Senmyō 56. Hōki 7 4th Month (776), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree
1. 天皇 我大命良麻等遣唐国使人尔詔大命乎聞食止宣。
2. 今詔佐伯今毛人宿祢大伴宿祢益立二人今汝等二人乎遣唐国者今始弖遣物尔波不在本与利自朝使其国尔遣之其国与利進渡祁里。
3. 依此弖使次止遣物曾。
4. 悟此意弖其人等乃和美安美応為久相言部。
5. 驚呂驚呂之岐事行奈世曾。
6. 亦所遣使人判官已下死罪已下有犯者順罪弖行止之弖節刀給久止詔大命乎聞食止宣。
1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to morokwosi ni tukapa-su tukapi ni noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. ima nori-tamapaku sapeki no ima emisi no sukune opo-tomo no sukune masu tatu puta-ri ima imasi-tati puta-ri wo morokwosi ni tukapa-su pa ima pazimete tukapa-su mono ni pa ara-zu moto ywori mikadwo ywori tukapi ka no kuni ni tukapa-si ka no kuni yori madasi-watasi-kyeri .
3. kore ni yorite tukapi no tugite to tukapa-su mono so .
4. ko no kokoro wo satorite ka no pito-domo no nikwo-mi yasu-mi su be-ku api-ipye .
5. odoro-odorosi-ki kotowaza na-se-so .
6. mata tukapa-su tukapi no maturigotopito ywori simo tu kata korosu tumi ywori simo wokasu koto araba tumi ni sitagapite okonapye to site sirusi no tati tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor to the emissaries
serving in Tang.I proclaim, hear the edict I know proclaim, saying: “Saeki-no-Imaemishi-no-Sukune,
Otomo-no-Sukune-Masutatsu: your serving in Tang is not the first time people have
served there and originally the court has sent emissaries to that state and emissaries
have been sent over from that state. Understand the reason for this and each of you
talk so that the people there are calm and peaceful. Do not do outlandish acts. Also,
I bestow you with a sword of proof so that, if anyone below third rank official commits
a crime punishable by less than the death penalty, you perform the punishment accordingly.”