Senmyō 46. Jingo Keiun 3 11th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree
1. 今勅久今日方新嘗乃猶良比乃豊乃明聞許之売湏日仁在。
2. 然昨日能冬至日仁天雨天地毛潤万物毛萌毛延始天好阿流良牟止念仁伊豫国与利白祥鹿乎献奉天在礼方有礼志与呂許保志止奈毛見流。
3. 復三乃善事乃同時仁集天在己止甚希有止念畏末利尊備諸臣等止共仁異奇久麗白伎形乎奈毛見喜流。
4. 故是以黒記白記乃御酒食倍恵良伎常毛賜酒幣乃物賜礼止之天御物給波久止宣。
1. ima nori-tamapaku kyepu pa nipinape no naporapi no toyo no akari kikosi-myesu pi ni ari .
2. sikaru ni kinopu no puyu no kipami no pi ni ame purite tuti mo urupopi yorodu no mono mo megumi moye-pazimete yo-ku aru ramu to omopu ni iyo no kuni yori sirwo-ki sirusi no sika wo tatematurite areba uresi yorokobosi to namo miru .
3. mata mi-tu no yogoto no oyazi toki ni atumarite aru koto ito medurasi to omoposi-kasikwomari-taputwobwi omi-tati to tomo ni koto ni ayasi-ku urupasi-ki sirwo-ki katati wo namo mi-yorokoburu .
4. kare koko wo motite kurwoki sirwoki no mi-ki tamape weraki tune mo tamapu sakamapi no mono tamapare to site opo-mimono tamapaku to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
Now I proclaim: “Today is the day when we partake in the drink banquet of Naorai of
Niinane. However, when I thought it is presumably good as yesterday was the end of
Winter and it rained, the earth is wet, and myriad things are beginning to grow rich
and bud, a deer with a white sign was offered up from Iyo province and I saw it happy
and pleasing indeed. Also, I thought it very rare for three blessings to gather together
at the same time and I fear and revere it and with the statesmen I see its strangely
miraculous, graceful and white form and am happy. So with this, I bestow gifts so
that you receive and delight in black and white alcohol and receive my gift of alcohol
I always bestow.”