Senmyō 6. Tenpyō 1 8th Month (729), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 現神御宇倭根子天皇詔旨勅命親王等諸王等諸臣等百官人等天下公民衆聞宣。

2. 高天原天降坐天皇御世始而許能天官御座坐而天地八方治賜調賜事者聖君坐而賢臣供奉天下平百官安為而天地大瑞者顕来止奈母随神所念行佐久止詔命衆聞宣。

3. 如是詔者大命坐皇朕御世当而者皇坐朕聞持事乏見持行少朕臣為供奉人等一二 漏落事牟加止所思坐而我皇太上天皇大前古士物進退匍匐廻保理白賜受被賜者卿等問来政者加久耶答賜加久耶答賜白賜官耶治賜白賜倍婆教賜於毛夫気賜答賜宣賜随食国天下之政行賜敷賜乍供奉賜間京職大夫従三位藤原朝臣麻呂等負図亀一頭献奏賜不尓所聞行驚賜恠賜所見行歓賜嘉賜所思行者于都斯久皇朕政所致物耶。

4. 此者太上天皇厚蒙而高依而顕来 大瑞物曽詔命衆聞宣。

5. 辞別詔此大瑞物者天坐神地坐神宇豆奈比奉福奉事依而顕奉貴瑞以而御世年号改賜換賜。

6. 是以 改神亀六年為天平元年而大赦天下百官主典已上人等冠位一階上賜事始一二慶命恵賜行賜詔天皇命衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para yu amori-masi-si sumyera ga mi-yo wo pazimete ko no takamikura ni imasite ametuti ya-mo wo wosame-tamapi totonope-tamapu koto pa piziri no kimi to imasite sakasi-ki omi tukape-maturi ame no sita tapirake-ku tukasadukasa yasu-ku site si ametuti no opo-ki sirusi pa arapare-ku to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku noritamapu pa opo-mikoto ni imase sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite pa sumyera to imasu ware mo kiki-mot-aru koto tomosi-ku mi-mot-aru okonapi sukuna-mi wa ga omi to site tukape-maturu pito-tati mo pito-tu puta-tu wo mora-si otosu koto mo ara-mu ka to katazikena-mi paduzukasi-mi omoposi-masite wa ga opo-kimi opo-ki sumyeramikoto no opo-mapye ni kasikwo zimono sizimapi-papi-motopori-mawosi-tamapi uke-tamaparaku pa mapye tu kimi-tati no twopi-ko-mu maturigoto woba kaku ya kotape-tamapa-mu kaku ya kotape-tamapa-mu to mawosi-tamapu tukasa ni ya wosame-tamapa-mu to mawosi-tamapeba wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapi kotape-tamapi noritamapu manima ni ko no wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto wo okonapi-tamapi siki-tamapitutu tukape-maturi-tamapu apida ni mi-satwodukasa no kami piro-ki mi-tu no kurawi pudipara no asomi marora i pumi-op-yeru kame pito-tu tatematuraku to mawosi-tamapu ni kikosi-myesi odoroki-tamapi ayasibwi-tamapi misonapasi-yorokobwi-tamapi mede-tamapite omoposi-myesaku pa utusi-ku mo sumyera wa ga maturigoto no itas-eru mono ni ara-me ya .

4. ko pa opo-ki sumyeramikoto no atu-ki piro-ki utukusubwi wo kagapurite taka-ki taputwo-ki okonapi ni yorite arapare-kyeru opo-ki sirusi no mono so to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

5. koto wakite nori-tamapaku ko no opo-ki sirusi no mono pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udunapi-maturi sakipape-maturu koto ni yorite arapasi-matur-eru taputwo-ki sirusi naru wo motite mi-yo no na aratame-tamapi kape-tamapu .

6. koko wo motite zinki no mu-tose wo aratamete tempiyau no pazime no tosi to site ame no sita piro-ku tumi yurusi-tamapi tukasadukasa no sakwan ywori kamitukata no pito-domo kagapurikurawi pitosina age-tamapu koto wo pazime pito-tu puta-tu no yorokobwi no opo-mikoto wo utukusibwi-tamapi okonapi-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .



English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the world, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “In ruling and ordering all of heaven and earth in this high throne, starting with the reign of the Emperor who descended from the high plain, only when wise statesmen serve, the realm is peaceful and the officials are calm, with a wise Emperor, do great signs of heaven and earth appear.”I proclaim thus in an edict because I feel troubled and embarrassed, thinking that in my Imperial reign I, the emperor, have understood little and have carried out little governance and those who serve as my nobles may have also been negligent once or twice. I have crawled back and forth and spoken before my Lady, the abdicated Empress, and I have ruled and disseminated governances of my realm according to how she taught and lead me in response to my asking ‘Shall I respond this way or that regarding the governances about which my Ministers inquire?’ and asking how to reward officials. While I was doing so I heard that the official of the capital of the third rank, Fujiwara-no-Asomi Maro, and others offered up a turtle bearing writing. I was surprised and puzzled by this and I saw it, rejoiced in it and applauded it and I thought, ‘Surely something this beautiful has not come due to my governance. This great sign as appeared due to the great and precious governance and due to me receiving benevolent and broad blessings from the abdicated Empress.’I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that also says: “I change the reign name with this great sign that is a precious sign that has appeared due to the gods of heaven and earth approving and bringing it into existence. So, I change the sixth year of Jinki to the first year of Tenpyō and pardon all crimes in the realm, and I carry out and bless you with one or two joyous edicts, starting by raising the cap and rank of those clerk officials and above by one.”