Norito 1. Grain-petitioning Festival gloss

" ugonapareru kamunusi – papurira , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru . " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumyemutukamurwoki no mi-koto – kamurwomi no mi-koto motite , ama tu yasiro – kuni tu yasiro to tatapegoto wopematuru sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kotosi kisaragi ni mi-tosi padime-tamapa-mu to site , sumyemima no mi-koto no udu no mitegura wo , asapi no toyosakanobori ni , tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " mitosi no sumyegamwitati no mapye ni mawosaku , sumyegamwitati no yosa-si-matura-mu oki tu mi tosi wo , tanapidi ni minawa kakitari , mukamomo ni pidi kakiyosete , tori-tukura-mu oki tu mi tosi wo , ya-tukapo no ikasipo ni , sumyegamwi-tati no yosasi-maturaba , patupo wo ba , ti-kapi yapokapi ni tatematuriokite , mika nope takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , siru ni mo kapi ni mo tatapegoto wopematuramu . opo-nwo no para ni opuru mono pa , amana – karana , awomi no para ni sumu mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mo pa – pe tu mo pa ni itaru made ni , mi-so pa akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni tatapegoto wopematuramu . mi-tosi no sumyegamwi no mapye ni sirwo-ki uma – sirwo-ki wi – sirwo-ki tori , kusagusa no iromono wo sonapematurite , sumyemima no mi-koto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " opomikamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kamumusubi -- takamimusubi -- ikumusubi -- tarumusubi -- tamatumemusubi – opo-miyanome -- opomiketukami – kotosironusi to , mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyemima no mi-koto no mi-yo wo tanaga no mi-yo to , kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasimiyo ni sakipapematuru ga yuwe ni , sumyera wa ga mutukamurwoki no mi-koto – kamurwomi no mi-koto to , sumyemima no mi-koto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " wikasuri no mi-kamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , ikuwi -- sakuwi -- tunagawi -- asupapapiki to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyegamwi no sikimasu , simo tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosiritate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , sumyemima no mi-koto no midu no mi-araka wo tukapematurite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to kakurimasite , yomo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirakeku sirosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mi-koto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " mikadwo no mi-kamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kusiipamatwo no mikoto – toyoipamatwo no mikoto to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , yomo no mi-kadwo ni yutuipamura no gotoku sayarimasite , asita ni pa mikadwo wo pirakimaturi , yupubye ni pa mikadwo wo tatematurite , utoburu mono no sita yori yukaba sita wo mamori , upe yori yukaba upe wo mamori , ywo no mamori pi no mamori ni mamorimaturu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mi-koto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " ikusima no mikamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , ikukuni – tarukuni to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyegami no sikimasu sima no ya-sosima pa , taniguku no sa-wataru kipami , siponawa no todomaru kagiri , saki kuni pa piroku , sagasi-ki kuni pa tapirakeku , sima no ya-sosima oturu koto naku , sumyegami-tati no yosasi-maturu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " koto wakite , ise ni masu amaterasuopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawosaku , sumyegami no miparukasi-masu yomo no kuni pa , ame no kakitatu kipami , kuni no sokitatu kagiri , awokumwo no tanabiku kipami , sirwokumo no oriwimukabusu kagiri , awomi no para pa sawokadi posazu , puna no pe no itaritodomaru kipami , opo-mi no para ni puna mititudukete , kuga yori yuku miti pa , ni no wo yupikatamete , ipane kine pumisakumite , uma no tume no itaritodomaru kagiri , nagadi pima naku tatitudukete , saki kuni pa piroku , sagasi-ki kuni pa tapirakeku , topo-ki kuni pa ya-sotuna uti-kakete pikiyosuru koto no gotoku , sumyeopomikami no yosasi-maturaba , nozaki pa sumyeopomikami no opo-mapye ni , yokoyama no gotoku uti-tumiokite , nokori woba tapirake-ku kikosimyesamu . mata sumyemima no mikoto no mi-yo wo , tanaga no mi-yo to , kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipape-maturi ga yuwe ni , sumyera wa ga mutukamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto to , uzimono unane tukinukite , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " miagata ni masu sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , taketi – kaduraki – towo-ti – siki – yama no be – sopu to mi-na pa mawosite , ko no mu-tsu no mi-agata ni nariiduru , amana – karana wo motimawikite , sumyemima no mikoto no nagamike no topomike to kikosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru . " yama no kuti ni masu sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , asuka -- ipare -- osaka -- patuse -- unebi – miminasi to mi-na pa mawosite , topoyama – tikayama ni opitateru opo-ki – wogi wo , motosuwe uti-kirite motimawikite , sumyemima no mikoto no midu no mi-araka tukapematurite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to kakurimasite , yomo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru " mikumari ni masu sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , yosinwo -- uda -- tuge – kaduraki to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumeygami-tati no yosasi-maturamu oki tu mi-tosi wo , ya-tukapo no ikasi po ni yosasi-maturaba , sumyegami-tati ni , hatupo pa kapi ni mo siru ni mo mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete tatapegoto wopematurite , nokori woba sumyemima no mikoto no asamike – yupubemike no kamukapi ni , nagamike no topomike to , akani no po ni kikosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to moromoro kikosimyese to noru . " koto wakite , imibe no yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete , motiyumapari tukapematureru mitegura wo kamunusi – papuri-ra uketamaparite , koto ayamata-zu sasagemotite tatemature " to noru .

Norito 2. Kasuga Festival gloss

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni mase , kasikwo-ki kasima ni masu takemikaduti no mikoto , katori ni masu ipapinusi no mikoto , pirawoka ni masu ame no kwoyane no mikoto , pimegamwi , yobasira no sumyegamwi-tati no piromapye ni mawosaku , " opogamwitati no kopasi-tamapi no manima ni , kasuga no mikasa no yama no simo tu ipane ni miyabasira pirosiritate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to sadamematurite , tatematuru kamudakara pa , mi-kagami – mi-pakasi – mi-torasi – mi-poko – mi-ma ni sonapematuri , mi-so pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni tukapematurite , yomo no kuni no tatematureru mi-tuki no nozaki torinarabete , awomi no para no mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mopa – pye tu mopa , yamanwo no mono pa , amana – karana ni itaru made , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , kusagusa no mono wo yokoyama no gotoku tumiokite , kamunusi ni , sore no tukasa kurawi kabane na wo sadamete , tatematuru udu no opo-mitegura wo yasumitegura no taru mitegura to tapirake-ku yasurake-ku kikosimyese to , sumyeopomikamwi-tati wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

2. " kaku tukapematuru ni yorite , ima mo yuku saki mo , sumyera ga mikado wo tapirakeku yasurakeku , tarasimiyo no ikasimiyo ni ipapimaturi , tokipa ni kakipa ni sakipapematuri , adukarite tukapematuru tokorodokoro ipeipe no opo-kimi-tati – mapetugimi-tati wo mo , tapirakeku , sumyera ga mikado ni ikasiyakupa no gotoku tukapematuri , sakayesimetamape to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 3. Festival of Opo-Imi in Pirose gloss

1. " pirose no kapapi ni tatapegoto wopematuru sumyegamwi no mi-na wo mawosaku mi-ke motasuru wakauka no mye no mikoto to mi-na pa mawosite ko no sumyegamwi no mapye ni koto wopematuraku sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo sasagemotasimete opo-kimi-tati – mapetugimi-tati wo tukapi to site tatapegoto wopematuraku wo kamunusi – papuri-ra moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

2. " tatematuru udu no mitegura pa mi-so pa akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape itu-iro no mono tate -- poko – mi-ma – mi-ki pa mika no pe takasiri mika no para mite narabete nigisine – arasine ni yama ni sumu mono pa ke no nikwo-ki mono – ke no araki mono opo-nwo no para ni opuru mono pa amana – karana awomi no para ni sumu mono pa pata no piro-ki mono – pata no saki mono oki tu mopa – pe tu mopa ni itaru made okitarapasite tatematuraku to sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawositamape " to noru .

3. " kaku tatematuru udu no mitegura wo yasumitegura no tarimitegura to sumyegamwi no mi-gokoro ni tapirake-ku yasurake-ku kikosimesite sumyemima no mikoto no nagamike no topomike to akani no po ni kikosimesa-mu sumyegamwi no mi-tosiro wo padimete miko-tati – opo-kimi-tati – mapetugimi-tati – ame no sita no opo-mitakara no toritukuru oki tu mi-tosi pa tanapidi ni minawa kaki-tari mukamomo ni pidi kakiyosete toritukuramu oki tu mi-tosi wo yatukapo ni sumyegamwi no nasisakipapetamapaba patupo pa siru ni mo kapi ni mo tisine yatisine ni pikisuwete yokoyama no gotoku utitumiokite aki no maturi ni tatematuramu to sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawositamape " to noru .

4. " yamato no kuni no mu-tu no mi-agata no yama no kuti ni masu sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mo sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo akaru tape teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono tate – poko ni itaru made tatematuru .

5. kaku maturaba sumyegamwitatino sikimasu yamayama no kuti yori sakunadari ni kudasi-tamapu midu wo amaki midu to ukete ame no sita no opomitakara no toritukureru oki tu mi-tosi wo asiki kaze araki midu ni apase-tamapa-zu na ga mikoto no ikasi sakipapetamapaba patupo pa siru ni mo kapi ni mo mika no pe takasiri mika no para mite narabete yokoyama no gotoku utitumiokite tatematura-mu to opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati -- momo no tukasabito-tati yamato no kuni no mu-tu no mi-agata no tone wotokowomina ni itaru made kotosi sore no tuki no sore no pi moromoro mawiidekite sumyegamwi no mapye ni uzimono unane tukinukite asapi no toyosakanobori ni tatapegoto wopematuraku wo kamunusi -- papurira moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

Norito 4. Festival of the Wind Deities of Tatuta gloss

1. " tatuta ni tatapegoto wopematuru , sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawosaku , sikwisima ni opo-yasimaguni sirasi-si sumyemima no mikoto no , topomike no nagamike to , akani no po ni kikosimesu itu-kusa no tana tu mono wo padimete , ame no sita no opo-mitakara no tukuru mono wo kusa no kakipa ni itaru made nasi-tamapa-nu koto , pitotose puta-tose ni arazu , tosi maneku sokonaperu ga yuwe ni , momo no monosiribito-domo no uragoto ni ide-mu kamwi no mi-kokoro pa , ko no kamwi to mawose to oposetamapiki .

2. ko wo monosiribito-domo no uragoto wo motite urapedomo , iduru kamwi no mi-kokoro mo nasi to mawosu to kikosimesite , sumyemima no mikoto no noritamapaku , ' kamwi-tati woba ama tu yasiro – kuni tu yasiro to wasururu koto naku , oturu koto naku , tatapegoto wopematuru to omoposiokonapasu wo , idure no kamwi zo , ame no sita no opo-mitakara no tukuritukuru mono wo , nasi-tamapa-zu sokonaperu kamwi-tati pa , wa ga mi-kokoro zo to satosimature to ukepitamapiki .

3. koko wo motite , sumyemima no mikoto no opo-miime ni satosimaturaku , ' ame no sita no opo-mitakara no tukuritukuru mono wo , asi-ki kaze ara-ki midu ni apasetutu , nasi-tamapa-zu sokonaperu pa , wa ga mi-na pa ame no mi-pasira no mikoto – kuni no mi-pasira no mikoto to , mi-na pa satosimaturite , ' wa ga mapye ni tatematura-mu mitegura pa , mi-so pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono , tate -- poko – mi-ma ni mi-kura sonapete , kusagusa no mitegura sonapete , wa ga miya pa asapi no pimukapu tokoro , yupupi no pikageru tokoro no , tatuta no tatinwo no wonwo ni , wa ga miya pa sadamematurite , wa ga mapye wo tatapegoto wopematuraba , ame no sita no opo-mitakara no tukuritukuru mono pa , itu-kusa no tana tu mono wo padimete , kusa no kakipa ni itaru made , nasisakipapematuramu to satosimaturiki .

4. koko wo motite sumyegamwi no koto wosipesatosimaturisi tokoro ni , miyabasira sadamematurite , ko no sumyegamwi no mapye wo tatapegoto wopematuru ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo sasagemotasimete , opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati wo tukapi to site , tatapegoto wopematuraku to , sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawosi-tamapu koto wo , kamunusi – papurira , moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

5. " tatematuru udu no mitegura pa , pikogamwi ni , mi-so pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono , tate -- poko – mi-ma ni mi-kura sonapete , kusagusa no mitegura tatematuri , pimegamwi ni mi-so sonape , kugane no woke – kugane no tatari – kugane no kasepi , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono , mi-ma ni mi-kura sonapete , kusagusa no mitegura tatematurite , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , nigisine – arasine ni , yama ni sumu mono pa , ke no nikomono – ke no aramono , opo-nwo no para ni opuru mono pa , amana – karana , awomi no para ni sumu mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mo pa – pe tu mo pa ni itaru made ni , yokoyama no goto-ku utitumiokite , tatematuru ko no udu no mitegura wo , yasumitegura no tarimitegura to , sumyegamwi no mi-kokoro ni tapirake-ku kikosimesite , ame no sita no opomitakara no tukuritukuru mono wo , asi-ki kaze ara-ki midu ni apasetamapazu , sumyegamwi no nasisakipapetamapaba , patupo pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , siru ni mo kapi ni mo , ya-posine – ti-sine ni pikisuweokite , aki no maturi ni tatematura-mu to , opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati , momo no tukasa no pitotati , yamato no kuni no mutu no agata no tone , wotoko – womina ni itaru made ni , kotosi uduki ( pumiduki ni pa kotosi pumiduki to ipu ) moromoro mawiugonaparite , sumyegamwi no mapye ni uzimono unane tukinukite , kepu no asapi no toyosakanobori ni , tatapegoto wopematuru sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo , kamunusi – papuri-ra tamaparite , okotaru koto naku tatemature to nori-tamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

Norito 5. Pirano Festival gloss

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni mase ima kwi yori tukapematurikitareru sumyeopomikamwi no piromapye ni mawositamapaku , " sumyeopomikamwi no kopasi-tamapi no manima ni ko no tokoro no soko tu ipane ni miyabasira pirosikitate takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to sadamematurite kamunusi ni kamutukasa sore no tukasa kurawi kabane na wo sadamete tatematuru kamudakara pa mi-torasi – mi-pakasi -- mi-kagami -- suzu – kinugasa mi-ma wo pikinarabete mi-so pa akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni sonapematurite yomo no kuni no tatematureru mi-tuki no nozaki wo torinarabete mi-ki pa mika no pe takasiri mika no para mite narabete yamanwo no mono pa amana – karana awomi no para no mono pa pata no piromono – pata no samono okitu mo pa – petu mo pa ni itaru made kusagusa no mono wo yokoyama no goto-ku okitakanasite tatematuru udu no opo-mitegura wo tapirake-ku kikosimesite sumyera ga mi-yo wo kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapi-maturi ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematurite yorodu-yo ni opo-masimasasimetamape to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

2. mata mawosaku " mawiugonaparite tukapematuru mikwo-tati – opokimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati – momo no tukasabito-tati wo mo yo no mamori pi no mamori ni mamoritamapite sumyera ga mikado ni iya taka ni iya piro ni ikasi yakupaye no goto-ku tati-sakaye-sime tukapematurasimetamape to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 6. Kudo and Puru-aki gloss

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni mase , kudo – puruseki puta-tokoro no miya ni site , tukapematurikitareru , sumyemikamwi no piromapye ni mawositamapaku , " sumyemikamwi no kopi-tamapi-si manima ni , ko no tokoro no soko tu ipane ni miyabasira pirosikitate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to sadamematurite , kamunusi ni sore no tukasa kurawi kabane na wo sadamete , tatematuru kamudakara pa , mi-torasi – mi-pakasi -- mi-kagami -- suzu – kinugasa – mi-ma wo pikinarabete , mi-so pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni sonapematurite , yomo no kuni no tatematureru mi-tuki no nozaki wo torinarabete , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , yamanwo no mono pa , amana – karana , awomi no para no mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , okitu mo pa – petu mo pa ni itaru made , kusagusa no mono wo yokoyama no goto-ku okitakanasite , tatematuru udu no opo-mitegura wo tapirake-ku kikosimesite , sumyera ga mi-yo wo kakipa ni toki ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematurite , yorodu-yo ni opo-masasimetamape to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

2. mata mawosaku , " mawiugonaparite tukapematuru , miko-tati – opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati – momo no tukasabito-tati wo mo , ywo no mamori pi no mamori ni mamoritamapite , sumyera ga mikado ni , iya taka ni iya piro ni , ikasi yakupaye no gotoku , tati-sakaye-sime tukapematurasimetamape to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 7. Monthly Festival of the Sixth Month gloss

1. sipasu pa kore ni narape " ugonapareru kamunusi – papurira , moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

2. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumyemutukamurwoki no mikoto – kamurwomi no mikoto motite , ama tu yasiro – kuni tu yasiro to tatapegoto wopematuru sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kotosi no minaduki no tukinami no mitegura ( sipasu pa , kotosi sipasu no tukinami no mitegura to ipu. ) akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape sonapematurite , asapi no toyosakanobori ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

3. " opomikamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kamumusubi -- takamimusubi -- ikumusubi -- tarumusubi -- tamatumemusubi -- opomiyanome -- miketukamwi – kotosironusi to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyemima no mikoto no mi-yo wo , tanaga no mi-yo to , kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematuru ga yuwe ni , sumyera wa ga mutukamurwoki no mikoto – kamurwomi no mikoto to , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

4. " wikasuri no mi-kamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , ikuwi -- sakuwi -- tunagawi -- asupapapiki to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyegamwi no sikimasu , simo tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosiritate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , sumyemima no mikoto no midu no mi-araka tukapematurite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to kakurimasite , yomo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

5. " mikadwo no mi-kamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kusiipamatwo no mikoto – toyoipamatwo no mikoto to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , yomo no mi-kadwo ni yutuipamura no goto-ku sayarimasite , asita ni pa mi-kadwo wo pirakimaturi , yupube ni pa mi-kadwo wo tatematurite , utoburu mono no sita ywori yukaba sita wo mamori , upe ywori yukaba upe wo mamori , ywo no mamori pi no mamori ni mamorimaturu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

6. " ikusima no mi-kamunagi no koto wopematuru , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , ikukuni -- tarukuni to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraba , sumyegamwi no sikimasu sima no yasosima pa , taniguku no sawataru kipami , siponawa no todomaru kagiri , saki kuni pa piroku , sagasi-ki kuni pa tapirakeku , sima no yasosima oturu koto naku , sumyegamwi-tati no yosasimaturu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

7. " koto wakite , ise ni masu amaterasuopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawosaku , sumyegamwi no miparukasimasu yomo no kuni pa , ame no kakitatu kipami , kuni no sokitatu kagiri , awokumwo no tanabiku kipami , sirwokumwo no mukabusu kagiri , awomi no para pa sawokadi posazu , puna no pe no itaritodomaru kipami , opo-mi no para ni pune mititudukete , kuga yori yuku miti pa ni no wo yupikatamete , ipane kine pumisakumite , uma no tume no itaritodomaru kagiri , nagadi pima naku tatitudukete , saki kuni pa piroku , sagasi-ki kuni pa tapirakeku , topo-ki kuni pa yasotuna utikakete pikiyosuru koto no gotoku , sumyeopomikamwi no yosasimaturaba , nozaki pa sumeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni , yokoyama no goto-ku utitumiokite , nokori woba tapirake-ku kikosimesamu .

8. mata sumyemima no mikoto no mi-yo wo , tanaga no miyo to , kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematuru ga yuwe ni , sumyera wa ga mutukamurwoki no mikoto -- kamurwomi no mikoto to , uzimono unane tukinukite , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

9. " miagata ni masu sumyegami-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , taketi -- kaduraki -- towoti -- siki -- yamanobe – sopu to mi-na pa mawosite , ko no mutsu no mi-agata ni nariiduru amana – karana wo motimawikite , sumyemima no mikoto no nagamike no topomike to kikosimesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru .

10. " yama no kuti ni masu sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , asuka -- ipare -- osaka -- patuse -- unebimiminasi to mi-na pa mawosite , topoyama – tikayama ni opitateru opo-ki – wogi wo , motosuwe utikirite motimawikite , sumyemima no mikoto no midu no mi-araka tukapematurite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to kakurimasite , yomo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo , tatapegoto wopematuraku " to noru " mikumari ni masu sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , yosinwo -- uda -- tugekaduraki to mi-na pa mawosite koto wopematuraba , sumyegamwi-tati no yosasimaturamu , oki tu mi-tosi wo , yatukapo no ikasipo ni yosasimaturaba , sumyegamwi-tati ni , hatupo pa kapi ni mo siru ni mo , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete tatapegoto wopematurite , nokori wo ba , sumyemima no mikoto no asamike – yupubemike no kamukapi ni , nagamike no topomike to , akani no po ni kikosimesu ga yuwe ni , sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo , tatapegoto wopematuraku to moromoro kikosimese " to noru .

11. " koto wakite , imibe no yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete , motiyumaparitukapematureru mitegura wo , kamunusi – papuri-ra uketamaparite , koto ayamata-zu sasagemotite tatemature " to noru .

Norito 8. Blessing of the Great Palace gloss

1. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumemutukamurwoki – kamurwoki no mikoto motite , sumyemima no mikoto wo ama tu takamikura ni masete , ama tu sirusi no turugi – kagami wo sasagemotitamapite , kotopoki ( purugoto ni kotopoki to iperi .

2. ???KOTOPOKI??? to iperu pa ima no sakapokapi no kotoba no gotosi. ) noritamapisiku , ' sumyera wa ga udu no mi-kwo sumyemima no mikoto , ko no ama tu takamikura ni masite , ama tu pitugi wo yorodu-ti-aki no nagaaki ni , opo-yasimatoyoasipara no midupo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyese to ( purugoto ni sirosimyesu to ipu.) , koto yosasi-maturitamapite , ama tu mi-pakari motite , kototopi-si ipane ko no tati , kusa no kakipa wo mo kotoyamete , amakudari-tamapi-si wosukuni ame no sita to , ama tu pitugi sirosimyesu sumyemima no mikoto no mi-araka wo , ima okuyama no opo-kapi – wokapi ni tateru ki wo , imibe no imimono wo motite kiritorite , motosuwe woba yama no kamwi ni maturite , nakara wo motiidekite , imisuki wo motite imibasira tatete , sumyemima no mikoto no ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to , tukuritukapematureru midu no mi-araka ( purugoto ni araka to ipu. ) imasi yapune no mikoto ni ama tu kususi ipapigoto wo ( purugoto ni kususi ipapigoto to ipu. ) motite kotopokisidume mawosaku , kore no sikimasu opo-miyadokoro no soko tu ipane no kipami , sita tu tunane ( purugoto no tugapinapa no tagupi , kore wo tunane to ipu. ) papu musi no wazapapi naku , takama no para pa , awokumwo no tanabiku kipami , ame no ti-daritobu tori no wazapapi naku , pori-katame-taru pasira -- keta -- utubari -- two – madwo no kikapi ( purugoto ni kikapi to ipu. ) ugokinaru koto naku , pikiyuperu tuname no yurubi , toripukyeru kaya no sosoki ( purugoto ni sosoki to ipu. ) naku , mi-yuka tupi no sayaki , ya-mye no isusuki , idutusi-ki koto naku , tapirake-ku yasurakye-ku mamorimaturu kamwi no mi-na wo mawosaku , yapune kukuti no mikoto ( ko pa ki no mitama nari. ) yapune toyoukepimye no mikoto to ( ko pa ine no mitama nari .

3. ??? no kotoba ni uka no mitama to ipu .

4. ima no yo ubuya ni sakiki -- tukasine wo to no ???pe??? ni oki , mata kome wo yanaka ni tirasu no tagupi nari. ) mi-na woba tatapematurite , sumyemima no mikoto no mi-yo wo kakipa ni tokipa ni mamorimaturi , ikasi mi-yo no tarasi mi-yo ni , tanaga no mi-yo to sakipapematuru ni yorite , imitamatukuri-ra ga motiyumapari , motikiyomapari tukuritukapematureru , midu no ya-sakani no mi-puki no i-po tu mi-sumaru no tama ni , akaru nigite ( purugoto ni nikite to ipu. ) -- teru nigite wo tukete , imibe no sukune nanigasi ga yowakata ni , putwodasuki torikakete , kotopoki sidumematuru koto no moreotimu koto wo ba , kamunapobi no mikoto – opo-napobi no mikoto , kikinaposi minaposite , tapirake-ku yasurakye-ku sirosimyese " to mawosu .

5. koto wakite mawosaku , " opomiya no mye no mikoto to mi-na wo mawosu koto pa , sumyemima no mikoto no onazi opo-tono no uti ni sayarimasite , mawiri makaduru pito no erabisirosi , kamwi-tati no isurokopi arebimasu wo , kotonaposi yapasi ( purugoto ni yapasi to ipu. ) masite , sumyemima no mikoto no asita no mi-ke , yupube no mi-ke ni tukapematuru pire kakuru tomo no wo , tasuki kakuru tomo no wo wo , te no magapi – asi no magapi ( purugoto ni magapi to ipu. ) nasa-sime-zu site , mi-kwo-tati – opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati – momo no tukasabito-domo wo , ono ga mukimuki arasimezu , asi-ki kokoro – kitana-ki kokoro naku , miya susumesusume , miya tutometutomesimete , toga ayamati aramu wo ba , minaposi kikinaposimasite , tapirake-ku yasurakye-ku tukapematurasimemasu ni yorite , opo-miya no mye no mikoto to , mi-na wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 9. Festival of the Gates gloss

1. " kusiipamato -- toyoipamatonomikoto to mi-na wo mawosu koto pa , yomo utito no mi-kadwo ni , yutuipamura no goto-ku sayarimasite , yomo yosumi yori utobi arabi ko-mu , ame no magatupi to ipu kamwi no ipa-mu magakoto ni ( (purugoto ni magakoto to ipu) ) apimazikori , apikuti ape-tamapu koto naku , upe ywori yukaba upe wo mamori , sita ywori yukaba sita wo mamori , motipusegi parapiyari , ipisokemasite , asita pa mi-kadwo wo piraki , yupube pa mikadwo wo tatete , mawirimagaduru pito no na wo topisirasi , togaayamati ara-mu wo ba , kamunapobi -- oponapobi ni minaposi kikinaposimasite , tapirake-ku yasurakye-ku tukapematurasime-tamapu ga yuwe ni , toyoipamato no mikoto -- kusiipamato no mikoto to , mi-na wo tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 10. Great Exorcism of the Last Day of the Sixth Month gloss

1. sipasu pa kore ni narape .

2. " ugonapareru mi-kwo-tati – opo-kimi-tati – mapye tu gimi tati – momo no tukasa bito tati , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

3. " sumyera ga mikadwo ni tukapematuru , pire kakuru tomo no wo , tasuki kakuru tomo no wo , yuki opu tomo no wo , tati paku tomo no wo , tomo no wo no yasotomo no wo wo padimete , tukasadukasa ni tukapematuru pito-domo no ayamati wokasikyemu kusagusa no tumi wo , kotosi no minaduki no tugomori no opo-parape ni , parape-tamapi kiywome-tamapu koto wo , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

4. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumyemutukamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto wo motite , yapoyorodu no kamwi-tati wo kamutudopetudopetamapi , kamupakaripakaritamapite , ' wa ga sumyemima no mikoto pa , toyoasipara no midupo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyese to koto yosasi-maturiki .

5. kaku yosa-si-maturi-si kunuti ni , araburu kamwi-tati woba kamutopasi ni topasitamapi , kamuparapi ni parapitamapite , kototoposi ipane kodati , kusa no kakipa wo mo kotoyamete , ame no ipakura panare , ame no yapegumwo wo itu no ti-waki ni ti-wakite , amakudasi yosasi-maturiki .

6. kaku yosa-si-maturi-si yomo no kunuti ni , opo-yamatopitakami no kuni wo yasukuni to sadamematurite , sita tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosikitate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , sumyemima no mikoto no midu no mi-araka tukapematurite , ame no mikage – pi no mi-kage to kakurimasite , yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimyesa-mu kunuti ni , nari-ide-mu ame no masupito-ra ga ayamati wokasikyemu kusagusa no tumigoto pa , ama tu tumi to , apanati – mizoume – pipanati – sikimaki – kusisasi – ikepagi – sakapagi – kusope , kokodaku no tumi wo ama tu tumi to noriwakete , kuni tu tumi to , ikipada-tati – sinipada-tati – sirobito -- kokumi – ono ga papa wokaseru tumi – ono ga kwo wokaseru tumi papa to kwo to wokaseru tumi – kwo to papa to wokaseru tumi – kemono wokaseru tumi -- papu musi no wazapapi – taka tu kamwi no wazapapi – taka tu tori no wazapapi – kemono tapusi , mazimono suru tumi , kokodaku no tumi idemu .

7. kaku ideba , ama tu miyagoto motite , opo-nakatomi , ama tu kanagi wo moto uti-kiri suwe uti-tatite , ti-kura no okikura ni okitara-pasite , ama tu sugaso wo moto karitati suwe karikirite , ya-pari ni torisakite , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwogoto wo nore .

8. kaku noraba , ama tu kamwi pa ame no ipatwo wo osipirakite ame no ya-pegumwo wo itu no ti-waki ni ti-wakite kikosimyesamu .

9. kuni tu kamwi pa takayama no suwe – pikiyama no suwe ni noborimasite , takayama no iweri – pikiyama no iweri wo kakiwakete kikosimyesamu .

10. kaku kikosimyesite pa sumyemima no mikoto no mikadwo wo padimete , ame no sita yomo no kuni ni pa , tumi to ipu tumi pa arazi to , sinadwo no kaze no ame no ya-pegumwo wo pukipanatu koto no gotoku , asita no mi-kiri – yupube no mi-kiri wo asakaze – yupukaze no pukiparapu koto no gotoku , opo tu pe ni wiru opo-pune wo , pe tokipanati -- tomo tokipanatite , opo-mi no para ni osipanatu koto no gotoku , wotikata no sigye-ki ga moto wo , yakigama no togama motite , uti-parapu koto no gotoku , nokoru tumi pa arazi to parape-tamapi kiywome-tamapu koto wo , takayama – pikiyama no suwe yori , sakunadari ni otitagitu payakapa no se ni masu seori tu pimye to ipu kamwi , opo-mi no para ni motiidenamu .

11. kaku motiideinaba , arasipo no sipo no yapodi no , ya-sipodi no sipo no ya-poapi ni masu payaaki tu pimye to ipu kamwi , moti kakanomitemu .

12. kaku kakanomite pa , ibukidwo ni masu ibukidwonusi to ipu kamwi , ne no kuni – soko no kuni ni ibukipanatitemu .

13. kaku ibukipanatite pa , ne no kuni – soko no kuni ni masu payasasurapimye to ipu kamwi , motisasurapi usinapitemu .

14. kaku usinapite pa , sumyera ga mikadwo ni tukapematuru tukasadukasa no pito-domo wo padimete , ame no sita yomo ni pa , kepu ywori padimete tumi to ipu tumi pa arazi to , takama no para ni mimipuritatete kiku mono to umapikitatete , kotosi no minaduki no tugomori no pi no , yupupi no kudati no opo-parape ni , parape-tamapi kiywome-tamapu koto wo moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

15. " yokuni no urabedomo , opo-kapadi ni motimakariidete , parapeyare " to noru .

Norito 12. Fire-pacifying Festival gloss

1. takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumyemutukamurwogi – kamurwomi no mikoto motite , sumyemima no mikoto pa , toyoasipara no midupo no kuni wo yasukuni to tapirake-ku sirosimese to , ame no sita yosasi-maturisi toki ni , koto yosasi-maturisi ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwogoto wo motite mawosaku , " kamu izanakiizanami no mikoto , imose puta-pasira totugitamapite , kuni no ya-sokuni – sima no ya-sosima wo umitamapi , ya-poyorodu no kamwi-tati wo umitamapite , mana otogwo ni pomusubi no kami wo umitamapite , mipoto yakayete ipagakurimasite , ' ywo nana-ywo -- pi nanuka , wa wo na-mitamapiso , wa ga nase no mikoto to mawositamapiki .

2. ko no nanu-ka ni pa tarazute , kakurimasu koto ayasi tote misonapasu toki ni , pwi wo umitamapite , mi-poto wo yakaye-masiki .

3. kakaru toki ni , ' wa ga nase no mikoto no , wa wo mitamapuna to mawosi-si wo , wa wo miapatasitamapitu to mawositamapite , ' wa ga nase no mikoto pa , upa tu kuni wo sirosimyesu besi , wa pa simo tu kuni wo sirasa-mu to mawosite , ipagakuritamapite , yomi tu pirasaka ni itarimasite omoposimyesaku , ' wa ga nase no mikoto no sirosimyesu upa tu kuni ni , kokoro asiki kwo wo umiokite kinu to noritamapite , kapyerimasite sara ni umi-tamapu kwo , midu no kamwi -- pisago – kapana – paniyamapimye , yokusa no mono wo umitamapite , ' ko no kokoro asi-ki kwo no kokoro arabiru pa , midu -- pisago – paniyamapimye – kapana wo motite sidumemature to koto wosipesatositamapiki .

4. kore ni yorite tatapegoto wopematuraba , sumyemima no mikadwo ni mi-kokoro itipayabitamapazi to site , tatematuru mono pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono wo sonapematurite , awomi no para ni sumu mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mopa – pe tu mopa ni itaru made ni , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , nigisine – arasine ni itaru made ni , yokoyama no goto-ku oki takanasite , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwogoto motite tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 13. Miti-apye no Maturi gloss

1. takama no para ni kotopadimete , sumyemima no mikoto to , tatapegoto wopematuru , opo-yatimata ni yu tu ipamura no goto-ku sayarimasu , sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , " yatimatapikwo – ya-timatapimye – kunadwo to mi-na pa mawosite , koto wopematuraku pa , ne no kuni – soko no kuni yori arabwi utobwi-ko-mu mono ni , apimazikori apikuti apu koto naku site , sita ywori yukaba sita wo mamori , upe ywori yukaba upe wo mamori , ywo no mamori pi no mamori ni mamorimaturi , ipapimature to , tatematuru mitegura pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape sonapematuri , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , siru ni mo kapi ni mo , yamanwo ni sumu mono pa , ke no nikomono – ke no aramono , awomi no para ni sumu mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mopa – pe tu mopa ni itaru made ni , yokoyama no goto-ku okitarapasite tatematuru udu no mitegura wo , tapirake-ku kikosimyesite , ya-timata ni yu tu ipamura no goto-ku sayarimasite , sumyemima no mikoto wo kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematuritamape " to mawosu .

