Senmyō 44. Jingo Keiun 3 9th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 天皇良我御命良麻止詔久 夫臣下等云物波 君仁随天 浄久貞仁明心乎以天 君乎助護 対天方 無礼岐面幣利無久 後仁波謗言無久 姦偽利 謟曲流心無之天 奉侍倍岐物仁在。
2. 然物乎 従五位下因幡国員外介輔治能真人清麻呂 其我姉 法均止 甚大尔悪久姦流妄語乎 作弖 朕仁対天 法均伊物奏利。
3. 此乎見流仁 面乃色 形 口尔云言 猶明尔 己何 作天云言乎 大神乃御命止 借天言止 所知奴。
4. 問求仁 朕所念之天在何如久 大神乃御命尔波不在止聞行定都。
5. 故是以 法乃麻尔麻退給止詔布御命乎 衆諸聞食止宣。
6. 復詔久 此事方人乃奏天在仁毛不在 唯言 其理尔不在 逆尔云利。
7. 面弊利毛無礼之天 己事乎納用与止念天在。
8. 是天地乃 逆止 云尔 此与利増波無。
9. 然此方 諸聖等 天神 地祇 現給比 悟給尔己曾在礼 誰可敢弖朕尔奏給牟。
10. 猶人方不奏天在等毛 心中悪久垢久濁天在人波 必天地現之示給都留物曾。
11. 是以 人人己何心乎明尔清久貞尔 謹天奉侍止詔布御命乎 衆諸聞食止宣。
12. 復此事乎知天 清麻呂等止相謀家牟人在止方所知天 在止毛 君波慈乎以弖天下乃政波行給物尔 伊麻世波奈毛慈備愍美給天免給布。
13. 然行事尔重在牟人乎波 法乃麻尔麻 収給牟物曾。
14. 如是状悟天 先尔清麻呂等止同心之天一二乃事毛 相謀家牟人等波 心改天明尔貞尔在心乎以天 奉侍止詔布御命乎 衆諸聞食止宣。
15. 復清麻呂等波 奉侍留奴止 所念天己曾 姓毛賜弖 治給天之可。
16. 今波穢奴止之弖 退給尔依奈毛 賜弊利之姓方 取弖 別部止成給弖 其我名波 穢麻呂止給比 法均我名毛 広虫売止還給止 詔布御命乎 衆諸聞食止宣。
17. 復明基波 広虫売止 身波二爾在止毛 心波一尔在止所知弖奈毛 其我名毛取給弖 同久退給等詔布御命乎 衆諸聞食止宣。
1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku sore yatukwo to ipu mono pa kimi ni sitagapite kiywo-ku sadaka ni aka-ki kokoro wo motite kimi wo tasuke-mamori-mukapite pa wiya na-ki omop-yeri na-ku usiro ni pa sosiru koto na-ku kadami-itupari-peturapi-magar-eru kokoro na-ku site tukape-maturu be-ki mono ni ari .
2. sikaru monowo piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no simo tu sina inaba no kuni no kazu ywori poka no suke pudino no mapito kiywomaro so ga anepopukun to ito opo-ki ni asi-ku kadam-yeru ituparigoto wo tukurite ware ni mukapite popukun i mono mawos-eri .
3. ko wo miru ni omote no iro katati kuti ni ipu koto napo akiraka ni ono ga tukurite ipu koto wo opo-kamwi no opo-mikoto to karite ipu to sira-si-myesi-nu .
4. twopi-motomuru ni wa ga omoposite aru ga goto-ku opo-mikamwi no opo-mikoto ni pa ara-zu to kikosi-myesi-sadame-tu .
5. kare koko wo motite nori no manima sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
6. mata nori-tamapaku ko no koto pa pito no mawosite aru ni mo ara-zu tada koto so no kotowari ni ara-zu sakasima ni ip-yeri .
