000536 [accusative case particle]) ] { { [ puta (L002002 numeral native two) -tugi (noun ) no (noun ) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -kimi (noun ) (L050267 great monarch) ] ni (L031965infinitive copula) } age (verb stem L030023a give) -tamapi (L031077a infinitive verb give) } wosame (verb stem L031943a settle t) -tamapu (verb adnconc ) } } . »
7. « { { { itapasi (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } na (prefix prohibitive ) -omopi (verb stem L030399a think) -masi (verb infinitive ) -so (suffix prohibitive ) } } . »
8. « { { [ { { [ { makari (verb stem L031613a recede) -masa (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) } miti (noun ) pa (L000522 [topic particle]) ] { { tapirake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { saki (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ { tutumu (verb adnconc L031161a work hard) } koto (noun ) ] na (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { [ usiro (noun ) mo (L000514 [topic particle]) ] karo (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } { yasurake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) } toporase (verb imperative L031227a propose marriage) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } tugeyo (verb imperative L031140a report) to (L000530 [complementizer]) } noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } sumyera (noun ) ga (L000503 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -mikoto (noun ) wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) ] noritamapu (verb adnconc L032093a proclaim) } } . »
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim the edict which says: “Tell Princess Noto this as the words of the emperor.”I
proclaim the imperial edict which says: “Tell her: ‘Hearing you had become exhausted
over the months, I wondered when your illness would end and you would move on and
my heart would also be at peace. Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow? While I was
waiting, I heard – was it a lie? - that you had passed over, leaving me, me who is
also aged, behind as if I looked away for a moment and I feel surprise and regret.
If only I had known it would be so, I would have, even leaving my emotions, met and
told you. How regrettable! How sad! I don’t know what to do! Your will cannot be forgotten
for even a short time and I think it sad and yearn for [you] as I shed my divine tears.
I raise your children to second-generation lords. Do not think it painful! The path
you will pass over is safe and happy and trouble-free, you shall not worry about those
you leave behind: shall cross peacefully’.”