2. " mata mikwo-tati – opo-kimi-tati – mapye tugimi tati – momo no tukasabitotati , ame no sita no opomitakara ni itaru made ni , tapirake-ku ipapitamape to , kamudukasa , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwogoto wo motite tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 14. Festival of the First Fruits Banquet gloss

1. " ugonapareru kamunusi – papuri-ra moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

2. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu sumemutukamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto motite ama tu yasiro – kuni tu yasiro to sikimaseru sumegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawosaku , kotosi simotuki no naka no u no pi ni ama tu mi ke no nagamike no topomike to sumyemima no mikoto no opo-nipe kikosi-myesa-mu tame no yuwe ni sumyegamwi-tati api udu no pimaturite kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapi-maturi ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematuramu ni yorite si ti-aki no ipoaki ni tapirake-ku yasurake-ku kikosimyesite toyo no akari ni akari-masa-mu sumyemima no mikoto no udu no mitegura wo akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni sonapematurite asapi no toyosakanobori ni tatapegoto wopematuraku wo moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

3. " koto wakite imibe no yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete motiyumapari tukapematureru mitegura wo kamunusi – papuri-ra uketamaparite koto oti-zu sasagemotite tatemature " to noru .

Norito 15. Mi-tama-sidume no ipapido no Maturi gloss

1. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasu , sumyemutu kamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto wo motite , sumyemima no mikoto pa , toyoasipara no midupo no kuni wo yasukuni to sadamematurite , sita tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosikitate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to tatapegoto wopematurite , tatematuru mi-so pa , kamisimo sonapematurite , udu no mitegura pa , akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape , itu-iro no mono , mi-kipa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mite narabete , yamanwo no mono pa , amana – karana , awomi no para no mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no samono , oki tu mopa – pe tu mopa ni itaru made ni , kusagusa no mono wo yokoyama no gotoku oki takanasite tatematuru udu no mitegura wo , yasumitegura no tarimitegura to tapirake-ku kikosimyesite , sumyera ga mikadwo wo tokipa ni kakipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapematuritamapite , ko no sipasu yori padimete , kitara-mu sipasu ni itaru made ni , tapirake-ku opo-masidokoro ni opo-masasime-tamapye to , kotosi sipasu no sore no pi , ipapi sidumematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 16. Grand Shrine of Ise: Grain-petitioning in the Second Month; Regular Festivals of the Sixth and Twelfth Months gloss

1. minaduki – sipasu no tukinami no maturi sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite , watarapi no udi no isuzu no kapakami no , simo tu ipane ni tatapegoto wopematuru , sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawosaku , " tune mo tatematuru kisaragi no tosigopi no ( tukinami no maturi ni pa tada minaduki no tukinami no koto wo motite apikapeyo. ) opo-mitegura wo , sore no tukasa kurawi nanigasi wo tukapi to site , sasagemotasimete tatematuri-tamapu opo-mikoto wo , mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 17. Grand Shrine of Ise: Toyo-uke-no-miya (same festival) gloss

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite , watarapi no yamada no para no , simo tu ipa ne ni tatapegoto wopematuru , toyouke no sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawosaku , " tune mo tatematuru kisaragi no tosigopi no ( tukinami no maturi ni pa tada minaduki no tukinami no koto wo motite apikapeyo. ) opo-mitegura wo , sore no tukasa kurawi nanigasi wo tukapi to site , sasagemotasimete tatematuri-tamapu opo-mikoto wo , mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 18. Grand Shrine of Ise: Divine Garments Festival of the Fourth Month gloss

1. ( nagaduki pa kore ni narape ) watarapi no udi no isuzu no kapakami ni opo-miyabasira putwosikitate , takama no para ni pigi takasirite , tatapegoto wopematuru , amaterasimasu sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawosaku " patori – womi no pito-domo no tune mo tukapematuru nigitape – aratape no pata no mi-so wo tatematuru koto wo , mawositamapaku to mawosu .

2. " aramaturi no miya ni mo kaku mawosite tatemature " to noru .

3. ( negi -- utibito , wowo to mawosu )

Norito 19. Grand Shrine of Ise: Regular Festival of the Sixth Month gloss

1. ( sipasu pa kore ni narape ) " watarapi no udi no isuzu no kapakami ni opo-miyabasira putwosikitate , takama no para ni pigi takasirite , tatapegoto wopematuru , amaterasimasu sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawositatematuru , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwo wo , kamunusibe – monoimidomo , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

2. ( negi -- utibitodomo , tomo ni wowo to mawosu. ) " sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni mase , opo-miinoti wo tanaga no opo-miinoti to , yu tu ipa mura no goto-ku tokipa ni kakipa ni , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapetamapi , aremasu mikwo-tati wo mo megumitamapi , momo no tukasabitotati , ame no sita yomo no kuni no opomitakara ni itaru made , naga-ku tapirake-ku tukuritaburu itu-kusa no tana tu mono wo mo , yutaka ni sakaye-simetamapi , mamorimegumapi sakipapetamape to , mi-tu no kopori – kuniguni tokorodokoro ni yosematureru kamube no pito-domo no , tune mo tatematuru mi-tuki no ito , yukwi no opo-miki – opo-nipe wo , umiyama no gotoku okitara-pasite , opo-nakatomi , putwotamagusi ni kakuripaberite , kotosi minaduki no towokamarinanuka no asapi no toyosakanobori ni , tatapemawosu koto wo , kamunusibe – monoimidomo , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

3. ( kamunusibe , tomo ni wowo to mawosu. ) " aramaturi no miya tukuyomi no miya ni mo , kaku mawosite , tatemature " to noru .

4. ( kamunusibe , mata wowo to mawosu. )

Norito 20. Grand Shrine of Ise: Festival of the Divine First Fruits Banquet of the Ninth Month gloss

1. sumyemima no mikoto no opo-mikoto motite , ise no watarapi no isuzu no kapakami ni , tatapegoto wopematuru , amaterasimasu sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawositamapaku , " tune mo tatematuru nagaduki no kamunipe no opo-mitegura wo , sore no tukasa sore no kurawi sore no opo-kimi , nakatomi no sore no tukasa sore no kurawi nanigasi wo tukapi to site , imibe no yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete , motiyumapari sasagemotasimete , tate-maturi-tamapu opo-mikoto wo , mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 21. Grand Shrine of Ise: Same festival at Toyo-uke-no-miya gloss

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite , watarapi no yamada no para ni , tatapegoto wopematuru , sumyegamwi no mapye ni mawositamapaku , " tune mo tatematuru nagaduki no kamunipe no opo-mitegura wo , sore no tukasa sore no kurawi sore no opo-kimwi , nakatomi no sore no tukasa sore no kurawi nanigasi wo tukapi to site , imibe no yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete , motiyumapari sasagemotasimete , tatematuri-tamapu opo-mikoto wo , mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 22. Grand Shrine of Ise: Same, Divine First Fruits Banquet gloss

1. " watarapi no udi no isuzu no kapakami ni opo-miyabasira putwo sikitate , takama no para ni pigi takasirite , tatapegoto wopematuru , amaterasimasu sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawositatematuru , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwo wo , kamunusibe – monoimidomo , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

2. ( negi – utibitodomo , tomo ni wowo to mawosu. ) " sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni mase , opo-miinoti wo tanaga no opo-miinoti to , yu tu ipamura no goto-ku tokipa ni kakipa ni , ikasi mi-yo ni sakipapetamapi , aremasu mi-kwo-tati wo mo megumitamapi , momo no tukasabito-tati – ame no sita yomo no kuni no opo-mitakara ni itaru made , naga-ku tapirake-ku mamorimegumapi sakipapetamape to , mi-tu no kopori – kuniguni tokorodokoro ni yosematureru kamube no pito-domo no , tune mo tatematuru yuki no opo-miki – opo-nipe , kakedikara ti-dikara amari ipotikara wo , yokoyama no goto-ku okitarapasite , opo-nakatomi , putwotamagusi ni kakuripaberite , kotosi nagaduki no towo-kamarinanuka no asapi no toyosakanobori ni , ama tu noritwo no putwonoritwogoto wo tatapemawosu koto wo , kamunusibe – monoimidomo , moromoro kikosimyese " to noru .

3. ( negi – utibitodomo , wowo to mawosu. ) " aramaturi no miya – tukuyomi no miya ni mo , kaku mawosite tatemature " to noru .

4. ( kamunusibe , tomo ni wowo to mawosu. )

Norito 23. Grand Shrine of Ise: When the High Priestess assumes Her Office gloss

1. kamunipe no mitegura wo tatematuru kotoba wo mawosiwopete , tugi ni sunapati mawosite ipaku , " koto wakite mawositamapaku , ima tatematuru ituki no pimyemikwo pa , tune no tamesi ni yorite , mi-tose ipapikiywomaparite , mi-tuwesiro to sadamete tatematuri-tamapu koto pa , sumyemima no mikoto wo , ame tuti tuki pi to tomo ni tokipa ni kakipa ni , tapirake-ku yasurake-ku opo-masa-sime-mu to , mi-tuwesiro to tatematuri-tamapu opo-mikoto wo , opo-nakatomi , ikasi poko no naka torimotite , kasikwomikasikwomi mo mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 24. Grand Shrine of Ise: Norito on moving the Shrine of the Great Deity (Use also for the Toyo-uke-no-miya) gloss

1. toyouke no miya pa kore ni narape .

2. sumyemima no mikoto no opo-mikoto wo motii , sumyeopomikamwi no opo-mapye ni mawositamapaku , " tune no tamesi ni yorite , patatose ni pitotabi , opo-miya arata ni tukapematurite , kusagusa no mi-yosopi no mono itukusa amari yokusa , kamudakara patakusa amari pitokusa wo makesonapete , parapekiywome motiyumaparite adukaritukapematuru , opo-tomopi sore no kurawi nanigasi wo sasitukapasite , tatematuri-tamapu sama wo mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Norito 25. To drive away a vengeful deity gloss

1. " takama no para ni kamudumarimasite , koto pazime-tamapi-si kamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto motite , ame no taketi ni ya-poyorodu no kamwi-tati wo kamutudopetamapi , kamupakaripakaritamapite , wa ga sumyemima no mikoto pa , toyoasipara no midupo no kuni wo , yasukuni to tapirakyeku sirosimyese to , ame no ipakura panarete , ame no ya-pegumwo wo itu no ti-waki ni ti-wakite , ama-kudasi-yosa-si-maturi-si toki ni , idure no kamwi wo madu tukapasaba , midupo no kuni no araburu kamwi-domo wo kamu-parapi-parapi-muke-mu to , kamupakaripakari-tamapu toki ni , moromoro no kamitati , mina pakarimawosaku , ame no popi no mikoto wo tukapasite tapirake-mu to mawosiki .

2. koko wo motite amakudasitukapasu toki ni , ko no kamwi pa kapyerigoto mawosa-zari-ki .

3. tugi ni tukapasi-si takemikuma no mikoto mo , titi no koto ni sitagapite , kapyerigoto mawosazu .

4. mata tukapasi-si amewakapikwo mo , kapyerigoto mawosazute , taka tu tori no wazapapi ni yorite , tatidokoro ni mi useni-ki .

5. koko wo motite , ama tu kamwi no mi-koto motite , mata pakaritamapite , pu tu nusi no mikoto – takemikaduti no mikoto puta-pasira no kamwi-tati wo , amakudasitamapite , araburu kamwi-tati wo , kamuparapiparapitamapi , kamuyapasiyapasitamapite , kototopisi ipaneko no tati – kusa no kakipa mo kotoyamete , sumemima no mikoto wo , amakudasiyosasi maturiki .

6. kaku ama-kudasi-yosasi-maturi-si yomo no kunuti to , opo-yamatopitakami no kuni wo , yasukuni to sadamematurite , simo tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosikitate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirite , ame no mi-kage – pi no mi-kage to tukapematurite , yasukuni to tapirakeku sirosimyesamu , sumyemima no mikoto no , ame no mi-araka no uti ni masu sumyegamwi-tati pa , arabi-tamapi takebi-tamapu koto naku site , takama no para ni pazime-si koto wo , kamu-nagara mo sirosimyesite , kamunapobi – opo-napobi ni napositamapite , ko no tokoro yori pa , yomo wo miparukasu yamagapa no kiywoki tokoro ni uturiidemasite , wa ga tokoro to usupakimase to , tatematuru mitegura pa akaru tape -- teru tape – nigitape – aratape ni sonapematurite , miakaramuru mono to kagami , moteasobu mono to tama , ipanatu mono to yumiya , utitatu mono to tati , paseiduru mono to mi-ma , mi-ki pa , mika no pe takasiri , mika no para mitenarabete , yone ni mo kapi ni mo , yama ni sumu mono pa , ke no nikomono – ke no aramono , opo-nwo no para ni opuru mono pa , amana – karana , awomi no para ni sumu mono pa , pata no piromono – pata no semono , oki tu mopa – pe tu mopa ni itaru made ni , yokoyama no gotoku tukuwe tu mono ni okitarapasite , tatematuru udu no mitegura wo , sumyegamwi-tati no mi-kokoro mo akiraka ni , yasumitegura no tarimitegura to , tapirakeku kikosimyesite , tatari-tamapi takebwi-tamapu koto naku site , yamakapa no piroku kiywoki tokoro ni uturiidemasite , kamu-nagara sidumarimase to tatapegoto wopematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 26. Presenting offerings on dispatching an envoy to China gloss

1. sumyemima no mikoto no opo-mikoto motite , suminoye ni koto wopematuru sumyegamwi-tati no mapye ni mawositamapaku , " morokosi ni tukapi tukapasa-mu to suru ni , punasuwe naki ni yorite , parima no kuni yori punanoru to site , tukapi pa tukapasa-mu to omoposi-myesu ma ni sumyegamwi no mikoto motite , punasuwe pa ware tukura-mu to wosipesatositamapiki .

2. wosipesatositamapinagara , punasuwe tukuritamapereba , yorokobwi yorosimi , wiyaziro no mitegura wo , tukasa kurawi nanigasi ni sasagemotasimete , tatematuraku " to mawosu .

Norito 27. Divine Congratulatory Words of the Kuni-no-Miyatukwo of Idumo gloss

1. ya-sokabi pa aredomo , kyepu no ikupi no tarupi ni , idumo no kuni no kuni no miyatuko nanigasi , kasikwomi kasikwomi mo mawositamapaku , " kakemaku mo kasikwoki aki tu mi-kamwi to , opo-yasimaguni sirosimyesu sumyeramikoto no opo-miyo wo , tanaga no opo-miyo to ipapu to ( mosi noti no ipapi no toki ni pa , noti no zi wo kupapeyo. ) site , idumo no kuni no awogakiyama no uti ni , sita tu ipane ni miyabasira putwosiritate , takama no para ni ti-gi takasirimasu , izanaki no pimanakwo , kaburwoki kumanwo no opo-kamwi , kusimikenwo no mikoto , kuni tukurimasisi opo-namoti no mikoto puta-pasira no kamwi wo padimete , momo-yasomarimuyasiro ni masu sumyegamwi-tati wo , soregasi ga yowakata ni putwodasuki torikakete , itu nusa no wo musubi , ame no mikabi kagapurite , idu no maya ni arakusa wo idu no musiro to karisikite , itupe kuromasi , ame no mikawa ni imikomorite , sidumiya ni ipapisidumetukapematurite , asapi no toyosakanobori ni , ipapi no kapyerigoto no kamupoki no yogoto , mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

2. " takama no kamumioya takamimusubi no mikoto no , sumyemima no mikoto ni ame no sita ya-simaguni wo koto yosa-si-maturi-si toki ni , idumo no omi-ra ga topo tu kamwi ame no popi no mikoto wo , kunigatami ni tukapasi-si toki ni , ame no ya-pegumwo wo osiwakete , amagakeri kunigakerite , ame no sita wo mimegurite kapyerigoto mawositamapaku , ' toyoasipara no midupo no kuni pa , piru pa sabape nasu minawaki , yoru pa pobe nasu kagayaku kamwi ari , ipane – kodati – awominawa mo koto twopite araburu kuni nari .

3. sikaredomo sidumemukete , sumyemima no mikoto ni yasukuni to tapirakeku sirosimasasimemu to mawosite , onore mikoto miko ame no pinatori no mikoto ni putunusi no mikoto wo sopete , amakudasitukapasite , araburu kamwi-domo wo parapimuke , kuni tukura-si-si opo-kamwi wo mo kobwisidumete , opo-yasimaguni no aki tu koto – utusigoto koto yosasimeki .

4. sunapati opo-namoti no mikoto no mawositamapaku , ' sumyemima no mikoto no sidumari-masa-mu opo-yamato no kuni to mawosite , onore mikoto no nigimitama wo ya-ta no kagami ni toritukete , yamato no opo-mononusikusimikatama no mikoto to mina wo tatapete , opo-miwa no kamunabwi ni mase , onore mikoto no mi-kwoadisukitakapikwone no mikoto no mi-tama wo , kaduraki no kamwo no kamunabwi ni mase , kotosironusi no mikoto no mi-tama wo unate ni mase , kayanarumi no mikoto no mi-tama wo asuka no kamunabwi ni masete , sumyemima no mikoto no tikaki mamorigamwi to tatematuriokite , ya-ponikiduki no miya ni sidumarimasiki .

5. koko ni mutukamurwoki – kamurwomi no mikoto no noritamapaku , ' imasi ame no popi no mikoto pa , sumyera mikoto no tanaga no opo-miyo wo , kakipa ni tokipa ni ipapimaturi , ikasi no mi-yo ni sakipapemature to opose-tamapi-si tugite no manima ni , ipapigoto ( mosi noti no ipapi no toki ni pa , noti no zi wo kupapeyo. ) tukapematurite , asapi no toyosakanobori ni , kamwi no wiyaziro – omi no wiyaziro to , mi-poki no kamudakara tatematuraku " to mawosu .

6. " siratama no opo-misiragamasi , akatama no mi-akarabwimasi , awotama no midu no ye no tama no yukiapi ni , aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimaguni sirosimyesu , sumyera mikoto no tanaga no opo-miyo wo , mi-pakasi pira ni utikatame , siromima no mapyeasi no tume – siripeasi no tume , pumitaturu koto pa , opo-miya no utito no mi-kadwo no pasira wo , upa tu ipane ni pumikatame , sita tu ipane ni pumikogorasi , puritaturu mimi no iya taka ni , ame no sita wo sirosimyesa-mu koto no sirusi no tame , siramidori no ikimituki no moteaswobimono to , sidu no opo-mikokoro mo tasi ni , woti no purukapagisi , koti no purukapagisi ni opitatu wakaminuma no , iya wakaye ni mi-wakayemasi , susugi puru wodomi no midu no , iya woti ni mi-woti-masi , maswopi no opo-mikagami no omo wo osiparukasite misonapasu koto no gotoku , aki tu mi-kamwi no opo-yasimaguni wo , ame tuti tuki pi to tomo ni , yasurake-ku tapirake-ku sirosimesa-mu koto no sirusi no tame to , mi-poki no kamudakara wo sasagemotite , kamwi no wiyaziro – omi no wiyaziro to , kasikomi kasikomi mo , ama tu tugite no kamupoki no yogoto mawositamapaku " to mawosu .

Senmyō 1. Monmu 1 8th Month (697), Emperor Monmu gloss tree

1. 現御神大八嶋国所知天皇大命良麻止詔大命集侍皇子等王等百官人等天下公民諸聞食詔。

2. 高天原事始而遠天皇祖御世中今至 麻弖尓天皇御子之阿礼坐弥継継大八嶋国将知次天都神御子随天坐神之依随此天津日嗣高御座之業現御神大八嶋国所知倭根子天皇命授賜負賜大命受賜恐坐食国天下調賜平賜天下公民恵賜撫賜牟止奈母随神所思行佐久止詔天皇大命諸聞食詔。

3. 是以天皇朝廷敷賜行賜幣留百官人等四方食国治奉任賜幣留国々宰等国法過犯事無誠之心以而御称々而緩怠事無務結而仕奉詔大命諸聞食詔。

4. 故如此之状聞食悟而欸将仕奉人者其仕奉礼良牟状随品々讃賜上賜治将賜物曽止詔天皇大命諸聞食詔。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo ugonapar-eru mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni koto pazimete toposumyerogi no mi-yo naka ima ni itaru made ni sumyera ga mi-kwo no are-masa-mu iya tugitugi ni opo-yasimakuni sirasa-mu tugite to ama tu kamwi no mi-kwo-nagara mo ame ni masu kamwi no yosa-si-maturi-si manima-ni ko no amatupitugitakamikura no waza to aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sirosimyesu yamato nekwosumyeramikoto no saduke-tamapi opose-tamapu taputwo-ki taka-ki piro-ki atu-ki opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapari kasikwomi-masite ko no wosukuni ame no sita wo totonope-tamapi tapirage-tamapi ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo utukusibwi-tamapi nade-tamapa-mu to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. koko wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo no siki-tamapi okonapi-tamap-yeru tukasadukasa no pito-domo yomo no wosukuni wo wosame-mature to make-tamap-yeru kuniguni no mikotomoti-domo ni itaru made ni kuni no nori wo ayamati wokasu koto na-ku aka-ki kiyo-ki napo-ki makoto no kokoro wo motite mi-pakari-pakarite yurupi-okotaru koto na-ku tutwome-simarite tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. kare kaku no sama wo kiki-tamape-satorite iswosi-ku tukape-matura-mu pito pa so no tukape-matur-era-mu sama no manima-ni sinazina pome-tamapi age-tamapi wosame-tamapa-mu mono zo to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, officials and the people of the realm, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor who rules the eight-island realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “I receive and think awesome the precious, high, broad and benevolent edict of the Emperor [, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island realm as a living God. The edict bestows and burdens me with the Imperial throne of the heavenly line and the inherited throne ruling over the eight-island realm, which started in the high plain, continued through the ancient Imperial Reigns until now and shall continue with future Imperial heirs. The Emperor bestows this as an Imperial child of the heavenly gods according to how the gods in heaven ordered it to be. I, as a God, shall order and rule over my realm and bless and care for the people of the realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “So, you, the bureaucrats I have sent far-and-wide and ordered, and even the emissaries I have sent to the provinces, commanding you to govern the all the corners of the realm: serve me, endeavor sincerely, do not become slack or idle, distinguish right from wrong with a clean, pure, correct and sincere heart and do not break the laws of the land.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Hear this. I shall give various gifts, promote and reward those who understand it and diligently serve me, according to their service.”

Senmyō 2. Keiun 4 4th Month (707), Emperor Monmu gloss tree

1. 天皇詔旨勅汝藤原朝臣仕奉状者今乃未尓不在

2. 掛天皇御世御世仕奉而今又朕卿為而以明浄心而朕助奉仕奉事所念坐御意坐依而多利麻比氐夜々弥賜閇婆忌忍事似事呼志奈母常労所念坐久止宣。

3. 又難波大宮御宇掛天皇命汝父藤原大臣仕奉賈利

4. 是以令文所載多流呼為而随令長遠始今而次々被賜将往物叙止食封五千戸賜久止勅命聞宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku mimasipudipara no asomi no tukape-maturu sama pa ima nomwi ni ara-zu

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga miyomiyo tukape-maturite ima mo mata wa ga mapyetukimi to site aka-ki kiyo-ki kokoro mo motite ware wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturu koto no ikasi-ki itapasi-ki koto wo omoposi-masu mi-kokoro imasu ni yorite tarimapite ya-ya mi-tamapeba imi-sinuburu koto ni niru koto wo si namo tune itopasimi ikasi-mi omoposi-masaku to noritamapu .

3. mata nanipa no opo-miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyeramikoto no mimasi notiti pudipara no opo-omi no tukape-maturi-kyeru sama woba takeuti no sukune no mikoto no tukape-maturi-kyeru koto to oyazi koto zo to nori-tamapite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kyeri .

4. koko wo motite nori no pumi ni nose-taru wo ato tosite nori nomani mani naga-ku topo-ku ima wo pazimete tugitugi ni tamapari-yuka-mu mono zo to pepito i-ti tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim as the words of the Emperor: “Fujiwara-no-Asomi, you don’t only serve me now but you have served generations of Emperors, who are too awesome to even mention, and now, again, you serve and assist me as my official with a clean and pure heart. Since I feel this service is grave and painful, I consider it painful and grave that it looks like I am avoiding and refraining [from rewarding you] as I have fallen weak and am worried.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Also, I proclaim that the service of your father, Fujiwara-no-Ōomi, who served the emperor, too awesome to even mention who ruled the lands from the palace at Naniwa, was as good as how the great Takeuchi-no-Sukune served so I reward and bless you. According to what is written in law, I bestow you with five thousand families and this shall be received for a very long and distant time from now.”

Senmyō 3. Keiun 4 7th Month (707), Empress Genmei gloss tree

1. 現神八洲御宇倭根子天皇詔旨勅命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞宣。

2. 関 藤原宮御宇倭根子天皇丁酉八月此食国天下之業日並所知皇太子之嫡子今御宇豆留天皇授賜而並坐而此天下治賜諧賜

3. 是者関近江大津宮御宇大倭根子天皇与天地共長与日月共遠不改常典立賜敷賜覇留受被賜坐而行賜事衆受被賜而恐仕奉利豆羅久止詔命衆聞宣。

4. 如是仕奉侍去年十一月加母我王朕子天皇豆羅久朕御身労坐故暇間得而御病欲治此日嗣之位者大命大坐坐而治可賜譲賜命受被坐賜而答曰豆羅久朕者不堪辞白而受不坐在間遍多日重而譲賜倍婆今年六月十五日詔命者受賜奈賀羅此重位継坐事呼奈良母天地心畏坐左久止詔命衆聞宣。

5. 故是以親王始而王臣百官人等浄明心以而弥務弥結阿奈々比奉輔佐奉依而此食国天下之政事者平長将在止奈母所念坐。

6. 又天地之共長遠不改常典立賜覇留食国法傾事無動事無渡将去止奈母所念行左久止詔命衆聞宣。

7. 遠皇祖御世始而天皇御世御世天豆日嗣高御座坐而此食国天下撫賜慈賜事者辞立不在人祖意能賀弱児養治事治賜慈賜来業止奈母随神所念行

8. 是以先 天下公民之上慈賜 復賜久止詔天皇大命衆聞宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamto nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto mikwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki pudipara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto pinoto no tori no tosi no padukwi ni ko no wosukuni ame no sita no waza wo pi name-si no mi-kwo no mikoto no mukapimyebara no mi-kwo ima ame no sita sira-si-myesi-turu sumyeramikoto ni saduke-tamapite narabi-imasi ko no ame no sita wo wosame-tamapi totonope-tamapi-ki .

3. ko pa kakemaku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no ametuti to tomo ni naga-ku pitukwi to tomo ni topo-ku aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to tate-tamapi siki-tamap-yeru nori wo uke-tamapari-masite okonapi-tamapu koto to moromoro uke-tamaparite kasikwo-mi tukape-maturi-turaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. kaku tukape-maturi-paberu ni kozo no simotukwi ni kasikwo-ki kamo wa ga opo-kimi wa ga kwo sumyeramikoto no noritamapituraku ware mi-mwi tukarasi-ku imasu ga yuwe ni itwoma ete mi-yamapi wosame-tamapa-mu to su ko no ama tu pitugi no kurawi pa opo-mikoto ni imase opomasimasite wosame-tamapu be-si to yuduri-tamapu opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapari-masite kotapemawosi-turaku ware pa tapezi to inabwi-mawosite uke-masa-zu aru apida ni tabi-maneku pi kasanete yuduri-tamapeba itapasi-mi kasikwo-mi kotosi no minadukwi no towo-ka amari itu-ka no pi ni opo-mikoto pa uke-tamapu to mawosi-nagara ko no ikasikurawi ni tugi-masu koto wo namo ametuti no kokoro wo itapasi-mi ikasi-mi kasikwomi-masaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

5. karekoko wo motite mikwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omitati tukasadukasa no pito-domo no kiyo-ki aka-ki kokoro wo motite iya tutome ni iya simari ni ananapi-maturi tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku nagag-ku ara-mu to namo omoposi-masu .

6. mata ametuti no muta naga-ku topo-ku aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to tate-tamap-yeru wosukuni no nori mo katabuku koto na-ku ugwoku koto na-ku watari-yuka-mu to namo omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

7. toposumyerogi no mi-yo wo pazimete sumyera ga miyomiyo ama tu pitugi to takamikura ni imasite ko no wosukuni ame no sita wo nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapu koto pa kotodatu ni ara-zu pito no oya no ono ga wakugwo wo pidasu koto no goto-ku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru waza to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesu .

8. koko wo motite madumadu ame no sita no opo-mitakara no upe wo utukusibwi-tamapaku [KANBUN_TEXT] yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, lords, nobles, officials and people of the world, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-islands as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “The Emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to mention who ruled the realm from the palace at Fujiwara, bestowed and passed on the throne of the realm to the Emperor who now rules the realm, the Imperial child of the wife of Hinameshi, in the eighth month of the year of the Hinoto bird and ruled and organized the realm. Now I receive and acting on the laws that the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to mention who ruled the realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu, established and disseminated as eternal laws that shall not be improved on for a long time for days and months, and as long as heaven and earth. Everyone has received this and serves in awe.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “While I was humbly serving in this way, I received an edict proclaimed by my awesome Great Lord, my imperial son, in the eleventh month of last year in which he transferred the throne to me: ‘Since I am tired, I will rest for a while to cure my illness so in this Imperial edict I shall rule that [you have] the throne of the heavenly line.’ I received this and replied with a rejection saying: ‘I cannot bear having the throne’. I had still not accepted and many days passed but on the fifteenth day of the sixth month of this year I said that I accept the edict, but I am in fear, thinking the will of heaven and earth and that I inherit this solemn throne painful and solemn.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “So, the governance of my realm will be peaceful and long-lasting only by the Imperial children, lords, nobles and officials advising and assisting me with a pure and clean heart, most diligently and most sincerely. The laws of my realm that I have established as eternal laws, which cannot be improved upon for as long and distant as heaven and earth, will not wane or shake and shall be passed on.”I proclaim, all you hear the edict that says: “I think, as a god, that it is not peculiar to care for and bless my realm in the throne of the heavenly line of generations of Emperors starting with the reigns of ancient Emperors, and it is a role in which I reward and bless the realm as a parent cares for their young child. So, before all, I bless the people of the realm: [Chinese]’.”

Senmyō 4. Wadō 1 1st Month (708), Empress Genmei gloss tree

1. 現神御宇倭根子天皇詔旨勅命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞宣。

2. 高天原天降坐天皇御世始而中今麻氐尓天皇御世御世天日嗣高御座坐而治賜慈賜来食国天下之業止奈母神随所念行佐久止詔命衆聞宣。

3. 如是治賜慈賜来日嗣之業今皇朕 御世当而坐者天地之心聞看食国中東方武蔵国自然作成和銅出在奏而献焉。

4. 此物者天坐神地坐祇于豆奈比奉福波倍奉事依而顕多留羅之止奈母神随所念行

5. 是以天地之神顕奉瑞宝依而御世年号改賜換賜波久止詔命衆聞宣。

6. 故改慶雲五年而和銅元年為而御世年号定賜。

7. 是以 天下慶命詔冠位上可賜人々治賜。

8. 免武蔵国今年庸当郡調詔天皇命衆聞宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para yu amori-masi-si sumyera ga mi-yo wo pazimete nakaima ni itaru made ni sumyera ga miyomiyo ama tu pitugi takamikura ni imasite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru wosukuni ame no sita no waza to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru ama tu pitugi no waza to ima sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite imaseba ametuti no kokoro wo itapasi-mi ikasi-mi katazikena-mi kasikwo-mi masu ni kikosi-myesu wosukuni no uti no pimukasi no kata muzasi no kuni ni onodukara ni nar-eru nikiakagane ide-tari to mawosite tate-matur-eri .

4. ko no mono pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udunapi-maturi sakipape-maturu koto ni yorite utusi-ku ide-taru takara ni aru rasi to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesu .

5. koko wo motite ametuti no kamwi no arapasi-matur-eru sirusi no takara ni yorite mi-yo no na aratame-tamapi kape-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. kare keiun no itu-tose wo aratamete wadou no pazime no tosi to site mi-yo no na to sadame-tamapu .

7. koko wo motite ame no sita ni yorokobwi no opo-mikoto nori-tamapaku kagapurikurawi age-tamapu be-ki pitobito wosame-tamapu .

8. muzasi no kuni no kotosi no tikara sirosono kopori no mi-tukwi yurusi-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I think, as a god, that I am in the throne of my realm, which has ruled and blessed [the realm] as the high throne of the heavenly line through the generations of Emperors starting with the reign of the Emperor who descended from the high plain until now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Heaven and earth are in pain, solemn, have many worries, and in awe with the throne of the heavenly line, which has ruled and blessed thus, now being in my Imperial reign and it is reported that in the East of the realm that I rule over, in the province of Musashi, refined copper has sprung naturally. I think, as a god, that this must be a treasure appearing and spouting due to the gods of heaven and earth thinking it good and bringing it into existence together. So, because of the treasure that is a sign that the gods of heaven and earth have created, I change the reign name.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I change the fifth year of Keiun to the first year of Wadō and fix the reign name. With this I proclaim the joyous edict to the realm and reward those who should have their cap and rank promoted. [Chinese]. I pardon the province of Musashi of its tax this year and the appropriate district of its tribute.”

Senmyō 5. Jinki 1 2nd Month (724), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 現神大八洲所知倭根子天皇詔旨勅大命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。

2. 高天原神留坐皇親神魯岐魯美命吾孫将知食国天下与佐斯奉々々高天原事波自米而四方食国天下弥高弥広天日嗣高御座坐而大八嶋国所知倭根子天皇大命坐詔此食国天下者掛畏藤原宮天下所知美麻斯坐天皇美麻斯天下之業詔大命聞食恐受賜懼坐事衆聞食宣。

3. 可久賜時美麻斯親王荷重不堪自加止所念坐而皇祖志志掛畏我皇天皇授奉

4. 依行而是平城大宮現御神坐而大八嶋国所知而霊亀元年天日嗣高御座之業食国天下之政授賜譲賜而教賜詔賜都良久挂畏淡海大津宮御宇倭根子天皇万世不改常典立賜敷賜閇留随法後遂者我子佐太加尓牟倶佐加無過事授賜負賜詔賜比志尓坐間去年九月天地貺大瑞物顕来

5. 又四方食国年実豊尓牟倶佐加爾尓得在見賜而随神所念行于都斯久母皇朕御世当顕見者不在。

6. 今将嗣坐御世名記而応来顕来良志止所念坐而今神亀二字御世年名改養老八年為神亀元年而天日嗣高御座 食国天下之業吾子美麻斯王授賜譲賜詔天皇大命頂受賜恐持而辞啓者天皇大命恐被賜仕奉者拙劣而無所知。

7. 進不知退不知天地之心重百官之情辱愧美奈母随神所念坐。

8. 故親王等始而王臣汝等清心以皇朝扶奉而天下公民奏賜詔命衆聞食宣。

9. 辞別詔 遠皇祖御世始而中今麻氐天日嗣高御座坐而此食国天下撫賜慈賜久波時々状々従而治賜慈賜来業随神所念行

10. 是以先天下慈賜治賜 又官々仕奉韓人部一二人其負而可仕奉姓名賜。

11. 又百官々人及京下僧尼大御手物取賜治賜久止詔天皇御命衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi no mikoto no wa ga mima no sira-sa-mu wosukuni ame no sita to yosasi-maturi-si manima ni takama no para ni koto pazimete yomo no wosukuni ameno sita no maturigoto wo iya taka ni iya piro ni ama tu pitugi to takamikura ni imasite opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ko no wosukuni ame no sita pa kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki pudipara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si mimasi no titi to imasu sumyeramikoto no mimasi ni tamapi-si ame no sita no waza to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamape kasikwomi-uke-tamapari-osori-masu koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku tamap-yeru toki ni mimasi mi-kwo no yopapi no waka-ki ni ni omo-ki pa tapezi ka to omoposi-masite sumyemioya to imasi-si kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyeramikoto ni saduke-maturi-ki .

