Senmyō 5. Jinki 1 2nd Month (724), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree
1. 現神大八洲所知倭根子天皇詔旨止勅大命乎親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。
2. 高天原尓神留坐皇親神魯岐神魯美命吾孫将知食国天下止与佐斯奉志麻尓々々高天原尓事波自米而四方食国天下乃政乎弥高弥広尓天日嗣止高御座尓坐而大八嶋国所知倭根子天皇乃大命尓坐詔久此食国天下者掛畏岐藤原宮尓天下所知美麻斯乃父止坐天皇乃美麻斯尓賜志天下之業止詔大命乎聞食恐美受賜懼理坐事乎衆聞食宣。
3. 可久賜時尓美麻斯親王乃齡乃弱尓荷重波不堪自加止所念坐而皇祖母坐志志掛畏岐我皇天皇尓授奉岐。
4. 依行而是平城大宮尓現御神止坐而大八嶋国所知而霊亀元年尓此乃天日嗣高御座之業食国天下之政乎朕尓授賜譲賜而教賜詔賜都良久挂畏淡海大津宮御宇倭根子天皇乃万世尓不改常典止立賜敷賜閇留随法後遂者我子尓佐太加尓牟倶佐加尓無過事授賜止負賜詔賜比志尓坐間尓去年九月天地貺大瑞物顕来理。
5. 又四方食国乃年実豊尓牟倶佐加爾尓得在止見賜而随神母所念行尓于都斯久母皇朕賀御世当顕見魯物尓者不在。
6. 今将嗣坐御世名乎記而応来顕来留物尓在良志止所念坐而今神亀二字御世乃年名止定氐改養老八年為神亀元年而天日嗣高御座 食国天下之業乎吾子美麻斯王尓授賜譲賜止詔天皇大命乎頂受賜恐美持而辞啓者天皇大命恐被賜仕奉者拙久劣而無所知。
7. 進母不知退母不知天地之心母労久重百官之情母辱愧美奈母随神所念坐。
8. 故親王等始而王臣汝等清支明支正支直支心以皇朝乎穴比扶奉而天下公民乎奏賜止詔命衆聞食宣。
9. 辞別詔久 遠皇祖御世始而中今尓至麻氐天日嗣止高御座尓坐而此食国天下乎撫賜慈賜久波時々状々尓従而治賜慈賜来業止随神所念行須。
10. 是以先天下乎慈賜治賜久 又官々仕奉韓人部一二人尓其負而可仕奉姓名賜。
11. 又百官々人及京下僧尼大御手物取賜治賜久止詔天皇御命衆聞食宣。
1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi no mikoto no wa ga mima no sira-sa-mu wosukuni ame no sita to yosasi-maturi-si manima ni takama no para ni koto pazimete yomo no wosukuni ameno sita no maturigoto wo iya taka ni iya piro ni ama tu pitugi to takamikura ni imasite opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ko no wosukuni ame no sita pa kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki pudipara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si mimasi no titi to imasu sumyeramikoto no mimasi ni tamapi-si ame no sita no waza to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamape kasikwomi-uke-tamapari-osori-masu koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
3. kaku tamap-yeru toki ni mimasi mi-kwo no yopapi no waka-ki ni ni omo-ki pa tapezi ka to omoposi-masite sumyemioya to imasi-si kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyeramikoto ni saduke-maturi-ki .
4. kore ni yorite ko no nara no opo-miya ni aki tu mi-kamwi to imasite opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesite reiki no pazime no tosi ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto wo ware ni saduke-tamapi yuduri-tamapite wosipe-tamapi nori-tamapi-turaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no yorodu-yo ni aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to tate-tamapi siki-tamap-yeru nori no manima ni noti tupi ni pa imasu apida ni kozo no nagatukwi ametuti no tamap-yeru opo-ki sirusi no mono arapare-kyeri .
5. mata yomo no wosukuni no tosi yutaka ni mukusaka ni e-tari to mi-tamapite kamu-nagara mo omoposi-myesu ni utusi-ku mo sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite araparuru mono ni pa arazi .
