L030934a L030934a sus- get sooty

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
susite MYS.11.2651 MYS.11.2651 MYS.11.2651
susumi SM.5 SM.5 SM.5
susumite SM.13 SM.13 SM.13

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
susumi-iru SM.62 SM.62 SM.62

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
taputwobwi-susumi SM.13 SM.13 SM.13
odi-susumi SM.24 SM.24 SM.24
odi-susumi SM.49 SM.49 SM.49
odi-susumi SM.61 SM.61 SM.61

Complex predicate constructions: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
susite aredo MYS.11.2651 MYS.11.2651 MYS.11.2651