4. kore ni yorite ko no nara no opo-miya ni aki tu mi-kamwi to imasite opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesite reiki no pazime no tosi ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto wo ware ni saduke-tamapi yuduri-tamapite wosipe-tamapi nori-tamapi-turaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no yorodu-yo ni aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to tate-tamapi siki-tamap-yeru nori no manima ni noti tupi ni pa imasu apida ni kozo no nagatukwi ametuti no tamap-yeru opo-ki sirusi no mono arapare-kyeri .

5. mata yomo no wosukuni no tosi yutaka ni mukusaka ni e-tari to mi-tamapite kamu-nagara mo omoposi-myesu ni utusi-ku mo sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite araparuru mono ni pa arazi .

6. ima tugi-masa-mu mi-yo no na wo sirusite kotape-kyeri arapare-kyeru mono ni aru rasi to omoposi-masite ima zinki no puta-mozi wo mi-yo no na to sadamete yaurau no ya-tose aratamete zinki no pazime no tosi to site ama tu pitugi takamekura wosukuni pame no sita no waza wo wa ga kwo mimasi opo-kimi ni saduke-tamapi yuduri-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwo-mi motite inabwi-mawosaba sumyera ga opo-mikoto kasikwo-ku tamapari-tukape-maturaba tutana-ku wodina-kute sir-eru koto na-si .

7. susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni ametuti no kokoro mo itapasi-ku ikasi-ku tukasadukasa no kokoro mo katazikena-mi pazikasi-mi namo kamu-nagara omoposi-masu .

8. kare mi-kwo tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati imasi-tati kiywo-ki aka-ki tadasi-ki napo-ki kokoro wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo wo ananapi tasuke-maturite ame no sita no opo-mitukara wo mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

9. koto wakite nori-tamapaku toposumyeroki no mi-yo wo pazimete nakaima ni itaru made ama tu pitugi to takamikura ni imasite ko no wosukuni ame no sita wo nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapaku pa tokidoki samazama ni sitagapite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru waza to kamu-nagara omoposi-myesu .

10. koko wo motite madu ame no sita wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapaku [KANBUN_TEXT] mata tukasadukasa ni tukape-maturu karapito-domo pito-ri puta-ri ni so no opite tukape-maturu be-ki kabane na tamapu .

11. mata tukasadukasabito to mi-satwo no popusi ama to ni opo-mite tu mono tora-si-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear: “I have heard and receive in fear the edict proclaimed by the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island realm in the throne of the heavenly line, spreading far and wide the governance of the whole realm, as the Imperial gods and goddesses, gathered in the high plain, created the realm in the high plain according to their entrusting it as the realm that my descendants shall rule. The edict proclaims: ‘This, our realm, is the throne of the realm bestowed to you by your Imperial father, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm form the palace at Fujiwara.’ ”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I humbly received and knew in awe the imperial edict that says: ‘When this was proclaimed you were young and I thought the burden would be too much for you to bear so I bestowed the throne to my Lady, the Empress, too awesome to mention and your godly parent. So she ruled the eight-island realm as a living God from the palace at Nara and, in the first year of Reiki, bestowed and passed on the throne of the heavenly line and proclaimed, teaching me: “Certainly and joyfully bestow this throne to my child without fail, according to the laws, the eternal laws that can never be improved upon, which were established and disseminated by the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu.” Proclaiming this, the Empress burdened me with the task and in the ninth month of last year a Great sign of heaven and earth appeared. Also, seeing the people gained a bountiful and joyous crop in the whole realm, I thought, as a god, that this should not be something that happens in my reign. Thinking these were things that appeared in response of the reign that you shall now inherit, I make the two characters ‘Jinki’ (Heavenly Turtle) the era name and change this year from the eighth year of Yōrō to the first year of Jinki and bestow and pass on the throne of the heavenly line, the throne of the realm to you, the Lord, my child.’ If I reject this then it is disrespectful to the Imperial edict, if I receive and serve in the throne then I know nothing, being unskilled and lacking. Not knowing what to do, I, as a god, am troubled and ashamed as to how the officials think and pained and concerned for the will of heaven and earth. So, you, Imperial children, Lords and nobles, advise and assist the Imperial court with a pure, clean, correct and properly heart and tell me of the people of the realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that also says: “I think, as a god, that caring for and blessing this, our realm, in the throne of the heavenly line, from the reigns of ancient Emperors until now, is carried out according to the time and circumstances. So, before all, I bless the people of the realm: ‘[Chinese]. Also, I bestow family names, that they can be burdened with and serve me, on one or two foreigner people serving as officials. Also, I bestow gifts on the officials and the priests and nuns of the capital.”

Senmyō 6. Tenpyō 1 8th Month (729), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 現神御宇倭根子天皇詔旨勅命親王等諸王等諸臣等百官人等天下公民衆聞宣。

2. 高天原天降坐天皇御世始而許能天官御座坐而天地八方治賜調賜事者聖君坐而賢臣供奉天下平百官安為而天地大瑞者顕来止奈母随神所念行佐久止詔命衆聞宣。

3. 如是詔者大命坐皇朕御世当而者皇坐朕聞持事乏見持行少朕臣為供奉人等一二 漏落事牟加止所思坐而我皇太上天皇大前古士物進退匍匐廻保理白賜受被賜者卿等問来政者加久耶答賜加久耶答賜白賜官耶治賜白賜倍婆教賜於毛夫気賜答賜宣賜随食国天下之政行賜敷賜乍供奉賜間京職大夫従三位藤原朝臣麻呂等負図亀一頭献奏賜不尓所聞行驚賜恠賜所見行歓賜嘉賜所思行者于都斯久皇朕政所致物耶。

4. 此者太上天皇厚蒙而高依而顕来 大瑞物曽詔命衆聞宣。

5. 辞別詔此大瑞物者天坐神地坐神宇豆奈比奉福奉事依而顕奉貴瑞以而御世年号改賜換賜。

6. 是以 改神亀六年為天平元年而大赦天下百官主典已上人等冠位一階上賜事始一二慶命恵賜行賜詔天皇命衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para yu amori-masi-si sumyera ga mi-yo wo pazimete ko no takamikura ni imasite ametuti ya-mo wo wosame-tamapi totonope-tamapu koto pa piziri no kimi to imasite sakasi-ki omi tukape-maturi ame no sita tapirake-ku tukasadukasa yasu-ku site si ametuti no opo-ki sirusi pa arapare-ku to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku noritamapu pa opo-mikoto ni imase sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite pa sumyera to imasu ware mo kiki-mot-aru koto tomosi-ku mi-mot-aru okonapi sukuna-mi wa ga omi to site tukape-maturu pito-tati mo pito-tu puta-tu wo mora-si otosu koto mo ara-mu ka to katazikena-mi paduzukasi-mi omoposi-masite wa ga opo-kimi opo-ki sumyeramikoto no opo-mapye ni kasikwo zimono sizimapi-papi-motopori-mawosi-tamapi uke-tamaparaku pa mapye tu kimi-tati no twopi-ko-mu maturigoto woba kaku ya kotape-tamapa-mu kaku ya kotape-tamapa-mu to mawosi-tamapu tukasa ni ya wosame-tamapa-mu to mawosi-tamapeba wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapi kotape-tamapi noritamapu manima ni ko no wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto wo okonapi-tamapi siki-tamapitutu tukape-maturi-tamapu apida ni mi-satwodukasa no kami piro-ki mi-tu no kurawi pudipara no asomi marora i pumi-op-yeru kame pito-tu tatematuraku to mawosi-tamapu ni kikosi-myesi odoroki-tamapi ayasibwi-tamapi misonapasi-yorokobwi-tamapi mede-tamapite omoposi-myesaku pa utusi-ku mo sumyera wa ga maturigoto no itas-eru mono ni ara-me ya .

4. ko pa opo-ki sumyeramikoto no atu-ki piro-ki utukusubwi wo kagapurite taka-ki taputwo-ki okonapi ni yorite arapare-kyeru opo-ki sirusi no mono so to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

5. koto wakite nori-tamapaku ko no opo-ki sirusi no mono pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udunapi-maturi sakipape-maturu koto ni yorite arapasi-matur-eru taputwo-ki sirusi naru wo motite mi-yo no na aratame-tamapi kape-tamapu .

6. koko wo motite zinki no mu-tose wo aratamete tempiyau no pazime no tosi to site ame no sita piro-ku tumi yurusi-tamapi tukasadukasa no sakwan ywori kamitukata no pito-domo kagapurikurawi pitosina age-tamapu koto wo pazime pito-tu puta-tu no yorokobwi no opo-mikoto wo utukusibwi-tamapi okonapi-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .



English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the world, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “In ruling and ordering all of heaven and earth in this high throne, starting with the reign of the Emperor who descended from the high plain, only when wise statesmen serve, the realm is peaceful and the officials are calm, with a wise Emperor, do great signs of heaven and earth appear.”I proclaim thus in an edict because I feel troubled and embarrassed, thinking that in my Imperial reign I, the emperor, have understood little and have carried out little governance and those who serve as my nobles may have also been negligent once or twice. I have crawled back and forth and spoken before my Lady, the abdicated Empress, and I have ruled and disseminated governances of my realm according to how she taught and lead me in response to my asking ‘Shall I respond this way or that regarding the governances about which my Ministers inquire?’ and asking how to reward officials. While I was doing so I heard that the official of the capital of the third rank, Fujiwara-no-Asomi Maro, and others offered up a turtle bearing writing. I was surprised and puzzled by this and I saw it, rejoiced in it and applauded it and I thought, ‘Surely something this beautiful has not come due to my governance. This great sign as appeared due to the great and precious governance and due to me receiving benevolent and broad blessings from the abdicated Empress.’I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that also says: “I change the reign name with this great sign that is a precious sign that has appeared due to the gods of heaven and earth approving and bringing it into existence. So, I change the sixth year of Jinki to the first year of Tenpyō and pardon all crimes in the realm, and I carry out and bless you with one or two joyous edicts, starting by raising the cap and rank of those clerk officials and above by one.”

Senmyō 7. Tenpyō 1 8th Month (729), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 天皇大命良麻止親王等又汝王臣等語賜幣止皇朕高御座坐初由利今年麻氐六年

2. 此嗣坐倍伎皇太子侍

3. 由是其婆婆藤原夫人皇后定賜。

4. 加久定賜者 皇朕御身年月積

5. 天下君坐而年緒長皇后不坐事豆乃善有良努在。

6. 又於天下政置而独知倍伎物不有。

7. 必斯理幣能政有倍之

8. 此者事立不有。

9. 天日月在如地山川有如並坐而可有言事者汝等王臣等明見所知在。

10. 然此位遅定米豆良久波刀比尓母夜気授乎波一日二日十日廿日試定止斯伊波婆許貴太斯意保天下乎夜多夜須無止所念坐而此六年択賜試賜而今日今時眼当衆喚賜而細事状語賜布止詔勅聞宣。

11. 賀久詔者挂畏於此宮坐現神大八洲国所知倭根子天皇我王祖天皇皇后朕賜日豆良久波婆夜我加久云。

12. 其父侍大臣皇我朝助奉輔奉供奉夜半暁時休息無明心波波刀比供奉所見賜者其人宇武何志伎事欸事送不得忘。

13. 我児我王過无罪無有者捨麻須奈麻須奈止負賜宣賜大命依而加加久六年試賜使賜此皇后位 授賜。

14. 然朕時乃未尓波不有。

15. 難波高津宮御宇大鷦鷯天皇葛城曽豆比古女子伊波乃比売命皇后御相坐而食国天下之政治賜行賜家利

16. 今米豆良可政者不有本由理行来迹事曽止詔勅聞宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to mi-kwo-tati mata imasi opo-kimi-tati omi-tati ni katarapi-tamapye to nori-tamapaku sumyera ware takamikura ni imasi some-si yuri kotosi ni itaru made mu-tose ni nari-nu .

2. ko no apida ni ama tu kurawi ni tugi-masu be-ki tugite to site pitugi no mi-kwo paberi-tu

3. kore ni yorite so no papa to ara-su pudipara no opo-tozi wo opo-kisaki to sadame-tamapu .

4. kaku sadame-tamapu pa sumyera wa ga mi-mwi mo tositukwi tumori-nu .

5. ame no sita no kimi to imasite tosi no wo naga-ku opokisaki imasa-nu koto mo pitotu no yok-ara-nu waza ni ari .

6. mata ame no sita no maturigoto ni okite pito-ri siru be-ki mono ni ara-zu .

7. kanarazu mo siripye no maturigoto aru be-si .

8. ko pa kotodatu ni ara-zu .

9. ame ni pitukwi aru goto tuti ni yamakapa aru goto narabi-imasite aru be-si to ipu koto pa imasi-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati akirake-ku mi-sira-re-tari .

10. sikaredomo ko no kurawi wo oso-ku sadame-turaku pa twopito mani mo ono ga yake sadukuru pito wo pa pitopi puta-ka to erabi towo-ka patuka to kokoro-mi-sadamu to si ipaba kokwidasi-ki opo-ki ame no sita no koto wo ya tayasu-ku okonapa-mu to omoposi-masite ko no mu-tose no uti wo erabi-tamapi kokoro-mi-tamapite kyepu ima ma no atari moromoro wo myesi-tamapite tubusa ni koto no sama katarapi-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

11. kaku noritamapu pa kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki ko no miya ni masite aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto wa ga opo-kimi mi-oya sumyeramikoto no pazime ko no opo-kisaki wo ware ni tamap-yeru pi ni nori-tamapi-turaku womina to ipaba pitosi-mi ya wa ga kaku ipu .

12. so no titi to paberu opo-mapye tu kimi no sumyera wa ga mikadwo wo ananapi-maturi tasuke-maturite itadaki-kasikwomi tukape-maturitutu ywonaka akatoki to yasumopu koto na-ku kiywo-ki aka-ki kokoro wo motite papatwopi tukape-maturu wo myesi-tamapeba so no pito no umugasi-ki koto isosi-ki koto wo tupi ni e-wasurezi .

13. wa ga kwo wa ga opo-kimi ayamati na-ku tumi na-ku araba sutemasu na wasuremasu na to opose-tamapi nori-tamapi-si opo-mikoto ni yorite ka ni kaku ni tosi no mu-tose wo kokoro-mi-tamapi tukapi-tamapite ko no opo-kisaki no kurawi wo saduke-tamapu .

14. sikaru mo wa ga toki nomwi ni pa ara-zu .

15. nanipa no takatumiya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si opo-sazaki no sumyeramikoto kadurakwi no sodubikwo no musumye ipa no pimye no mikoto opo-kisaki to mi-api-masite wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto wosame-tamapi okonapi-tamapi-kyeri .

16. ima meduraka ni aratasi-ki maturigoto ni pa ara-zu moto yuri okonapi-ko-si atwogoto zo to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, hear the edict that says: “Tell this to the Imperial children and you the Lords and nobles as the words of the Emperor. Six years have passed since I, the Emperor, came to the throne until now. During this time you have served Imperial children of the line as those who shall inherit the throne. So, I make Fujiwara-no-Ōtoji, who is your mother, the consort. I do so because I grow old. It is a bad act for the Lord of the realm to not have a consort for a long time. Also, one person alone should not perform the governance of the realm. There should always be an advisor. This is not unusual. You Lords and nobles know well that they should be together like the sun and moon in the heaven or the mountains and rivers on the earth. However, I decide who to give this rank late because, like the people, I could surely not simply complete this great and most important task of the realm by choosing one or two people to inherit the house and decide after trying them for ten or twenty days. So I have chosen and tried over six years and today I call you all before me to tell you of this in detail.”I proclaim so because when this first started on the day my consort was decided, my Lord the Empress my mother, too awesome to mention, who ruled the eight-island realm as a living God from this palace, ordered me in an edict: ‘Surely not all women are equal. I tell you: The Minister, her father, advised and assisted my Imperial court and he served humbly in awe. Seeing him serving respectfully I will never forget his excellence and diligence. My child, my Lord: if she does not err or commit crimes then do not discard or forget her.’ With this edict I bestow the role of consort to her after trying and employing her for these six years. It is so not only for my time. The Ōsazaki Emperor, who ruled the realm from the high palace of Naniwa married Iwa-no-Hime, the daughter of Kazuragi-no-Sozubiko, and governed the realm. This is not a new governance brought in now but a continuation of that which has been carried out from the start.

Senmyō 8. Tenpyō 1 8th Month (729), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 天皇詔旨今勅御事法者常事尓波不有武都事思坐故猶在倍伎礼夜止思行之氐大御物賜久止宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to ima nori-tamap-yeru mi-kotonori pa tune no koto ni pa ara-zu mutugoto to omoposi-masu ga yuwe ni napo aru be-ki mono ni are ya to omoposi-myesite opo-mimono tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “I think things should not be left as they are since the edict that was just proclaimed as words of the Emperor was not usual so I grant gifts.”

Senmyō 9. Tenpyō 15 5th Month (743), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 天皇大命西奏賜飛鳥浄御原宮大八洲所知天皇命天下治賜平賜比弖所思坐上下気弖无動加尓令有尓波弖志可有 随神所思坐始賜造賜比伎等聞食与天地共絶事無弥継受賜波利等之弖皇太子斯王頂令荷我皇天皇大前貢事奏。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni imase mawosi-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki asuka no kiywomibara no miya ni opo-yasima sira-si-myesi-si piziri no sumyeramikoto ame no sita wo wosame-tamapi tapirage-tamapite omoposi-masaku kamisimo wo totonope-yaparagete ugoki-naku siduka ni ara-simuru ni pa rai to gaku to puta-tu narabete si tapirake-ku naga-ku aru be-si to kamu-nagara mo omoposi-masite ko no mapi wo pazime-tamapi tukuri-tamapi-ki to kiki-tamapete ametuti to tomo ni tayuru koto na-ku iya tugitugi ni uke-tamapari yuka-mu mono to site pitugi no mi-kwo ko no opo-kimi ni narapa-si-itadaki mota-simete wa ga opo-kimi sumyera mikoto no opo-mapye ni tatematuru koto wo mawosu .


English translation by Millichip:
I say in an imperial edict: I hear that the wise Emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the eight islands from the Kiyomibara palace in Asuka, having ordered and pacified the realm, divinely thought, ‘It is by combining ceremony and music that my making those of higher and lower rank unified and in their proper place and my making them calm with no disturbances shall be peaceful and long-lasting,’ and so he created and began this dance. I make the Imperial Princess learn and acquire this dance, as something that shall never cease, like heaven and earth, and shall be passed on for generations, and I offer [this performance] up to the Imperial mother [Genshō].

Senmyō 10. Tenpyō 15 5th Month (743), Retired Empress Genshō gloss tree

1. 現神御大八洲我子天皇天皇朝廷始賜造賜弊留宝国宝等之弖此王令供奉賜天下立賜行賜部流可絶家利止見聞喜侍奏賜詔大命奏。

2. 又今日行賜見行直遊止乃味尓波不在之弖天下人君臣祖子教賜趣賜布等尓良志止奈母所思

3. 是以教賜趣賜比奈何良受被賜持不忘不失可有等之弖一二人治賜波奈止那毛所思行須等奏賜詔大命奏賜波久止奏。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu wa ga kwo sumyeramikoto no kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga mikadwo no pazime-tamapi tukuri-tamap-yeru takara wo kuni no takara to site ko no opokimi wo tukape-matura-sime-tamapeba ame no sita ni tate-tamapi okonapi-tamap-yeru nori pa tayu be-ki koto pa na-ku ari-kyeri to mi-kiki-yorokobwi-paberi to mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mawosu .

2. mata kyepu okonapi-tamapu waza wo misonapaseba tada ni aswobi to nomwi ni pa ara-zu site ame no sita no pito ni kimiomioyakwo no kotowari wo wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapu to ni aru rasi to namo omoposi-myesu .

3. koko wo motite wosipe-tamapi omobuke-tamapi-nagara uke-tamapari-motite wasure-zu usinapa-zu aru be-ki sirusi tosite pito-ri puta-ri wo wosame-tamapana to namo omoposi-myesu to mawosi-tamape to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mawosi-tamapaku to mawosu .


English translation by Millichip:
I say the edict that says: “Say to the Emperor: I am pleased to see and hear that when the Emperor, my son, who rules the eight-islands as a living God, makes the treasure that the divine emperor, too awesome to mention has created and started, into a treasure of the land and made this princess serve, the laws, established and carried out in the realm, should never cease.”I say: “Say to the Emperor the edict that says: When I saw the acts the Emperor performed today I thought that they were not only simple play but also taught and led the people to act according to the way of the relationship between master and vassal and parent and child. So I wish the Emperor would, while teaching and leading the people, reward one or two people as a sign that this should be received and carried on and not be forgotten or lost.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor that says: “For the actions I perform and serve today, I choose and reward one or two people who should be rewarded, starting with the Imperial children and gathered Lords who serve in my reign. So, I raise your caps and ranks so that you will serve as long and distant as heaven and earth, inheriting your parents’ names with a clean and pure heart in reigns of Emperors yet to rule, not forgetting the relationship between lords and vassal and parent and child as in the edict I proclaim today.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “Further, I raise the cap of officials of the Imperial heirs. Among these I raise the cap of Shimotsumichi-no-Asomi Makibi who is appointed as scholar.”

Senmyō 11. Tenpyō 15 5th Month (743), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 天皇大命良麻等今日行賜供奉賜態依而御世御世当供奉礼留親王等大臣等子等始而可治賜一二人等選給治給

2. 是以汝等今日詔大命乃期等君臣祖子忘事無継坐天皇御世御世明浄心以而祖名戴持而天地与共仕奉礼等之弖冠位上賜治賜布等勅大命衆聞食宣。

3. 又皇太子宮官人冠一階上賜

4. 此中博士任賜部留下道朝臣真備尓波冠二階上賜治賜波久等勅天皇大命衆聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku kyepu okonapi-tamapi tukape-maturi-tamapu waza ni yorite miyomiyo ni atarite tukape-matur-eru mi-kwo-tati opo-mapye tu kimi-tati no kwo-domo wo pazimete wosame-tamapu be-ki pitoputari-domo erabi-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

2. koko wo motite imasi-tati mo kyepu noritamapu opo-mikoto no goto kimi omi oya kwo no kotowari wo wasururu koto na-ku tugi-masa-mu sumyera ga miyomiyo ni aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite oya no na wo itadaki-motite ametuti to tomo ni naga-ku topo-ku tukape-mature to site kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. mata pitugi no mi-kwo no miya no tukasabito ni kagapuri pitosina age-tamapu .

4. ko no naka ni pakase to make-tamap-yeru simo tu miti no asomi makibwi ni pa kagapuri puta-sina age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor that says: “For the actions I perform and serve today, I choose and reward one or two people who should be rewarded, starting with the Imperial children and gathered Lords who serve in my reign. So, I raise your caps and ranks so that you will serve as long and distant as heaven and earth, inheriting your parents’ names with a clean and pure heart in reigns of Emperors yet to rule, not forgetting the relationship between lords and vassal and parent and child as in the edict I proclaim today.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “Further, I raise the cap of officials of the Imperial heirs. Among these I raise the cap of Shimotsumichi-no-Asomi Makibi who is appointed as scholar.”

Senmyō 12. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 4th Month (749), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 三宝 仕奉天皇羅我命 盧舍那像大前奏賜部止此大倭国者天地開闢以来黄金人国用理献言登毛斯地者無物部流仁聞看食国中東方陸奥国守従五位上百済王敬福部内少田郡黄金出在奏献。

2. 此聞食 驚久波盧舍那仏慈賜波陪賜物受賜戴持百官人等率礼拝仕奉事挂畏三宝大前美毛奏賜波久止奏。

2. sanbou no ya tu kwo to tukape-maturu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to rusiyana no mi-kata no opo-mapye ni mawosi-tamape to mawosaku . ko no yamato no kuni pa ametuti pirakete ywori ko no kata ni kugane pa pito kuni ywori tatematuru koto pa aredomo ko no kuni ni pa na-ki mono to omop-yeru ni kikosi-myesu wosukuni no uti no pimukasi no kata mitinoku no kuni no kami piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no kami tu sina kudara no konikisikyaupuku i kuni no uti no woda no kopori ni kugane ide-tari to mawosite tatematur-eri .

3. ko wo kiki-tamape odoroki yorokobwi taputwobwi omopa-ku pa rusiyana potoke no utukusibwi-tamapi sakipape-tamapu mono ni ari to omope uke-tamapari kasikwomari-itadaki-moti tukasadukasa no pito-domo wo piki-wite worogami-tukape-maturu koto wo kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sanbou no opo-mapye ni kasikwo-mi mo kasikwo-mi mo mawosi-tamapaku to mawosu .


English translation by Millichip:
I say, the Emperor says: “Say this before the figure of Rushana as the words of the Emperor who serves the three treasures as their servant: I hear that it was thought that although gold has been offered up to Yamato since the start of heaven and earth, there was none in this land. But Kudara-no-Konikishi Kyōfuku, of the upper fifth rank of the province of Michinoku in the East of my land, said gold has sprung in the district of Oda and offered it up. Say this in great awe before the three treasures, too awesome to mention: Hearing this I was surprised, joyous and revered it and I thought that it was brought into existence by the blessing of Rushana Buddha. I humbly receive this blessing in awe and lead the officials to worship the spring.”

Senmyō 13. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 4th Month (749), Emperor Shōmu gloss tree

1. 現神御宇倭根子天皇詔旨宣大命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。

2. 高天原天降坐天皇御世中今麻弖尓天皇御世御世天日嗣高御座治賜恵賜来食国天下止奈母神奈我良母所念行久止宣大命衆聞食宣。

3. 加久治賜恵賜来天日嗣今皇朕御世坐者天地聞食々国東方陸奥国小田郡金出在礼利

4. 此所念種々法中尓波仏大御言国家護多仁勝在聞召食国天下諸国最勝王経坐盧舍那仏化奉天坐神地坐祇祈禱奉。

5. 挂畏遠我皇天皇御世治拝仕奉衆人伊謝奈比仕奉心禍息善成危変全平牟等仕奉間衆人不成哿登疑朕金少牟止念憂ツ々三宝勝神大御言験天坐神地坐神相宇豆奈比奉佐枳波倍又天皇御霊多知乃恵賜撫賜事依示給物在自等念召受賜歓受賜貴進不知退不知夜日畏恐麻利所念天下撫恵賜事理坐 君御代可在物多豆何奈伎朕時示給礼波美奈母

6. 是以朕一人夜波貴大瑞受賜

7. 天下共頂受賜流自理可在神奈我良母念坐弖奈母恵賜治賜御代年号字加賜久止宣天皇大命衆聞食宣。

8. 辞別大神宮 諸神多知尓 御戸代奉諸祝部治賜

9. 又寺々墾田地許奉僧綱衆僧尼敬問治賜新造寺官寺可成官寺成賜

10. 大御陵守仕奉人等一二治賜

11. 又御世御世天下 奏賜国家護仕奉勝在臣多知乃侍所尓波置表与天地共人不令侮不令穢治賜部止宣大命衆聞食宣。

12. 又天日嗣高御座坐事弖波挂畏天皇大御名受賜退弖波婆婆大御祖御名弖之食国天下乎婆撫賜恵賜夫止奈母神奈我良母念坐

13. 是以王多知大臣子等治賜伊自天皇朝 仕奉婆婆仕奉尓波可在。

14. 加以挂畏近江大津宮大八嶋国所知天皇大命止之弖奈良宮大八洲国所知我皇天皇御世重朕宣自久大臣御世重明浄心以仕奉事弖奈母天日嗣平安聞召来此辞忘給弃給奈止比之大命 受賜多知乎恵賜治賜久止宣大命衆聞食宣。

15. 又三国真人石川朝臣鴨朝臣伊勢大鹿首部可治賜人止自弖奈母簡賜治賜

16. 又県犬養橘夫人天皇御世重明浄心以仕奉皇朕御世当弖毛無怠緩事助仕加以祖父大臣殿門荒穢事无ツツ自之事伊蘇之美斯美忘不給止自弖奈母孫等一二治賜

17. 又為大臣仕奉部留多知乃子等男随仕奉状種々治賜比ツ礼等母女不冶賜。

18. 是以所念能未父名負伊婆礼奴阿礼立双仕奉理在止奈母

19. 父我加久斯麻祁牟事不過失家門不荒自弖天皇朝仕奉止自弖奈母多知乎治賜

20. 又大伴佐伯宿祢云如天皇朝守仕奉事顧奈伎人等阿礼多知乃止母乃云来海行豆久屍山行牟湏屍王尓去曽能杼尓波不死云来人等止奈母聞召

21. 是以遠天皇御世始今朕御世弖母内兵心中古止波奈母

22. 故是以子心成伊自尓波可在。

23. 此心不失自弖 明浄心以仕奉止自弖奈母男女并一二治賜

24. 又五位已上子等治賜

25. 六位已下冠 一階上給東大寺造人等二階加賜正六位上尓波子一人治賜

26. 又五位已上及皇親年十三已上无位大舍人等至于諸司仕丁麻弖尓大御手物賜

27. 又高年人等治賜 困乏人恵賜孝義有人其事免賜力田治賜

28. 罪人赦賜

29. 又壬生治賜知物人等治賜

30. 又見出金人及陸奥国々司郡司百姓至麻弖尓治賜天下百姓衆撫賜恵賜久止宣天皇大命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mikwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para yu amori-masi-si sumyera ga mi-yo wo pazimete nakaima ni itaru made ni sumyera ga miyomiyo ama tu pitugi takamikura to imasite wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru wosukuni ame no sita no waza to namo kamu nagara mo omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapi-kuru ama tu pitugi no waza to ima sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite imaseba ametuti no kokoro wo itapasi-mi ikasi-mi katazikena-mi kasikwo-mi imasu ni kikosi-myesu wosukuni no pimukasi no kata mitinoku no kuni no woda no kopori ni kugane ide-tari to mawosite tatematur-eri .

4. ko wo omoposeba kusagusa no nori no naka ni pa potoke no opo-mikoto si mikadwo mamoru ga ta ni pa sugure-tari to kikosi-myesite wosukuni ame no sita no kuniguni ni saisyouwaugyau wo imase rusiyana potoke tukuri-maturu to site ame ni masu kamwikuni ni masu kamwi wo inori-maturi kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki topo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyera ga mi-yo wosamete worogami-tukape-maturi moropito wo izanapi piki-wite tukape-maturu kokoro pa wazapapi yamite yo-ku nari ayapuki-kaparite mata-ku tapiraga-mu to omoposite tukape-maturu apida ni moropito pa narazi ka to utagapi ware pa kugane sukuna-kye-mu to omoposi-urepetutu aru ni sambou no sugurete ayasi-ki opo-mikoto no sirusi wo kagapuri ame ni masu kamwikuni ni masu kamwi no api-udu-napi-maturi saki-pape-maturi mata sumyera ga mi-tama-tati no utukusibwi-tamapi nade-tamapu koto ni yorite arapasi simyesi-tamapu mono ni aru rasi to omoposi-myeseba uke-tamapari yorokobwi-uke-tamapari taputwobwi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni yworupiru kasikwomari omoposeba ame no sita wo nade-utukusibwi-tamapu koto kotowari ni imasu kimi no mi-yo ni atarite aru be-ki monowo wodina-ku tadukana-ki wa ga toki ni arapasi-simyesi-tamap-yereba katazikena-mi padukasi-mi namo omoposu .

5. koko wo motite ware pito-ri ya pa taputwo-ki opo-ki sirusi wo uke-tamapara-mu ame no sita tomo ni itadaki-uke-tamapari yorokoburu si kotowari ni aru be-si to kamunagara mo omoposi-masite namo moromoro wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapi mi-yo no na ni mozi kupape-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. koto wakite nori-tamapaku opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete moromoro no kamwi-tati ni mi-twosiro tatematuri moromoro no papuri wosame-tamapu .

7. mata teradera ni parita no tokoro yurusi-maturi pousi no tukasa wo pazimete moromoro no pousiama uyamapi-twopi-wosame-tamapi arata ni tukur-eru tera no opo-yakedera to nasu be-ki pa opo-yakedera to nasi-tamapu .

8. opo-misazaki mori-tukape-maturu pito-domo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .

9. mata miyomiyo ni atarite ame no sita mawosi-tamapi mikadwo mamori-tukape-maturu koto no sugure-taru omi-tati no paberu tokoro ni pa sirusi wo okite ametuti to tomo ni pito ni anadura-sime-zu kegasa-sime-zu wosame-tamapye to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

10. mata ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza to imasu koto pa susumite pa kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mina wo uke-tamapari sirizokite pa papa opo-mioya no mi-na wo kagapurite si wosukuni ame no sita woba nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapu to namo kamu nagara mo omoposi-masu .

11. koko wo motite opo-kimi-tati opo-mapye tu kimi no kwo-domo wosame-tamapu i si sumyera ga mikadwo ni tukape-maturi papa ni tukape-maturu ni pa aru besi .

12. sika nomwi ni ara-zu kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga opo-mikoto to site nara no miya ni opo-yasimaguni sira-si-myesi-si wa ga opo-kimi sumyera mikoto to mi-yo kasanete ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku opo-mapye tu kimi no mi-yo kasanete aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturu koto ni yorite namo ama tu pitugi pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku kikosi-myesi-kuru ko no koto wasure-tamapu na sute-tamapu na to nori-tamapi-si opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapari kasikwomari imasi-tati wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

13. mata mi-kuni no mapito isikapa no asomi kamo no asomi ise no opo-ka no obito-domo pa wosame-tamapu be-ki pito to site namo erabi-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

14. mata agata no inukapi no tatibana no opo-tozi no sumyera ga mi-yo kasanete aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturi sumyera wa ga mi-yo ni atarite mo okotari-yurupu koto na-ku tasuke-tukape-maturi sika nomwi ni ara-zu opo-di opo-mapye tu kimi no tonokadwo arasi-kegasu koto na-ku mamoritutu ara-si-si koto iswosi-mi umugasi-mi wasure-tamapa-zu to site namo pikwo-domo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .

15. mata opo-mapye tu kimi to site tukape-maturap-yeru omi-tati no kwo-domo wo no kwo pa tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite kusagusa wosame-tamapi-turedomo mye no kwo pa wosame-tamapa-zu .

16. koko wo motite omoposeba wo no kwo nomwi titi no na opite mye no kwo pa iparenu mono ni are ya tati-narabi-tukape-maturu si kotowari ni ari to namo omoposu .

17. titi ga kaku sima ni are to omopite omobukewosipekye-mu koto ayamata-zu usinapa-zu ipyekadwo arasa-zu site sumyera ga mikado ni tukape-mature to site namo imasi-tati wo wosame-tamapu .

18. mata opo-tomo sapeki no sukune pa tune mo ipu goto-ku sumyera ga mikadwo mamori-tukape-maturu koto kapyeri-mi na-ki pito-domo ni areba imasi-tati no oya-domo no ipi-kuraku umi yukaba mi-duku kabane yama yukaba kusa-musu kabane opo-kimi no pye ni koso sina-me nodo ni pa sinazi to ipi-kuru pito-domo to namo kikosi-myesu .