6. ima tugi-masa-mu mi-yo no na wo sirusite kotape-kyeri arapare-kyeru mono ni aru rasi to omoposi-masite ima zinki no puta-mozi wo mi-yo no na to sadamete yaurau no ya-tose aratamete zinki no pazime no tosi to site ama tu pitugi takamekura wosukuni pame no sita no waza wo wa ga kwo mimasi opo-kimi ni saduke-tamapi yuduri-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwo-mi motite inabwi-mawosaba sumyera ga opo-mikoto kasikwo-ku tamapari-tukape-maturaba tutana-ku wodina-kute sir-eru koto na-si .
7. susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni ametuti no kokoro mo itapasi-ku ikasi-ku tukasadukasa no kokoro mo katazikena-mi pazikasi-mi namo kamu-nagara omoposi-masu .
8. kare mi-kwo tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati imasi-tati kiywo-ki aka-ki tadasi-ki napo-ki kokoro wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo wo ananapi tasuke-maturite ame no sita no opo-mitukara wo mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
9. koto wakite nori-tamapaku toposumyeroki no mi-yo wo pazimete nakaima ni itaru made ama tu pitugi to takamikura ni imasite ko no wosukuni ame no sita wo nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapaku pa tokidoki samazama ni sitagapite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru waza to kamu-nagara omoposi-myesu .
10. koko wo motite madu ame no sita wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapaku [KANBUN_TEXT] mata tukasadukasa ni tukape-maturu karapito-domo pito-ri puta-ri ni so no opite tukape-maturu be-ki kabane na tamapu .
11. mata tukasadukasabito to mi-satwo no popusi ama to ni opo-mite tu mono tora-si-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the
edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island
realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear: “I have heard and receive in fear
the edict proclaimed by the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island
realm in the throne of the heavenly line, spreading far and wide the governance of
the whole realm, as the Imperial gods and goddesses, gathered in the high plain, created
the realm in the high plain according to their entrusting it as the realm that my
descendants shall rule. The edict proclaims: ‘This, our realm, is the throne of the
realm bestowed to you by your Imperial father, too awesome to mention, who ruled the
realm form the palace at Fujiwara.’ ”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says:
“I humbly received and knew in awe the imperial edict that says: ‘When this was proclaimed
you were young and I thought the burden would be too much for you to bear so I bestowed
the throne to my Lady, the Empress, too awesome to mention and your godly parent.
So she ruled the eight-island realm as a living God from the palace at Nara and, in
the first year of Reiki, bestowed and passed on the throne of the heavenly line and
proclaimed, teaching me: “Certainly and joyfully bestow this throne to my child without
fail, according to the laws, the eternal laws that can never be improved upon, which
were established and disseminated by the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to
mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu.” Proclaiming this, the
Empress burdened me with the task and in the ninth month of last year a Great sign
of heaven and earth appeared. Also, seeing the people gained a bountiful and joyous
crop in the whole realm, I thought, as a god, that this should not be something that
happens in my reign. Thinking these were things that appeared in response of the reign
that you shall now inherit, I make the two characters ‘Jinki’ (Heavenly Turtle) the
era name and change this year from the eighth year of Yōrō to the first year of Jinki
and bestow and pass on the throne of the heavenly line, the throne of the realm to
you, the Lord, my child.’ If I reject this then it is disrespectful to the Imperial
edict, if I receive and serve in the throne then I know nothing, being unskilled and
lacking. Not knowing what to do, I, as a god, am troubled and ashamed as to how the
officials think and pained and concerned for the will of heaven and earth. So, you,
Imperial children, Lords and nobles, advise and assist the Imperial court with a pure,
clean, correct and properly heart and tell me of the people of the realm.”I proclaim,
all of you hear the Imperial edict that also says: “I think, as a god, that caring
for and blessing this, our realm, in the throne of the heavenly line, from the reigns
of ancient Emperors until now, is carried out according to the time and circumstances.
So, before all, I bless the people of the realm: ‘[Chinese]. Also, I bestow family
names, that they can be burdened with and serve me, on one or two foreigner people
serving as officials. Also, I bestow gifts on the officials and the priests and nuns
of the capital.”