Senmyō 60. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kanmu gloss tree
1. 天皇詔旨勅命乎親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食止宣。
2. 随法尔可有伎政止志弖早良親王立而皇太子止定賜布。
3. 故此之状悟天百官人等仕奉礼止詔天皇勅旨乎衆聞食宣。
1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
2. nori no manima ni aru be-ki maturigoto to site sawara no mi-kwo wo tatete pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamapu .
3. kare kaku no sama satorite tukasadukasa no pito-domo tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .
English translation
by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and the people of the realm,
all of you hear the edict I proclaims as the words of the emperor.I proclaim, all
of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “I raise up the imperial child Sawara
and designate him the imperial heir as a governance that should happen according to
the law. Officials, understand this and serve!”