Senmyō 10. Tenpyō 15 5th Month (743), Retired Empress Genshō gloss tree

1. 現神御大八洲我子天皇天皇朝廷始賜造賜弊留宝国宝等之弖此王令供奉賜天下立賜行賜部流可絶家利止見聞喜侍奏賜詔大命奏。

2. 又今日行賜見行直遊止乃味尓波不在之弖天下人君臣祖子教賜趣賜布等尓良志止奈母所思

3. 是以教賜趣賜比奈何良受被賜持不忘不失可有等之弖一二人治賜波奈止那毛所思行須等奏賜詔大命奏賜波久止奏。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu wa ga kwo sumyeramikoto no kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga mikadwo no pazime-tamapi tukuri-tamap-yeru takara wo kuni no takara to site ko no opokimi wo tukape-matura-sime-tamapeba ame no sita ni tate-tamapi okonapi-tamap-yeru nori pa tayu be-ki koto pa na-ku ari-kyeri to mi-kiki-yorokobwi-paberi to mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mawosu .

2. mata kyepu okonapi-tamapu waza wo misonapaseba tada ni aswobi to nomwi ni pa ara-zu site ame no sita no pito ni kimiomioyakwo no kotowari wo wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapu to ni aru rasi to namo omoposi-myesu .

3. koko wo motite wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapi-nagara uke-tamapari-motite wasure-zu usinapa-zu aru be-ki sirusi tosite pito-ri puta-ri wo wosame-tamapana to namo omoposi-myesu to mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mawosi-tamapaku to mawosu .


English translation by Millichip:
I say the edict that says: “Say to the Emperor: I am pleased to see and hear that when the Emperor, my son, who rules the eight-islands as a living God, makes the treasure that the divine emperor, too awesome to mention has created and started, into a treasure of the land and made this princess serve, the laws, established and carried out in the realm, should never cease.”I say: “Say to the Emperor the edict that says: When I saw the acts the Emperor performed today I thought that they were not only simple play but also taught and led the people to act according to the way of the relationship between master and vassal and parent and child. So I wish the Emperor would, while teaching and leading the people, reward one or two people as a sign that this should be received and carried on and not be forgotten or lost.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor that says: “For the actions I perform and serve today, I choose and reward one or two people who should be rewarded, starting with the Imperial children and gathered Lords who serve in my reign. So, I raise your caps and ranks so that you will serve as long and distant as heaven and earth, inheriting your parents’ names with a clean and pure heart in reigns of Emperors yet to rule, not forgetting the relationship between lords and vassal and parent and child as in the edict I proclaim today.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “Further, I raise the cap of officials of the Imperial heirs. Among these I raise the cap of Shimotsumichi-no-Asomi Makibi who is appointed as scholar.”