Senmyō 43. Jingo Keiun 3 5th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 現神止 大八州国所知 倭根子挂畏天皇大命乎 親王 王 臣 百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食止宣久
2. 犬部姉女乎波 内都奴止 為弖 冠位挙給比 根可婆祢 改給比 治給伎。
3. 然流物乎反天 逆心乎抱蔵弖 己為首弖 忍坂女王 石田女王等乎率弖 挂畏 先朝乃 依過弖弃給弖之 厨真人厨女許尔 竊徃乍岐多奈久悪奴止母止相結弖謀家良久 傾奉朝庭 乱国家弖 岐良比給弖之氷上塩焼我児志計志麻呂乎天日嗣止為牟止謀弖 挂畏天皇大御髪乎盗給波利弖 岐多奈伎佐保川乃髑髏尔入弖大宮内尔持参入来弖 厭魅為流己止三度世利。
4. 然母盧舍那如来 最勝王経 観世音菩薩 護法善神梵王 帝釈 四大天王乃不可思議威神力 挂畏開闢已来御宇天皇御霊 天地乃神多知乃護助奉都流力尔依弖 其等我穢久謀弖為留厭魅事 皆悉発覚奴。
5. 是以 撿法尔皆当死刑罪。
6. 由此弖 理波法末尔末尔 岐良比給倍久在利。
7. 然止毛 慈賜止為弖一等降弖 其等我根可婆祢 替弖 遠流罪尔治賜布止宣布天皇大命乎 衆聞食止宣。
1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to nori-tamapaku .
2. inubye no anemye woba uti tu yatukwo to site kagapurikurawi age-tamapi nekabane aratame-tamapi wosame-tamapi-ki .
3. sikaru monowo kapyerite sakasima ni aru kokoro wo idakite onore pitogwo no kami to narite osaka no opo-kimi ipata no opo-kimi-tati wo pikiwite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki saki no mikadwo no ayamati ni yorite sute-tamapite si kuriya no mapito kuriyamye ga moto ni pisoka ni yukitutu kitana-ku asi-ki yatukwo-domo to api-musubite pakari-kyeraku mikadwo wo katabuke-maturi ame no sita wo midarite kirapi-tamapite si pikami no sipoyaki ga kwo sikyesimaro wo ama tu pitugi to se-mu to pakarite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mikami wo nusumi-tamaparite kitana-ki sapogapa no pitogasira ni irete opo-miya no uti ni moti-mawiri-kite maziwaza s-eru koto mitabi s-eri .
4. sikaredomo rusiyananyorai saisyouwaugyau kwanzeonbosati gopozenzin bonwau taisyaku sidaitenwau no pukasigiwizin no tikara kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki ametuti pirakete ywori konakata ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no mi-tama ametuti no kamwi-tati no mamori tasuke-maturi-turu tikara ni yorite sore-ra ga kitana-ku pakarite s-eru maziwaza mina koto-goto-ku araparenu .
5. koko wo motite nori wo kamugapuru ni mina korosu tumi ni ater-eri .
6. kore ni yorite kotowari pa nori no manima ni kirapi-tamapu be-ku ari .
7. sikaredomo utukusibwi-tamapu to site pitosina kudasite sore-ra ga nekabane kapete topo-ku nagasu tumi ni wosame-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm,
all of you hear the imperial emperor, too awesome to mention, the Yamato ruler, who
rules the eight-island state as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial
edict that says: “I made Inube-no-Aneme a servant of my house, raised her cap and
rank and changed her original name. However, in return, she lead the Lords of Iwata
and Osaka as their head, with a rebellious heart, and built relations with dirty and
evil despicable men and planned, often going to Kuriya-no-Mahito and Lady Kuriya,
who were banished by a previous emperor, too awesome to mention, for their transgressions.
They planned to put the court in danger, disturb the realm and make Shikeshimaro,
son of the banished Hikami-no-Shioyaki, the heir of heaven and stealing hairs of the
emperor, too awesome to mention, and putting it in a skull from the dirty Sao river,
they carried it into the Palace and performed a curse three times. However, by the
marvelous supernatural power of the Rusyana Buddha, the Golden Light Sutra, Guanyin
Boddhisatva, Dharmapala, Brahman, Sakra and the Four Heavenly Kings, and by the protecting
and helping power of the souls of the Emperors, too awesome to mention, who have ruled
the realm since the beginning of heaven and earth and the power of the gods of heaven
and earth, the curses that they had filthily planned and performed were all completely
revealed. So, considering the laws, they all correspond to the punishment of death.
Based on this, according to the laws they should be banished. However, being merciful
I lower the punishment one grade and change their names back and banish them afar.