Senmyō 25. Tenpyō Hōji 3 6th Month (759), Emperor Zyunnin gloss tree

1. 現神大八洲 所知倭根子天皇詔旨宣詔 親王々臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 比来 太皇大后御命以 朕尔語宣 太政之始 人心 未定在可波 吾子為 皇太子  先奉昇於 君位畢 諸意静了奈牟 後尔傍上乎波牟止弖奈母閇弖ツ流

3. 然今君坐御宇事日月重

4. 是以 先考追皇為 親大夫人為 兄弟姉妹 親王為与止仰給御命 頂受給 歓利弖 掛畏我皇 聖太上天皇 御所尔 奏給倍波 奏世止教宣 朕一人 昇賜治賜部流厚恩乎母 朕世尔 酬尽奉事難 生子八十都岐尔仕奉 報倍久良之止 夜昼恐麻里 伊夜益益尔 朕私父波良何尔至麻弖尔 可在状任 上賜治賜事 甚恐

5. 受賜事不得世止

6. 朕又念 前聖武天皇皇太子定賜比弖天日嗣高御座坐尔昇賜物 伊何尔私父兄弟及尔事得 甚恐不知 退不知伊奈備奏。

7. 雖然多比重 吾加久 不申成奈波 敢申人者不在。

8. 凡人子 去禍 蒙福麻久欲為  為親止奈利

9. 此大福取々惣持 親王尔送奉御命受給利弖奈母加久為

10. 故是以 自今以後 追皇舍人親王冝称 崇道尽敬皇帝 当麻夫人称 大夫人 兄弟姉妹 悉称 親王 宣 天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

11.   辞別宣 朕一人乃未也之岐御命 受賜 卿等庶共喜牟止弖奈母 一二治賜倍岐家々門々人等尔 冠位 上賜治賜久止宣天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

12. 又御命坐 宣 大保乎波 多他能味不念 朕父 復藤原伊良豆売乎波 婆々止奈母念。

13. 是以 治賜武等倍止 遍重 默在牟止礼止毛  事不得。

14. 然 此家止毛波 朕波良何良仁 在物乎夜 親王多知 治賜 治不賜在牟止弖奈母 冠位上賜治賜

15. 又此家自久母藤原卿等乎波 掛畏 聖天皇御世重自門 慈賜 上賜来奈利

16. 今又无過仕奉人乎波慈賜治賜不忘賜之止宣天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. ko no goro opo-ki opo-mioya no mikoto motite ware ni katarapi-tamapaku opo-maturigoto no pazime pa pito no kokoro imada sadamara-zu ari-sikaba wa ga kwo site pitugi no mi-kwo to sadamete madu kimi no kurawi ni age-maturi-wopete moromoro no kokoro sidumari-pate-na-mu noti ni katape no upe woba nori-tamapa-mu to site namo osapete ari-turu .

3. sikaredomo ima pa kimi to imasite ame no sita sira-si-myesu koto pitukwi kasanari-nu .

4. koko wo motite titi mi-kwo wo opite sumyera to si papa wo opo-mioya to si ani oto ane imo wo mi-kwo to seyo to opose-tamapu .

5. taputwo-ki mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari yorokobwi-taputwomi-odi-kasikwomarite kakemaku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi piziri no opo-ki sumyeramikoto no opo-mimoto ni mawosi-tamapeba mawose to wosipetamapaku .

6. ware pito-ri wo age-tamapi wosame-tamap-yeru atu-ki utukusibwi wo mo wa ga yo ni pa mukui-tukusi-maturu koto kata-si .

7. umi no kwo no yaswotugi-ni si tukape-maturi mukuyu be-ku aru rasi to yworupiru kasikwomari-paberu wo iya masumasu ni wa ga watakusi no titipapa parakara ni itaru made ni aru be-ki sama no manima to age-tamapi wosame-tamapu koto ito kasikwo-si .

8. uke-tamaparu koto ezi to mawose to noritamapu .

9. ware mo mata omoposaku saki no shaumu no sumyeramikoto no pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamapite ama tu pitugi takamikura no kurawi ni age-tamapu monowo ika ni ka kasikwo-ku watakusi no titipapa parakara ni oyobu koto emu .

10. ito kasikwosi .

11. susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni to inabwi-mawos-eri .

