L031799a L031799a yase- get thin

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
yase MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462
yasu MYS.4.598 MYS.4.598 MYS.4.598
yaseni yasu MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462
yasumarite SM.51 SM.51 SM.51
yasumaru SM.51 SM.51 SM.51
yasumopu SM.7 SM.7 SM.7
yasumopu SM.51 SM.51 SM.51

Use with auxiliaries or suffixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
yase-nu MYS.2.122 MYS.2.122 MYS.2.122
yase-nu MYS.4.723 MYS.4.723 MYS.4.723
mati yase-mu MYS.7.1367 MYS.7.1367 MYS.7.1367
yase-nu MYS.12.2928 MYS.12.2928 MYS.12.2928
yase-mu MYS.12.2976 MYS.12.2976 MYS.12.2976
na-yase-so MYS.15.3586 MYS.15.3586 MYS.15.3586
yasu-kye-mu SM.45 SM.45 SM.45

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
yasu-yasu MYS.16.3854 MYS.16.3854 MYS.16.3854

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
yasu-yasu MYS.16.3854 MYS.16.3854 MYS.16.3854

Complex predicate constructions: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
yase ni yasu MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462 MYS.8.1462