Norito 14. Festival of the First Fruits Banquet text

1. « " ugonapareru kamunusipapuri-ra (L001003 suffix [pluralizer]) moromoro kikosimyese " to (L000530 [complementizer]) noru . »

2. « " takama no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) para ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) kamu (L050005b noun god) dumarimasu sumemutukamurwokikamurwomi no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikoto (L050752 honorable words) motite ama tu yasiro (L050562 shrine) kuni tu yasiro (L050562 shrine) to (L000530 [complementizer]) sikimaseru sumegamwi-tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mapye ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) mawosaku , ko (this ) tosi (L050690 this year) simotuki no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) naka no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) u no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pi ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ama tu mi ke no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) nagamike no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) topomike to (L000530 [complementizer]) sumyemima no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikoto (L050752 honorable words) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) opo (L000038 hon prefix big) -nipe kikosi (verb stem L030565a hear) -myesa (verb stem L031751a see [respect]) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) tame no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) yuwe ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) sumyegamwi-tati (L001004 suffix [pluralizer]) api udu no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) pimaturite kakipa (L050379 fragmentary leaf) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) tokipa ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) ipapi-maturi (L031649a infinitive verb serve) ikasi mi (prefix ) -yo ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) sakipapematuramu ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) yorite si (L000526a [restrictive particle]) ti (L002013 numeral native 1000) -aki no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) ipoaki ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) tapirake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) yasurake (adjective ) -ku (L000033 infinitive adjcop ) kikosimyesite toyo no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) akari ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) akari (verb stem L030012a brighten) -masa (verb stem ) -mu (L000002 conjectural adnconc auxiliary [conjectural]) sumyemima no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mikoto (L050752 honorable words) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) udu no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) mitegura wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) akaru tape -- teru tapenigitapearatape (L050618 coarse cloth) ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) sonapematurite asapi (L050448 morning sun) no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) toyosakanobori ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) tatapegoto wopematuraku wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) moromoro kikosimyese " to (L000530 [complementizer]) noru . »

3. « " koto wakite imibe no (L000520 [genitive case particle]) yowakata ni (L000519 [dative case particle]) putwodasuki (L050593 grand cloth-band) torikakete motiyumapari tukapematureru mitegura wo (L000534 [accusative case particle]) kamunusipapuri-ra (L001003 suffix [pluralizer]) uketamaparite koto oti (verb stem L030356a fall) -zu (L000006 neg infconc auxiliary ) sasagemotite tatemature " to (L000530 [complementizer]) noru . »