L051184 L051184 kakye

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
kakye KK.2 KK.2 KK.2
kakye NSK.96 NSK.96 NSK.96
adikamano kakye MYS.14.3553 MYS.14.3553 MYS.14.3553

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
kakye-yama MYS.14.3432 MYS.14.3432 MYS.14.3432

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
asigarino wawo-kakye-yama MYS.14.3432 MYS.14.3432 MYS.14.3432