L050024 L050024 nusi, onosi master

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
aga nusi MYS.5.882 MYS.5.882 MYS.5.882
narega nusi MYS.11.2503 MYS.11.2503 MYS.11.2503
nusi MYS.18.4132 MYS.18.4132 MYS.18.4132

Use with prefixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
aga opo-kuni-nusi KK.5 KK.5 KK.5
opo-mono-nusi NSK.15 NSK.15 NSK.15
waga opo-nusi MYS.19.4256 MYS.19.4256 MYS.19.4256

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
aga opo-kuni-nusi KK.5 KK.5 KK.5
opo-mono-nusi NSK.15 NSK.15 NSK.15
ato-nusi BS.16 BS.16 BS.16
opo-ku-me-nusi MYS.18.4094a MYS.18.4094a MYS.18.4094a
opo-ku-me-nusi MYS.18.4094b MYS.18.4094b MYS.18.4094b