12. sikaredomo tabi kasanete nori-tamapaku wa ga kaku mawosa-zu nari-naba apete mawosu pito pa arazi .

13. opoyoso pito no kwo no wazapapi wo sari sakipapi wo kagapura-maku pori suru koto pa oya no tame ni to nari .

14. ko no opo-ki sakipapi wo tori-sube-motite mi-kwo ni okuri-mature to wosipe-tamapi noritamapu opo-mikoto wo uke-tamaparite namo kaku suru .

15. kare koko wo motite ima ywori noti toneri no mi-kwo wo opite sumyera to si sudauzinkyauwautai to mawosi tagima no opo-tozi wo opo-mioya to mawosi ani oto ane imo koto-goto-ku mi-kwo to mawose to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

16. kotowakite nori-tamapaku ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobosi-ki taputwo-ki opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapa-mu mapye tu kimi-tati moromoro mo tomo ni yorokoba-mu to site namo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu be-ki ipyeipye kadwokadwo no pito-domo ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosametamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kikitamapeyo to noritamapu .

17. mata opo-mikoto ni imase noritamapaku .

18. daipou woba tada ni mapye tu kimi to nomwi pa omoposa-zu wa ga titi to mata pudipara no iratume woba papa to namo omoposu .

19. koko wo motite wosame-tamapa-mu to nori-tamapedo tabi kasanete inabwi-mawosu ni yorite moda ara-mu to suredomo yamu koto e-zu .

20. sikaredomo ko no ipye no kwodomo pa wa ga parakara ni aru mono wo ya mi-kwo-tati wosame-tamapu pi ni wosame-tamapa-zu ara-mu to site namo imasi ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

21. mata ko no ipyeziku mo pudipara no mapye tu kimi-tati woba kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki piziri no sumyera ga mi-yo kasanete omoziki pito no kadwo ywori pa utukusibwi-tamapi age-tamapi-kuru ipye n-ari .

22. ima mata ayamati na-ku tukape-maturu pito woba utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapi wasure-tamapazi to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight islands as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “The current retired empress told and ordered me: ‘Since the people were not yet settled when I began governance I held back, deciding that I would proclaim other things after I had made you, my child, an imperial heir, wholly raised you to the rank of Lord and everyone has become settled. However, now you have ruled the world as Lord for many days and months. So, let your deceased father be Emperor, your mother imperial parent and your brothers and sisters imperial children.’ I humbly received, took pleasure in, revered, feared and thought awesome this precious edict and when I stood before the wise and divine former Empress and humbly asked her [to be my Imperial Parent] she and proclaimed to me: ‘Tell [Komei this]: “It will be difficult, in my reign, to fully offer repayment for your warm benevolence in raising and rewarding me alone. Although I am in fear night and day that I should repay you by my next eighty generations of children serving, it is very awesome that you moreover raise even my father, mother and siblings according to the way things ought to be. I will be unable to receive this.”’ I too think it is far too awesome for the recent Shomu Emperor to designate me as imperial child and raise me to the high throne of heaven and for this to extend on to my own mother and father and siblings—I humbly reject, not knowing what to do. However, [Komei] has proclaimed the following teachings many times: ‘If I stop asking you then there is no one in a position who can. That parents want their children to avoid disaster and receive fortune is for the parents’ sake. Take and consolidate this great fortune and pass it onto a Prince.’ I humbly receive this edict and do so. So I make the Toneri Prince emperor, call him Sudōjinkyō Kōtei, call the imperial wife Tagima imperial parent and my brthers and sisters imperial children.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “Shall I alone receive this joyous and precious edict? No, with all the gathered Lords being joyous together with me I shall reward one or two and I raise the cap and rank of those of their household.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “I do not merely think of the Minister of the Left as a Lord but I think him my father and, also, I think Fujiwara-no-Iratsume my mother. So, although they will be silent since many times they reject despite my proclaiming that I will reward them, I cannot stop. However, this means that despite, you, the children of their house being my siblings, I cannot reward you on the day that I reward imperial children, so I raise your cap and rank. Also, like this family, I make beautiful and raise the Fujiwara lords higher than the house of the main people over the reigns of the wise Emperors, too awesome to mention. Now again, I will not forget and I will make beautiful and reward people who serve without mistakes.”