19. koko wo motite toposumyerogi no mi-yo pazimete ima wa ga mi-yo ni atarite mo uti no ikusa to kokoro no uti no kwo to pa namo tukape-su .

20. kare koko wo motite kwo pa oya no kokoro nasu i si kwo ni pa aru besi .

21. ko no kokoro usinapa-zu site aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to site namo wo no kwo mye no kwo apasete pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu .

22. mata itu-tu no kurawi ywori kami tu kata no kwo-domo wosame-tamapu .

23. mu-tu no kurawi ywori simo tu kata ni kagapuri pitosina age-tamapi toudaizi tukur-eru pito-domo ni puta-sina kupape-tamapi opo-ki mu-tu no kurawi no kami tu sina ni pa kwo pito-ri wosame-tamapu .

24. mata itu-tu no kurawi ywori kami tu kata to mi-ugara no tosi towo amari mi-tu ywori kami tu kata to kurawi na-ki opo-toneri-domo tukasadukasa no tukape yoboro ni itaru made ni opo-mite tu mono tamapu .

25. mata tosi taka-ki pito-domo wosame-tamapi madusi-ki pito utukusibwi-tamapi keugi aru pito so no koto yurusi-tamapi rikiden wosame-tamapu .

26. tumibito yurusi-tamapu .

27. mata mibu wosame-tamapi monosiribito-domo wosame-tamapu .

28. mata kugane wo mi-ide-taru pito to mitinoku no kuni no kuni no mikoto moti kopori no miya tu kwo opo-mitakara ni itaru made ni wosame-tamapi ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro wo nade-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I think, as a God, that the throne of my realm is ruling and blessing the realm in the throne of the heavenly line for reigns of Emperors from the reign of the Emperor who descended from the high plain until now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “It is reported that gold has sprung in the district of Woda in the province of Michinoku in the East of my land, which I rule feeling pained, solemn and troubled by the will of heaven and earth in my Imperial reign as the throne of the heavenly line in which I have ruled and beautified the realm, and the gold was offered up. Considering this, the Buddha excels at protecting the court of all the laws and so I wish to end disasters and make them blessings and change danger into peace by placing a Golden Light Sutra and creating a Rushana Buddha in each of the provinces of my realm, praying to the gods of heaven and earth, worshiping the reigns of the Great ancient Emperors, too awesome to mention, and leading the people. When I was serving in this way, many people doubted that anything would come of this and I too thought there was not enough gold but this gold must have appeared by the three treasures bestowing this excellent and miraculous sign of the Word, the gods of heaven and earth thinking it good and blessing us, and the Spirits of Emperors blessing and caring for us. I humbly receive and revere the gold in joy and not knowing what to do I am in awe night an day. I feel troubled and embarrassed that something that should appear in the reign of a Lord who follows the way of caring for and blessing the realm has appeared in my lacking and unstable time. I think, as a god, that this precious sign is not to be received by me alone and that it is moral to receive and take joy in this great sign with the realm. So, I bless everyone and add characters to my reign name.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that also says: “I offer up votive fields to all the gods, starting with the divine Godly palace, and reward I all of the shrines. Also, I land for new fields to the temples and visit and reward all the priests and nuns, starting with the head priests and appropriately make newly built temples into public temples. I also reward one or two people who protect the Imperial mausoleum. I also place signs at the places where nobles, who have protected and assisted the court and spoke of governance of the realm excellently for many reigns, serve and I rule that they will never be belittled or dirtied by people through heaven and earth.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Further, I think, as a god, that the throne of the people, of the heavenly line, is in part receiving the Great name of the Emperor too awesome to mention, and in part caring for and blessing my realm by receiving the name of my Great mother. So, rewarding the children of the Lords, the Lords gathered before me, is serving the Imperial court and my mother. Moreover, I receive in awe the edict passed to me through the reigns and proclaimed by my Lady, the emperor, who ruled the eight-island realm from the palace at Nara. She proclaimed this to me as the edict of the Emperor, too awesome to mention who ruled the eight-island realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu: ‘The heavenly line rules calmly and peacefully by the gathered Lords serving with a clean and pure heart throughout the reigns—do not forget or disregard this.’ I receive this edict in awe and bless and reward all of you.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Also, I select Mikuni-no-Mahito, Ishikawa-no-Asomi, Kamo-no-Asomi and Ise-no-Ōka-no-Obito to be rewarded. Further, I think that the serving with a clear and pure heart throughout the reigns of Emperors and the assisting and serving in my Imperial reign too, without becoming idle or slack, of the Lady of Inukai-no-Tachibana and also her protecting the house of my Great grandfather, without disturbing or dirtying it, is all diligent and joyous and I do not forget this. Therefore, I reward one or two of her grandchildren. Further, I bestow various rewards to her male children according to their service but I do not reward her female children. However, I think that it is not moral for only the boys to bare their fathers’ name with the girls not being called so. I think it moral for them to serve together. I reward you so that you will serve the imperial court without disturbing your house or mistaking and losing the guiding and teaching of your father saying that only boys serve. Sukune of Ōtomo and Saeki, as is always said: those who protect and serve the Imperial court do not have other concerns. Also, I hear that your parents say: ‘I will not die peacefully. I shall die by the side of my Lord; my corpse soaked if I go to sea, my corpse covered in grass if I go to the mountains.’ So you serve as my bodyguard with no concern for other things, from the reigns of ancient Emperors and now too in my reign. The children shall be the children who perform the will of their parents. I reward one or two of both the male children and female children so that you will serve with a clear and pure heart, not forgetting this. I reward the children of those of the fifth rank and above. I raise the cap of those below sixth rank by one level, I further add a rank to those who built Tōdaiji and I reward one child of those above the upper sixth rank. I bestow gifts on those of the fifth rank and above, members of the imperial family over thirteen years old and palace servants without rank, even down to public laborers. I reward the elderly, bless the poor and will grant exemptions to pious people and reward them with fields. I pardon criminals. I reward nannies and the wise people. I reward the person who found the gold and the governor of Michinoku, the district officials and even the people, and I care for and bless all the people of the realm.”

Senmyō 14. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 7th Month, Emperor Shōmu / Empress Kōken gloss tree

1.   現神御宇 倭根子天皇可 御命良麻止宣御命 衆聞食宣。

2. 高天原 神積坐 皇親神魯棄 神魯美命以 吾孫 将知食国 天下言依奉随 遠皇祖御世始天皇御世御世 聞看来食国 天日嗣高御座止奈母 随神所念行佐久止勅天皇御命 衆聞食勅。

3. 平城宮尔 御宇天皇之久 挂畏 近江大津宮尔 御宇天皇 不改常典 初賜定賜都法随 斯天日嗣高御座業者 御命尔坐 伊夜嗣尔 奈賀御命 聞看御命 畏自物 受賜 食国天下恵賜治賜間尔 万機密久志天 御身 不敢賜有 随法 天日嗣高御座業者 朕子王尔 授賜勅天皇御命 親王等 王臣等 百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

4.   又天皇御命良末止勅命 衆聞食宣。

5. 挂畏 我皇天皇 斯天日嗣高御座受賜仕奉 負賜 頂尔受賜末里不知 退不知 恐久止宣 天皇御命 衆聞食勅。

6.   故是以 御命坐 勅 朕者 拙劣雖在 親王等始而 王等・臣等諸 天皇朝庭 立賜部留食国 戴持而 明浄心以 誤落言無 助仕奉尔依弖之 天下者平 治賜恵賜布閇支物尔有止奈毛 神随所念坐久止勅天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi no mikoto motite wa ga mi-ma no mikoto no sira-sa-mu wosukuni ame no sita to kotoyosasi-maturi no manima-ni toposumyerogi no mi-yo wo pazimete sumyera ga miyomiyo kikosi-myesi-kuru wosukuni ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. nara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera mikoto no nori-tamapi-si-ku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no aratamu masizi-ki tune no nori to pazime-tamapi sadame-tamapi-turu nori no manima-ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa opo-mikoto ni imase iya tugi ni na ga opo-mikoto kikosi-myese to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kasikwo zimono uke-tamapari-masite wosukuni ame no sita wo utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapu apida ni yorodu no maturigoto sige-ku opo-ku site mi-mwi ape-tamapa-zu are nori no manima-ni ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa wa ga mi-kwo opo-kimi ni saduke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. mata sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kikitamapeyo to noritamapu .

5. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi sumyeramikoto ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wo uke-tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamape itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwomari susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwomi masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati moromoro no sumyera ga mikadwo no tate-tamap-yeru wosukuni no maturigoto wo itadaki-motite aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite ayamati-otosu koto na-ku tasuke-tukape-maturu ni yorite si ame no sita pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosame-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapu be-ki mono ni ari to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that is proclaimed as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “The realm was entrusted as the realm my descendants shall rule by the Imperial gods and goddesses who gather on the high plain and according to this I think, as a god, that acting in the throne of the heavenly line of my realm is ruling the realm through reigns of Emperors from the reigns of ancient Emperors.”I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I receive in awe the Edict proclaimed by the Emperor who ruled the realm from the palace at Nara: ‘According to the laws that the emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Ōmi-no-Ōtsu, created and established as eternal laws never to be improved upon, this high throne of the heavenly line is in my words and shall be in your words for generations.’ As I blessed the realm my governances became many and complex and I can no longer endure it so according to the law I bestow the high throne of the heavenly line to my Lord, my Imperial heir.”I proclaim, all of you hear another edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I am burdened by my Lord, the Emperor, too awesome to mention, telling me to receive the throne of the heavenly line and serve. I receive and think it awesome and do not know what to do in awe.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “So I proclaim in this edict: I think, as a god, that only by the Imperial children, Lords and nobles all receiving the governances of my realm that the Imperial court sets out and assisting and serving unwaveringly with a clean and pure heart, despite me being incapable and lacking, shall I rule and bless the realm calmly and peacefully.”

Senmyō 15. Tenpyō Shōhō 1 12th Month (750), Retired Emperor Tenmu gloss tree

1. 天皇御命尔坐 申賜 去辰年 河内国大県郡智識寺尔坐 盧舍那仏 礼奉 則朕欲奉造登毛 得不為之間尔 豊前国宇佐郡尔坐 広幡八幡大神尔申賜閇止 神我 天神地祇率伊左奈比天 必成奉无。 事立不有 銅湯成 我身草木土尔交 障事無 奈佐牟止 勅賜奈我良奴礼波美奈毛念食。 然 猶事不得為家礼登毛 御冠 献事 恐毛恐美毛 申賜久止申。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikoto ni imase mawosi-tamapu to mawosaku ini-si tatu no tosi kaputi no kuni opo-gata no kopori no tisikizi ni imasu rusiyana potoke wo worogami-maturite sunapati ware mo tukuri-matu ramu to omopedomo e-nasa-zu ari-si apida ni toyokuni no miti no kuti no usa no kopori ni imasu piropata no ya-pata no opo-kamwi ni mawosi-tamape to nori-tamapaku kamwi ware ama tu kamwikuni tu mi wo pikiwi izanapite kanarazu nasi-matura-mu . koto-datu ni ara-zu akagane no yu wo midu to nasi wa ga mwi wo kusakwituti ni mazipete saparu koto na-ku nasa-mu to nori-tamapi-nagara nari-nureba yorokobosi-mi taputwo-mi namo omopi-tamapuru . sikaredomo napo yamu koto e-zu site kasikwo-kyeredomo mi-kagapuri-tatematuru koto wo kasikwo-mi mo mawosi-tamapaku to mawosu



English translation by Millichip:
I speak the following as an Imperial edict: “In the last year of the Snake I worshiped the Rushana Buddha present in Chishiki Temple in Ōgata district of Kawachi province and although I wished to immediately build and offer up an image of Rushana, it was not finished. I proclaimed, say the following to the god of Hirohata-no-Yahata who present in the district of Usa in Toyokuni-no-Michi-no-Kuchi province: ‘I, who am a god, shall be sure to complete the image leading the gods of heaven and earth. This is not peculiar and I shall complete it without interruption making the copper spring into water and making myself one with the plants, trees and land.’ I think it joyous and reverent that the image was completed as this was said. However, I cannot cease and, although it is awesome, I, in awe, offer up a cap to you.”

Senmyō 16. Tenpyō Hōji 1 7th Month (757), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 今宣頃者 王等・臣等中尔 無礼逆在止母 在而計奈良久 大宮将囲云而 私兵 備布止 聞看而 加遍加遍 所念止母 誰奴 朕朝背而然為一人将在所念 随法不治賜。

2. 雖然 一事 数人重 奏賜倍波 可問賜物尔夜波将在所念止母

3. 慈政者 行尔安為 此事者 天下難事尔在者 狂迷遍流奈留奴心乎波 慈悟 正賜倍伎物在所念看波奈母 如此 宣

4. 此状悟而 人見可咎事 和射奈世曾

5. 如此宣大命尔不従将在人 朕一人極而慈賜止母 国法不得已成奈牟

6. 己家々 己門々祖名不失勤仕奉礼止宣天皇大命 衆聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku ko no goro opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no naka ni wiya na-ku sakasima ni aru pito-domo arite pakaru naraku opo-miya wo kakum-amu to ipite watakusi no ikusa wo sonapu to kikosi-myesite kapyesu kapyesu omoposedomo tare si no yatukwo ka wa ga mikadwo wo somukite sika suru pito no pito-ri mo ara-mu to omoposeba nori no manima-ni wosame-tamapa-zu .

2. sikaredomo pito-tu koto wo amata pito kasanete mawosi-tamapeba twopi-tamapu be-ki mono ni ya pa ara-mu to omoposedomo utukusibwi no maturigoto pa okonapu ni yasu-ku site ko no koto pa ame no sita no kata-ki koto ni areba tabure-madwop-yeru katakuna naru yatukwo no kokoro woba utukusibwi-satosi tadasi-tamapu be-ki mono ni ari to omoposi-myeseba namo kaku noritamapu .

3. kaku no sama satorite pito no mi-togamu be-ki kotowaza na-se-so .

4. kaku noritamapu opo-mikoto ni sitagapa-zu ara-mu pito pa ware pito-ri kipamete utukusibwi-tamapu to mo kuni no nori yamu koto wo e-zu nari-na-mu .

5. ono ga ipyeipye ono ga kadwokadwo oya no na usinapa-zu tutwome-tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict I proclaim: “Recently, there are those among the Lords and nobles who have no respect and are rebellious and I hear that they plan to surround the Imperial palace and assemble secret armies. Although I thought to turn the other way to this I think, ‘which servant of mine would turn their back on my court—is there even one?’ So, I rule according to the law. Although I think that I should not say the same to all people and ask about it, I proclaim this now as it is a grave issue of the realm and so I think I should bless, enlighten and correct the mind of such insane, bewildered and stupid men. Understand this and do not do anything worthy of blame. The laws of the realm cannot cease for those who do not obey this edict, even if I myself with to bless them. Each family and household, serve diligently not losing the name of your parents.”

gloss tree

1. 汝多知諸者 吾近姪奈利

2. 又竪子卿等者 天皇 大命以 汝多知乎召而 屢詔志久 朕後太后能仕奉助奉礼止

3. 又大伴佐伯宿祢等 自遠天皇御世 内為而仕奉来 又大伴宿祢等 吾族尓母在。

4. 諸同心為而 皇朝助仕奉 如是 醜事者 聞曳自

5. 汝多知乃 不能弖志 如是在良志

6. 諸 以 明清心 皇朝助仕奉礼止宣。

1. imasi-tati moromoro pa wa ga tika-ki wopwi nari .

2. mata warapa mapye tu kimi-tati pa sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite imasi-tati wo myesite sibasiba nori-tamapi-si-ku wa ga noti ni opo-kisaki ni yo-ku tukape-maturi tasuke-mature to nori-tamapi-ki .

3. mata opo-tomo sapeki no sukune-tati pa toposumyerogi no mi-yo ywori uti no ikusa to site tukape-maturi-ki mata opo-tomo no sukune-tati pa wa ga ugara ni mo ari .

4. moromoro onazi kokoro nisite sumyera ga mikadwo wo tasuke-tukape-matura-mu toki ni kaku no sikogoto pa kikoezi .

5. imasi-tati no yok-ara-nu ni yorite si kaku aru rasi .

6. moromoro aka-ki kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo wo tasuke-tukape-mature to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “You are all my close nephews. Further, the Court Official has summoned and proclaimed to you in an Imperial edict many times: ‘Assist and serve the Empress well after me.’ The Sukune of Ōtomo and Saeki have served as my bodyguard from the reigns of ancient Emperors and the Sukune of Ōtomo and are also my relatives. I do not hear of such terrible things when you all assist and serve the Imperial court in unison. It must be so because of your evil. All of you assist and serve the Imperial court with a clean and pure heart.”

Senmyō 18. Tenpyō Hōji 1 7th Month (757), Dowager Empress Kōmyō gloss tree

1. 塩焼等五人人 告謀反。

2.  汝等 為吾近人。

3. 一 可怨事者 不所念。

4. 汝等皇朝者己己太久高治賜 何志岐止志弖加然将為。

5. 不有加止奈母所念。

6. 是以 汝等罪者 免賜。

7. 今徃前然莫為宣。

1. sipoyaki-ra itutari wo pito mupon su to tuge-tari .

2. imasi-tati wa ga tika-ki pito n-ari .

3. pito-tu mo ware wo ura-mu be-ki koto pa omopo-e-zu .

4. imasi-tati wo sumyera ga mikadwo pa kokodaku taka-ku wosame-tamapu wo nani wo uramyesi-ki koto to site ka sika se-mu .

5. arazi ka to namo omoposi-myesu .

6. koko wo motite imasi-tati no tumi pa yurusi-tamapu .

7. ima yuku saki sika na-se-so to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “People have said that five, including Shioyaki, will rebel. You are close to me. I cannot think of any reason to resent me. The Imperial court has rewarded you so highly—what is it that you resent so much to act so? I think there is nothing. Hereupon I forgive your crime. Do not do this anymore.”

Senmyō 19. Tenpyō Hōji 1 7th Month (757), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 明神大八洲所知 倭根子天皇大命良麻止宣大命 親王 王 臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞宣。

2. 高天原 神積坐皇親神魯岐 神魯弥命 定賜来天日嗣高御座次加蘇毗奪将盗為而 悪逆在奴 久奈多夫礼 麻度比 奈良麻呂 古麻呂等 逆党伊射奈比率而 先内相家 囲而 其殺而 即大殿囲而 皇太子退而 次者皇太后朝傾 鈴印契 取而 召右大臣而 天下尔号令使為

3. 然後廃帝 四王之中尔簡而為君牟止謀而 六月廿九日夜 入太政官坊而 飲塩汁而誓 礼天地四方而 七月二日 発兵牟止謀定而 二日未時 小野東人 喚中衛舍人 備前国上道郡人 上道朝臣斐太都而誂云此事倶仁西止伊射奈布尔依而 倶仁西牟止事者許而 其日亥時 具奏賜

4. 由此勘問賜尔 毎事実申而皆罪尔伏

5. 是以 勘法尔 皆当死罪在。

6. 如此雖在 慈賜為而 一等軽賜而 姓名易而 遠流罪尔治賜

7. 此誠天地神慈賜護賜 挂畏 開闢已来御宇 天皇大御霊多知乃 穢奴等伎良比賜弃賜尔依

8. 又盧舍那如来 観世音菩薩 護法梵王帝釈四大天王不可思議威神之力尔依弖志

9. 此逆在悪奴等者顕出而 悉罪尔伏奴良志止奈母 神奈賀良母所念行湏止宣天皇大命 衆聞食宣。

10. 事別宣 久奈多夫礼尔 所詿誤百姓 京土履事穢 出羽国小勝村柵戸尔 移賜久止宣天皇大命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi mikoto no sadame-tamapi-kyeru ama tu pitugi takamikura no tugite wo kaswopi-ubapi-nusuma-mu to site asi-ku sakasima ni aru yatukwo kunatabure madwopi naramaro kwomarora i sakasima ni aru tomogara wo izanapi pikiwite madu naisau no ipye wo kakumite so wo korosite sunapati opo-tono wo kakumite pitugi no mi-kwo wo sirizokete tugi ni pa opo-mioya no mikadwo wo katabuke suzu osite sirusi wo torite migi no opo-mapye tu kimi wo myesite ame no sita ni norigoto se-sime-mu .

3. sikaru noti ni mikadwo wo sirizokete yotari no opo-kimi no uti ni erabite kimi to na-se-mu to pakarite minadukwi no patuka amari kokono-ka no pi no ywo opo-maturigoto no tukasa ni irite siposiru wo nomite tikapi ametuti yomo wo worogamite pumidukwi no putu-ka no pi ni ikusa wo okosa-mu to pakari-sadamete putu-ka no pi no pituzi no toki ni wonwo no adumapito naka no mamori no tukasa no toneri kibwi no miti no kuti no kuni no kami tu miti no kopori no pito kami tu miti no asomi pwidatu wo ywobite atorapete ipaku .

4. ko no koto tomo ni se to izanapu ni yorite tomo ni se-mu to koto pa yurusite so no pi no wi no toki ni tubusa ni mawosi-tamapi-tu .

5. kore ni yorite kamugape-twopi-tamapu ni kotogoto ni makoto to mawosite mwina tumi ni pusi-nu .

6. koko wo motite nori wo kamugapuru ni mwina korosu tumi ni atar-eri .

7. kaku aredomo utukusibwi-tamapu to site pitosina karome-tamapite kabane na kapete topo-ku nagasu tumi ni wosame-tamapi-tu .

8. kore makoto ni ametuti no kamwi no utukusibwi-tamapi mamori-tamapi kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki ametuti pirakete ywori ko no kata ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga opo-mitama-tati no kitana-ki yatukwo-domo wo kirapi-tamapi sute-tamapu ni yorite mata rusiyana nyorai kwanzeon bosati gopopu bonwau taisyaku sidai tenwau no pukasigiwizin no tikara ni yorite si ko no sakasima ni aru asi-ki yatukwo-domo pa arapare-idete kotogoto ni tumi ni pusi-nurasi to namo kamu-nagara mo omoposi-myesu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

9. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku kunatabure-ra ni azamuk-are-taru opo-mitakara pa mi-satwo no tuti puma-mu koto kitana-mi idepa no kuni no wokati no mura no kinope ni utusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial children, Lords, nobles, officials and people of the world, all of you hear this edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-islands as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “The crazy and confused Naramaro and Komaro, evil and rebellious men, planned to do the following in order to steal the succession of the high throne of the heavenly line, which has been decided by the benevolent Imperial gods and goddesses who gather on the high plain. Naramaro and Komaro planned to incite and lead a rebellious group and, first, surround the house of the minister of the court and kill him then immediately surround the Imperial palace and force out the Imperial heir of the heavenly line and next disrupt the palace of my Great Parent, snatching the bell, seal and sign, summon the Minister of the Right and make him proclaim an order to the realm. They planned to, after this, expel the Emperor and select a Lord from four Princes. So, in the night of the twenty ninth day of the sixth month they joined the officials of the Chancellor of the Realm, drank salt soup and swore an oath and they worshipped the four directions of heaven and earth. They planned to stir up their armies on the second day of the seventh month and at the time of the Sheep on the second day they summoned Kamitsumichi-no-Asomi, Hidatsu, a person of the district of Kamitsumichi in Kibi-no-Michi-no-Kuchi province, a provincial official of the Naka-no-Mamori and Ono-no-Azuminohito and enticed them to take part in the plot. I pardon them for saying they would take part and they told me of the plan in detail at the time of the Boar that day. So, thinking and asking, [he] humbly said that all of this was truthful and I punished all of them. Thinking and asking about this, all they say is true and they all accepted their punishments. Examining the laws, they all correspond to death penalty. Although this is the case, I lighten their punishment, change their names and banish them to a distant land so that I may bless them. I think, as a god, that surely these rebellious and evil men came forward and wholly accepted their punishments because of the gods of heaven and earth blessing and protecting the realm and the Spirits of the Emperors, too awesome to mention, who have ruled the realm here since the start of heaven and earth, expelling and discarding dirty men and because of the inconceivably awesome power of Rushana, the Buddha, the Kanzeon Boddhisatva, the followers of Buddhist law, Brahma, Sakra, and the Four Heavenly Kings.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that also says: “The people, who were tricked by these crazy men, think them treading in the capital is dirty so I move them to a wooden house in Okachi village in Ideha province.”

Senmyō 20. Tenpyō Hōji 1 7th Month (757), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 塩焼王者唯預四王之列。

2. 然不会謀庭

3. 亦不被告 而縁道祖王者 応配遠流罪。

4. 然其父新田部親王 以清明心仕奉親王也。

5. 可絶其家門夜止奈母 此般罪免給。

6. 自今徃前者以明直心仕奉朝廷詔。

1. sipoyaki no opo-kimi pa tada yotari no opo-kimi no tura ni adukar-eri .

2. sikaru ni koto pakar-eru tokoro ni mazira-zu

3. mata tugerare-nedomo punato no opo-kimi ni kakarereba topo-ku nagasu tumi ni wosamu besi .

4. sikaredomo so no titi nipitabe no mi-kwo pa kiywo-ki aka-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-matur-eru mi-kwo n-ari .

5. so no ipyekadwo tatu besi ya to site namo ko no tabi no tumi yurusi-tamapu .

6. ima ywori yuku saki pa aka-ki napo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo ni tukape-mature to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “The Shioyaki Prince is only one of a group of four Princes. If he is linked to the Funato Prince, even if he did not join them at the place where they plotted and was not reported about, then he should be punished by being dispelled far. However, his father, Niitabe, an Imperial heir, serves with a clean and pure heart. I forgive his crimes this time so as to establish his family. Serve the Emperor with a clean and proper heart from now on.”

Senmyō 21. Tenpyō Hōji 1 8th Month (757), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 今宣 奈良麻呂兵起尔 被雇多利志秦等乎婆 遠流賜

2. 今遺秦等者 悪心無而清明心持而仕奉宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku naramaro ga ikusa okosu ni yatoparetari-si pada-domo woba topo-ku nagasi-tamapi-tu .

2. ima nokor-eru pada-domo pa asi-ki kokoro na-ku site kiywo-ki aka-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “I have dispelled the Hada and his gang, who were employed when Naramaro stirred up his army, afar. Those remaining of the Hada family, serve with a pure and clean heart not bearing evil.”

Senmyō 22. Tenpyō Hōji 1 8th Month (757), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 此遍政 明浄仕奉礼留尔依而治賜人在。

2. 又愛盛尔一二人等尔冠位上賜治賜久止宣。

1. ko no tabi no maturigoto aka-ku kiywo-ku tukape-matur-eru ni yorite wosame-tamapu pito mo ari .

2. mata mede no sakari ni pito-ri puta-ri-domo ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “There are some I reward in this governance due to their serving with a clean and pure heart. I raise the cap and rank of one or two people out of my great affection.”

Senmyō 23. Tenpyō Hōji 2 8th Month (758), Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 現神御宇天皇詔旨良麻止宣勅 親王諸 王諸臣 百官人等 衆聞食宣。

2. 高天原 神積坐 皇親神魯弃 神魯美命 吾孫将知食国天下 事依奉任尔 遠皇祖御世始 天皇 御々々聞看来食国 高御座止奈母 随神所念行久止宣天皇勅 衆聞食宣。

3. 加久聞看来 天日嗣高御座 天坐神 地坐祇 相宇豆奈比 奉相扶奉事尔依弖之 此座 平安御坐 天下者 所知物尔在良自止奈母 随神所念行

4. 然 皇 天下政聞看事者 労事尔在家利

5. 年長日多此座坐 荷重力弱之弖不堪負荷。

6. 加以 挂畏朕婆々皇太后朝乎母人子之理尔不得定省 朕情日夜不安。

7. 是以 此位避人尔在弖之如理 婆々尔仕奉倍自止所念行弖奈母日嗣定賜弊流皇太子尔授賜久止宣天皇御命 衆聞食宣。


1. aki tu mi-kamwi to ame no sita sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. takama no para ni kamu-dumari-masu sumyera ga mutukamurwoki kamurwomi no mikoto no wa ga mi-ma no sira-sa-mu wosukuni ame no sita to koto yosasi-maturi no manima-ni toposumyeroki no mi-yo wo pazimete sumyera ga miyomiyo kikosi-myesi-kuru takamikura no waza to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. kaku kikosi-myesi-kuru ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udunapi-maturi api-tasuke-maturu koto ni yorite si ko no kurawi ni pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku opo-masi-masite ame no sita pa sira-si-myesu mono ni aru rasi to namo kamu-nagara omoposi-myesu .

4. sikaredomo sumyera to imasite ame no sita no maturigoto wo kikosi-myesu koto pa itapasi-ki ikasi-ki koto ni ari-kyeri .

5. tosi naga-ku pi mane-ku ko no kurawi ni imaseba ni omo-ku tikara yowa-ku site opi-moti-ape-zu .

6. sika nomwi ni ara-zu kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga papa opo-mioya no mikadwo wo mo pito no kwo no kotowari ni e-toburapa-neba wa ga kokoro mo piruyworu yasu-kara-zu .

7. koko wo motite ko no kurawi sarite itwoma no pito ni arite si kotowari no goto papa ni pa tukape-maturu be-si to omoposi-myesite namo pitugi to sadame-tamap-yeru pitugi no mi-kwo ni saduke-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, Imperial heirs, Princes, nobles and officials, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the Emperor, who rules the realm as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I think, as a god, that the high throne is the ruling the realm through generations of Emperors, starting with the reigns of ancient Emperors, according to the benevolent gods and goddesses, gathered on the high plain, entrusting it as my realm that my descendants shall rule.”I proclaim, all of you hear the Imperial edict that says: “I think the following, as a god, about this high throne of the heavenly line in which we have ruled the world thus: Only with the gods of heaven and earth approving of it and assisting us are we in this role calmly and peacefully and do we rule the realm. However, performing governance of the realm as the Emperor is painful and grave. As I have been in this role for years long and days many the burden has become heavy and my strength little and I can no longer bear it. Not only this but also, I was unable to mourn for my Great Mother, the Emperor, too awesome to mention, according to the morals of children and I do not feel at peace both night and day. So I think I should serve my mother, according to morals, and this is only possible by withdrawing from this role and being free and so I bestow the role to the Imperial heir designated in the line.”

Senmyō 24. Tenpyō Hōji 2 8th Month (758), Emperor Zyunnin gloss tree

1. 明神大八洲所知天皇詔旨良麻止宣勅 親王諸 王諸臣 百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 掛畏現神坐 倭根子天皇我皇 此天日嗣高御座之業 拙劣朕尔 被賜仕奉仰賜授賜閇波 頂尔受賜 受賜懼 進不知尔 退不知尔 恐久止宣天皇勅 衆聞食宣。

3. 然皇坐天下治賜君者 賢人能臣弖之 天下乎婆治物尔在良之止奈母聞行

4. 故是以 大命坐 宣 朕 雖拙弱 親王始 王臣等 相穴奈比相扶奉事依弖之 此之仰賜授賜食国天下之政者 平仕奉倍之止奈母所念行

5. 是以 無謟欺之心 以忠赤之誠 食国天下之政者衆助仕奉宣天皇勅 衆聞食宣。

6. 辞別 仕奉人等中尔 自仕奉状随 一二人等冠位 上賜治賜

7. 百官職事已上 及大神宮 諸社弥冝祝尔 大御物賜

8. 僧綱始 諸寺師位僧尼等尔 物布施賜

9. 又百官司人等 諸国兵士 鎮兵 伝駅戸等 今年田租免賜久止宣天皇勅 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki aki tu mi-kamwi to imasu yamato nekwo sumyera wa ga opo-kimi ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wo tutana-ku wodina-ki ware ni tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamapi saduke-tamapeba itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwo-mi uke-tamapari odi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwomi masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. sikaredomo sumyera to imasite ame no sita wosame-tamapu kimi pa sakasi-ki pito no yo-ki omi wo ete si ame no sita woba tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosamuru mono ni aru rasi to namo kikosi-myesu .

4. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no api-ananapi-maturi api-tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no opose-tamapi saduke-tamapu wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku tukape-maturu besi to namo omoposi-myesu .

5. koko wo motite peturapi-azamuku kokoro na-ku mame ni aka-ki makoto wo motite wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa moromoro tasuke-tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni si ga tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite pito-ri puta-ri-domo no kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

7. tukasadukasa no sikizi ywori kami tu kata to opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete yasiroyasiro no negwipapuri to ni opo-mimono tamapu .

8. pousi no tukasa wo pazimete teradera no si no kurawi no popusi ama-domo ni mono podokosi-tamapu .

9. mata tukasazikasa no pito-domo kuniguni no ikusapito osape no ikusa umaya no pye-domo no kotosi no tatikara yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen and bureaucrats and the people of the world, hear the imperial edict which I proclaim as the divine words of the emperor who rules the eight islands as a living god.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which says: “My Lord/Emperor, the Yamato ruler, who is a living god and is too awesome to mention burden and bestows unable and lacking me with the high throne of heaven the line of Amaterasu [saying] ‘humbly receive this and serve’ and so I humbly fearfully receive it and I am fearing and in awe not knowing what to do.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “However I hear that a lord who rules the world as an emperor is someone who rules the world peacefully and calmly [only] by obtaining wise people for good statesmen. Therefore I proclaim in an edict: I think, though I am of poor ability and lacking, only with the imperial children, to begin with, and the lords and the statesmen advising and saving me together, I can serve safely and calmly the governance of the world that I impose and bestow. So without flattering or fooling [me] and with a sincere and clear loyalty all of you save me and serve humbly with the governance of the world, the country I rule.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “Of those who humbly serve, according to how they serve I will raise the cap and rank of one or two. I bestow gifts on bureaucrats from ranked officials upwards and the priests ranked Negi and Hori of the shrines, starting with the divine Godly palace. I distribute things to the priests and nuns of the Shi rank in the temples, starting with the priest bureaucrats. Also I pardon the bureaucrats, soldiers of the provinces, soldiers of the Chinjufu Shogun, and the stable houses their field tax for this year.