7. omop-yeri mo wiya na-ku site ono ga koto wo iremoti-wiyo to omopite ari .
8. kore ametuti no sakasima to ipu ni kore yori masaru pa na-si .
9. sikareba ko pa shoshou-tati ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no arapasi-tamapi-satosi-tamapu ni koso are tare ka apete ware ni mawosi-tamapa-mu .
10. napo pito pa mawosa-zute aredomo kokoro no uti asi-ku kitana-ku nigorite aru pito pa kanarazu ametuti no arapasi-simyesi-tamapi-turu mono so .
11. koko wo motite pitobito ono ga kokoro wo akiraka ni kiywo-ku sadaka ni tutusimite tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
12. mata ko no koto wo sirite kiywomaro-ra to api-pakarikye-mu pito ari to pa sira-si-myesite aredomo kimi pa utukusibwi wo motite ame no sita no maturigoto pa okonapi-tamapu mono ni imaseba namo utukusibwi-aparemi-tamapite yurusi-tamapu .
13. sikaredomo siwaza ni kasanaritara-mu pito woba nori no manima wosame-tamapa-mu mono so .
14. kaku no sama satorite saki ni kiywomaro-ra to kokoro wo oyazi-ku site pito-tu puta-tu no koto mo api-pakarikye-mu pito-domo pa kokoro aratamete akiraka ni sadaka ni aru kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
15. mata kiywomaro-ra pa tukape-maturu yatukwo to omoposite koso kabane mo tamapite wosame-tamapi-te-si ka ima pa kitana-ki yatukwo to site sirizoke-tamapu ni yorite namo tamap-yeri-si kabane pa torite wakebye to nasi-tamapite so ga na pa kitanamaro to tamapi popukun ga na mo piromusimye to kapyesi-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
16. mata myaukwi pa piromusimye to mwi pa puta-tu ni aredomo kokoro pa pito-tu ni ari to sira-si-myesite namo si ga na mo tori-tamapite oyazi-ku sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor: “A servant
is someone who obeys their lord, assists and protects their load with a clear, steadfast
and pure heart and serves his Lord never showing him disrespect, never insulting him
behind his back and never having feelings to deceive, lie, adulate or be crooked.
Despite this, Fujino-no-Mahito, extraordinary second rank official in Inaba of the
broad fifth rank lower grade, and his sister, Hōkun, created a most evil and deceptive
lie and Hōkun told it to me. Seeing this, I still knew that she was saying something
made-up—her expression and the things she said—as a message from a Great God. When
I asked he more I heard and decide that it was not an edict from the Great God, as
I had thought. So I lower her according to the law.”I proclaim, all of you hear the
edict that says: “What she said is not what others said and are only words, backward
and illogical. Her face showed no manners, and she thought to gain herself favor and
be employed. This is against heaven and earth and there is nothing worse than this
act. This is what all the Divine ones and gods of heaven and earth make appear and
tell me—who could possibly say this to me? Surely heaven has shown to me those who
are evil, dirty and tainted in their hearts, even if people do not say it. So, people,
be careful and serve making your heart clear pure and steadfast.”I proclaim, all of
you hear the edict that says: “Further, although I know that there are those who knew
of this lie and plotted with Kiyomaro and his sister but since Lords govern the world
with blessings, I bless and take pity on them and pardon them. However, I shall rule
according to law over those who make a habit of such behavior. Understand this and,
those who previously sympathized with Kiyomaro and his sister and planned one or two
things, rectify your hearts and serve with a clear and steadfast heart!”I proclaim,
all of you hear the edict that says: “Also, although I bestowed names on Kiyomaro
and his sister, thinking them servants who served me, now I lower them as dirty despicable
people and I remove the bestowed names and make them Wakabe and make his name Kitanamaro
and I return Hōkun’s name to Hiromushime.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that
says: “Further, although Myōki is a different person to Hiromushime her heart is the
same so I also remove her name and equally lower her.”