L031577a L031577a pyenar- be apart

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
pyenari MYS.11.2420 MYS.11.2420 MYS.11.2420
pyenari MYS.19.4214 MYS.19.4214 MYS.19.4214
pyenarite MYS.15.3755 MYS.15.3755 MYS.15.3755
pyenarite MYS.15.3764 MYS.15.3764 MYS.15.3764
pyenarite MYS.17.3957 MYS.17.3957 MYS.17.3957
pyenarite MYS.17.3978 MYS.17.3978 MYS.17.3978

Use with auxiliaries or suffixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
pyenar-eru MYS.4.765 MYS.4.765 MYS.4.765
pyenar-ereba MYS.8.1464 MYS.8.1464 MYS.8.1464
pyenar-eru MYS.11.2422 MYS.11.2422 MYS.11.2422
pyenari-naba MYS.12.3187 MYS.12.3187 MYS.12.3187
kwoye-pyenari-naba MYS.17.4006 MYS.17.4006 MYS.17.4006
pyenari-ni-kye MYS.20.4308 MYS.20.4308 MYS.20.4308

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
kwoye-pyenari-naba MYS.17.4006 MYS.17.4006 MYS.17.4006
ki-pyenarite MYS.4.670 MYS.4.670 MYS.4.670
ki-pyenarite MYS.17.3969 MYS.17.3969 MYS.17.3969
ki-pyenarite MYS.17.3981 MYS.17.3981 MYS.17.3981

Complex predicate constructions: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
pyenarite areba MYS.17.3957 MYS.17.3957 MYS.17.3957
pyenarite are koso MYS.17.3978 MYS.17.3978 MYS.17.3978