Senmyō 25. Tenpyō Hōji 3 6th Month (759), Emperor Zyunnin gloss tree

1. 現神大八洲 所知倭根子天皇詔旨宣詔 親王々臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 比来 太皇大后御命以 朕尔語宣 太政之始 人心 未定在可波 吾子為 皇太子  先奉昇於 君位畢 諸意静了奈牟 後尔傍上乎波牟止弖奈母閇弖ツ流

3. 然今君坐御宇事日月重

4. 是以 先考追皇為 親大夫人為 兄弟姉妹 親王為与止仰給御命 頂受給 歓利弖 掛畏我皇 聖太上天皇 御所尔 奏給倍波 奏世止教宣 朕一人 昇賜治賜部流厚恩乎母 朕世尔 酬尽奉事難 生子八十都岐尔仕奉 報倍久良之止 夜昼恐麻里 伊夜益益尔 朕私父波良何尔至麻弖尔 可在状任 上賜治賜事 甚恐

5. 受賜事不得世止

6. 朕又念 前聖武天皇皇太子定賜比弖天日嗣高御座坐尔昇賜物 伊何尔私父兄弟及尔事得 甚恐不知 退不知伊奈備奏。

7. 雖然多比重 吾加久 不申成奈波 敢申人者不在。

8. 凡人子 去禍 蒙福麻久欲為  為親止奈利

9. 此大福取々惣持 親王尔送奉御命受給利弖奈母加久為

10. 故是以 自今以後 追皇舍人親王冝称 崇道尽敬皇帝 当麻夫人称 大夫人 兄弟姉妹 悉称 親王 宣 天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

11.   辞別宣 朕一人乃未也之岐御命 受賜 卿等庶共喜牟止弖奈母 一二治賜倍岐家々門々人等尔 冠位 上賜治賜久止宣天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

12. 又御命坐 宣 大保乎波 多他能味不念 朕父 復藤原伊良豆売乎波 婆々止奈母念。

13. 是以 治賜武等倍止 遍重 默在牟止礼止毛  事不得。

14. 然 此家止毛波 朕波良何良仁 在物乎夜 親王多知 治賜 治不賜在牟止弖奈母 冠位上賜治賜

15. 又此家自久母藤原卿等乎波 掛畏 聖天皇御世重自門 慈賜 上賜来奈利

16. 今又无過仕奉人乎波慈賜治賜不忘賜之止宣天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. ko no goro opo-ki opo-mioya no mikoto motite ware ni katarapi-tamapaku opo-maturigoto no pazime pa pito no kokoro imada sadamara-zu ari-sikaba wa ga kwo site pitugi no mi-kwo to sadamete madu kimi no kurawi ni age-maturi-wopete moromoro no kokoro sidumari-pate-na-mu noti ni katape no upe woba nori-tamapa-mu to site namo osapete ari-turu .

3. sikaredomo ima pa kimi to imasite ame no sita sira-si-myesu koto pitukwi kasanari-nu .

4. koko wo motite titi mi-kwo wo opite sumyera to si papa wo opo-mioya to si ani oto ane imo wo mi-kwo to seyo to opose-tamapu .

5. taputwo-ki mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari yorokobwi-taputwomi-odi-kasikwomarite kakemaku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga opo-kimi piziri no opo-ki sumyeramikoto no opo-mimoto ni mawosi-tamapeba mawose to wosipetamapaku .

6. ware pito-ri wo age-tamapi wosame-tamap-yeru atu-ki utukusibwi wo mo wa ga yo ni pa mukui-tukusi-maturu koto kata-si .

7. umi no kwo no yaswotugi-ni si tukape-maturi mukuyu be-ku aru rasi to yworupiru kasikwomari-paberu wo iya masumasu ni wa ga watakusi no titipapa parakara ni itaru made ni aru be-ki sama no manima to age-tamapi wosame-tamapu koto ito kasikwo-si .

8. uke-tamaparu koto ezi to mawose to noritamapu .

9. ware mo mata omoposaku saki no shaumu no sumyeramikoto no pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamapite ama tu pitugi takamikura no kurawi ni age-tamapu monowo ika ni ka kasikwo-ku watakusi no titipapa parakara ni oyobu koto emu .

10. ito kasikwosi .

11. susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni to inabwi-mawos-eri .

12. sikaredomo tabi kasanete nori-tamapaku wa ga kaku mawosa-zu nari-naba apete mawosu pito pa arazi .

13. opoyoso pito no kwo no wazapapi wo sari sakipapi wo kagapura-maku pori suru koto pa oya no tame ni to nari .

14. ko no opo-ki sakipapi wo tori-sube-motite mi-kwo ni okuri-mature to wosipe-tamapi noritamapu opo-mikoto wo uke-tamaparite namo kaku suru .

15. kare koko wo motite ima ywori noti toneri no mi-kwo wo opite sumyera to si sudauzinkyauwautai to mawosi tagima no opo-tozi wo opo-mioya to mawosi ani oto ane imo koto-goto-ku mi-kwo to mawose to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

16. kotowakite nori-tamapaku ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobosi-ki taputwo-ki opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapa-mu mapye tu kimi-tati moromoro mo tomo ni yorokoba-mu to site namo pito-ri puta-ri wosame-tamapu be-ki ipyeipye kadwokadwo no pito-domo ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosametamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kikitamapeyo to noritamapu .

17. mata opo-mikoto ni imase noritamapaku .

18. daipou woba tada ni mapye tu kimi to nomwi pa omoposa-zu wa ga titi to mata pudipara no iratume woba papa to namo omoposu .

19. koko wo motite wosame-tamapa-mu to nori-tamapedo tabi kasanete inabwi-mawosu ni yorite moda ara-mu to suredomo yamu koto e-zu .

20. sikaredomo ko no ipye no kwodomo pa wa ga parakara ni aru mono wo ya mi-kwo-tati wosame-tamapu pi ni wosame-tamapa-zu ara-mu to site namo imasi ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

21. mata ko no ipyeziku mo pudipara no mapye tu kimi-tati woba kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki piziri no sumyera ga mi-yo kasanete omoziki pito no kadwo ywori pa utukusibwi-tamapi age-tamapi-kuru ipye n-ari .

22. ima mata ayamati na-ku tukape-maturu pito woba utukusibwi-tamapi wosame-tamapi wasure-tamapazi to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight islands as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “The current retired empress told and ordered me: ‘Since the people were not yet settled when I began governance I held back, deciding that I would proclaim other things after I had made you, my child, an imperial heir, wholly raised you to the rank of Lord and everyone has become settled. However, now you have ruled the world as Lord for many days and months. So, let your deceased father be Emperor, your mother imperial parent and your brothers and sisters imperial children.’ I humbly received, took pleasure in, revered, feared and thought awesome this precious edict and when I stood before the wise and divine former Empress and humbly asked her [to be my Imperial Parent] she and proclaimed to me: ‘Tell [Komei this]: “It will be difficult, in my reign, to fully offer repayment for your warm benevolence in raising and rewarding me alone. Although I am in fear night and day that I should repay you by my next eighty generations of children serving, it is very awesome that you moreover raise even my father, mother and siblings according to the way things ought to be. I will be unable to receive this.”’ I too think it is far too awesome for the recent Shomu Emperor to designate me as imperial child and raise me to the high throne of heaven and for this to extend on to my own mother and father and siblings—I humbly reject, not knowing what to do. However, [Komei] has proclaimed the following teachings many times: ‘If I stop asking you then there is no one in a position who can. That parents want their children to avoid disaster and receive fortune is for the parents’ sake. Take and consolidate this great fortune and pass it onto a Prince.’ I humbly receive this edict and do so. So I make the Toneri Prince emperor, call him Sudōjinkyō Kōtei, call the imperial wife Tagima imperial parent and my brthers and sisters imperial children.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “Shall I alone receive this joyous and precious edict? No, with all the gathered Lords being joyous together with me I shall reward one or two and I raise the cap and rank of those of their household.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “I do not merely think of the Minister of the Left as a Lord but I think him my father and, also, I think Fujiwara-no-Iratsume my mother. So, although they will be silent since many times they reject despite my proclaiming that I will reward them, I cannot stop. However, this means that despite, you, the children of their house being my siblings, I cannot reward you on the day that I reward imperial children, so I raise your cap and rank. Also, like this family, I make beautiful and raise the Fujiwara lords higher than the house of the main people over the reigns of the wise Emperors, too awesome to mention. Now again, I will not forget and I will make beautiful and reward people who serve without mistakes.”

Senmyō 26. Tenpyō Hōji 4 1st Month (760), Retired Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 乾政官大臣仁方仕奉倍伎人无時 在官尔阿利

2. 然 今大保必 可仕奉之止所念坐 多遍重止毛 敢未之時止 申復可受賜物奈利世波 祖父 仕奉天麻自

3. 然有物 知所 怯押勝 得仕奉倍岐官尔不在 恐申。

4. 可久申湏乎 皆人仁之毛 此官乎婆 授不給 令知事不得。

5. 又祖父大臣心以 御世累 天下申給 朝廷助仕奉多夫事 宇自弥念行 挂久毛聖天皇朝 太政大臣止之弖 仕奉祁礼止

6. 数々辞多夫仁 受賜多婆受成尔 今此藤原恵美朝臣大保大師仕奉授賜天皇御命 衆聞食宣。

1. kenzyau kwan no opo-mapye tu kimi ni pa apete tukape-maturu be-ki pito na-ki toki pa munasi-ku okite aru tukasa ni ari .

sikaredomo ima daipou pa kanarazu sikape-maturu be-si to omoposi-mase amata no tabi kasanete noritamapedomo apu masizi to site inabwi-mawosi mata uke-tamaparu be-ki mono n-ari-seba opo-di tukape-maturite masi . sika aru mono wo siru koto mo na-ku tutana-ku wodina-ki osikatu ga e-tukape-maturu be-ki tukasa ni pa ara-zu kasikwo-si to mawosu . kaku mawosu wo mwina pito ni si mo ina to mawosu ni yorite ko no tukasa woba saduke-tamapa-zu to sira-simuru koto wo e-zu . mata opo-di opo-mapye tu kimi no aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mi-yo kasanete ama no sita mawosi-tamapi mikadwo tasuke-matu ri tabu koto wo umugasi-mi katadikena-si to omoposite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki piziri no sumyera ga mikadwo opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi to site sikape-mature to nori-tamapi-kyeredo sibasiba inabwi-mawosi-tabu ni yorite uke-tamapari-taba-zu nari-ni-si koto mo kuyasi to omoposu ga yuwe ni ima ko no pudipara no wemi asomi no daipou wo daisi no tukasa ni tukape-mature to saduke-tamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the emperor [which bestow]: “When no one can bear serving the great lords of the Department of State it is a position left empty. However I divinely think that the current Minister of the Right could certainly serve [in this role] and though I have said this many times, he rejects saying that he could not bear it and humbly says: “Again, if I were someone who should humbly receive [that role] then my father should have served in it. However, I am sorry but unable and lacking Oshikatsu, who knows nothing, is not a bureaucrat who could humbly serve [in the role].” I cannot inform everyone of what he has said, saying I will not bestow [the role] to this bureaucrat, as everyone will express their anger. Also, I think it joyous and embarrassing that the great lord, his grandfather, with a pure and clear heart has advised on governance of the world over reigns and saved the court and because I also think it regrettable that the Hijiri Emperor [Gensho], too awesome to mention, proclaimed that he would serve as a great lord of her governance and that he humbly refused many times and did not receive the role and was not in the role, now I tell the Minister of the Right, Fujiwara no Wemi Asomi, to serve as the Chancellor of the Realm.”

Senmyō 27. Tenpyō Hōji 6 6th Month (762), Retired Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 太上天皇御命以 卿等諸語部止 朕御祖大皇后御命以 朕尔告之久 岡宮御宇天皇日継  加久弖奈牟止為。

2. 女子継尔止母欲令嗣 此政行給

3. 加久為 今帝 湏麻久流間尔 宇夜宇也自久相従事之弖 斗卑等在言期等久 不言 不為

4. 凡加伊波流倍枳朕尔不在。

5. 別宮御坐坐時 自加得言

6. 此朕劣尔依弖之 加久言良之止 念召 愧自弥伊等保自弥奈母

7. 又一尔 朕応発菩提心縁尔在良之 止母

8. 是以 出家仏弟子

9. 但政事 常礼 小事今帝行給

10. 国家大事賞罰二柄朕行

11. 加久状聞食悟宣御命 衆聞食宣。

1. opo-ki sumyeramikoto no opomikoto motite mapye tu kimi-tati moromoro ni katarapye to nori-tamapaku wa ga mi-oya opokisaki no opo-mikoto motite ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku woka no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no pitugi pa kakute taye-na-mu to su .

2. wominagwo no tugi ni pa aredomo tuga-sime-mu to nori-tamapite ko no maturigoto okonapi-tamapi-ki .

3. kaku site ima no mikadwo to tatete sumapi-kuru apida ni uya-uyasi-ku api-sitagapu koto pa na-ku site twopito no ada no aru koto no goto-ku ipu masizi-ki koto mo ipi-nu su masizi-ki waza mo si-nu .

4. opoyoso kaku iparu be-ki ware ni pa ara-zu .

5. koto miya ni opo-masi-masa-mu toki sika e-ipa-me ya .

6. ko pa wa ga wodina-ki ni yorite si kaku ipu rasi to omoposi-myeseba padukasi-mi itoposi-mi namo omoposu .

7. mata pitotu ni pa wa ga bodai no kokoro wo okosu be-ki yosi ni aru rasi tomo namo omoposu .

8. koko wo motite ipyede site potoke no desi to nari-nu .

9. tadasi maturigoto pa tune no maturi isasake-ki koto pa ima no mikadwo okonapitamape .

10. ame no sita no opo-ki koto tamapi mono tumi putatu no moto pa ware okonapa-mu .

11. kaku no sama kiki-tamape-satore to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict, which I was told to tell to all the gathered lords while holding the divine words of the great proclaiming: “My parent, the empress, proclaimed to me in an imperial edict, ‘The throne of the emperor who ruled the world from the palace in Oka is thus about to end. Though you are a female heir I make you inherit the throne’ and this governance was carried out. So, I established the current court and while it has continued [through time], we have not politely followed each other and you have said things you cannot say and done deeds you cannot due as a vulgar person bears a grudge. Generally I am not to be spoken so. You can speak so when I am divinely residing in a different palace. I think it fearful and too difficult to bear as I consider that you presumably speak thus because I am lacking. I also think that this is probably a means to bring me Enlightenment. So I enter a temple and become a disciple of the Buddha. However, as for governance it is as always, the insignificant things the current emperor will carry out. I will carry out the important things of the world and both reward and punish. Hear and understand this.”

Senmyō 28. Tenpyō Hōji 8 9th Month (764), Retired Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 逆奴仲末呂詐姧発 朝庭傾動武止之天 鈴印奪 復皇位 先岐良比天之 道祖兄塩焼皇位仁方 官印 天下諸国告知之米 復云 今承用在事承用流己止不得 諸人惑乱 三関 使閇 一二 軍丁乞 兵発之武

2. 此流仁仲末呂悪状

3. 然先 之我奏毎事家利

4. 此 唯己独乃未朝庭勢力 賞罰事末仁末仁 兄豊成朝臣奏賜尔 依退多末比天己呂

5. 然今仲末呂家利止大臣仕奉之武流諸聞食宣。

6. 復勅 悪多末不 諸氏氏人等乎毛都可方湏己止不在阿利都

7. 是以 今与利 仕奉良武乃末仁末仁進用賜

8. 然之我奏之久 此禅師昼夜朝庭護仕奉流仁 先祖大臣止之天仕奉位名在人奈利止 退賜之可止毛 此禅師見尔至

9.  仏御法継隆武止 念行末之乎毛導護末湏 己師乎夜 多夜湏久退末都良武止

10. 然朕乎曾利天御袈裟止毛 国家不行阿流己止不得。

11. 仏 国王 王位坐時 菩薩浄戒与止在。

12. 此倍方 出家天毛豈障倍岐仁方不在。

13. 故是以 帝出家之天伊未湏世仁方 出家之天在大臣倍之止末湏仁方阿良祢止毛 此道鏡禅師大臣禅師末都流 諸聞食宣。

14. 復勅 天下人 誰不在安良武

15. 心浄久之天仕奉良武 此朕臣仁方

16. 夫人止之天先祖興 継比呂米武止不念阿流方不在。

17. 是以心以 仕奉乎方 氏氏門多末方湏治賜勅御命 諸聞食勅 又宣 仕奉状尔随冠位阿気賜治賜久止宣。

1. sakasima ni kitana-ki yatukwo nakamaro i itupari-kadam-yeru kokoro wo motite ikusa wo okosi mikadwo wo katabuke-ugoka-sa-mu to site suzu osite wo ubapi mata mikadwo no kurawi wo kaswopite saki ni sute-kirapi-tamapite si punado ga ani sipoyaki wo mikadwo no kurawi ni pa sadame-tu to ipite tukasa no osite wo osite ame no sita no kuniguni ni pumi wo akatite tuge-sira-sime mata ipaku ima no opo-mikoto wo uke-moti-wiyo saki ni ituparite opo-mikoto to ipite aru koto wo uke-moti-wiru koto e-zu are to ipite moropito no kokoro wo madwopasi mi-tu no seki ni tukapi wo yarite pisoka ni seki wo todi pito-tu puta-tu no kuni ni ikusa yoboro wo kopi ikusa okosa-simu .

2. ko wo miru ni nakamaro ga kokoro no sakasima ni asi-ki sama pa siri-nu .

3. sika areba saki ni si ga mawosi-si koto pa kotogoto ni kadami-peturapite ari-kyeri .

4. ko wo omopeba tada onore pito-ri nomwi mikadwo no ikipopi wo ete tamapi mono tumi no koto wo pitaburu ni ono ga posi-ki manima-ni okonapa-mu to omopite ani toyo nari no asomi wo ituparite sikodi-mawosi-tamap-yeru ni yorite kurawi wo sirizoke-tamapite ko no tosi no tosigoro ari-tu .

5. sikaredomo ima pa akiraka ni nakamaro ga itupari ni ari-kyeri to sirite moto no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi ni tukape-matura-simuru koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. mata nori-tamapaku asi-ku kadamasi-ki yatukwo no maturigoto no moto wo torite mawosi-tamapu koto wo motite udiudi no udibito-domo wo mo susume-tukapasu koto kotowari no goto mo ara-zu ari-tu .

7. koko wo motite ima yori noti pa tukape-matura-mu sama no manima-ni susume-moti-wi-tamapa-mu .

8. sikaru ni si ga mawosi-si-ku ko no zenzi no piruyworu mikadwo wo mamori-tukape-maturu wo miru ni topo tu oya no opo-mapye tu kimi to site tukape-maturi-si kurawina wo tuga-mu to omopite aru pito nari to ipite sirizoke-tamapye to mawosi-sikadomo ko no zenzi no okonapi wo miru ni itarite kiywo-si . potoke no mi-nori wo tugi-pirome-mu to omoposi-masi ware wo mo miti-biki-mamori-masu ono ga si wo ya ta-yasu-ku sirizoke-matura-mu to omopite ari-tu . sikaru ni ware pa kami wo sorite potoke no mikyesa wo kite aredomo ame no sita no maturigoto wo okonapa-zu aru koto e-zu . potoke mo kyau ni nori-tamapa-ku kokuwau i wauwi ni imasu toki pa bosati no zyaukai wo ukeyo to nori-tamapite ari . kore ni yorite omopeba ipye-de site mo maturigoto wo okonapu ni ani saparu be-ki mono ni pa ara-zu . kare koko wo motite mikadwo no ipye-de site imasu yo ni pa ipyede site aru be-si to omopite negapi-masu kurawi ni pa ara-nedomo ko no daukyauzenzi wo daizinzenzi to kurawi pa saduke-maturu koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu . mata nori-tamapa-ku ame no sita no pito tare so kimi no yatukwo ni ara-zu ara-mu . kokoro kiywo-ku site tukape-matura-mu kore si makoto no wa ga yatukwo ni pa ara-mu . sore pito to site ono ga topo tu oya no na wo okosi-tugi-pirome-mu to omopa-zu aru pa ara-zu . koko wo motite aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-matura-mu woba udiudi no kadwo pa tati-tamapa-zu wosame-tamapa-mu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu . mata nori-tamapaku tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear: “Nakamaro, the despicable man, rebellious and dirty, with a lying and deceptive heart, stole the Bell and Seal and the imperial throne to stir up his army and put the court in danger and disturb it and Nakamaro sent a document with the official’s seal, that said Shioyaki, the older brother of Funado, who was recently discarded and cast aside, had been made the Emperor. It also said “Receive and know this edict and do not receive and know the previous falsified edict!” Doing all this Nakamaro confused people, he sent officials out to the three outposts and secretly closed them, he looked for working soldiers in one or two provinces and stirred up an army. Looking at this, we know Nakamaro is rebellious and evil. This being the case, what he recently said was completely deceptive and to court my favour. Many years have passed since Nakamaro thinking that he wanted to gain the imperial power all for himself and act completely according to how he wanted to reward and punish and Toyonari-no-Asomi resigning due to Nakamaro tricking and criticizing his older brother Toyonari-no-Asomi before me. However now it is has become clearly know that Nakamaro was lying so I make Toyonari-no-Asomi serve in his original role of Great Lord again.”I also proclaim, all of you hear: “It is not moral to promote those people of the houses based on what is said to me about the time of governance of the evil and loathsome man. So, I will promote and employ you based on how you serve from now. So, he said, ‘Seeing the Zenji protect and serve the court night and day I say he is someone who thinks he shall inherit the rank and name that his distant ancestors had when they served as Lords’, but when I looked at how the Zenji served I thought it extremely pure. He thinks to pass one and spread far the teaching and leads and protects me—did you think that I would get rid of my teacher so easily? So although I have shaved my head and wear my priest’s stole I cannot stop performing the governance of the realm. The Buddha’s sutra proclaims: ‘Follow the commandments of the Bodhisattva when you are the king of a country.’ Considering this, surely there is no obstacle to me governing the land even now I am a priest. So, when the emperor is a priest there ought to be someone who is also a priest so, though it is not a desirable role, I bestow Dokyo Zenji with the rule of Zenji Minister.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that also says: “Of the people in the realm is there anyone who is not the servant of a lord? Serving with a clear heart—it is this that makes a true servant of mine. There is no one who doesn’t think of stirring-up, inheriting and spreading far the name of his distant ancestors. Thus, I reward those who serve with a pure and clear heart and do not end their bloodline.”I also proclaim: “I raise cap and ranks according to how [people] serve.”

Senmyō 29. Tenpyō Hōji 8 10th Month (764), Retired Empress Kōken gloss tree

1. 挂末久毛畏 朕天先帝御命以之久 天下 朕子伊末之仁授給。

2. 事乎之止毛止毛牟末仁末 仮令後在人乃多米仁无礼之弖 不従奈売久乎方許止方不得。

3. 又君臣 助奉侍牟之己止方。 可久在御命 朕又一二竪子等聞食在。 然今帝止之天侍人 此年己呂 其位仁毛不堪。 是乃味仁不在 今聞 仲麻呂同心之天 竊朕家利。又竊 六千之等等乃比 又七人乃味之天牟止毛家利。 精兵乎之天之非天壊乱 罰滅家利

4. 故是以 帝位乎方退賜 親王位賜 淡路国退賜 勅御命聞食宣。

1. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga ame no saki no mikadwo no opo-mikoto motite ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku ame no sita pa wa ga kwo imasi ni saduke-tamapu .

2. koto wo si ipaba opo-kimi wo yatukwo to nasu tomo yatukwo wo opo-kimi to ipu tomo imasi no se-mu manima-ni tatopi noti ni mikadwo to tatite aru pito i tati no noti ni imasi no tame ni iya na-kusite sitagapa-zu namye-ku ara-mu pito woba mikadwo no kurawi ni koto pa e-zu are .

3. mata kimi omi no kotowari ni sitagapite tadasi-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tasuke-tukape-matura-mu si mikadwo to aru koto pa e-mu to nori-tamapi-ki . kaku aru opo-mikoto wo ware mata pito-ri puta-ri no warapa-domo to paberite kiki-tamapete ari . sikaru ni ima no mikadwo to site paberu pito wo ko no tosigoro miru ni so no kurawi ni mo tape-zu . kore nomwi ni ara-zu ima kiku ni nakamaro to kokoro wo oyazi-ku site pisoka ni ware wo parapa-mu to pakari-kyeri . mata pi soka ni mu-tidi no ikusa wo okosi-totonopi mata nanatari nomwi site mikadwo ni ire-mu tomo pakari-kyeri . toki ikusa wo site osi-sipwite yaburi-midarite uti-porobosa-mu to ipikyeri .

4. kare koko wo motite mikadwo no kurawi woba sirizoke-tamapite mi-kwo no kurawi tamapite apadi no kuni no kimi to sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
All of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “In an imperial edict of the previous heavenly emperor, too awesome to mention, it was divinely proclaimed to me: ‘I bestow the world to you, my child. If I say this, whether you wish to make lords your servants or call servants lords, [one] cannot place in the throne of the emperor a person, who after being made Emperor, after becoming discourteous, does not obey you and does little for you. Also, [only someone who] helps and serves [you] according to the way of lord and servant, with a correct and pure heart, is able to be Emperor.’ I served [under the emperor] with one or two children and have humbly heard the imperial edict which [says] thus. So, looking over the years, the person who serves as the current emperor also does not endure the throne. Not only this, I have now heard that she has planned to secretly push me aside in accord with Nakamaro. She also plans to stir up six thousand soldiers and with only seven enter the court. She said that using the sharpest soldiers [they] shall force [in], break and disturb the court, and bring it to ruin. So I withdraw her form the imperial throne, and make her an imperial child and send her down to being the lord of the state of Awaji.”

Senmyō 30. Tenpyō Hōji 8 10th Month (764), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 船親王九月五日尔仲麻呂二人謀家良久 書作朝庭咎計 将進家利

2. 又仲麻呂家物計夫流尔 書中尔 仲麻呂家流文有。

3. 是以親王諸王隠岐国尔流賜

4. 又池田親王此夏馬多集事謀所聞

5. 如是在事阿麻多太比所奏。

6. 是以親王下賜諸王等志弖土左国尔流賜布等詔大命聞食宣。

1. pune no mi-kwo pa nagadukwi no itu-ka no pi ni nakamaro to puta-ri pakari-kyeraku pumi tukurite mikadwo no toga kazwopete tatematura-mu to pakari-kyeri .

2. mata nakamaro ga ipye no mono kazwopuru ni pumi no naka ni nakamaro to kaywopa-si-kyeru pakarikoto no pumi ari .

3. koko wo motite mi-kwo no na pa kudasite opo-kimi to nasite oki no kuni ni nagasi-tamapu .

4. mata ikeda no mi-kwo pa ko no natu uma opo-ku tudwopete koto pakaru to kikosi-myesi-ki .

5. kaku aru koto amatatabi mawosi-tamap-yeri .

6. koko wo motite mi-kwo no na pa kudasi-tamapite opo-kimi to site tosa no kuni ni nagasi-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
All of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “Fune planned together with Nakamaro on the fifth day of the ninth month to make a document, count the faults of the emperor and raise it up to the emperor. Also, when I counted the things in Nakamaro’s house among the documents there was one that had the planning for Jun’nin to often go around with Nakamaro. So I lower his name of imperial child making him Lord and send him far to the province of Oki. I also hear that Ikeda gathered many horses this summer and planned something. I have humbly said such things many times. So I lower his name of imperial child making him Lord and send him far to the province of Tosa.”

Senmyō 31. Tenpyō Hōji 8 10th Month (764), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 諸奉侍上中下人等良末久 国止方皇太子置定天之於多比 常人 念云所在。

2. 然今間 此太子定不賜在故 人家武止 定漏 必能之毛不在。

3. 天不授所在 人天毛坐物仁毛不在 後壊。

4. 故是以 人流仁不得力倍伎仁毛不在。

5. 猶天乃由流之天倍伎良牟止 定不賜奴仁己曾阿礼

6. 此天日継位朕一 不定止仁方不在。

7. 今之紀乃 念見定牟仁授賜方牟 漸々現奈武止天奈毛定不賜勅御命 諸聞食勅。

8. 復勅 人人己比岐比岐 此人我功成 君位謀 竊伊佐奈比湏湏牟己止莫。

9. 己可衣之不成事止曾 先祖滅継絶。

10. 自今以後仁方 可仁可久仁佐末多久奈久之天 教賜乃末仁末奉侍勅御命 諸聞食勅。

1. moromoro tukape-maturu kami naka simo no pito-domo no omop-yera-maku kuni no sidume to pa pitugi no mi-kwo wo oki-sadamete si kokoro mo yasurake-ku odapi ni ari to tune pito no omopi-ip-yeru koto ni ari .

2. sikaru ni ima no ma ko no pitugi no mi-kwo wo sadame-tamapa-zu aru yuwe pa pito no yokye-mu to omopite sadamuru mo kanarazu yo-ku si mo ara-zu .

3. ame no sadukenu wo ete aru pito pa ukete mo mata-ku imasu mono ni mo ara-zu noti ni yabure-nu .

4. kare koko wo motite omopeba pito no sadukuru ni yorite mo e-zu tikara wo motite araswopu be-ki mono ni mo ara-zu .

5. napo ame no yurusite saduku be-ki pito pa ara-mu to omopite sadame-tamapa-nu ni koso are .

6. ko no ama tu pitugi no kurawi wo ware pitori musaborite noti no tugi wo sadamezi to ni pa ara-zu .

7. imasikwi no ma pa omopi-mi-sadame-mu ni ame no saduke-tamapa-mu pito pa yaya-ku arapare-na-mu to omopite namo sadame-tamapa-nu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

8. mata nori-tamapaku pitobito ono ga pikipiki ko no pito wo tatete wa ga isawo to nasa-mu to omopite kimi no kurawi wo pakari pisoka ni kokoro wo kaywopa-site pito wo izanapi-susumu koto na-kare .

9. ono ga e-si nasa-nu koto wo pakaru to so topo tu oya no kadwo mo porobosi tugi mo tati-nuru .

10. ima ywori noti ni pa ariraka ni tadasi-ki kokoro wo motite ka ni kaku ni to omopi-samatagu koto na-ku site wosipe-tamapi no manima tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the edict which proclaims: “What the upper, middle and lower people who all serve must be always thinking is that guarding the state means only by installing an imperial heir the heart is at peace and calm. Thus the reason why there is not such an imperial heir installed at present is that although the people think it would be good, even installing one does not necessarily mean it is good. The person who has obtained that which heaven does not bestow, even if they receive it, is not someone who is completely [in the throne] and will later perish. So taking this into account, it is not obtained by someone bestowing it and is not something which should be fought over with power. Even still, [though] people think there is a person who heaven should bestow [the throne] to, it has not been bestowed. I alone covet this throne of the heavenly line of Amaterasu and it is not that I will not fix later heirs. At present, if I think and consider, I think that people heaven would bestow [the throne] to keep appearing and so [heaven] does not bestow [the throne to anyone].”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “People never establish a person as they please thinking they will make them their leader and scheme for becoming secretly sharing such emotions and enticing people moving forward. Even if you plan to do that which you cannot, the house of you distant ancestors perishes and your heirs end. From now, with a clear and correct heart, do not hinder [yourself] by thinking of this and that, and serve according to my teachings.”

Senmyō 32. Tenpyō Jingo 1 1st Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 天皇大御命良麻止 勅大御命 衆聞食勅。

2. 仕奉人等中尔 其仕奉随状 治給人在。

3.  又御軍尔仕奉礼留尔依 治給人在。

4. 然此多比 賜位冠 常与利方在。

5. 可久賜故 平奉侍己止方 誰人不奉侍在

6. 如此宇治方夜伎 身命不惜之天浄心 朝庭 護奉侍人等乎己曾 治賜 哀賜倍伎物尔 在止奈毛念。

7. 故是以 今由久仁毛緩怠事无之天 諸家牟人等乎毛伊佐奈比進 常与利毛勤結奉侍止之天奈毛 冠位上給治給久止宣御命 諸聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni so no tukape-maturu sama no manima-ni wosame-tamapu pito mo ari .

3. mata mi-ikusa ni tukape-matur-eru ni yorite wosame-tamapu pito mo ari .

4. sikaru ni ko no tabi tamapu kurawi kagapuri pa tune yori pa koto ni ari .

5. kaku tamapu yuwe pa tapirake-ki toki ni tukape-maturu koto pa tare si no pito ka tukape-matura-zu ara-mu .

6. kaku udipaya-ki toki ni mwiinoti wo wosima-zu site tadasi-ku aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo wo mamori-tukape-maturu pito-domo wo koso wosame-tamapi aparemi-tamapu be-ki mono ni are to namo omoposu .

7. kare koko wo motite ima yuku saki ni mo yurupi-okotaru koto na-ku site moromoro no wodinakye-mu pito-domo wo mo wosipe-izanapi-susume tune yori mo masumasu tutwome-simari-tukape-mature to site namo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict which I proclaim as the words of the emperor. “Among those who serve there are those who I reward according to their service. There are also those who I reward by their serving in my army. Thus the caps and ranks that I bestow on this occasion are different to usual. The reason for such bestowal who, in peaceful times, who would not serve? I think that it is those who protect and serve the court in rough times with a correct, clear and pure heart not fearing to lose their lives who I should take pity on and reward. From now on too do not become slack and idle and move forward teaching and leading all who will be lacking, and be diligent focus and serve even more than usual; it is so that you will do so that I raise your cap and rank.”

Senmyō 33. Tenpyō Jingo 1 3rd Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 天下政 君 己比岐比岐 太子湏流仁方不在。

2.  然此位 天地置賜 授賜在。

3. 故是以 朕天地 授賜人奈牟止在。

4. 猶今 明 人仁毛伊佐奈方礼湏 人乎毛 毛奈方湏之天 於乃毛於乃毛 貞 奉仕己止乎 諸聞食倍止詔。

5. 復有人 淡路侍坐率来 佐良仁帝 天下之米无等在人良之止奈毛念。

6. 然其人 天地 宇倍奈弥由流之天授賜仁毛不在。

7. 何天可止奈良方 志愚 心不善之天 天下不足。

8. 然乃味仁不在 逆悪仲末呂同心之天 朝廷无止在人在。

9. 何此人復立无止

10. 自今以後仁方如此己止 止等詔大命聞食倍止宣。

1. ame no sita no maturigoto pa kimi no opo-mikoto ni aru wo ono ga kokoro no pikibiki pitugi no mi-kwo wo tate-mu to omopite isawo wo pori suru mono ni pa ara-zu .

2. sikaredomo ko no kurawi pa ametuti no oki-tamapi saduke-tamapu kurawi ni ari .

3. kare koko wo motite ware mo ametuti no akirake-ki ayasi-ki sirusi no saduke-tamapu pito pa ide-na-mu to omopite ari .

4. napo ima no ma pa akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite pito ni mo izanapare-zu pito wo mo tomonapa-zusite ono mo ono mo sadaka-ni yo-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to noritamapu koto wo moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .

5. mata aru pito pa apadi ni paberi-masu pito wo wite kite sara ni mikadwo to tatete ame no sita wo wosame-sime-mu to omopite aru pito mo aru rasi to namo omoposu .

6. sikaredomo so no pito pa ametuti no ubenami-yurusite saduke-tamap-yeru pito ni mo ara-zu .

7. nani wo motite ka siru to naraba kokorozasi oroka ni kokoro yok-ara-zu site ame no sita wo wosamuru ni tara-zu .

8. sika nomwi ni ara-zu sakasima ni asi-ki nakamaro to kokoro wo oyazi-ku site mikadwo wo ugokasi katabuke-mu to pakarite aru pito ni ari .

9. nani so ko no pito wo mata tate-mu to omopa-mu .

10. ima ywori noti ni pa kaku omopite pakaru koto yameyo to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you what [the emperor] proclaims: “Although the governance of the land is in the words of the lord, it is not such that I think to establish an heir to the throne to my heart’s desire and want a leader. However the throne is one which is put in place and bestowed by heaven and earth. So, I too I think that someone shall appear who is bestowed [the throne] by a clear and miraculous sign of nature. Even still, serve now with a unceasingly good and pure heart, not enticed by people and not following people, with a clear and pure heart.”I proclaim, hear the edict which proclaims: “Further I think that there are some people who think that I [should] bring the person who serves in Awaji, make them Emperor again and make them rule over the world. However that person is not someone who has been bestowed with the throne by the agreeing and allowing of heaven and earth. If you ask how I know this, [it is because] his heart is not good with stupid intention and does not befit ruling the world. Not only this but he is in accordance with the backward and evil Nakamaro and plans to disturb and put in danger the court. How could I think to make this person Emperor again? From now stop thinking and scheming so.”

