Senmyō 59. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree
1. 天皇我御命良麻等詔大命 乎親王等王等臣等百官乃人等天下公民衆聞食 止宣。
2. 朕以寡薄宝位乎受賜弖年久重 奴。
3. 而尔嘉政 頻闕 弖天下不得治成。
4. 加以元来風病尔苦 都身体不安。
5. 復年毛弥高成 尔弖餘命不幾。
6. 今所念久此位波避 天暫間毛御体欲養止奈毛所念 湏。
7. 故是以皇太子止定賜留山部親王 尔天下政波授賜布。
8. 古人有言知子者親 止云止奈毛聞食。
9. 此王波弱時 余利朝夕止朕尔従 天至今麻天怠事無久仕奉 乎見波仁孝厚王尔在 止奈毛神奈我良所知食。
10. 其仁孝者百行之基 奈利。
11. 曾毛曾毛百足之虫乃至死不顛事 波輔乎多美止奈毛聞食。
12. 衆諸如此 乃状悟弖清直心乎毛知此王 乎輔導天天下百姓乎可令撫育 止宣。
13. 又詔久如此時尔当 都々人々不好謀乎懐弖天下 乎毛乱己我氏門乎毛滅人等麻祢 久在。
14. 若如此有牟人乎婆己 我教化訓直弖各々己我祖 乃門不滅弥高尔仕奉将継 止思慎天清直伎心 乎持弖仕奉倍之止奈毛所念 湏。
15. 天高止毛聴卑物曾止詔天皇 我御命乎衆諸聞食止宣。
1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. ware tutana-ku wodina-ku site ama tu pitugi wo uke-tamaparite tosi pisasi-ku kasanari-nu .
3. sikaru ni yo-ki maturigoto siki ni kakete ame no sita e-wosame-zu nari-nu .
4. sika nomwi ni ara-zu moto ywori kaze no yamapi ni kurusimitutu opo-mimwi yasu-kara-zu .
5. mata tosi mo iya taka-ku nari-nite nokori no inoti ikubaku mo ara-zu .
6. ima omoposaku ko no kurawi pa sarite simaraku no ma mo opo-mimwi yasinapa-mu to namo omoposu .
7. kare koko wo motite pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamap-yeru yamapye no mi-kwo ni ame no sita no maturigoto pa saduke-tamapu .
8. inisipe no pito ni ip-yeru koto ari kwo wo siru pa oya to ip-yeri to namo kikosi-myesu .
9. ko no opo-kimi pa waka-ki toki yori asitayupubye to ware ni sitagapite ima ni itaru made okotaru koto na-ku tukape-maturu wo mireba ninkeu atu-ki opo-kimi ni ari to namo kamu-nagara sira-si-myesu .
10. sore ninkeu pa pyakugyau no moto nari .
11. somosomo pyakusoku no musi no sinuru ni itarite mo kutu-kapyera-nu koto pa tasuke wo opo-mi to namo kikosi-myesu .
12. moromoro kaku no sama satorite kiywo-ku napo-ki kokoro wo moti ko no opo-kimi wo tasuke-mitibikite ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo nade-yasinapa-simu be-si to noritamapu .
13. mata nori-tamapaku kaku no toki ni ataritutu pitobito yokara-nu pakarikoto wo omopite ame no sita wo mo midari ono ga udikadwo wo mo porobosu pito-domo mane-ku ari .
14. mosi kaku ara-mu pito woba ono ga wosipe-omobuke wosipe-naposite ono mo ono mo ono ga oya no kadwo porobosa-zu iya taka ni tukape-maturi tuga-mu to omopi-tutusimite kiywo-ku napo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .
15. ame taka-kyedomo pikiki ni kiku mono so to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm,
hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor.I proclaim: “Many years have
passed since I became the heavenly heir, of poor ability and lacking. However, I have
been unable to rule the realm, often lacking in good governance. Not only this but
I have also suffered with ailments from the wind from the start and my body is not
rested. Also, my years have become so many and my remaining life not so much. Now
I think I shall leave the throne and rest my body for a while. So with this I bestow
the governance of the realm to the imperial child Yamabe, who is designated the imperial
heir. I have heard it said by ancient people that it is the parent who knows the child.
Seeing the Lord obey me morning and evening from when he was young until now, never
becoming idle, I know that he is a Lord of benevolent piety.
Benevolent piety is the origin of all governance. Generally, I hear that the reason
why the hundred-legged bug does not fall on its back even at its death is because
it has much aid. So, you should all understand this and, with a pure and honest heart,
assist and lead the lord and allow him to care for and nurture the people of the realm.”I
proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “In such times,
people think of evil schemes and there are many people who destroy both the realm
and their own households. Thinking and being prepared if such a person teaches and
puts themselves right and rectifies themselves, that person will not destroy their
parent’s home but diligently serve and inherit the house, I think one should serve
with a clear and correct heart. Though heaven is high, it hears the low ground.”