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OCOJ: Funding bodies


Funding Bodies

This page details the generous funding given to the OCOJ from a variety of sources.

British Academy

The Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese has recently been awarded the status of a British Academy Research Project, following a highly competitive two-stage evaluation process. The prestiguous recognition by the British Academy is clear evidence of the high quality of the groundbreaking work on Old Japanese being carried out in Oxford.

Arts and Humanities Research Council

The OCOJ has developed from the project 'Verb Semantics and Argument Realisation in Pre-Modern Japanese', currently underway in the Research Centre for Japanese Language and Linguistics at the University of Oxford. VSARPJ is funded by a substantial AHRC award.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/University of Tsukuba

Preparation of the Norito and Senmyō materials was supported in part by a grant to Yuko Yanagida (University of Tsukuba) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.