Senmyō 26. Tenpyō Hōji 4 1st Month (760), Retired Empress Kōken gloss tree
1. 乾政官大臣仁方 敢天仕奉倍伎人无時波 空久置弖 在官尔阿利。
2. 然 今大保方必 可仕奉之止所念坐世 多能遍重天 勅止毛 敢未之時止為弖辞備 申復可受賜物奈利世波 祖父 仕奉天麻自。
3. 然有物乎 知所毛無久 怯久劣岐押勝我 得仕奉倍岐官尔波不在 恐止申。
4. 可久申湏乎 皆人仁之毛辞止申仁依弖 此官乎婆 授不給止 令知流事不得。
5. 又祖父大臣乃 明久浄岐心以弖 御世累弖 天下申給比 朝廷助仕奉利多夫事乎 宇牟我自弥辱止念行弖 挂久毛畏岐聖天皇朝 太政大臣止之弖 仕奉止 勅祁礼止。
6. 数々辞備申多夫仁依弖 受賜多婆受成尔志事毛悔止念賀故仁 今此藤原恵美朝臣能大保乎大師乃官仁仕奉止授賜夫天皇御命 衆聞食宣。
1. kenzyau kwan no opo-mapye tu kimi ni pa apete tukape-maturu be-ki pito na-ki toki pa munasi-ku okite aru tukasa ni ari .
sikaredomo ima daipou pa kanarazu sikape-maturu be-si to omoposi-mase amata no tabi kasanete noritamapedomo apu masizi to site inabwi-mawosi mata uke-tamaparu be-ki mono n-ari-seba opo-di tukape-maturite masi . sika aru mono wo siru koto mo na-ku tutana-ku wodina-ki osikatu ga e-tukape-maturu be-ki tukasa ni pa ara-zu kasikwo-si to mawosu . kaku mawosu wo mwina pito ni si mo ina to mawosu ni yorite ko no tukasa woba saduke-tamapa-zu to sira-simuru koto wo e-zu . mata opo-di opo-mapye tu kimi no aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mi-yo kasanete ama no sita mawosi-tamapi mikadwo tasuke-matu ri tabu koto wo umugasi-mi katadikena-si to omoposite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki piziri no sumyera ga mikadwo opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi to site sikape-mature to nori-tamapi-kyeredo sibasiba inabwi-mawosi-tabu ni yorite uke-tamapari-taba-zu nari-ni-si koto mo kuyasi to omoposu ga yuwe ni ima ko no pudipara no wemi asomi no daipou wo daisi no tukasa ni tukape-mature to saduke-tamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the emperor [which bestow]: “When no one
can bear serving the great lords of the Department of State it is a position left
empty. However I divinely think that the current Minister of the Right could certainly
serve [in this role] and though I have said this many times, he rejects saying that
he could not bear it and humbly says: “Again, if I were someone who should humbly
receive [that role] then my father should have served in it. However, I am sorry but
unable and lacking Oshikatsu, who knows nothing, is not a bureaucrat who could humbly
serve [in the role].” I cannot inform everyone of what he has said, saying I will
not bestow [the role] to this bureaucrat, as everyone will express their anger. Also,
I think it joyous and embarrassing that the great lord, his grandfather, with a pure
and clear heart has advised on governance of the world over reigns and saved the court
and because I also think it regrettable that the Hijiri Emperor [Gensho], too awesome
to mention, proclaimed that he would serve as a great lord of her governance and that
he humbly refused many times and did not receive the role and was not in the role,
now I tell the Minister of the Right, Fujiwara no Wemi Asomi, to serve as the Chancellor
of the Realm.”