Senmyō 34. Tenpyō Jingo 1 8th Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今和気 先尔奈良麻呂等謀反事起仁方 仲麻呂忠臣止之天

2. 然後逆心 朝庭動傾止之天 和気在。

3. 此尔依官位昇賜治賜

4. 可久方阿礼止毛 仲麻呂和気仁方猶逆心以家利

5. 復己先霊 祈願幣流流仁良久 己念求乎之成給天波 尊霊子孫遠流乎方 京都 召上无止

6. 復 己怨男女二人在。

7. 此殺賜幣止在。

8. 是書流仁 謀反阿利止方

9. 是以乃末尔治賜宣。

1. ima wake ni nori-tamapaku saki ni naramarora ga mupon no koto okorite ari-si toki ni pa nakamaro i tadasi-ki omi to site paberi-tu .

2. sikaru ni noti ni sakasima ni aru kokoro wo motite mikadwo ugokasi-katabuke-mu to site ikusa wo sonapuru toki ni wake i mawosite ari .

3. kore ni yorite tukasakurawi wo age-tamapi wosame-tamapi-tu .

4. kaku pa aredomo nakamaro mo wake mo noti ni pa napo sakasima ni aru kokoro wo motite ari-kyeri .

5. mata ono ga oya no mi-tama ni inori-negap-yeru pumi wo miru ni ipite araku ono ga kokoro ni omopi-motomuru koto wo si nasi-tamapi-teba taputwo-ki mi-tama no umi no kwo no topo-ku nagasite aru woba miyakwo ni myesi-agete omi to nasa-mu to ip-yeri .

6. mata ono ga ata wotoko womina puta-ri ari .

7. ko wo korosi-tamapye to ipite ari .

8. ko no pumi wo miru ni mupon no kokoro ari to pa ariraka ni mi-tu .

9. koko wo motite nori no manima-ni wosame-tamapu to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
Now I proclaim to Wake: “When the high treason of Naramaro and his cohort happened previously, Nakamaro served as a proper vassal. However, when he later gathered soldiers to disturb and put the court in danger with an opposing heart, [you], Wake, reported this to me. So I raised your bureaucratic rank. Despite this, later both Nakamaro and [you], Wake, were even more opposed. Also, when I saw the text of what you prayed and asked for to the spirits of your ancestors it said, ‘If you make happen [only] what I think and long for in my heart I will call on the capital about the banishing of the generations and generations of children of your awesome spirits and make them vassals.’ You also have two enemies of women and men. [Your prayer] says, ‘kill them!’ Looking at this document I can clearly see that you have feelings of high treason. So I rule according to the law.”

Senmyō 35. Tenpyō Jingo 1 8th Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 粟田道麻呂 大津大浦 石川長年等尔勅 朕師大臣禅師 愚痴在奴和久之天 人不当无礼 見咎牟流乎毛不知之天 悪友尔所引率物在。

2. 是以 此奴等 如是逆穢心計利止方 既明

3. 由此乃末尔治給倍久在。

4. 然此遍猶 道鏡 所賜 彼等惑心乎方 教導 朝庭御奴奉仕之米无止 宣尔依 汝等免給。

5. 但官解給

6. 散位止之天奉仕勅御命 聞食倍止宣。

7.  又勅 従今往前小過 在人所率流止之所聞 必法乃末末仁奈比給岐良勅御命 聞食倍止宣。

1. apata no mitimaro opo-tu no opo-ura isikapa no nagatosi-ra ni nori-tamapaku wa ga sidaizinzenzi no nori-tamapaku kataku na ni aru yatukwo pa omopi-waku koto mo na-ku site pito no name-ku wiya na-si to mi-togamuru wo mo sira-zu site asi-ki tomo ni izanaparuru mono ni ari .

2. koko wo motite ko no yatukwo-domo mo kaku sakasima ni kitana-ki kokoro wo okosite ari-kyeri to pa sude ni akiraka ni siri-nu .

3. kore ni yorite kotowari pa nori no manima-ni wosame-tamapu be-ku ari .

4. sikaredomo ko no tabi pa napo daukyau i tamaparite sore-ra ga matwop-yeru kokoro woba wosipe-mitibikite tadasi-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo no mi-yatukwo to tukape-matura-sime-mu to noritamapu ni yorite imasi-ra ga tumi pa yurusi-tamapu .

5. tadasi tukasa pa toki-tamapu .

6. tone to site tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .

7. mata nori-tamapaku ima ywori yuku saki ni isasake-ki ayamati mo ara-mu pito ni izanaparu to si kikosi-myesaba kanarazu nori no manima-ni tuminapi-tamapi kira-pi-tamapa-mu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, hear the imperial edict which I proclaim to Awata-no-Michimaro, Otsu-no-Oura and Ishikawa-no-Nagatoshi: “My high priest (Dokyo?) proclaimed: ‘The loathed men who are stupid do not make wise judgements and neither do they know to criticize people who are frivolous and have no manners when they see them and they are enticed by bad fellows. So it is already clearly known that these loathed men have [in turn] stirred up backward and dirty sentiments.’ So the logical thing is that I should rule according to the law. However on this occasion Dokyo still accepts? them and says, ‘teach and lead their confused hearts, and make them serve as imperial servants with a correct and pure heart,’ so I forgive them of their crimes. However, I relinquish you of your official duties. Serve as role-less ranked officials!”I proclaim, hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “If I hear that you have been enticed by [even] a person who has small flaws from now on, I will without fail make you face your punishment according to the law and cast you aside.”

Senmyō 36. Tenpyō Jingo 1 Leap 10th Month (765), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅 太政官大臣 奉仕倍伎 侍坐時仁方 必 其官授賜物在。

2. 是以 朕師 大臣禅師多比 助賜礼方 内外二種人等 其理慈哀 過无久毛 奉仕之米天志可等保之米之天 可多良比能利多布久仁 是太政太臣末都流仁方多比奈牟可等奈毛念。

3. 故是以 太政大臣禅師末都留止勅御命 諸聞食宣。

4. 復勅 是位末都良牟等佐方 必不敢伊奈等多方牟止之天奈毛 不申之天太政大臣禅師御位 授末都流等 勅御命 諸聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku opo-maturigoto no tukasa no opo-mapye tu kimi pa tukape-maturu be-ki pito no paberi-masu toki ni pa kanarazu so no tukasa wo saduke-tamapu mono ni ari .

2. koko wo motite wa ga sidaizinzenzi no ware wo mamori-tabi tasuke-tabu wo mireba utitwo puta-kusa no pito-domo ni okite so no kotowari ni utukusibwite ayamati na-ku mo tukape-matura-sime-te-si ka to omopo-sime site katarapi-nori-tabu koto wo kiku ni ko no opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi no tukasa wo saduke-maturu ni pa ape-tabi-na-mu ka to namo omoposu .

3. kare koko wo motite daizyaudaizinzenzi no kurawi wo saduke-maturu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. mata nori-tamapaku ko no kurawi wo saduke-matura-mu to mawosaba kanarazu apezi ina to nori-taba-mu to omoposite namo mawosa-zu site ko no daizyaudaizinzenzi no mi-kurawi saduke-maturu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict which I now proclaim: “When someone who serves who could serve as the High Minister of the Ministry of State, I will certainly bestow the role [to him]. So, when I see my high priest protecting and assisting me, I think I want to make the two types of people, inside and outside, made beautiful by that moral, serve me without failure and when I hear what [they] tell and proclaim, I think surely he can endure bestowing [him?] the role of high minster in the Ministry of State. So I bestow the role of High Priest of the Ministry of State.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict which also proclaims: “Thinking that if I ask? whether I will bestow this role to [him], he will definitely reject saying he cannot endure it and so I do not ask and bestow the role of High Priest of the Ministry of State.”

Senmyō 37. Tenpyō Jingo 1 11th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 由紀湏伎二国守等多知方 貞 朝庭等之天奉供礼方己曾 国止毛 美濃越前御占 大嘗政事取以奉供良之止念行天奈毛位冠賜久止宣。

1. yukwi suki puta-kuni no kami-tati ni nori-tamapaku imasi-tati pa sadaka ni aka-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo no mamori to site seki ni tukape-matureba koso kuni pa opo-ku aredomo minu to kwosi no miti no kuti to mi-ura ni apite opo-nipe no maturigoto wo tori-motite tukape-maturu rasi to omoposi-myesite namo kurawi kagapuri-tamapa-ku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
Now I proclaim to the ministers of the two provinces of Yuki and Saki: “Since you serve as guardians of the court at Seki with a steadfast and pure heart, I think that though there are many provinces in the land Mino and Koshi-no-Michi-no-Kuchi were chosen by divination and you seem to serve handling the governance of Onie so I bestow upon you a rank and cap.”

Senmyō 38. Tenpyō Jingo 1 11th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅 今日大新嘗良比能豊明聞行日在。

2. 然此遍余利在故 朕御弟子等之天菩薩受賜在。

3. 此三宝供奉 次仁方天社国社神等乎毛為夜備末都利 次仁方供奉親王多知多知百官人等 天下人民諸愍賜慈賜牟等天奈毛復天下治賜。

4. 故汝等久於多比仁 由紀 湏伎二国礼留 黒紀 白紀御酒赤丹乃保仁 多末倍恵良伎 常 賜酒幣方利 退天奈毛御物賜方久止宣。

5. 復勅 神等乎方三宝余利 不触物曾止奈毛在。

6. 然経末都礼方 仏御法末都利末都流方多知仁伊末志家利

7. 故是以 出家人白衣相雑供奉 豈障事不在天奈毛 本忌之可久方不忌之天 此大嘗 聞行宣御命 諸聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku kyepu pa opo-nipe no naporapi no toyo no akari kikosi-myesu pi ni ari .

2. sikaru ni ko no tabi no tune yori koto ni aru yuwe pa ware pa potoke no mi-desi to site bosati no imikoto wo uke-tamapite ari .

3. kore ni yorite kami tu kata pa samubou ni tukape-maturi tugi ni pa ama tu yasiro kuni tu yasiro no kamwi-tati wo mo wiyabwi-maturi tugi ni pa tukape-maturu mi-kwo-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro wo aparemi-tamapi utukusibwi-tamapa-mu to omoposite namo kapyerite mata ame no sita wo wosame-tamapu .

4. kare imasi-tati mo yasurake-ku odapi ni paberite yukwi suki puta-kuni no tatematur-eru kurwo-ki sirwo-ki no mi-ki wo aka ninopo ni tamape-weraki tune mo tamapu sakamapi no mono wo tamapari-motite makare to site namo opo-mimono tamapaku to noritamapu .

5. mata nori-tamapaku kamwi-tati woba samubou yori sakete purenu mono so to namo pito no omopite aru .

6. sikaredomo kyau wo mi-matureba potoke no mi-nori wo mamori-maturi taputwobwi-maturu pa moromoro no kamwi-tati ni imasi-kyeri .

7. kare koko wo motite ipye de-si pito mo sirwokinu mo api-maziparite tukape-maturu ni ani saparu koto pa arazi to omoposite namo moto imisi ga goto-ku pa ima-zu site ko no opo-nipe pa kikosi-myesu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which I now proclaim: “Today is the day we partake of the drinking feast of Naorai for Onie. However, the reason why the feast this time is more special than usual is that I have become a disciple of the Buddha and have humbly received the precepts of the Boddhisatva. So, thinking that above all I shall serve the three treasures of Buddha, next I shall show respect to the gods of the heavenly and earthly shrines and next I shall pity and make beautiful the imperial children, statesmen, and bureaucrats who serve me and the people of the world, I return [to the throne] and rule the world again. So I bestow [you] with imperial gifts so that you too will serve under me calmly and peacefully and, receive and relish the black and white sake, which the two provinces of Yuki and Saki have offered up, until your face turns a bright red, and leave receiving the sake offering I always bestow.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “People think that it is the gods that are not [to be touched] more so than the three treasures. However, when I looked at the sutras, it was all the Gods [who should] protect and revere the laws of the Buddha. So, with this, thinking that there would surely be no interferences when the priests and the laymen mix together and serve, I make that which fundamentally is to be avoided like that which is not to be avoided and partake in the Onie.”

Senmyō 39. Tenpyō Jingo 1 11th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 必人我可多母我可多能親在成物在。

2. 然王多知止藤原朝臣等止方 朕親 黒紀 白紀御酒 賜 御手物 賜方久止宣。

1. kanarazu pito pa titi ga kata papa ga kata no ukara arite naru mono ni ari .

2. sikaru ni opo-kimi-tati to pudipara no asomi-tati to pa wa ga ukara ni aru ga yuwe ni kurwo-ki sirwo-ki no mi-ki tamapi mi-te tu mono tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim: “People come into existence necessarily having relatives on their father’s and mother’s sides. However, the Lords and Fujiwara-no-Asomi are my relatives so I bestow them with black and white sake and imperial gifts.

Senmyō 40. Tenpyō Jingo 2 1st Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅 掛畏 近淡海大津宮 天下所知行天皇御世尔奉侍末之之藤原大臣 復後藤原大臣尔 賜 志乃比己乃書尔 勅 子孫 朝庭尔奉侍牟乎波必治賜 其継 絶不賜故尔 今藤原永手朝臣尔右大臣之官授賜勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga mi-yo ni tukape-maturi-masi-si pudipara no opo-mapye tu kimi mata noti no pudipara no opo-mapye tu kimi ni tamapite aru sinwobikoto no pumi ni nori-tamapite araku umi no kwo no kiywo-ku aka-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo ni tukape-matura-mu woba kanarazu wosame-tamapa-mu . so no tugi pa tati-tamapazi to nori-tamapite aru ga yuwe ni ima pudipara no nagate no asomi ni migi no opo-mapye tu kimi no tukasa wo saduke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict of the emperor which proclaims: “It is written in the requiem bestowed to the Fujiwara Lord who served during the reign of the emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the world from the palace at Omi-no-Otsu, and to the later Fujiwara Lord: ‘I will definitely reward [your] generations of children who serve the court with a pure and clear heart and [your] line will surely not cease.’ So, now I bestow the role of Minister of the Right to Fujiwara-no-Nagate-no-Asomi.”

Senmyō 41. Tenpyō Jingo 2 10th Month (766), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅 无上御法 至誠心 拝尊礼波 必異奇験 阿良波之授賜物尔伊末志家利

2. 然今示現賜弊流如来大御舍利 常奉見余利波 大御色光照甚美 大御形円満別好末之末世波 特尔久湏之奇事思議許止極難

3. 是以 意中尔昼倦怠己止 謹末比仕奉都都

4. 是実尔化大御身 縁尔随 度導賜尔不過行尔 相応 救賜云 言尔在良之止奈毛

5. 猶 興隆之牟流 人尔依比呂牟流物尔在。

6. 故諸大法師等比岐為伊麻湏 太政大臣禅師 如理 勧行波之米 教導賜尔依天之 如此顕賜弊利

7. 然此 宇礼志 朕独乃味夜天奈毛 太政大臣朕大師尔 法王位授末都良久止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

8. 復勅 此世間乎波 楽求多布无 一道尔志 菩薩 人度導牟止云尔 心伊末

9. 可久波阿礼止毛 猶朕 敬報末川流和佐止之天奈毛位冠末川良久止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

10. 次尔 諸大法師仁毛 此二禅師等 同心相従 道 世間位冠乎波 不楽伊末佐倍止毛奈毛 猶不得止天 円興禅師尔 法臣位授末川流

11. 基真禅師尔 法参議大律師止之天 正四位上 復物部浄之乃朝臣云姓末川流止勅天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

12. 復勅 此寺 朕外祖父先太政大臣藤原大臣之家在。

13. 今其家之名可仁 朝廷奉助仕奉右大臣藤原朝臣遠波 左大臣位授賜治賜。

14. 復吉備朝臣 太子之之余利 師等之天 教悟家留年歴

15. 今不敢阿流良牟 夜昼 不退之天護助奉侍礼波 可多自気奈弥奈毛念湏。

16. 然人止之天不知恩不報奴乎波御法仁毛 禁給弊流在。

17. 是以 吉備朝臣 右大臣之位授賜天皇御命諸聞食宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku kami na-ki potoke no mi-nori pa nemokoro naru kokoro wo motite worogami-taputwobwi-matureba kanarazu koto ni ayasi-ki sirusi wo arapasi-saduke-tamapu mono ni imasi-kyeri .

2. sikaru ni ima arapare-tamap-yeru nyorai no taputwo-ki opo-misyari pa tune mi-maturu yori pa opo-miiro mo pikari-terite ito urupasi-ku opo-mikatati mo tarapite koto ni yo-ku opo-masi-maseba koto ni kususi-ku ayasi-ki koto wo omopi-pakaru koto kipamarite kata-si .

3. koko wo motite kokoro no uti ni piru mo yworu mo umi-okotaru koto na-ku tutusimi uyamapi-tukape-maturitutu paberi .

4. kore makoto ni kari no opo-mimwi pa en ni sitagapite watasi-mitibiki-tamapu ni pa toki wo sugusa-zu okonapi ni api-kotapete utukusibwi-sukupi-tamapu to ipu koto ni aru rasi to namo omoposu .

5. napo si nori wo okosi-sakaye-simuru ni pa pito ni yorite tugi-piroparu mono ni ari .

6. kare moromoro no daipousi-tati wo piki-wite kami to imasu daizyau daizinzenzi no kotowari no goto-ku susume-okonapa-sime wosipe-mitibiki-tamapu ni yorite si kaku ayasi-ku taputwo-ki sirusi pa arapasi-tamap-yeri .

7. sikaru ni ko no taputwo-ku uresi-ki koto wo ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobwi-mu to omoposite namo opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi wa ga daisi ni popuwau no kurawi saduke-maturaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

8. mata nori-tamapaku ko no yo no naka no kurawi woba negapi-motome-tabu koto pa katute na-ku pito-tu no miti ni kokoro-zasite bosati no gyau wo okonapi pito wo watasi-mitibika-mu to ipu ni kokoro pa sadamete imasu .

9. kaku pa aredomo napo wa ga uyamapi-mukui-maturu waza to site namo ko no kurawi kagapuri wo saduke-maturaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

10. tugi ni moromoro no daipopusi ga naka ni mo ko no puta-ri no zenzi-tati i oyazi kokoro wo motite api-sitagapi miti wo kokoro-zasite yo no naka no kurawi kagapuri woba negapa-zu imasapedomo namo napo yamu koto wo e-zute enkouzenzi ni popusin no kurawi saduke-maturu .

11. kwisinzenzi ni popusangi dairitusi to site kagapuri pa opo-ki yotu no kurawi no kami tu sina wo saduke mata mononobye no kiywosi no asomi to ipu kabane wo saduke-maturu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

12. mata nori-tamapaku ko no tera pa wa ga papakata no opo-disaki no opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi pudipara no opo-mapye tu kimi no ipye ni ari .

13. ima so no ipye no na wo tugite akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite mikadwo wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturu migi no opo-mapye tu kimi pudipara no asomi woba pidari no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi saduke-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

14. mata kibwi no asomi pa wa ga pitugi no mi-kwo to imasi-si toki yori mi-pumiyomi to site wosipe-satosi-kyeru amata no tosi pe-nu .

15. ima pa mwi mo ape-zu aru ramu mono wo yworupiru makara-zu site mamoritasuketukapematuru wo mireba katazikenami namo omoposu .

16. sikaru ni pito to site megumi wo sira-zu megumi wo mukuinu woba piziri no mi-nori ni mo isame-tamap-yeru mono ni ari .

17. koko wo motite kibwi no asomi ni migi no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi saduke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict I now proclaim: “When I worshiped and revered the supreme teachings of the Buddha, a splendidly miraculous sign was bestowed and made to appear. Doing this, it is is extremely difficult to contemplate the precious divine relic of Nyorai which has now appeared; more than normal it glows, shines and is a most splendid colour, its form is full and exceptionally good and it is particularly peculiar and miraculous. So night and day in my heart, I am taking care of it and respecting it, not becoming bored or idle. It seems to be precisely this: ‘This temporary Incarnation ferrying and leading according to Karma, people are made beautiful and rescued based on your actions with no passing of time.’ But still, drumming up the teachings and make them blossom [needs] people to pass them on and spread them far. This miraculous and precious sign has appeared through leading all the Great Priests and the Chancellor Zenji, who is superior, moving people along the path and teaching and leading them, according to morals. So, am I to take pleasure in this precious and joyous thing alone—I bestow the rank of Master of Scripture to my Great Teacher, the Chancellor of the Realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also says: “His heart is firm as he does not long for and seek roles in this world at all, he strives to follow the Way, he performs the Bodhisattva’s practices and leads people to enlightenment. Even so, in order to respect and repay him I bestow him this rank and cap.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Next, of the two Great Priests, although the two Zenji have the same heart and each obey, striving for the Way and do not long for roles in this world, I cannot help but bestow Enkō Zenji the role of Hōshin. I bestow Kishin Zenji the Great upper fourth rank in caps as the Hōsangi-Dairitsushi and I bestow him the title of Mononobe-no-Kiyoshi-no-Asomi.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also proclaims: “This temple is the house of the Fujiwara Lord, the Chancellor, my paternal grand-father’s predecessors. I bestow Fujiwara-no-Asomi, the Minister of the Right, who has now inherited that family name and assists and serves the court with a clear and pure heart, with the role of Minister of the Left. Also, many years have passed with Kibi-no-Asomi teaching and enlightening as a Scholar from when he was an imperial heir. I think it is impressive to see you protect and assist [the court], not leaving day or night, despite you being unable to bear it. The reason for him not knowing riches and not returning riches is because it is forbidden in the wise Teachings. So I bestow Kibi-no-Asomi the role of Minister of the Right.”

Senmyō 42. Jingo Keiun 1 8th Month (767), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 日本国尔坐 大八洲国照給治給倭根子天皇御命良麻止御命 衆諸聞食宣。

2. 今年六月十六日 申時東南之角尔当 甚奇異尔麗雲 七色 相交立登在。

3. 此朕自見行 又侍諸人等共見備都々在間 伊勢国守従五位下阿倍朝臣東人等 六月十七日尔 度会郡等由気 五色瑞雲起覆

4. 在 依此 彼形 書写以進

5. 復陰陽寮 七月十日尔 西北角 美異雲立在 同月廿三日東南角有雲 本朱 末黄 稍具五色

6. 如是奇異雲 顕在所由令勘尔 式部省等 瑞書尔細勘尔是即 景雲尔在。

7. 実合大瑞世利

8. 然朕念行 如是奇異尔在大瑞 聖皇之御世尔 至徳尔感 天地 示現賜物止奈毛聞行

9. 是豈敢 朕徳 天地御心令感動末都流倍岐止奈毛念行

10. 然此 大御神宮上尔示顕給。

11. 故尚 是 大神示給幣流奈犁

12. 又掛御世御世御霊助給慈給幣流奈犁

13. 復去正月尔二七日之間 諸大寺大法師等 奏請良倍天 最勝王経令講読末都利 又吉祥天悔過 令仕奉尔 諸大法師等如理佐比 又諸臣等天下政事 合理奉仕尔 依天之 三宝諸天 天地多知毛 共尔示現賜幣流 大瑞雲尔 在良之止奈毛念行

14. 故是以 奇之支大瑞頂尔受給默在去止不得之天奈毛 諸王多知多知乎 共尔歓 天地御恩奉報倍之止奈毛念行天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

15. 然夫天万物能覆養賜賜物

16. 又大神宮祢冝 大物忌 内人等尔叙二級。

17. 但御巫以下人等叙一級級。

18. 又伊勢国神郡二郡司及諸国祝部有位无位等賜一級。

19. 又六位以下及左右京男女年六十以上賜一級。

20. 但正六位上重三力田者賜上正六位上。

21. 又孝子順孫義夫孝婦節婦力田者賜二級表旌其門至于終身田租免給。

22. 又五位以上人等賜御手物。

23. 又天下諸国今年田租半免。

24. 又八十以上老人及鰥寡孤独不能自存者賜籾。

25. 又示顕賜弊流乃末而末仁年号改賜

26. 是以 改天平神護三年 為神護景雲元年天皇御命 諸聞食宣。

1. yamato no kuni ni imasite opo-yasimaguni terasi-tamapi wosame-tamapu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kotosi no minadukwi no towo-ka amari muyuka no pi no saru no toki ni tatumi no sumi ni atarite ito ayasi-ku koto ni urupasi-ki kumo nana-iro api-mazirite tati-noborite ari .

3. ko wo ware midukara mo mi-sonapa-si mata paberu moromoro no pito-domo mo tomo ni mite ayasibwi-yorokobwitutu aru apida ni ise no kuni no kami piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no simo tu sina abe no asomi adumapito-ra ga mawosaku minadukwi no towo-ka mari nanu-ka no pi ni watarapi no kopori no toyuke no miya no upe ni atarite itu-iro no sirusi no kumo tati-opopite ari .

4. kore ni yorite so no kata wo kaki-utusite tatematuru to mawos-eri .

5. mata onyau no tukasa mo pumidukwi no towo-ka no pi ni inuwi no sumi ni urupasi-ku koto ni aru kumo tatite ari onazi tukwi no patuka amari mi-ka no pi ni tatumi no sumi ni aru kumo moto ake ni suwe ki ni yaya itu-iro wo sonape-tu to mawos-eri .

6. kaku ayasi-ku koto naru kumo no arapare-taru yuwe wo kamugape-simuru ni nori no tukasa-domo ga mawosaku zuwisho ni tubusa ni kamugapuru ni kore sunapati keiun ni ari .

7. makoto ni daizuwi ni kanap-yeri to mawos-eri .

8. sikaru ni wa ga omoposi-myesaku kaku opo-ki ni taputwo-ku ayasi-ku koto ni aru opo-ki sirusi pa piziri no sumyera ga mi-yo ni itar-eru miutukusibwi ni medete ametuti no arapasi-tamapu mono to namo tune mo kikosi-myesu .

9. kore ani apete wa ga utukusibwi i ametuti no mi-kokoro wo ugokasi-maturu be-ki koto pa na-si to namo omoposi-myesu .

10. sikaru ni ko pa opo-mikamwi no miya no upe ni arapasi-tamapu .

11. kare napo ko pa opo-mikamwi no utukusibwi-arapasi-tamap-yeru mono n-ari .

12. mata kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki miyomiyo no saki no sumyera ga mi-tama no tasuke-tamapi utukusibwi-tamap-yeru mono n-ari .

13. mata ini-si mu-tukwi ni puta-nanuka no apida moromoro no opo-tera no daipopusi-tati wo mase-maturapete saisyauwaugyau wo kaudoku se-sime-maturi mata kitijauten no kekwa wo tukape-matura-simuru ni moromoro no daipopusi-tati ga kotowari no goto-ku tutwomete imasepi mata moromoro no omi-tati no ame no sita no maturigoto wo kotowari ni kanapite tukape-maturu ni yorite si samubou mo shoten mo ametuti no kamwi-tati mo tomo ni arapasi-tamap-yeru ayasi-ku taputwo-ki opo-ki sirusi no kumo ni aru rasi to namo omoposi-myesu .

14. kare koko wo motite ayasi-ku yorokobosi-ki opo-ki sirusi wo itadaki ni uke-tamaparite sinobite moda aru koto e-zu site namo opo-kimi-tati omi-tati wo myesite tomo ni yorokobwi-taputwobwi ametuti no mi-utukusibwi wo mukui-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

15. sikaru ni sore ame pa yorodu no mono wo yo-ku opopi-yasinapi-tamapi utukusibwi-aparemi-tamapu mono ni imasu .

16. mata opo-mikamwi no miya no negwi opo-monoimi utibito-domo ni pa puta-sina tamapu .

17. tadasi mi-kamunagi ywori simo tu kata no pito-domo ni pa pitosina tamapu .

18. mata ise no kuni no kamukopori puta-kopori no mi-yatukwo to kuniguni no papuri uwimuwi-domo to ni pitosina tamapu .

19. mata mu-tu no kurawi ywori simo tu kata to pidarimigi no mi-satwo no wotoko womina no tosi mu-swodi ywori kami tu kata to ni pitosina tamapu .

20. tadasi opo-ki mu-tu no kurawi no kami tu sina no samusen ywori upe wo kasane-taru mono ni pa kami tu opo-ki mu-tu no kurawi no kami tu sina wo tamapu .

21. mata keuzizyunson gibu keubu setibu rikiden ni pa puta-sina tamapi so no kadwo ni sirusi wo tatete mwi no wopari ni itaru made tadikara yurusi-tamapu .

22. mata itu-tu no kurawi ywori kami tu kata no pito-domo ni mi-te tu mono tamapu .

23. mata ame no sita kuniguni no kotosi no tadikara nakaba wo yurusi-tamapu .

24. mata ya-swodi ywori kami tu kata no oibito to yamome pitoripito midukara watarapu koto atapa-nu mono to ni pa momi wo tamapu .

25. mata arapasi-tamap-yeru sirusi no manima ni mi-yo no na pa aratame-tamapu .

26. koko wo motite tenpyauzingo no mi-tose wo aratamete zingokeiun no pazime no tosi to su to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who shines light over the eight-island country in Yamato.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “At the time of the monkey on the sixteenth day of the sixth month this year a most miraculous, rare and beautiful cloud, of seven colours mixed, rose up. While I was admiring it and looking at it with all the people who serve me in awe and joy, the people of the east and Abe-no-Asomi of the upper fifth rank lower grade said: ‘On the seventeenth day of the sixth month a five-coloured cloud, a sign, rose up above the Toyuke palace in Watarai district and covered it. So we drew how it looked and offer this up.’ Further, an official of the Department of Cosmology said a splendid and rare cloud has risen in the northwest on the tenth day of the seventh month and on the twenty-third of the same month, the cloud in the southeast turned to a faint five-colours, the base of the cloud red and its tips yellow. When I made the officials in the Ministry of Civil Services think about the reason for such miraculous and rare clouds appearing they said: ‘Thinking carefully about the Book of Signs, this is a Keiun. This truly is a Great Sign.’ I thought: ‘I have always heard that such a great, precious, miraculous and rare Great Sign is created by heaven and earth, impressed by incredible Blessings in the reign of a wise Emperor. This could by no means be my blessings moving heaven and earth.’ Thus the cloud appears above the palace of the Gods. Even still, this is because the great Gods blessing and creating it. Also, this is because the souls of the previous generations of emperors, too awesome to mention, assisting and blessing [me]. Further, I think that this cloud is a Great Sign, miraculous and precious, that the three treasures, myriad Gods, and the gods of heaven and earth created between the second and seventh days of the previous first month, due to all the Great Priests of the temples being diligent, according to morals, when I made them serve, read the Golden Light Sutra and pay penance to Kichijōten, and due to the statesmen serving, performing governance morally. With this, I cannot sit around in silence humbly receiving this miraculous and joyous Great Sign, so I shall summon the Lords and Statesmen to rejoice and revere with me and pay back for this Blessing of heaven and earth.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “In this way, heaven sends down myriad things and nurtures, blesses and cares for the realm. Also, I bestow the Negi, Ōmonoimi and Uchibito of the palace of the Great Gods with two ranks. However, I bestow the Mikamunagi and those lower with one rank. Also, I bestow my servants of the two Godly districts in Ise province and the preists, with and without rank, of the provinces with one rank. Also, I bestow one rank to those below the sixth rank and the men and women of the left and right capitals over sixty years old. However I bestow the upper great sixth rank upper grade to those of the great sixth rank upper grade who have been selected for merit three times or more. Also, I raise filial children, obedient grandchildren, loyal husbands, faithful wives and field workers by one rank and place a sign at their house and pardon them of field tax until they die. Further, I bestow gifts on those of the fifth rank and above. Also I forgive half of the field tax of the provinces for this year. Also, I bestow rice on old people over eighty years old and widows unable to support themselves. Also, I change the reign name in accordance with the sign that has appeared. So, I change the third year of Tenpyō-Jingo to the first year of Jingo-Keiun.”

Senmyō 43. Jingo Keiun 3 5th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 現神 大八州国所知 倭根子挂畏天皇大命 親王 王 臣 百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食

2. 犬部姉女乎波 冠位挙給 根可婆祢 改給 治給

3. 然流物 逆心抱蔵 己為首 忍坂女王 石田女王等 挂畏 先朝 依過弃給弖之 厨真人厨女許尔 竊徃乍岐多奈悪奴止母止相結家良久 傾奉朝庭 乱国家 岐良比給弖之氷上塩焼児志計志麻呂天日嗣牟止 挂畏天皇大御髪盗給波利弖 岐多奈伎佐保川髑髏尔入大宮内尔持参入来 厭魅為流己止三度世利

4. 然盧舍那如来 最勝王経 観世音菩薩 護法善神梵王 帝釈 四大天王不可思議威神力 挂畏開闢已来御宇天皇御霊 天地多知乃護助奉都流力尔依 其等厭魅事 皆悉発覚

5. 是以 撿法尔皆当死刑罪。

6. 由此尔 岐良比給倍久

7. 然止毛 慈賜一等降 其等根可婆祢 替 遠流罪尔治賜布止天皇大命 衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to nori-tamapaku .

2. inubye no anemye woba uti tu yatukwo to site kagapurikurawi age-tamapi nekabane aratame-tamapi wosame-tamapi-ki .

3. sikaru monowo kapyerite sakasima ni aru kokoro wo idakite onore pitogwo no kami to narite osaka no opo-kimi ipata no opo-kimi-tati wo pikiwite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki saki no mikadwo no ayamati ni yorite sute-tamapite si kuriya no mapito kuriyamye ga moto ni pisoka ni yukitutu kitana-ku asi-ki yatukwo-domo to api-musubite pakari-kyeraku mikadwo wo katabuke-maturi ame no sita wo midarite kirapi-tamapite si pikami no sipoyaki ga kwo sikyesimaro wo ama tu pitugi to se-mu to pakarite kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki sumyera ga opo-mikami wo nusumi-tamaparite kitana-ki sapogapa no pitogasira ni irete opo-miya no uti ni moti-mawiri-kite maziwaza s-eru koto mitabi s-eri .

4. sikaredomo rusiyananyorai saisyouwaugyau kwanzeonbosati gopozenzin bonwau taisyaku sidaitenwau no pukasigiwizin no tikara kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki ametuti pirakete ywori konakata ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no mi-tama ametuti no kamwi-tati no mamori tasuke-maturi-turu tikara ni yorite sore-ra ga kitana-ku pakarite s-eru maziwaza mina koto-goto-ku araparenu .

5. koko wo motite nori wo kamugapuru ni mina korosu tumi ni ater-eri .

6. kore ni yorite kotowari pa nori no manima ni kirapi-tamapu be-ku ari .

