L031356a L031356a negap- pray; hope

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
negapeba MYS.7.1357 MYS.7.1357 MYS.7.1357
negapu MYS.16.3829 MYS.16.3829 MYS.16.3829
negapu MYS.18.4094a MYS.18.4094a MYS.18.4094a
negapu MYS.18.4094b MYS.18.4094b MYS.18.4094b

Use with auxiliaries or suffixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
negapa-zu SM.41 SM.41 SM.41
negapi-turu MYS.4.548 MYS.4.548 MYS.4.548
negapi-kurasi-tu MYS.5.902 MYS.5.902 MYS.5.902
negapi-tu MYS.20.4470 MYS.20.4470 MYS.20.4470

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
negapi-kurasi-tu MYS.5.902 MYS.5.902 MYS.5.902
negapi-masu SM.28 SM.28 SM.28
negapi-motome-tabu SM.41 SM.41 SM.41
negapi-motomuru SM.45 SM.45 SM.45
negapi-inoredomo SM.45 SM.45 SM.45

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
taputwobi-negapu MYS.5.904 MYS.5.904 MYS.5.904