Senmyō 48. Hōki 1 10th Month (770), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇詔旨勅命 親王諸王諸臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 掛奈良宮御宇倭根子天皇去八月此食国天下之業拙劣朕被賜而仕奉負賜授賜伎止勅天皇詔旨受被賜恐受被賜懼進不知退不知久止勅命 衆聞宣。

3. 然此天日嗣高御座之業者天坐神地坐祇相宇豆奈比奉相扶奉事弖志此座者平安御坐天下者所知物良之止奈母所念行

4. 又皇坐而天下治賜君者賢臣能人得而天下乎波平安治物良志止奈母聞看行

5. 故是以大命坐勅朕雖拙弱親王始而王臣等相穴奈比奉相扶奉依而此之負賜授賜食国天下之政者平安仕奉倍之止奈母所念行

6. 故是以衆浄明心正直言以而食国政奏天下公民恵治倍之止奈母所念行湏止勅天皇命衆聞宣。

7. 辞別詔今年八月五日肥後国葦北郡人日奉部広主売献白亀。

8. 又同月十七日同国益城郡人山稲主献白亀。

9. 此則並合大瑞。

10. 故天地貺大瑞者受被賜歓受被賜可貴物在。

11. 是以改神護景雲四年為宝亀元年。

12. 又仕奉人等中仕奉状随一二人等冠位上賜治賜

13. 又大赦天下。

14. 又天下六位已下有位人等給位一階。

15. 大神宮始諸社之祢宜等給位一階。

16. 又僧綱始諸寺師位僧尼等御物布施賜

17. 又高年人等養賜。

18. 又困乏人等恵賜

19. 又孝義有人等其事免賜。

20. 又今年天下田租免賜久止宣天皇勅衆聞宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki nara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no ini-si padukwi ni ko no wosukuni ame no sita no waza wo tutana-ku wodina-ki ware ni tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamapi saduke-tamapi-ki to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwomi uke-tamapari-odi susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwomi-masaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. sikaru ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udu-napi-maturi api-tasuke-maturu koto ni yorite si ko no kurawi ni pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku opo-masi-masite ame no sita pa sira-si-myesu mono ni aru rasi to namo omoposi-myesu .

4. mata sumyera to imasite ame no sita wosame-tamapu kimi pa sakasi-ki omi no yo-ki pito wo e-te-si ame no sita woba tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosamuru mono ni aru rasi to namo kikosi-myesu .

5. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no api-ananapi-maturi api-tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no opose-tamapi saduke-tamapu wosukuni ni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .

6. kare koko wo motite moromoro kiywo-ku aka-ki kokoro tadasi-ku napo-ki koto wo motite wosukuni no maturigoto mawosi-tamapi ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo utukusibwi-wosamu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

7. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku kotosi no padukwi no itu-ka no pi pi no miti no siri no kuni no asikita no kopori no pito pimaturibye no pironusimye sirwo-ki kame wo tatematuri-ki .

8. mata oyazitukwi no towo-ka amari nanu-ka no pi oyazikuni no masikwi no kopori no pito yama no inanusi sirwo-ki kame wo tatematuri-ki .

9. ko pa sunapati narabi ni daizuwi ni kanap-yeri .

10. kare ametuti no tamap-yeru opo-ki sirusi pa uke-tamapari yorokobwi-uke-tamapari taputwobu be-ki mono ni ari .

11. koko wo motite zingokeiun no yotose wo aratamete pouki no pazime no tosi to su .

12. mata tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni si ka tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite pito-ri puta-ri-domo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

13. mata ame no sita piro-ku tumi yurusi-tamapu .

14. mata ame no sita no mu-tu no kurawi ywori simo tu kata no kurawi aru pito-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .

15. opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete yasiroyasiro no negwi-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .

16. mata popusi no tukasa wo pazimete teradera no si no kurawi no popusi ama-domo ni opo-mimono podokosi-tamapu .

17. mata tosi taka-ki pito-domo yasinapi-tamapu .

18. mata madusi-ki pito-domo utukusibwi-tamapu .

19. mata keugi aru pito-domo so no koto yurusi-tamapu .

20. mata kotosi ame no sita no tadikara yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the world, all of you hear the imperial edict that I proclaim as the words of the Emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I humbly receive—I receive in fear—the edict of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Nara, in which the Emperor, the last 8th month, commanded me to serve and bestowed this throne of the realm I rule to me, I who am of poor ability and lacking, and I and in fear and awe, not knowing what to do.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Thus, I think that this heavenly high throne is something in which you rule the realm and are calm and peaceful in the throne only by the gods of heaven and earth thinking it good and assisting together the realm. Also, I hear that the Lord who rules the realm as emperor rules the realm peacefully and calmly only by having wise and good statesmen. So, I proclaim in an edict: ‘Though I am unskilled and lacking, I shall govern peacefully and calmly over my realm, which is burdened on and entrusted to me, only by the imperial children, lords and statesmen each advising and serving. So, I shall make the people of the realm beautiful by everyone humbly telling me the governance of my land with a pure and clear heart and correct and proper words.’”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also says: “On the fifth day of the eighth month of this year Himatsuribe-no-Hironushime, a person of the hamlet of Ashikita in Hinomichi-no-Shiri province offered up a white turtle. On the seventeenth of the same month Yama-no-Inanushi, a person of the hamlet of Mashiki of the same province offered up a white turtle. This are, therefore, together a great sign. So, I humbly receive joyously these great signs bestowed by heaven and earth and they should be revered. So I change the eight year of Jingo-Keiun to the first year of Hōki. Further, I raise the cap and rank of one or two among those who serve me based on their service. Also, I pardon all crimes of the realm. Next, I raise the rank by one of those in the realm who are lower than the sixth rank. I raise the rank by one of the Negi of the shrines, starting with the palace of the Gods. Next, I bestow gifts far-and-wide to the priests and nuns in the temples of the rank of Shi, starting with the priest officials. I nurture the elderly. I make the poor beautiful. I pardon those who are pious. I pardon the realm of its field tax this year.”