L030021a L030021a ake- open t

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
ake MYS.6.997 MYS.6.997 MYS.6.997
akete MYS.2.93 MYS.2.93 MYS.2.93
akete MYS.8.1579 MYS.8.1579 MYS.8.1579
akete MYS.10.1971 MYS.10.1971 MYS.10.1971
akete MYS.11.2678 MYS.11.2678 MYS.11.2678
akete MYS.12.2851 MYS.12.2851 MYS.12.2851
akete MYS.13.3321 MYS.13.3321 MYS.13.3321
aketutu MYS.11.2448 MYS.11.2448 MYS.11.2448
akureba MYS.12.3034 MYS.12.3034 MYS.12.3034

Use with auxiliaries or suffixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
ake-zu FK.15 FK.15 FK.15
ake-si FK.16 FK.16 FK.16
piraki-ake-tu MYS.4.591 MYS.4.591 MYS.4.591
toki-ake-si MYS.11.2405 MYS.11.2405 MYS.11.2405
na-ake-so MYS.11.2555 MYS.11.2555 MYS.11.2555
tokimo ake-naku MYS.17.3948 MYS.17.3948 MYS.17.3948

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
ake-makete MYS.4.744 MYS.4.744 MYS.4.744
ake-okite MYS.11.2617 MYS.11.2617 MYS.11.2617

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
piraki-ake-tu MYS.4.591 MYS.4.591 MYS.4.591
toki-ake-si MYS.11.2405 MYS.11.2405 MYS.11.2405
toki-akena MYS.20.4295 MYS.20.4295 MYS.20.4295
toki-akete MYS.11.2406 MYS.11.2406 MYS.11.2406

Complex predicate constructions: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
ake ari seba FK.15 FK.15 FK.15