Senmyō 32. Tenpyō Jingo 1 1st Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 天皇大御命良麻止 勅大御命 衆聞食勅。

2. 仕奉人等中尔 其仕奉随状 治給人在。

3.  又御軍尔仕奉礼留尔依 治給人在。

4. 然此多比 賜位冠 常与利方在。

5. 可久賜故 平奉侍己止方 誰人不奉侍在

6. 如此宇治方夜伎 身命不惜之天浄心 朝庭 護奉侍人等乎己曾 治賜 哀賜倍伎物尔 在止奈毛念。

7. 故是以 今由久仁毛緩怠事无之天 諸家牟人等乎毛伊佐奈比進 常与利毛勤結奉侍止之天奈毛 冠位上給治給久止宣御命 諸聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni so no tukape-maturu sama no manima-ni wosame-tamapu pito mo ari .

3. mata mi-ikusa ni tukape-matur-eru ni yorite wosame-tamapu pito mo ari .

4. sikaru ni ko no tabi tamapu kurawi kagapuri pa tune yori pa koto ni ari .

5. kaku tamapu yuwe pa tapirake-ki toki ni tukape-maturu koto pa tare si no pito ka tukape-matura-zu ara-mu .

6. kaku udipaya-ki toki ni mwiinoti wo wosima-zu site tadasi-ku aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo wo mamori-tukape-maturu pito-domo wo koso wosame-tamapi aparemi-tamapu be-ki mono ni are to namo omoposu .

7. kare koko wo motite ima yuku saki ni mo yurupi-okotaru koto na-ku site moromoro no wodinakye-mu pito-domo wo mo wosipe-izanapi-susume tune yori mo masumasu tutwome-simari-tukape-mature to site namo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict which I proclaim as the words of the emperor. “Among those who serve there are those who I reward according to their service. There are also those who I reward by their serving in my army. Thus the caps and ranks that I bestow on this occasion are different to usual. The reason for such bestowal who, in peaceful times, who would not serve? I think that it is those who protect and serve the court in rough times with a correct, clear and pure heart not fearing to lose their lives who I should take pity on and reward. From now on too do not become slack and idle and move forward teaching and leading all who will be lacking, and be diligent focus and serve even more than usual; it is so that you will do so that I raise your cap and rank.”