L031767a L031767a motome- seek

Simple Forms Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
motome MYS.4.627 MYS.4.627 MYS.4.627
motome MYS.13.3320 MYS.13.3320 MYS.13.3320
motomete MYS.4.628 MYS.4.628 MYS.4.628
motomete MYS.13.3247 MYS.13.3247 MYS.13.3247
motometutu MYS.7.1166 MYS.7.1166 MYS.7.1166
motomu BS.21 BS.21 BS.21
motomu BS.21 BS.21 BS.21
motomu MYS.3.267 MYS.3.267 MYS.3.267
motomu MYS.6.1003 MYS.6.1003 MYS.6.1003
motomu MYS.9.1667 MYS.9.1667 MYS.9.1667
motomu MYS.10.1826 MYS.10.1826 MYS.10.1826
motomu MYS.12.2925 MYS.12.2925 MYS.12.2925
motomu MYS.12.2925 MYS.12.2925 MYS.12.2925
motomu MYS.13.3318 MYS.13.3318 MYS.13.3318
motomuru MYS.7.1292 MYS.7.1292 MYS.7.1292
motomuru MYS.12.2926 MYS.12.2926 MYS.12.2926

Use with auxiliaries or suffixes: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
motome-mu MYS.2.208a MYS.2.208a MYS.2.208a
motome-mu MYS.2.208b MYS.2.208b MYS.2.208b
motome-mu MYS.5.808 MYS.5.808 MYS.5.808
motome-mu MYS.7.1110 MYS.7.1110 MYS.7.1110
motome-kye-mu MYS.14.3415 MYS.14.3415 MYS.14.3415
motome-apa-zu-kye-mu MYS.17.4014 MYS.17.4014 MYS.17.4014

First member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
motome-apa-zu-kye-mu MYS.17.4014 MYS.17.4014 MYS.17.4014
motome-tabu SM.41 SM.41 SM.41

Second member of a compound: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
pumi-motome MYS.4.545 MYS.4.545 MYS.4.545
negapi-motome-tabu SM.41 SM.41 SM.41
tadune-motomete BS.8 BS.8 BS.8
omopi-motomuru SM.34 SM.34 SM.34
twopi-motomuru SM.44 SM.44 SM.44
negapi-motomuru SM.45 SM.45 SM.45

Complex predicate constructions: Text (no gloss) Text (with gloss) Trees
motome so wa ga ko si MYS.13.3320 MYS.13.3320 MYS.13.3320