7. sikaredomo utukusibwi-tamapu to site pitosina kudasite sore-ra ga nekabane kapete topo-ku nagasu tumi ni wosame-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the imperial emperor, too awesome to mention, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight-island state as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “I made Inube-no-Aneme a servant of my house, raised her cap and rank and changed her original name. However, in return, she lead the Lords of Iwata and Osaka as their head, with a rebellious heart, and built relations with dirty and evil despicable men and planned, often going to Kuriya-no-Mahito and Lady Kuriya, who were banished by a previous emperor, too awesome to mention, for their transgressions. They planned to put the court in danger, disturb the realm and make Shikeshimaro, son of the banished Hikami-no-Shioyaki, the heir of heaven and stealing hairs of the emperor, too awesome to mention, and putting it in a skull from the dirty Sao river, they carried it into the Palace and performed a curse three times. However, by the marvelous supernatural power of the Rusyana Buddha, the Golden Light Sutra, Guanyin Boddhisatva, Dharmapala, Brahman, Sakra and the Four Heavenly Kings, and by the protecting and helping power of the souls of the Emperors, too awesome to mention, who have ruled the realm since the beginning of heaven and earth and the power of the gods of heaven and earth, the curses that they had filthily planned and performed were all completely revealed. So, considering the laws, they all correspond to the punishment of death. Based on this, according to the laws they should be banished. However, being merciful I lower the punishment one grade and change their names back and banish them afar.

Senmyō 44. Jingo Keiun 3 9th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 天皇良我御命良麻止 夫臣下云物明心助護 対天方 無礼幣利仁波謗言無 姦偽 謟曲心無之天 奉侍倍岐在。

2. 然物 従五位下因幡国員外介輔治能真人清麻呂 其姉 法均 甚大尔悪妄語 作 法均物奏

3. 此流仁色 形 口尔云言 猶明尔 己云言 大神御命 所知

4. 問求 朕所念之天 大神御命尔不在聞行定

5. 故是以 法麻尔麻退給御命 衆諸聞食宣。

6. 復詔 此事仁毛不在 唯言 其理尔不在 逆尔云

7. 面弊利毛無礼之天 己事納用与止在。

8. 是天地 云尔 此与利無。

9. 然此 諸聖等 天神 地祇 現給 悟給尔己曾朕尔奏給

10. 猶人不奏等毛 心中悪在人 必天地現示給都留

11. 是以 人人己明尔清貞尔 謹奉侍御命 衆諸聞食宣。

12. 復此事 清麻呂等相謀家牟人在止方所知止毛 君天下行給物尔 伊麻世波奈毛免給

13. 然行事尔重在乎波麻尔麻 収給

14. 如是状悟 先尔清麻呂等同心之天一二 相謀家牟人等 心改明尔貞尔在心 奉侍御命 衆諸聞食宣。

15. 復清麻呂等 奉侍 所念天己曾 治給天之可

16. 今穢奴止之弖 退給尔依奈毛 賜弊利之 別部成給 其 穢麻呂 法均 広虫売還給御命 衆諸聞食宣。

17.  復明基 広虫売止毛 心一尔在所知弖奈毛 其取給退給御命 衆諸聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku sore yatukwo to ipu mono pa kimi ni sitagapite kiywo-ku sadaka ni aka-ki kokoro wo motite kimi wo tasuke-mamori-mukapite pa wiya na-ki omop-yeri na-ku usiro ni pa sosiru koto na-ku kadami-itupari-peturapi-magar-eru kokoro na-ku site tukape-maturu be-ki mono ni ari .

2. sikaru monowo piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no simo tu sina inaba no kuni no kazu ywori poka no suke pudino no mapito kiywomaro so ga anepopukun to ito opo-ki ni asi-ku kadam-yeru ituparigoto wo tukurite ware ni mukapite popukun i mono mawos-eri .

3. ko wo miru ni omote no iro katati kuti ni ipu koto napo akiraka ni ono ga tukurite ipu koto wo opo-kamwi no opo-mikoto to karite ipu to sira-si-myesi-nu .

4. twopi-motomuru ni wa ga omoposite aru ga goto-ku opo-mikamwi no opo-mikoto ni pa ara-zu to kikosi-myesi-sadame-tu .

5. kare koko wo motite nori no manima sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. mata nori-tamapaku ko no koto pa pito no mawosite aru ni mo ara-zu tada koto so no kotowari ni ara-zu sakasima ni ip-yeri .

7. omop-yeri mo wiya na-ku site ono ga koto wo iremoti-wiyo to omopite ari .

8. kore ametuti no sakasima to ipu ni kore yori masaru pa na-si .

9. sikareba ko pa shoshou-tati ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no arapasi-tamapi-satosi-tamapu ni koso are tare ka apete ware ni mawosi-tamapa-mu .

10. napo pito pa mawosa-zute aredomo kokoro no uti asi-ku kitana-ku nigorite aru pito pa kanarazu ametuti no arapasi-simyesi-tamapi-turu mono so .

11. koko wo motite pitobito ono ga kokoro wo akiraka ni kiywo-ku sadaka ni tutusimite tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

12. mata ko no koto wo sirite kiywomaro-ra to api-pakarikye-mu pito ari to pa sira-si-myesite aredomo kimi pa utukusibwi wo motite ame no sita no maturigoto pa okonapi-tamapu mono ni imaseba namo utukusibwi-aparemi-tamapite yurusi-tamapu .

13. sikaredomo siwaza ni kasanaritara-mu pito woba nori no manima wosame-tamapa-mu mono so .

14. kaku no sama satorite saki ni kiywomaro-ra to kokoro wo oyazi-ku site pito-tu puta-tu no koto mo api-pakarikye-mu pito-domo pa kokoro aratamete akiraka ni sadaka ni aru kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

15. mata kiywomaro-ra pa tukape-maturu yatukwo to omoposite koso kabane mo tamapite wosame-tamapi-te-si ka ima pa kitana-ki yatukwo to site sirizoke-tamapu ni yorite namo tamap-yeri-si kabane pa torite wakebye to nasi-tamapite so ga na pa kitanamaro to tamapi popukun ga na mo piromusimye to kapyesi-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

16. mata myaukwi pa piromusimye to mwi pa puta-tu ni aredomo kokoro pa pito-tu ni ari to sira-si-myesite namo si ga na mo tori-tamapite oyazi-ku sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor: “A servant is someone who obeys their lord, assists and protects their load with a clear, steadfast and pure heart and serves his Lord never showing him disrespect, never insulting him behind his back and never having feelings to deceive, lie, adulate or be crooked. Despite this, Fujino-no-Mahito, extraordinary second rank official in Inaba of the broad fifth rank lower grade, and his sister, Hōkun, created a most evil and deceptive lie and Hōkun told it to me. Seeing this, I still knew that she was saying something made-up—her expression and the things she said—as a message from a Great God. When I asked he more I heard and decide that it was not an edict from the Great God, as I had thought. So I lower her according to the law.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “What she said is not what others said and are only words, backward and illogical. Her face showed no manners, and she thought to gain herself favor and be employed. This is against heaven and earth and there is nothing worse than this act. This is what all the Divine ones and gods of heaven and earth make appear and tell me—who could possibly say this to me? Surely heaven has shown to me those who are evil, dirty and tainted in their hearts, even if people do not say it. So, people, be careful and serve making your heart clear pure and steadfast.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Further, although I know that there are those who knew of this lie and plotted with Kiyomaro and his sister but since Lords govern the world with blessings, I bless and take pity on them and pardon them. However, I shall rule according to law over those who make a habit of such behavior. Understand this and, those who previously sympathized with Kiyomaro and his sister and planned one or two things, rectify your hearts and serve with a clear and steadfast heart!”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Also, although I bestowed names on Kiyomaro and his sister, thinking them servants who served me, now I lower them as dirty despicable people and I remove the bestowed names and make them Wakabe and make his name Kitanamaro and I return Hōkun’s name to Hiromushime.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Further, although Myōki is a different person to Hiromushime her heart is the same so I also remove her name and equally lower her.”

Senmyō 45. Jingo Keiun 3 10th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 天皇御命良麻止麻久毛新城大宮天下治給 天皇 臣等 御命 之久 汝等 都留 朝庭 奉侍 良牟 状教詔 牟止曾都留

2. 於太比 諸聞食。

3. 貞 朕子天皇 奉侍 護助 麻都礼

4. 継 天方 是太子 助奉侍

5. 朕 教給 御命 不順 之天 王等 麻之字岐 宝位 望求 伊射奈 穢心 在謀 起 臣等 比伎婢企是 託彼 都都 無礼 構。

6. 如是在 人等 乎波 朕必天翔給 見行 退給 捨給 岐良

7. 天地 不蒙

8. 是状知 奉侍 乎波 慈給 愍給 治給

9. 復天 永世 門不絶奉侍

10. 許己知 麻利 浄心 奉侍 将命 止奈毛都流止 於保世給 御命 乎  衆諸聞食 宣。

11. 復詔 御門帝皇 御命以 之久 奉侍 諸臣等朕 太皇后 能奉侍

12. 朕 念。

13. 継 天方 朕子太子 二心無 之天 奉侍

14. 朕 子二 利止 云言 無。

15. 唯此太子一人 乃味曾 在。

16. 此心知 諸護助奉侍

17. 然朕 御身都可 良之 於保麻之麻 湏 太子 日嗣高御座 天方 授 麻都流 之久 天下 政事

18. 復上 三宝 御法 之米 出家道人 治 麻都 諸天神 地祇 祭祀 不絶 下 天下 諸人民 愍給

19. 復勅 之久 此帝 云物 授不給 天方己止毛不得 亦変 奴流

20. 朕 在人 止毛 不能 知 目 天牟乎波 麻而 麻世与

21. 復 勅 之久 東人 授刀 之牟留 近護 止之天之米 与止天奈毛 在。

22. 是東人 止毛 不立 一心 護物

23. 此心知 汝都 可弊 比之 御命 不忘。

24. 此状悟 諸東国 人等謹 之末利 奉侍

25. 然挂 二所 天皇 御命 受賜 念持 止毛 由無 之弖 云聞 之牟留 事 不得 猶 。

26. 此 令聞 止奈毛都留

27. 故是以今朕 汝等 教給 御命 衆諸聞食 宣。

28. 夫君 願求 得事 甚難 云言 乎波 皆知 止毛 謀乎遅奈   我 都与 必得 天牟止 種種 願禱 止毛 猶諸聖天神 地祇御霊 不免給 不授給物   自然 申顕己 天毛都々 滅災

29. 因茲 天地 恨君臣 乎毛

30. 猶心 天地 憎多麻波 捨不給 之天 蒙身 家牟

31. 生 天方 官位 昌死 弖波 善名 遠世 流伝 天牟

32. 是故先 賢人云 久体方利奴礼止名波

33. 又云 天方 必改 天方 莫忘 止 伊布

34. 然物 之止乎波 不覆地 不載

35. 此 伊波之捨伊波

36. 猶朕 読誦 最勝王経 王法正論品 若造善悪業  令 於現在中諸天共護持 示其善悪報。

37. 国人造悪業王者不禁制 此非順正理 。

38. 治擯当如法 在。

39. 是 汝等 教導

40. 今世 尔方 世間 栄福 忠浄名 後世 尔方 人天 勝楽 所念 天奈毛 是事 教給 布止 御命 衆諸聞食 宣。

41. 復詔 此賜 多麻波 利 弖汝等乃 等等 能倍 直 教事 不違 之天止奈毛 此帯 久止 御命 衆諸聞食 宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to nori-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki nipikwi no opo-miya ni ame no sita wosame-tamapi-si naka tu sumyeramikoto no omi-tati wo myesite noti no opo-mikoto ni nori-tamapi-siku .

2. imasi-tati wo myesi-turu koto pa mikadwo ni tukape-matura-mu sama wosipe-tamapi-noritamapa-mu to so myesi-turu .

3. odapi ni paberite moromoro kiki-tamapeyo .

4. tadasi-ku akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite wa ga kwo sumyeramikoto ni tukape-maturi mamori-tasuke-mature .

5. tugite pa ko no pitugi no mi-kwo wo tasuke-tukape-mature .

6. wa ga wosipe-tamapu mikoto ni sitagapa-zu site opo-kimi-tati pa ono ga u masizi-ki mikadwo no taputwo-ki mi-kurawi wo nozomi-motome pito wo izanapi asi-ku kitana-ki kokoro wo motite sakasima ni aru pakarikoto wo tate omi-tati pa ono ga pikibiki kore ni tuki kare ni yoritutu katakuna ni wiya na-ki kokoro wo omopite yokosima no pakarikoto wo kamapu .

7. kaku ara-mu pito-domo woba ware kanarazu ama-gakeri-tamapite mi-sonapasi-sirizoke-tamapi sute-tamapi kirapi-tamapa-mu mono so .

8. ametuti no sakipapi mo kagapurazi .

9. kaku no sama sirite akiraka ni kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-matura-mu pito woba utukusibwi-tamapi aparemi-tamapite wosame-tamapa-mu mono so .

10. mata ame no sakipapi mo kagapuri naga-ki yo ni kadwo taye-zu tukape-maturi-sakaye-mu .

11. koko sirite tutusimari kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-mature to nori-tamapa-mu to namo myesi-turu to nori-tamapi opose-tamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

12. mata nori-tamapaku kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki wa ga ame no mikadwo sumyera ga opo-mikoto motite nori-tamapi-si-ku ware ni tukape-matura-mu moromoro no omi-tati ware wo kimi to omopa-mu pito pa opo-kisaki ni yo-ku tukape-mature .

13. ware wo omopite aru ga goto-ku koto ni na omopi .

14. tugite pa wa ga kwo pitugi no mi-kwo ni akiraka ni kiywo-ku puta-gokoro na-ku site tukape-mature .

15. ware pa kwo puta-ri to ipu koto pa na-si .

16. tada ko no pitugi no mi-kwo pito-ri nomwi so wa ga kwo pa aru .

17. ko no kokoro sirite moromoro mamori-tasuke-tukape-mature .

18. sikaraba ware pa mi-mwi tukarasi-ku opomasimasu ni yorite pitugi no mi-kwo ni ama tu pitugi takamikura no tugite pa saduke-maturu to nori-tamapite ware ni nori-tamapi-si-ku ame no sita no maturigoto pa utukusibwi wo motite wosameyo .

19. mata kami pa samubou no mi-nori wo sakaye-sime ipye de se-si pito wo wosame-maturi tugi pa moromoro no ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no maturi wo tata-zu simo pa ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo aparemi-tamapye .

20. mata nori-tamapa-si-ku ko no mikadwo no kurawi to ipu mono pa ame no saduke-tamapa-nu pito ni sadukete pa tamotu koto mo e-zu mata kapyerite mwi mo porobwi-nuru mono so .

21. wa ga tatete aru pito to ipu tomo mimasi ga kokoro ni yo-kara-zu to siri me ni mi-te-mu pito woba aratamete tate-mu koto pa kokoro no manima seyo to nori-tamapi-ki .

22. mata nori-tamapi-si-ku wa ga adumabito ni tati wo sadukete pabera-simuru koto pa mimasi no tika-ki mamori to site mamora-simeyo to omopite namo aru .

23. ko no adumabito pa tune ni ipaku pitapi ni pa ya pa tatu tomo se pa ya pa tatazi to ipite kimi wo pito-tu kokoro wo motite mamoru mono so .

24. ko no kokoro sirite mimasi tukapye to nori-tamapi-si opo-mikoto wo wasure-zu .

25. kaku no sama satorite moromoro no adumakuni no pito-domo tutusimari-tukape-mature .

26. sikaru ni kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki puta-tokoro no sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo wa ga itadaki ni uke-tamaparite piru mo yworu mo omoposi-motite aredomo yosi na-ku site pito ni ipi kika-simuru koto e-zu napo ari-ki .

27. kore ni yorite moromoro no pito ni kika-sime-mu to namo myesi-turu .

28. kare koko wo motite ima wa ga imasi-tati wo wosipe-tamapa-mu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

29. sore kimi no kurawi pa negapi-motomuru wo motite uru koto pa ito kata-si to ipu koto woba mwina sirite aredomo saki no pito pa pakarigoto wodina-si ware pa yo-ku tuyo-ku pakarite kanarazu e-te-mu to omopite kusagusa ni negapi-inoredomo napo syosyau ama tu kamwi kuni tu kamwi no mi-tama no yurusi-tamapa-zu saduke-tamapa-nu mono ni areba onodukara ni pito mo mawosi-arapasi ono ga kuti wo motite mo ipitutu kapyerite mwi wo porobosi wazapapi wo kagapurite tupi ni tumi wo onore mo pito mo onazi-ku itasi-tu .

30. kore ni yorite ametuti wo urami kimi omi wo mo urami-nu .

31. napo kokoro wo aratamete napo-ku kiywo-ku araba ametuti mo nikumi-tamapa-zu kimi mo sute-tamapa-zu site sakipapi wo kagapuri mwi mo yasukye-mu .

32. ikite pa tukasakurawi wo tamapari sakaye-sinite pa yo-ki na wo topo-ki yo ni nagasi-tutape-te-mu .

33. ko no yuwe ni saki no sakasi-ki pito ipite araku mwi pa papi to tomo ni tuti ni udumori-nuredo na pa keburi to tomi ni ame ni noboru to ip-yeri mata ipaku ayamati wo sirite pa kanarazu aratameyo yo-ki wo ete pa wasuru na to ipu .

34. sikaru monowo kuti ni ware pa kiywo-si to ipite kokoro ni kitana-ki woba ame no opopa-zu tuti no nosenu mono to nari-nu .

35. ko wo tamotu i pa tatape wo itasi suturu i pa sosiri wo maneki-tu .

36. napo wa ga taputwobwi-worogami dokuzyu si maturu saisyouwaugyau no waubopusyauronbon ni nori-tamapaku mosi zenaku no gepu wo tukuru toki ni pa yo-ku genzai no naka ni syoten mo tomo ni godi site so no zenaku no pou wo simyesu .

37. kokuzin no akugepu wo tukuru wo wau no sutete kinsei se-zu ara-mu i pa kore syauri ni jun se-zu .

38. dipin se-mu koto masa ni nori no goto-ku seyo to nori-tamapite ari .

39. koko wo motite imasi-tati wo wosipe-mitibiku .

40. ko no yo ni pa seken no yaupuku wo kagapuri tadasi-ku kiywo-ki na wo arapasi noti no yo ni pa ninden no syauraku wo ukete tupi ni potoke to nare to omoposite namo moromoro ni ko no koto wo wosipe-tamapu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

41. mata nori-tamapaku ko no tamapu obi wo tamaparite imasi-tati no kokoro wo totonope-napo-si wa ga wosipe koto ni tagapa-zu site tukane wosame-mu sirusi to namo ko no obi wo tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that I have been entrusted to proclaim as the words of the Emperor: “The middle Emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the Niiki palace summoned the statesmen and, in a posthumous edict, proclaimed: ‘I gather you to teach you how to serve the court. Serve quietly and all of you listen. Serve my child, the Empress, protect and assist her with a proper, clear and pure heart. Next, assist and serve the heavenly imperial heir. Lords, forgetting that which I have taught them, desire and long for the precious imperial throne that they can never obtain and enticing people they create a rebellious plot with an evil and dirty heart and statesmen follow and depend on this as the please and devise improper plots thinking stupid and disrespectful thoughts. I will surely, in my all-seeing spirit form, see and lower, get rid of and cast aside such people! They will surely not receive the fortunes of heaven and earth. I shall bless and take pity on those who understand this and serve with a clear and pure heart. Further, they shall receive the blessings of heaven and they shall serve and blossom for a long time, their household continuing. Know this and serve with a clear heart, being cautious.’”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that also says: “My heavenly Emperor, too awesome to mention, proclaimed in an imperial edict: ‘All the statesmen who serve me, all those who think of me as Lord, serve the Empress well. Think of her as you do me, not differently. Next, serve my child, the imperial heir, clearly and purely, not divided. I do not have two children. My only child is the imperial heir. All of you, know that I feel so and protect, assist and serve him. If it is so, I bestow the line of the heavenly throne to the imperial heir.’ He said this and proclaimed to me: ‘Govern the realm with blessings. Also, as for the heavens, make the teachings of the Buddha flourish, reward those who have become priests and next do not cease the festivals of the gods of the heavens and earth, and as for the earth, take pity on the people of the realm.’ He also proclaimed: ‘If the role of Emperor is bestowed on one not chosen by heaven, it cannot last long and they will become ruined. Do as you will, establishing a different person to the one I have chosen if you know their heart is not good and you can see that in their eyes.’ He also proclaimed: ‘The reason why I gave the Eastern people a sword and made it their servant is to make it protect you as your close bodyguard. The Eastern people always say, “The arrow stands in the forehead but not in the back,” so the sword protects you unified. Know this and serve.’ I do not forget this edict. All of you people of the eastern provinces, understand this, be prepared and serve! Thus, I humbly received the imperial edict of the two emperors, too awesome to mention, and though I thought about them day and night I could not tell people about it as I had no reason—I left it so. So I have summoned you all to tell everyone of this! Therefore, hear the edict that I proclaim to you now.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “Although everyone knows it is very difficult to become Lord desiring and longing for it, previous people, their scheme poor, thought that with their good and strong plan they would definitely become Lord. Since things the various deities and the gods of heaven and earth did not listen and bestow the role of Lord despite them desiring and praying for many things, naturally other people also say such things with their own mouths but, rather, this ruins the self and brings about calamities and in the end not only the person but also others commit crimes equally. So, he hates the heaven and earth and even the lords and statesmen. But, if he changes his heart and it is correct and clear, the heaven and earth do not detest him, his Lord does not banish him and he will receive fortune and his body will be peaceful. In life we receive posts and ranks and make them flourish, in death we pass on our good name to long-running generations. For this reason, the wise person from before said: ‘Though the body returns to the earth with ash, the name rises to the heaven like smoke.’ He also said: ‘Knowing your mistakes, correct them and being good, do not forget it.’ However, if your mouth says you are pure but your heart is dirty you will no longer be blessed by heaven and you shall not stand on the earth. Keeping this you bring praise, discarding this you invite insult. But still, in the Ōbōshōronbon of the Golden Light Sutra, which I revere, worship and recite, it is said: ‘When judging good and evil, the various deities will also support you well in the present and show you good and evil. It is not the moral way if the king does not banish and ban a person of the realm who has performed an evil act. Do exactly as written in law punishing appropriately.’ So, I teach and you lead you all. I teach all of you this so that in this world you may bring fruit and fortune to the people and make a correct and pure name and in the next world receive the Bliss of human heaven and eventually become a Buddha.”I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that also says: “I receive this belt that has been bestowed and I organize and correct all of your hearts and I bestow this belt as a sign that you shall not cross my teachings and you shall be unified.”

Senmyō 46. Jingo Keiun 3 11th Month (769), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今勅今日新嘗良比乃明聞許之売湏在。

2. 然昨日冬至日仁天雨天潤万物毛延阿流良牟止伊豫国与利白祥鹿献奉礼方有礼志与呂許保志止奈毛

3. 復三善事同時己止甚希有念畏末利諸臣等異奇麗白乎奈毛見喜

4. 故是以黒記白記御酒食恵良賜酒幣物賜礼止之天御物給波久止宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku kyepu pa nipinape no naporapi no toyo no akari kikosi-myesu pi ni ari .

2. sikaru ni kinopu no puyu no kipami no pi ni ame purite tuti mo urupopi yorodu no mono mo megumi moye-pazimete yo-ku aru ramu to omopu ni iyo no kuni yori sirwo-ki sirusi no sika wo tatematurite areba uresi yorokobosi to namo miru .

3. mata mi-tu no yogoto no oyazi toki ni atumarite aru koto ito medurasi to omoposi-kasikwomari-taputwobwi omi-tati to tomo ni koto ni ayasi-ku urupasi-ki sirwo-ki katati wo namo mi-yorokoburu .

4. kare koko wo motite kurwoki sirwoki no mi-ki tamape weraki tune mo tamapu sakamapi no mono tamapare to site opo-mimono tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
Now I proclaim: “Today is the day when we partake in the drink banquet of Naorai of Niinane. However, when I thought it is presumably good as yesterday was the end of Winter and it rained, the earth is wet, and myriad things are beginning to grow rich and bud, a deer with a white sign was offered up from Iyo province and I saw it happy and pleasing indeed. Also, I thought it very rare for three blessings to gather together at the same time and I fear and revere it and with the statesmen I see its strangely miraculous, graceful and white form and am happy. So with this, I bestow gifts so that you receive and delight in black and white alcohol and receive my gift of alcohol I always bestow.”

Senmyō 47. Hōki 1 8th Month (770), Empress Shōtoku gloss tree

1. 今詔事卒尔有依諸臣等議白壁王諸王年歯奈利又先帝在故太子 奏流麻尔麻定給布止久止宣。

1. ima nori-tamapaku koto nipaka ni aru ni yorite omi-tati pakarite sirakabye no opo-kimi pa opo-kimi-tati no naka ni yopapi mo ko no kami nari mata saki no mikadwo no mi-isawo mo aru yuwe ni pitugi no mi-kwo to sadamete mawoseba mawos-eru manima sadame-tamapu to nori-tamapaku to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
Now I proclaim: “Due to the sudden situation, I measure up the statesmen and Shirakabe both the eldest of the lords and was successful under the previous court so I say that I fix him as the imperial heir and fix him accordingly.”

Senmyō 48. Hōki 1 10th Month (770), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇詔旨勅命 親王諸王諸臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 掛奈良宮御宇倭根子天皇去八月此食国天下之業拙劣朕被賜而仕奉負賜授賜伎止勅天皇詔旨受被賜恐受被賜懼進不知退不知久止勅命 衆聞宣。

3. 然此天日嗣高御座之業者天坐神地坐祇相宇豆奈比奉相扶奉事弖志此座者平安御坐天下者所知物良之止奈母所念行

4. 又皇坐而天下治賜君者賢臣能人得而天下乎波平安治物良志止奈母聞看行

5. 故是以大命坐勅朕雖拙弱親王始而王臣等相穴奈比奉相扶奉依而此之負賜授賜食国天下之政者平安仕奉倍之止奈母所念行

6. 故是以衆浄明心正直言以而食国政奏天下公民恵治倍之止奈母所念行湏止勅天皇命衆聞宣。

7. 辞別詔今年八月五日肥後国葦北郡人日奉部広主売献白亀。

8. 又同月十七日同国益城郡人山稲主献白亀。

9. 此則並合大瑞。

10. 故天地貺大瑞者受被賜歓受被賜可貴物在。

11. 是以改神護景雲四年為宝亀元年。

12. 又仕奉人等中仕奉状随一二人等冠位上賜治賜

13. 又大赦天下。

14. 又天下六位已下有位人等給位一階。

15. 大神宮始諸社之祢宜等給位一階。

16. 又僧綱始諸寺師位僧尼等御物布施賜

17. 又高年人等養賜。

18. 又困乏人等恵賜

19. 又孝義有人等其事免賜。

20. 又今年天下田租免賜久止宣天皇勅衆聞宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki nara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si yamato nekwo sumyeramikoto no ini-si padukwi ni ko no wosukuni ame no sita no waza wo tutana-ku wodina-ki ware ni tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamapi saduke-tamapi-ki to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwomi uke-tamapari-odi susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwomi-masaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. sikaru ni ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza pa ame ni masu kamwi kuni ni masu kamwi no api-udu-napi-maturi api-tasuke-maturu koto ni yorite si ko no kurawi ni pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku opo-masi-masite ame no sita pa sira-si-myesu mono ni aru rasi to namo omoposi-myesu .

4. mata sumyera to imasite ame no sita wosame-tamapu kimi pa sakasi-ki omi no yo-ki pito wo e-te-si ame no sita woba tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosamuru mono ni aru rasi to namo kikosi-myesu .

5. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no api-ananapi-maturi api-tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no opose-tamapi saduke-tamapu wosukuni ni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .

6. kare koko wo motite moromoro kiywo-ku aka-ki kokoro tadasi-ku napo-ki koto wo motite wosukuni no maturigoto mawosi-tamapi ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo utukusibwi-wosamu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

7. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku kotosi no padukwi no itu-ka no pi pi no miti no siri no kuni no asikita no kopori no pito pimaturibye no pironusimye sirwo-ki kame wo tatematuri-ki .

8. mata oyazitukwi no towo-ka amari nanu-ka no pi oyazikuni no masikwi no kopori no pito yama no inanusi sirwo-ki kame wo tatematuri-ki .

9. ko pa sunapati narabi ni daizuwi ni kanap-yeri .

10. kare ametuti no tamap-yeru opo-ki sirusi pa uke-tamapari yorokobwi-uke-tamapari taputwobu be-ki mono ni ari .

11. koko wo motite zingokeiun no yotose wo aratamete pouki no pazime no tosi to su .

12. mata tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni si ka tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite pito-ri puta-ri-domo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

13. mata ame no sita piro-ku tumi yurusi-tamapu .

14. mata ame no sita no mu-tu no kurawi ywori simo tu kata no kurawi aru pito-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .

15. opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete yasiroyasiro no negwi-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .

16. mata popusi no tukasa wo pazimete teradera no si no kurawi no popusi ama-domo ni opo-mimono podokosi-tamapu .

17. mata tosi taka-ki pito-domo yasinapi-tamapu .

18. mata madusi-ki pito-domo utukusibwi-tamapu .

19. mata keugi aru pito-domo so no koto yurusi-tamapu .

20. mata kotosi ame no sita no tadikara yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the world, all of you hear the imperial edict that I proclaim as the words of the Emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the edict that says: “I humbly receive—I receive in fear—the edict of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, too awesome to mention, who ruled the realm from the palace at Nara, in which the Emperor, the last 8th month, commanded me to serve and bestowed this throne of the realm I rule to me, I who am of poor ability and lacking, and I and in fear and awe, not knowing what to do.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that says: “Thus, I think that this heavenly high throne is something in which you rule the realm and are calm and peaceful in the throne only by the gods of heaven and earth thinking it good and assisting together the realm. Also, I hear that the Lord who rules the realm as emperor rules the realm peacefully and calmly only by having wise and good statesmen. So, I proclaim in an edict: ‘Though I am unskilled and lacking, I shall govern peacefully and calmly over my realm, which is burdened on and entrusted to me, only by the imperial children, lords and statesmen each advising and serving. So, I shall make the people of the realm beautiful by everyone humbly telling me the governance of my land with a pure and clear heart and correct and proper words.’”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict that also says: “On the fifth day of the eighth month of this year Himatsuribe-no-Hironushime, a person of the hamlet of Ashikita in Hinomichi-no-Shiri province offered up a white turtle. On the seventeenth of the same month Yama-no-Inanushi, a person of the hamlet of Mashiki of the same province offered up a white turtle. This are, therefore, together a great sign. So, I humbly receive joyously these great signs bestowed by heaven and earth and they should be revered. So I change the eight year of Jingo-Keiun to the first year of Hōki. Further, I raise the cap and rank of one or two among those who serve me based on their service. Also, I pardon all crimes of the realm. Next, I raise the rank by one of those in the realm who are lower than the sixth rank. I raise the rank by one of the Negi of the shrines, starting with the palace of the Gods. Next, I bestow gifts far-and-wide to the priests and nuns in the temples of the rank of Shi, starting with the priest officials. I nurture the elderly. I make the poor beautiful. I pardon those who are pious. I pardon the realm of its field tax this year.”

Senmyō 49. Hōki 1 11th Month (770), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 現神大八州所知倭根子天皇詔旨宣詔旨親王王臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞食宣。

2. 朕以劣弱身承鴻業畏進不知退不知所念御命自独能味夜受給武止所念弖奈毛尔麻尔追皇掛恐御春日宮皇子 奉称天皇又兄弟姉妹諸王子等悉作親王冠位上給治給。

3. 又以井上內親王定皇后宣天皇御命衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamto nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. ware tutana-ku wodina-ki mwi ni ama tu pitugi wo uke-tamaparite kasikwomari odi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoku mo sira-ni omoposeba taputwo-ku yorokobosi-ki opo-mikoto wo midukara pito-ri nomwi ya uke-tamapara-mu to omoposite namo nori no manima-ni kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki kasuga no miya ni masi-masi-si mi-kwo wo opite sumyera to si sumyeramikoto to mawosi mata ani oto ane imo moromoro no opo-kimi-tati wo koto-goto-ku mi-kwo to nasite kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

3. mata wi no pe no pimyemikwo wo opo-kisaki to sadame-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, bureaucrats and the people of the world, all of you hear the edict which I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight islands as a living god.I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the emperor which proclaim: “As I think that I, of poor ability and lacking, have humbly received the heavenly line of Amaterasu and fear it, not knowing whether to do this or that, I think, ‘how can I alone receive the reverent and pleasing edict’, so I call imperial child who I succeed and served in the palace at Kasuga, too awesome to mention, an emperor according to the laws. Also, I make all of my brothers and sisters who are lords into imperial children and raise their cap and rank. Further, I fix the lady at Inoe my empress.”

Senmyō 50. Hōki 2 1st Month (771), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 明神御八州養徳根子天皇 詔旨勅命 親王諸王諸臣百官人等 天下公民 衆聞宣。

2. 随法皇后御子他戸親王立為皇太子。

3. 故此状悟百官人等仕奉詔天皇御命諸聞食宣。

4. 故是以大赦天下罪人。

5. 又一二人等冠位上賜治賜。

6. 又官人等大御手物賜。

7. 高年窮乏孝義人等養給治賜牟止勅天皇命衆聞宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamto nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. nori no manima-ni opo-kisaki no mi-kwo wosabe no mi-kwo wo tatete pitugi no mi-kwo to sidamapu .

3. kare kaku no sama satorite tukasadukasa no pito-domo tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. kare koko wo motite ame no sita no tumibito piro-ku tumi yurusi-tamapu .

5. mata pito-ri puta-ri-domo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

6. mata tukasabito-domo ni opo-mite tu mono tamapu .

7. tosi taka-ki pito madusi-ki pito keugi aru pito-domo yasinapi-tamapi wosame-tamapa-mu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, bureaucrats and the people of the world, all of you hear the edict that I proclaim as the words of the emperor, the Yamato ruler, who rules the eight islands as a living god. I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the emperor which proclaim: “According to the laws I raise Wosabe, the empress, and make her the heir. So, understanding this, serve, bureaucrats!”I proclaim, all of you hear the words of the emperor which proclaim: “With this I forgive all the punishments of the criminals of the world. Further, I raise the cap and rank of one or two people. Also I bestow gifts on the bureaucrats. I will cultivate the elderly, poor and pious.”

Senmyō 51. Hōki 2 2nd Month (771), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 藤原左大臣詔大命宣。

2. 大命坐詔大臣明日者参出来仕牟止賜間休息安麻利弖参出末湏之帝天皇朝置而罷退聞看而於母富佐久於与豆礼加母多波許止乎加母云。

3. 信尔之有者仕奉太政官之政乎波誰任之加母伊麻湏孰授加母伊麻湏

4. 恨加母加母

5. 朕大臣誰尔加母我語比佐気牟尔加母我問比佐気牟止悔弥大御泣哭詔大命宣。

6. 悔加母加母

7. 自今日者大臣之奏之政者不聞看

8. 自明日者大臣之仕奉儀者不看行

9. 日月累往麻尔麻尔悲事乃未之弥可起加母

10. 歳時積往麻尔麻尔佐夫之岐事乃未之弥可益加母

11. 朕大臣春秋麗色乎波誰倶加母見行弄賜

12. 山川浄所者孰倶加母見行阿加良閉賜牟止歎賜憂賜大坐坐詔大命宣。

13. 美麻之大臣万政惣以無怠緩事無曲傾事王臣等乎母彼此別心普平奏公民之上乎母広厚慈而奏事。

14. 此耳不在天皇朝暫之間罷出而 休息安母布食国之政平善可在状 天下公民之息安麻流倍伎旦夕夜日不云 思議奏仕奉者欸意大比之美多能母志保之ツツ大坐坐間忽朕朝離而 罷止富良之奴礼婆牟須部母無為牟湏倍母不知尔和備賜大坐坐詔大命宣。

15. 又事別詔仕奉事広弥麻之大臣之家内子等乎母波布理不賜失不賜慈賜波牟起賜波牟温賜波牟省賜波牟

16. 美麻之大臣罷道宇之呂軽意太比尔念而平止富良湏倍之止詔大命宣。

1. pudipara no pidari no opo-mapye tu kimi ni noritamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .

2. opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku opo-mapye tu kimi asu pa mawi-de-ki-tukape-mu to matapi-tamapu apida ni yasumarite mawi-de-masu koto pa na-ku site sumyera ga mikadwo wo okite makari-imasu to kikosi-myesite omoposaku oyodure kamo tapakoto wo kamo ipu .

3. makoto ni si araba tukape-maturi-si opo-maturigoto no tukasa no maturigoto woba tare ni yosasi kamo makari imasu .

4. tare ni saduke kamo makari-imasu .

5. uramyesi kamo kanasi kamo .

6. wa ga opo-mapye tu kimi tare ni kamo wa ga katarapi-sake-mu tare ni kamo wa ga twopi-sake-mu to kuyasi-mi atarasi-mi ita-mi kanasi-mi opo-mi-ne-naka-si-masu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .

7. kuyasi kamo atarasi kamo .

8. kyepu ywori pa opo-mapye tu kimi no mawosi-si maturigoto pa kikosi-myesa-zu ya nara-mu .

9. asu ywori pa opo-mapye tu kimi no tukape-maturi-si sugata pa misonapasa-zu ya nara-mu .

10. pitukwi kasanari-yuku manima-ni kanasi-ki koto nomwi si iyoyo okoru be-ki kamo .

11. tosi tumori-yuku manima-ni sabusi-ki koto nomwi si iyoyo masaru be-ki kamo .

12. wa ga opo-mapye tu kimi paruaki no urupasi-ki iro woba tare to tomo ni kamo misonapasi-mote-aswobi-tamapa-mu .

13. yamakapa no kiywo-ki tokoro ba tare to tomo ni kamo misonapasi-akarape-tamapa-mu to nageki-tamapi urepe-tamapi opo-masi-masu to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .

14. mimasi opo-mapye tu kimi no yorodu no maturigoto pusane-motite okotari-yurupu koto na-ku mage-katabukuru koto na-ku opo-kimi-tati omi-tati wo mo karekore waku kokoro na-ku amane-ku tapirake-ku mawosapi opo-mi-takara no upe wo mo piro-ku atu-ku utukusibwite mawosapisi koto .

15. kore nomwi ni ara-zu sumyera ga mikadwo wo simaraku no ma mo makari-idete yasumopu koto na-ku wosukuni no maturigoto no nagusi-ku aru be-ki sama ame no sita no opo-mitakara no yasumaru be-ki koto wo asayupu yworupiru to ipa-zu omopi-pakari-mawosi-tamapi-tukape-matureba iswosi-mi akirake-mi odapisi-mi tanomosi-mi omopo-situtu opo-masi-masu apida ni tatimati ni wa ga mikadwo wo sakarite makari-topora-si-nureba ipa-mu sube mo na-ku se-mu sube mo sira-ni kuyasibwi-tamapi wabwi-tamapi opo-masi-masu to noritamapu opo-mikto wo noritamapu .

16. mata kotowakite nori-tamapaku tukape-maturi-si koto piro-mi atu-mi mimasi opo-mapye tu kimi no ipye no uti no kwo-domo wo mo papuri-tamapa-zu usinapi-tamapa-zu utukusibwi-tamapa-mu okosi-tamapa-mu tadune-tamapa-mu kapyeri-mi-tamapa-mu .

17. mimasi opo-mapye tu kimi no makaridi mo usiro karo-ku kokoro mo odapi ni omopite tapirake-ku saki-ku makari-topora-su be-si to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim the edict that is said to the Fujiwara Minister of the Left.I proclaim the edict which says: “When I was waiting, thinking, tomorrow my Great Lord will leave his house and come and serve, you did not come as you were resting and I heard that you had passed away, abandoning the imperial court. When I heard this I thought, ‘What trickery and lies!’ If this is true, to whom did he entrust, to whom did he bestow the tasks of the Chancellor the Realm that he was fulfilling? What a shame! How sad! O Great Lord, I cry divine tears thinking it regrettable, wasteful, painful and sad—To whom shall I talk? To whom shall I ask?”I proclaim the edict that says: “I am lamenting and in grief: How regrettable! What a waste! Am I to no longer hear the governance that my Great Lord spoke from today? Am I to no longer see the humble service of my Great Lord from tomorrow? As the days and months pass, only my sadness will be more and more! As the years go by, only my loneliness will increase evermore! O Great Lord, with whom shall I see, pick and take pleasure in the beautiful colours of the spring and autumn? With whom shall I see the mountains and rivers and clear my mind?”I proclaim the edict that says: “In all of your myriad governances, you were never lacking or remit, you never went wrong or strayed, you spoke far-reaching and peacefully of the Lords and statesmen not picking at this or that and, widely and warmly you made the people beautiful told me of them! Not only this, you did not leave the imperial court for even a short while to rest, and you served morning and evening, day and night, thinking about, discussing and speaking to me about how to make the governance of my realm tranquil, how to make the people of the realm peaceful. While I was thinking all of this diligent, clear, calm and reliable, you suddenly became far from my court, you passed away and I am full of regret and bewildered, with nothing to say and not knowing what to do.”I proclaim the edict that further says: “With your service being broad and warm, I will not split up and lose the children of your house, I shall make them beautiful, stir them up, enquire after them and show concern for them. Great Lord, you should pass away and move on calmly and full of fortune, thinking your pilgrimage to the underworld and that which you leave behind unburdened and you should have a peaceful heart.”

Senmyō 52. Hōki 2 2nd Month (771), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 大命坐詔美麻志大臣仕奉来状波不今耳畏近江大津宮御宇天皇御世尔八大臣之曾祖藤原朝臣内大臣明浄心以天皇朝助奉仕奉

2. 藤原宮御宇天皇御世尔八祖父太政大臣又明浄心以天皇朝助奉仕奉

3. 今大臣者鈍朕扶奉仕奉麻之都

4. 賢臣等累世而仕奉麻佐部流乎奈母加多自気奈伊蘇志美思坐

5. 故是以祖等仕奉仁母有又朕大臣仕奉状太政大臣之位上賜授賜時固辞申而不受賜成尔岐

6. 然後将賜富之之奈何良太政大臣之位上賜治賜久止詔大命宣。

1. opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku mimasi opo-mapye tu kimi no tukape-maturi-ko-si sama pa ima nomwi nara-zu kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga mi-yo ni pa opo-mapye tu kimi no opo-opodi pudipara no asomi no uti no opo-omi aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturi-ki .

2. pudipara no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyera ga mi-yo ni pa opo-di opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi mata aka-ku kiywo-ki kokoro wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturi-ki .

3. ima opo-mapye tu kimi pa wodina-ki ware wo tasuke-maturi tukape-maturi-masi-tu .

4. sakasi-ki omi-tati no yo wo kasanete tukape-maturi-masap-yeru koto wo namo katazikena-mi iswosi-mi omoposi-masu .

5. kare koko wo motite oya-tati no tukape-maturi-si tugite ni mo ari mata wa ga opo-mapye tu kimi no tukape-maturu sama mo itapasi-mi ikasi-mi opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi ni age-tamapi saduke-tamapu toki ni kata-ku inabwi-mawosite uke-tamapara-zu nari-ni-ki .

6. sikaru noti mo tamapa-mu to omoposi-masi-nagara opo-maturigoto no opo-mapye tu kimi no kurawi ni age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim in an edict: “The way you have served is not only now but in the reign of the emperor too awesome to mention who ruled from the palace at Omi-no-Otsu your great-grandfather Fujiwara-no-Asomi-no-Uchi served and assisted the imperial court with a pure and clear heart. In the reign of the emperor who ruled the world from Fujiwara, your grandfather the Chancellor of the Realm, again with a pure and clear heart, assisted and served the imperial court. Now, you have assisted and served I who am lacking. I think the humble serving through the ages of wise statesmen is troublesome and diligent. So with this [he] is both the inheritor of the humble service of his parents and he also serves as my great lord painfully and gravely so I raise him to be the great Lord, the Chancellor of the Realm, but when I bestowed this rank he firmly rejected it and did not receive it. However thinking that I will bestow it to him again, I raise him to the role of Chancellor of the Realm.”

Senmyō 53. Hōki 3 3rd Month (772), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇御命良麻止宣御命 百官人等天下百姓衆聞食倍止宣。

2. 今裳咋足嶋謀反事自首世利

3. 勘問 申事波 度年経月尔計利

4. 法勘流尔 足嶋罪在倍之

5. 然度年経月弖毛 奈何良 自首良久乎勧賜比 冠位上賜治賜波久止宣天皇御命衆聞食倍止宣。

6. 辞別宣謀反事隠而申佐奴奴等粟田広上安都堅石女随法斬行賜倍之

7. 然思保湏大御心坐依而免賜奈太毎賜比弖遠流罪治賜波久止宣天皇御命衆聞食倍止宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .

2. ima mokupi no tarusima mupon no koto midukara arapasi-mawos-eri .

3. kamugape-twopu ni mawosu koto pa tosi wo watari tukwi wo pe-ni-kyeri .

4. nori wo kamugapuru ni tarusima mo tumi aru be-si .

5. sikaredomo tosi wo watari tukwi wo pete mo yatukwo-nagara midukara arapasi-mawos-eraku wo susume-tamapi kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .

6. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku mupon no koto ni adukarite kakusite mawosa-nu yatukwo-domo apata no pirope ato no katasipamye pa nori no manima-ni zan no tumi ni okonapi-tamapu be-si .

7. sikaredomo omoposu opo-mikokoro imasu ni yorite yurusi-tamapi nadame-tamapite topo-ku nagasu tumi ni wosame-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “Mokuhi-no-Tarushima just gave himself up telling me of the treason. Thinking and asking him about it he said that this had been going on for months and years. Tarushima should be punished according to the law. However I encourage his giving himself up and telling me of this as my servant for months and years so I raise his cap and rank.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims on a separate note: “Awata-no-Hirobe and Ato-no-Katashiwame, my vassals who were involved in the treason, hid it and did not tell me of it, should be beheaded according to the law. However, according to my feelings for them I forgive and care for them and punish them to be expelled to a distance province.”

Senmyō 54. Hōki 3 5th Month (772), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇御命良麻止宣御命百官人等天下百姓衆聞食倍止宣。

2. 今皇太子定賜部流他戸王其母井上内親王魘魅大逆之事一二遍能味仁不在麻年久発覚

3. 其高御座天之日嗣座非吾一人之私座止奈毛所思行

4. 故是以天之日嗣定賜儲賜部流皇太子位謀反大逆人之子治賜部例婆卿等百官人等天下百姓良麻久毛賀多自気奈志。

5. 加以後世安長可在仁毛不在奈賀良母所念行湏仁依而奈母他戸王皇太子之位停賜却賜布止宣天皇御命衆聞食倍止宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamape to noritamapu .

2. ima pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamap-yeru wosabe no opo-kimi so no papa wi nope no pimye mi-kwo no enmidaigyaku no koto pitotabi puta-tabi nomwi ni ara-zu tabimaneku arapare-nu .

3. sore takamikura ame no pitugi no kurawi pa ware pito-ri no watakusi no kurawi ni ara-zu to namo omoposi-myesu .

4. kare koko wo motite ama no pitugi to sadame-tamapi make-tamap-yeru pitugi no mi-kwo no kurawi ni mupondaigyaku no pito no kwo wo wosame-tamap-yereba mapye tu kimi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara no omop-yera-maku mo padukasi katazikena-si .

5. sika nomwi ni ara-zu noti no yo no tapirake-ku yasurake-ku naga-ku mata ku- aru be-ki maturigoto ni mo ara-zu to kamu-nagara mo omoposi-myesu ni yorite namo wosabe no opo-kimi wo pitugi no mi-kwo no kurawi todome-tamapi sirizoke-tamapu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapye to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, officials and people of the realm hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “It has been revealed that Inoe-no-Himemiko, the mother of the Lord Wosabe who is now a heavenly heir, has performed high treason by cursing not only once or twice but many times. I do not think that the high throne of the heavenly line of Amaterasu is my own private throne. So my great lords, the officials and the realm will think if shameful and embarrassing if I make the child of one who has committed high treason an heavenly child, who are decided and commanded to be the heir to the throne. Since I think not only this but also that this governance does not make future reigns safe, peaceful, long and stable, I cease and withdraw the position of the Osabe lord as heavenly child.”

Senmyō 55. Hōki 4 1st Month (773), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 明神大八洲所知和根子天皇詔旨勅命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。

2. 随法可有止志弖山部親王立而皇太子定賜

3. 故此之状悟百官人等仕奉礼止詔天皇勅命衆聞食宣。

4. 大赦天下。

5. 但謀殺殺訖私鑄銭強竊二盗,及常赦所不免者,並不在赦限。

6. 又一二人等冠位上賜高年窮乏孝義人等養給牟止勅天皇命衆聞宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati oo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. nori no manima-ni aru be-ki maturigoto to site yamapye no mi-kwo wo tatete pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamapu .

3. kare kaku no sama satorite tukasadukasa no pito-domo tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

4. [KANBUN_TEXT] mata pito-ri puta-ri-domo ni kagapurikurawi age-tamapi tosi taka-ki pito madusi-ki pito keugi aru pito-domo yasinapi-tamapa-mu to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm: all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the divine words of the emperor, the ruler of Yamato who rules the eight islands as a living God.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “As a governance that should be performed according to the law, I raise the Yamabe prince and make him an imperial child. Officials, understand this and serve! I will raise the cap and rank of one or two people and nurture the elderly, poor and pious.”

Senmyō 56. Hōki 7 4th Month (776), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇 大命良麻等遣唐国使人詔大命聞食宣。

2. 今詔佐伯今毛人宿祢大伴宿祢益立二人今汝等二人遣唐国者今始遣物尔波不在与利自朝使其国其国与利進渡祁里

3. 依此使次遣物

4. 悟此意其人等応為相言

5. 驚呂之岐事行奈世曾

6. 亦所遣使人判官已下死罪已下有犯者順罪止之弖節刀給久止詔大命聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to morokwosi ni tukapa-su tukapi ni noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. ima nori-tamapaku sapeki no ima emisi no sukune opo-tomo no sukune masu tatu puta-ri ima imasi-tati puta-ri wo morokwosi ni tukapa-su pa ima pazimete tukapa-su mono ni pa ara-zu moto ywori mikadwo ywori tukapi ka no kuni ni tukapa-si ka no kuni yori madasi-watasi-kyeri .

3. kore ni yorite tukapi no tugite to tukapa-su mono so .

4. ko no kokoro wo satorite ka no pito-domo no nikwo-mi yasu-mi su be-ku api-ipye .

5. odoro-odorosi-ki kotowaza na-se-so .

6. mata tukapa-su tukapi no maturigotopito ywori simo tu kata korosu tumi ywori simo wokasu koto araba tumi ni sitagapite okonapye to site sirusi no tati tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor to the emissaries serving in Tang.I proclaim, hear the edict I know proclaim, saying: “Saeki-no-Imaemishi-no-Sukune, Otomo-no-Sukune-Masutatsu: your serving in Tang is not the first time people have served there and originally the court has sent emissaries to that state and emissaries have been sent over from that state. Understand the reason for this and each of you talk so that the people there are calm and peaceful. Do not do outlandish acts. Also, I bestow you with a sword of proof so that, if anyone below third rank official commits a crime punishable by less than the death penalty, you perform the punishment accordingly.”

Senmyō 57. Hōki 8 4th Month (777), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 現神 大八洲国所知天皇大命 良麻止詔大命 乎聞食止宣。

2. 遠天皇御世々々年緒不落間 事無仕奉来止奈毛所念行

3. 又天津日嗣受賜 流礼乎左閇歓奉出 礼波奈美之美奈毛所聞行

4. 故是以今毛今毛遠長久平久惠賜比安賜牟止彼国乃王尔波語部止詔天皇大命乎聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasimakuni sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. toposumyeroki no miyomiyo tosi no wo oti-zu apidamu koto na-ku tukape-maturi-kuru waza to namo omoposi-myesu .

3. mata ama tu pitugi uke-tamapar-eru koto wo sape yorokobwi-tatemadas-ereba katazikena-mi yorokobosi-mi namo kikosi-myesu .

4. kare koko wo motite ima mo ima mo topo-naga-ku tapirake-ku utukusibwi-tamapi yasume-tamapa-mu to ka no kuni no konikisi ni pa katarapye to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor, who rules the eight-island land as a living God.I proclaim, hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “I think that this is a service which has continued from the reigns of the distant emperors over unending years, never ceasing. Also, I find it awesome and pleasing to send an emissary out to tell you of my inheritance of the heavenly throne. Tell the king of the state that I shall make the realm beautiful calmly and keep it in peace now and always, far from now.”

Senmyō 58. Ten'ō 1 2nd Month (781), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇大命 良麻止能登内親王 与止詔大命 宣。

2. 此月頃間身労 湏止聞食伊都之 病止 参入 朕心 麻佐牟止今日 明日牟止所念食都々賜間 安加良米佐湏如事久於与豆礼加毛多流罷麻之奴 聞食弖奈毛驚賜大坐

3. 如此在牟止末世婆心置 弖毛相見 弖末之。悔 加毛加毛不知 毛之加毛

4. 朕乎波久乃忘得 末之自美奈毛之乃比賜 大御泣哭大坐麻湏

5. 然 治賜牟止所念止奈毛一品贈賜

6. 子等乎婆二世王 上賜治賜

7. 労 久奈麻之曾

8. 罷麻佐平幸都々牟事無宇志呂良世止与止詔天皇大命宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noto no pimye mi-kwo ni tugeyo to nori-tamapu opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .

2. ko no tukwigoro no apida mwi tukara-su to kikosi-myesite itusi ka yamapi-yamite mawi-rite wa ga kokoro mo nagusame-masa-mu to kyepu ka ara-mu asu ka ara-mu to omoposi-myesitutu matapi-tamapu apida ni akarame-sasu koto no goto-ku oyodure kamo tosi mo taka-ku nari-taru ware wo okite makari-masi-nu to kikosi-myesite namo odoroki-tamapi kuyasibwi-tamapi opomasimasu .

3. kaku ara-mu to sira-maseba kokoro okite mo katarapi-tamapi api-mi-te-masi mono wo . kuyasi kamo kanasi kamo ipa-mu subye sira-ni mo si aru kamo .

4. ware pa mimasi no kokorozasi woba simaraku no ma mo wasure-u masizi-mi namo kanasibwi-tamapi sinwopi-tamapi opo-mi-ne-naka-situtu opomasimasu .

5. sikaru mo wosame-tamapa-mu to omoposi-si kurawi to namo pito-tu no sina okuri-tamapu .

6. kwo-domo woba puta-tugi no opo-kimi ni age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

7. itapasi-ku na-omopi-masi-so .

8. makari-masa-mu miti pa tapirake-ku saki-ku tutumu koto na-ku usiro mo karo-ku yasurake-ku toporase to tugeyo to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim the edict which says: “Tell Princess Noto this as the words of the emperor.”I proclaim the imperial edict which says: “Tell her: ‘Hearing you had become exhausted over the months, I wondered when your illness would end and you would move on and my heart would also be at peace. Will it be today? Will it be tomorrow? While I was waiting, I heard – was it a lie? - that you had passed over, leaving me, me who is also aged, behind as if I looked away for a moment and I feel surprise and regret. If only I had known it would be so, I would have, even leaving my emotions, met and told you. How regrettable! How sad! I don’t know what to do! Your will cannot be forgotten for even a short time and I think it sad and yearn for [you] as I shed my divine tears. I raise your children to second-generation lords. Do not think it painful! The path you will pass over is safe and happy and trouble-free, you shall not worry about those you leave behind: shall cross peacefully’.”

Senmyō 59. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kōnin gloss tree

1. 天皇御命良麻等詔大命 親王等王等臣等百官人等天下公民衆聞食 宣。

2. 朕以寡薄宝位受賜年久重

3. 而嘉政 頻闕 天下不得治成。

4. 加以元来風病身体不安。

5. 復年弥高成 尔弖餘命不幾。

6. 今所念此位暫間御体欲養止奈毛所念

7. 故是以皇太子定賜山部親王 天下政授賜

8. 古人有言知子者親 止奈毛聞食。

9. 此王弱時 余利朝夕至今麻天怠事無仕奉 仁孝厚王止奈毛奈我良所知食。

10. 其仁孝者百行之基 奈利

11. 曾毛曾毛百足之虫至死不顛事 美止奈毛聞食。

12. 衆諸如此 状悟清直心乎毛知此王 輔導天下百姓可令撫育 宣。

13. 又詔如此時都々人々不好謀天下 乎毛乱己氏門乎毛滅人等麻祢 在。

14. 若如此有乎婆教化訓直各々己門不滅弥高仕奉将継 思慎清直仕奉倍之止奈毛所念

15. 天高止毛聴卑物曾止詔天皇 御命衆諸聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. ware tutana-ku wodina-ku site ama tu pitugi wo uke-tamaparite tosi pisasi-ku kasanari-nu .

3. sikaru ni yo-ki maturigoto siki ni kakete ame no sita e-wosame-zu nari-nu .

4. sika nomwi ni ara-zu moto ywori kaze no yamapi ni kurusimitutu opo-mimwi yasu-kara-zu .

5. mata tosi mo iya taka-ku nari-nite nokori no inoti ikubaku mo ara-zu .

6. ima omoposaku ko no kurawi pa sarite simaraku no ma mo opo-mimwi yasinapa-mu to namo omoposu .

7. kare koko wo motite pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamap-yeru yamapye no mi-kwo ni ame no sita no maturigoto pa saduke-tamapu .

8. inisipe no pito ni ip-yeru koto ari kwo wo siru pa oya to ip-yeri to namo kikosi-myesu .

9. ko no opo-kimi pa waka-ki toki yori asitayupubye to ware ni sitagapite ima ni itaru made okotaru koto na-ku tukape-maturu wo mireba ninkeu atu-ki opo-kimi ni ari to namo kamu-nagara sira-si-myesu .

10. sore ninkeu pa pyakugyau no moto nari .

11. somosomo pyakusoku no musi no sinuru ni itarite mo kutu-kapyera-nu koto pa tasuke wo opo-mi to namo kikosi-myesu .

12. moromoro kaku no sama satorite kiywo-ku napo-ki kokoro wo moti ko no opo-kimi wo tasuke-mitibikite ame no sita no opo-mitakara wo nade-yasinapa-simu be-si to noritamapu .

13. mata nori-tamapaku kaku no toki ni ataritutu pitobito yokara-nu pakarikoto wo omopite ame no sita wo mo midari ono ga udikadwo wo mo porobosu pito-domo mane-ku ari .

14. mosi kaku ara-mu pito woba ono ga wosipe-omobuke wosipe-naposite ono mo ono mo ono ga oya no kadwo porobosa-zu iya taka ni tukape-maturi tuga-mu to omopi-tutusimite kiywo-ku napo-ki kokoro wo motite tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .

15. ame taka-kyedomo pikiki ni kiku mono so to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and people of the realm, hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor.I proclaim: “Many years have passed since I became the heavenly heir, of poor ability and lacking. However, I have been unable to rule the realm, often lacking in good governance. Not only this but I have also suffered with ailments from the wind from the start and my body is not rested. Also, my years have become so many and my remaining life not so much. Now I think I shall leave the throne and rest my body for a while. So with this I bestow the governance of the realm to the imperial child Yamabe, who is designated the imperial heir. I have heard it said by ancient people that it is the parent who knows the child. Seeing the Lord obey me morning and evening from when he was young until now, never becoming idle, I know that he is a Lord of benevolent piety. Benevolent piety is the origin of all governance. Generally, I hear that the reason why the hundred-legged bug does not fall on its back even at its death is because it has much aid. So, you should all understand this and, with a pure and honest heart, assist and lead the lord and allow him to care for and nurture the people of the realm.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also proclaims: “In such times, people think of evil schemes and there are many people who destroy both the realm and their own households. Thinking and being prepared if such a person teaches and puts themselves right and rectifies themselves, that person will not destroy their parent’s home but diligently serve and inherit the house, I think one should serve with a clear and correct heart. Though heaven is high, it hears the low ground.”

Senmyō 60. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kanmu gloss tree

1. 天皇詔旨勅命親王諸王諸臣百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。

2. 随法可有止志弖早良親王立而皇太子定賜

3. 故此之状悟百官人等仕奉礼止詔天皇勅旨衆聞食宣。

1. sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mi-kwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. nori no manima ni aru be-ki maturigoto to site sawara no mi-kwo wo tatete pitugi no mi-kwo to sadame-tamapu .

3. kare kaku no sama satorite tukasadukasa no pito-domo tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesmen, officials and the people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaims as the words of the emperor.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which proclaims: “I raise up the imperial child Sawara and designate him the imperial heir as a governance that should happen according to the law. Officials, understand this and serve!”

Senmyō 61. Ten'ō 1 4th Month (781), Emperor Kanmu gloss tree

1. 明神大八洲所知天皇詔旨良麻止宣勅親王諸王諸百官人等天下公民衆聞食宣。

2. 挂畏現神坐倭根子天皇皇此天日嗣高座之業掛畏近江大津御宇天皇初賜定賜部流法随被賜仕奉仰賜授賜閇婆受賜受賜懼進不知退不知久止宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。

3. 然皇坐天下治賜君者 賢人能臣弖之天下乎婆治物良之止奈母聞行

4. 故是以大命坐宣朕雖拙劣親王始王臣等相穴奈比相扶奉事依弖之此之仰賜授賜食国天下之政者平仕奉倍之止奈母所念行。

5. 是以無謟欺之心以忠明之誠天皇朝廷立賜部流食国天下之政者衆助仕奉宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。

6. 辞別宣朕一人乃末也之岐御命受賜

7. 凡人子蒙福麻久欲為於夜多米尔止奈母聞行

8. 故是以朕親母高野夫人称皇太夫人冠位上奉治奉

9. 又仕奉人等中自何仕奉状随一二人等冠位上賜治賜

10. 又大神宮諸社祢冝祝等給位一階。

11. 又僧綱諸寺智行人及年八十已上僧尼等物布施賜

12. 又高年窮乏孝義人等治賜養賜

13. 又天下今年田租免賜久止宣天皇勅衆聞食宣。

1. aki tu mi-kamwi to opo-yasima sira-si-myesu sumyera ga opo-mikotorama to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo mikwo-tati opo-kimi-tati omi-tati tukasadukasa no pito-domo ame no sita no opo-mitakara moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

2. kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki aki tu mi-kamwi to imasu yamato nekwo sumyera ga opo-kimi ko no ama tu pitugi takamikura no waza wo kake-maku mo kasikwo-ki apumi no opo-tu no miya ni ame no sita sira-si-myesi-si sumyeramikoto no pazime-tamapi sadame-tamap-yeru nori no manima-ni uke-tamaparite tukape-mature to opose-tamapi saduke-tamapeba itadaki ni uke-tamapari kasikwo-mi uke-tamapari odi-susumi mo sira-ni sirizoki mo sira-ni kasikwo-mi masaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

3. sikaru ni sumyera to imasite ame no sita wosame-tamapu kimi pa sakasi-ki pito no yo-ki omi wo ete si ame no sita woba tapirake-ku yasurake-ku wosamuru mono ni aru rasi to namo kikosi-myesu .

4. kare koko wo motite opo-mikoto ni imase nori-tamapaku ware pa tutana-ku wodina-ku aredomo mi-kwo-tati wo pazimete opo-kimi-tati omi-tati no api-ananapi-maturi api-tasuke-matura-mu koto ni yorite si ko no opose-tamapi saduke-tamapu wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa tapirake-ku yasurake-ku tukape-maturu be-si to namo omoposi-myesu .

5. koko wo motite peturapi-azamuku kokoro na-ku mame ni aka-ki makoto wo motite sumyera ga mikadwo no tate-tamap-yeru wosukuni ame no sita no maturigoto pa moromoro tasuke-tukape-mature to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .

6. koto-wakite nori-tamapaku ware pito-ri nomwi ya yorokobosi-ki taputwo-ki opo-mikoto wo uke-tamapa-mu .

7. opoyoso pito no kwo no sakipapi wo kagapura-maku pori suru koto pa oya no tame ni to namo kikosi-myesu .

8. kare koko wo motite wa ga mi-oya takanwo no opo-tozi wo opo-mioya to mawosite kagapurikurawi age-maturi wosame-maturu .

9. mata tukape-maturu pito-domo no naka ni si ga tukape-maturu sama ni sitagapite pito-ri puta-ri-domo kagapurikurawi age-tamapi wosame-tamapu .

10. mata opo-mikamwi no miya wo pazimete yasiroyasiro no negwi papuri-domo ni kurawi pitosina tamapu .

11. mata popusi no tukasa wo pazimete teradera no tigyau no pito to tosi ya-swodi ywori kamwi tu kata no popusi ama-domo to ni mono podokosi-tamapu .

12. mata tosi taka-ki pito madusi-ki pito keugi aru pito-domo wosame-tamapi yasinapi-tamapu .

13. mata ame no sita kotosi no tadikara yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu sumyera ga opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, imperial children, lords, statesman, officials and people of the realm, all of you hear the edict I proclaim as the words of the emperor who rules the eight islands as a living god.I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which says: “When the imperial lord, the Yamato ruler, who is a living god too awesome to mention, burdened and bestowed me with the high heavenly throne of the line of Amaterasu, saying, ‘receive this and serve according to the laws started and fixed by the emperor, too awesome to mention, who ruled the world from the palace at Omi-no-Otsu,’ I humbly received it, I received it in fear, and I am in awe, fearfully not knowing what to do.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which says: “So I hear that, a Lord who rules the realm as the Emperor makes the realm rightfully calm and peaceful only by having good statesmen who are wise. With this I proclaim in this edict that I think that, though I am of poor ability and lacking, only by the imperial children, lords and statesmen each humbly advising and serving shall I calmly and peacefully fulfill the governance of my realm, with which I have been burdened and bestowed. Therefore, all of you, with a sincere and pure heart, not trying to court my favor or deceive me, assist and serve me in the governance of my realm that the imperial court establishes.”I proclaim, all of you hear the imperial edict which also says: “How am I to receive the joyful and reverent edict alone? I hear that usually, the parent wishing their child happiness is for the parent’s sake. So I raise the cap and rank of my parent, the imperial wife Takano, and call her my divine parent. Further, I raise the cap and rank of one or two of those who serve me according to their service. Also, I bestow one rank on the Negi priests at the shrines, starting with the divine palace of the Gods. Again I spread gifts far to those who own lands at temples, starting with priest officials, and to priests and nuns who are older then eighty. I also reward and nurture the aged, poor and pious. I pardon the realm of its land tax this year.”

Senmyō 62. Enryaku 8 9th Month (789), Emperor Kanmu gloss tree

1. 陸奧国荒備流蝦夷等討治 任賜大将軍正四位下紀古佐美朝臣等 任賜元謀 尔波不合順進入倍支奧地 不究尽之弖敗軍費粮還参来。

2. 是 任法問賜支多米賜倍久止母承前仕奉祁留所念行 弖奈母不勘賜免賜

3. 又鎮守副将軍従五位下池田朝臣真枚外従五位下安倍狻嵨臣墨繩等愚頑畏拙 之弖進退失度軍期乎毛闕怠

4. 今法墨繩者斬刑真枚者解官取冠 倍久在。

5. 然墨繩者久歷边戍仕奉労在 弖奈母斬刑乎波免賜官冠 乎乃末取賜真枚者日上之弖溺軍扶拯閇留弖奈母取冠罪免賜乃末解賜又有小功人乎波隨其重軽 治賜有小罪人乎波不勘賜免賜久止宣御命衆諸聞食宣。

1. mitinoku no kuni no arabwiru emisi-domo wo uti-wosame ni make-tamapi-si opo-ki ikusa no kimi opo-ki yotu no kurawi no simo tu sina kwi no kwosami no asomi-ra i make-tamapi-si pazime no pakarikoto ni pa api-sitagapa-zu susumi-iru be-ki oku no tokoro mo kipame-tukusa-zu site ikusa wo yaburi kate wo tupiyasite kapyeri-mawi-ki-tu .

2. ko wo nori no manima-ni twopi-tamapi kitame-tamapu be-ku aredomo saki ni tukape-maturi-kyeru koto wo omoposi-myesite namo kamugape-tamapa-zu yurusi-tamapu .

3. mata tinzyu no suke no ikusa no kimi piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no simo tu sina ikeda no asomi mapirato no piro-ki itu-tu no kurawi no simo tu sina abye no sasima no omi suminapa-ra katakuna ni wodina-ku site sintaido wo usinapi ikusa no tigiri wo mo kaki-okotar-eri .

4. ima nori wo kamugapuru ni suminapa pa zan no tumi ni atari mapira pa tukasa wo toki kagapuri wo toru be-ku ari .

5. sikaredomo suminapa pa pisasi-ku penzyu wo pete tukape-matur-eru isawo aru ni yorite namo zan no tumi woba yurusi-tamapite tukasa kagapuri wo nomwi tori-tamapi .

6. mapira pa pikami no minatwo nisite opoporuru ikusa wo tasuke-sukup-eru isawo ni yorite namo kagapuri wo toru tumi pa yurusi-tamapite tukasa wo nomwi toki-tamapi .

7. mata isasake-ki isawo mo aru pito woba so no omo-ki karo-ki ni sitagapite wosame-tamapi isasake-ki tumi aru pito woba kamugape-tamapa-zu yurusi-tamapaku to noritamapu opo-mikoto wo moromoro kiki-tamapeyo to noritamapu .


English translation by Millichip:
I proclaim, all of you hear the edict which says: “You, the Lord with the great army and the great Ki-no-Kosami-no-Asomi, of the lower fourth rank, who I sent out to deal with the barbarians in the province of Michinoku, you did not obey the original plan I sent you out with and you did not go to the end and expel all the barbarians. You destroyed your army and used up all your rations and came back. Although I should inquire about this and punish you for it according to the law, I will not make you face consequences and forgive taking into account your previous service. Further, the Lords of the second army, Ikeda-no-Asomi Mahirato, of the lower fifth rank, and Abe-no-Sashima-no-Omi, of the lower fifth rank, are of poor ability and lacking and did not respond to the situation appropriately and were lacking and idle in their promises. Considering the laws no, Suminawa should be beheaded and Mahira should be relinquished of his post and his cap taken. However, since Suminawa has performed the good dead of serving for a long time as the border-guard I pardon him from being beheaded. and only remove is position and cap. Since Mahira has performed the good deed of rescuing a drowning soldier at the port of Hikami I pardon him from having his cap removed and only remove his position. Further, I reward those who have done a few good deeds according to their worth and I pardon those who have committed petty crimes.”